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Bøger af Enid Blyton

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  • af Enid Blyton
    145,95 kr.

    A beautiful full-colour illustrated gift hardback of this much-loved children's classic

  • - Book 2
    af Enid Blyton
    92,95 kr.

    The second book in the magical Faraway Tree series by one of the world's most popular children's authors, Enid Blyton.

  • - Contains 30 classic tales
    af Enid Blyton
    97,95 kr.

    A collection of thirty wonderful stories about the nature and the countryside from one of the world's best-loved children's authors.

  • af Enid Blyton
    82,95 kr.

    The Sea of Adventure is a children's classic from Enid Blyton, with a beautifully illustrated cover from rising picture-book star Rebecca Cobb.

  • - Book 2
    af Enid Blyton
    82,95 kr.

    The Secret Seven are always ready to solve a mystery in this much-loved series of 15 books by Enid Blyton, brilliantly illustrated by Tony Ross.

  • - Book 3
    af Enid Blyton
    82,95 kr.

    The Secret Seven are always ready to solve a mystery in this much-loved series of 15 books by Enid Blyton, brilliantly illustrated by Tony Ross.

  • - Book 4
    af Enid Blyton
    82,95 kr.

    Classics of adventure and mystery re-launched for 21st century readers

  • - Book 16
    af Enid Blyton
    82,95 - 97,95 kr.

    Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy the dog find excitement and adventure wherever they go in Enid Blyton's most popular series.

  • - Books 10-12
    af Enid Blyton
    132,95 kr.

    Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy the dog find excitement and adventure wherever they go in Enid Blyton's most popular series.Five On A Hike TogetherDick is woken by a light flashing through his window. Is someone trying to send him a coded message? When the Famous Five hear of an escaped convict in the area, they are on red alert. Five Have A Wonderful TimeThe Famous Five are on an adventurous holiday in horse-drawn caravans. They discover a ruined castle that looks deserted. But is that a face at the window? Or is it a trick of the light? Just who is hiding in the castle?Five Go To Mystery MoorThe Five find out about something dangerous out in Mystery Moor. They'll have to risk the treacherous mists and follow the trail if they want to find what's lurking in the shadows. Do they know what they've let themselves in for?This 70th anniversary edition features the Classic editions of three Famous Five adventures (books 10-12) in one volume and contains the original cover art and inside drawings by Eileen Soper.

  • - Books 4-6
    af Enid Blyton
    127,95 kr.

    For new girl Darrell Rivers, there are friends to be made, pranks to be played and fun to be had at Malory Towers in Enid Blyton's best-loved boarding school series.Upper FourthDarrell is very pleased to be head girl, but Alicia and Betty are determined to ruin her good work. Meanwhile, Darrell's sister Felicity joins Malory Towers and becomes best friends with none other than June - obnoxious, brash and Alicia's cousin.In the FifthEverybody at Malory Towers is excited about the Christmas pantomime. This year they'll be performing Cinderella and everybody wants to be involved. Matters turn very serious when head girl Moira receives an anonymous poison pen letter. Last TermDarrell and her friends have reached their last term at Malory Towers. But before they say good-bye one last time there are more adventures to be had, pranks to play and competitions to win. Expect drama at Malory Towers!Between 1946 and 1951, Enid Blyton wrote six novels set at Malory Towers. This collection features the original stories and is unillustrated.

  • - Book 1
    af Enid Blyton
    82,95 kr.

    In Enid Blyton's bestselling school series Elizabeth Allen is sent away to boarding school and makes up her mind to be the naughtiest pupil there's ever been.Follow Elizabeth Allen in book one as she arrives for her first year at boarding school. Elizabeth is spoilt and selfish and has made up her mind to be the naughtiest pupil there's ever been! But soon she finds out that being bad isn't as simple as it seems ...Between 1940 and 1952, Enid Blyton wrote four novels about Naughtiest Girl, Elizabeth Allen. This edition contains the original text. Both cover and inside illustrations were created by Kate Hindley in 2014. Bonus material: A rare, complete serial story about a very special school. An interview with Enid Blyton about her school days. Enid Blyton's experiences as a teacher. A timeline of the author's life. Photos from Enid Blyton's younger days.

  • - Books 7-9
    af Enid Blyton
    127,95 kr.

    The Secret Seven are siblings Peter and Janet, and Jack, Barbara, Pam, Colin and George. Together they are The Secret Seven - ready to solve any mystery, any time. Books 7-9 in Enid Blyton's classic series are brought together in this three-book collection. Book 7: Secret Seven Win Through (first published in 1955)The Seven have a fantastic new hiding place. But someone else is using it at night - and it's Jack's little sister Susie who helps them catch the intruder.Book 8: Three Cheers, Secret Seven (first published in 1956)Peter and Jack see a gas-fire alight in one of the rooms when they search for their lost aeroplane in the garden of an abandoned house. Who is hiding there and why? Book 9: Secret Seven Mystery (first published in 1957)A girl runs away from home - and it's up to the Seven to find her! Jack's little sister Susie is up to her usual tricks - but she can't put the Seven off the trail of clues!This collection features the original black and white illustrations throughout.

  • af Enid Blyton
    57,95 - 73,95 kr.

