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Bøger af Emmy van Deurzen-Smith

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  • af Emmy van Deurzen-Smith
    328,95 kr.

    I stedet for at søge forklaringer i samfund, biologi og kultur eller give personlig patologi skylden fremsætter forfatteren den hypotese, at mange menneskelige problemer er naturlige biprodukter af de paradokser og vilkår, som kendetegner den menneskelige eksistens. Terapi og psykologisk rådgivning fremstilles som en proces, der sætter den enkelte i stand til på en frugtbar måde at komme overens med og leve sit liv, som det er, med alle dets iboende modsigelser.Bogen henvender sig til praktisk arbejdende psykologer og psykoterapeuter, men også til andre fagfolk, der beskæftiger sig med rådgivning og vejledning, f.eks. socialrådgivere, præster og studievejledere.Emmy van Deurzen-Smith er psykolog, psykoterapeut og filosof.

  • af Emmy van Deurzen-Smith
    865,95 kr.

    This book confronts the taboo of the psychotherapist's personal history and emotions being involved in the therapeutic process. Emmy van Deurzen shows that therapists can draw on the full richness of their own experience in order to be truly credible and inspiring mentors to their clients. Paradox and dilemmas in human life?such as loneliness versus social integration, safety versus adventure, and confidence versus humility--are discussed clearly and directly, and related to a broad spectrum of questions that psychotherapists and their clients would do well to ask themselves. Throughout the book the author reveals her personal struggles with the same predicaments that her clients seek to understand and resolve. This process of disclosure, and the weaving of vivid client cases and issues together with more general philosophical issues, make this a practical and inspiring book that demonstrates the reality and passion of psychotherapy. "Passion and Paradox will become a classic celebration of the sheer power of existential thinking, living, being, and doing. Existentialism comes to bristling life as you walk with Professor van Deurzen through the world of psychotherapy, the world of psychotherapy professionalism, and the deeply personal world of the person who is a psychotherapist."--Alvin R. Mahrer, PhD, author of The Complete Guide to Experiential Psychotherapy "Of the vast number of books written on psychotherapy this is one of the very few that are really worth reading. Emmy van Deurzen has the essential attributes of the truly gifted psychotherapist: experience, intelligence, cultural breadth and?above all?the courage to strive after truth. There is much to be learned about psychotherapy and psychotherapists from what she has to say."--David Smail, Nottingham, UK

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