    Ny oversættelseDE 5 består af Julian, Dick, Anne, Georg og hunden Tim. Sammen kommer børnene ud for mange eventyr og gådefulde mysterier. Det er simpelthen ligegyldigt, hvor de befinder sig, så oplever de noget spændende! Hvad oplever de i historierne i denne bog – og kan de løse mysterierne?DE 5 OG DE HEMMELIGE FLYDe 5 er taget af sted på ferietur, og de har slet ikke svært ved at få nye venner – de møder nemlig både drengen Toby og hans familie og Jeff, som er en rigtig pilot! Men pludselig forsvinder Jeff, og samtidig forsvinder også et par meget hemmelige fly. Hvad er der sket?

  • af Enid Blyton
    46,95 - 57,95 kr.

    På stormfulde nætter går nogen rundt og lyser med lommelygter ude ved det gamle fyrtårn! Men det nye fyrtårn viser jo sømænd og fiskere sikkert i havn, så hvem i alverden sender signaler og hemmelige meddelelser fra det gamle tårn? Og hvorfor? Kan De 5 finde svaret?

  • af Enid Blyton
    147,95 kr.

    Tag med Julian, Dick, Anne, Georg og Tim ud på eventyr i en ny udgave af Enid Blytons udødelige spændingsserie om De 5.De 5 er på vinterferie og har det sjovt med at stå på ski og kælke dagen lang! Men så havner børnene pludselig midt i et mysterium. Efter sigende skulle nabohytten være tom, men det er den ikke - langtfra! Hvem er den skrækslagne person i vinduet? De 5 bliver nødt til at finde frem til et svar!Fra ca. 8 år.

  • af Enid Blyton
    122,95 kr.

    Tag med Julian, Dick, Anne, Georg og Tim ud på eventyr i en ny udgave af Enid Blytons udødelige spændingsserie om De 5.De 5 er på campingtur tæt ved et gammelt, faldefærdigt hus. Men er det virkelig så øde og forladt, som det først ser ud til? En nat hører Anne pludseligt nogle underlige lyde. Kommer lydene fra huset?! De andre tre tror ikke på hende, men så opdager de et mystisk spøgelsesagtigt lys ? Hvad sker der?Fra ca. 8 år.

  • af Enid Blyton
    122,95 kr.

    Tag med Julian, Dick, Anne, Georg og Tim ud på eventyr i en ny udgave af Enid Blytons udødelige spændingsserie om De 5.Georg bliver sur, da Berta - en superforkælet pige fra Amerika - kommer på besøg i Kirrinhuset. Hun ankommer midt om natten og skal være forklædt som en dreng! Men Berta er nødt til at gemme sig for nogle kidnappere, og da kidnapperne forveksler Georg med Berta, er det kun De 5, der kan løse problemet ? Fra ca. 8 år

  • - Books 8-10
    af Enid Blyton
    117,95 kr.

    The classic boarding-school series from the best-loved author of the Famous Five - loved by readers for more than 70 years.

  • - Books 4-7
    af Enid Blyton
    127,95 kr.

    The classic boarding-school series from the best-loved author of the Famous Five - loved by readers for more than 70 years.

  • af Enid Blyton
    58,95 kr.

    NY OVERSÆTTELSEDE 5 består af Julian, Dick, Anne, Georg og hunden Tim. Sammen kommer børnene ud for mange eventyr og gådefulde mysterier.Det er simpelthen ligegyldigt, hvor de befinder sig, så oplever de noget spændende! Hvad oplever de i historierne i denne bog – og kan de løse mysteriet?De 5 er taget til Djævleklippen. Findes der virkelig en hemmelig skat på stedet? Børnene har hørt rygterne og de gamle sagn, men de tror ikke rigtig på dem! Men da de undersøger hulerne, finder de faktisk en guldmønt – og pludselig bliver alle de gamle historier vækket til live igen ...

  • af Enid Blyton
    57,95 - 63,94 kr.

    De 5 består af Julian, Dick, Anne, Georg og hunden Tim. Sammen kommer børnene ud for mange eventyr og gådefulde mysterier. Det er simpelthen ligegyldigt, hvor de befinder sig, så oplever de noget spændende! Hvad oplever de i historierne i denne bog – og kan de løse mysterierne?De 5 stikker af. 
Børnene stikker af til Kirrinøen igen, men der har været fremmede på øen. Hvem er det? Og hvad er der gemt i den mystiske kiste, de finder? – Netop da De 5 tror, at de er på sporet af smuglere, hører de et rædselsvækkende skrig! Mysteriet bliver mere og mere uhyggeligt…

  • af Enid Blyton
    81,95 kr.

  • af Enid Blyton
    89,95 kr.

  • af Enid Blyton
    81,95 kr.

  • af Enid Blyton
    145,95 kr.

    Discover the changing seasons with poems by the world's best-loved storyteller, Enid Blyton. This gorgeous collection is the perfect gift to share with the family and read all about nature throughout the year.

  • af Enid Blyton
    89,95 kr.

    A collection of stories full of favourite pets, forest friends and furry animals from Enid Blyton, the world's best-loved storyteller.

  • af Enid Blyton
    89,95 kr.

    Introducing The Famous Five to younger readers with this NEWLY-CREATED story for children aged 5 and up!

  • af Enid Blyton
    129,95 kr.

    An unforgettable tale of friendship and kindness through the seasons from one of the world's' best loved storytellers, Enid Blyton.

  • af Enid Blyton
    89,95 kr.

    A bedtime collection of short stories by the world's best-loved storyteller. Perfect for children aged 5 and up!

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