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Bøger af Eric Metaxas

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  • - Præst, martyr, profet, spion
    af Eric Metaxas
    262,95 kr.

    Vigtig bog om den kristne fundamentalist Dietrich Bonhoeffer, der griber fat om livets store spørgsmål. Liv, død, godt og ondt, tro, overtro, viden og forståelse.Anmeldelse Bonhoeffer – præst, martyr, profet, spion. Politiken gav 5 hjerter ud af 6 af Jens HolsøeVar Hitler, Tysklands nazistiske diktator, kristen? Og kan man som kristen og erklæret pacifist ikke blot gå ind for, men aktivt arbejde for, at en Hitler skal myrdes, som Bonhoeffer gjorde?Det er nøglespørgsmål, der som to åkandeblade ligger og vugger på siderne i denne utrolige, fascinerende og uhyre informative bog om den tyske teolog og præst Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-45).Den er ikke blot et portræt af en sjælden personlighed, men også et inciterende indblik i tysk historie fra Hitlers magtovertagelse i 1933 til det afsluttende ragnarok i 1945, om den interne modstand mod nazismen, der led så ynkeligt et nederlag.Eric Metaxas, amerikaner med en tysk mor og en græsk far, har med dette værk markeret sig flot som en af de store personalhistorikere, New York Times-bestseller og også en storsælger i Tyskland. En vigtig bog, et godt oplæg til en debat om religion, magt og afmagt. Nazismens uvæsen lagt under et kristent mikroskop. Bonhoefferer som teolog betegnet som en profet, men også med holdninger, der kan få hårene til at stritte på andre.Modstanden mod antisemitisme »Den græske ånd« eller »humanismen«, som den normalt er defineret, »er den mest alvorlige fjende«, kristendommen nogen sinde har haft, skriver han som 28-årig! Vi er inde i troens univers, hvor man underkaster sig en gud, og hvor rationel analyse er sat ud af spillet.Efter studierejser til Spanien, USA og England bliver Bonhoeffer lærer og præst ved et seminarium, der uddanner unge præstestuderende. Det udvikler sig til, at han bliver leder af Den Bekendende Kirke, en gruppe af tyske protestanter, der ikke ville indordne sig under den tyske rigskirke, som nazisterne kontrollerede. Det afgørende skel er modstanden mod antisemitisme.I den såkaldte Godesberg-erklæring i 1939 siger nazisterne, at nationalsocialismen er en »naturlig fortsættelse af Martin Luthers arbejde«. Videre hed det, at »den kristne tro er den uoverstigelige modsætning til jødedom«.Dømt til døden Så kan man som nazist med Bibelen i hånd sende jøderne til Auschwitz. Det må Bonhoeffer med sin kristne holdning totalt afvise. Nazisterne indsnævrer efterhånden hans muligheder for at virke. Først lukker de hans præsteseminarium, så får han taleforbud.Men han er med i kredsen omkring admiral Canaris og dennes kreds af antinazister i den militære efterretningstjeneste, Abwehr, hvor han ansættes som agent (spion). På den måde undgår han også at blive indkaldt til militæret.I 1943 slår Gestapo til og arresterer ham sammen med adskillige andre, der var med til at planlægge de attentater mod Hitler, der som bekendt alle mislykkedes.Han sidder fængslet indtil marts 1945, hvor Hitler i en af sine sidste handlinger beordrer en standret mod ham og en række andre implicerede, som dømmes til døden, torteres og hænges i en klaverstreng. Det er hans korte historie.Men gennem hans utrolig omfattende korrespondance og mange skrifter kan man følge hans udvikling frem mod en afklaret holdning til det onde samfund, der omslutter ham.En fascinerende historisk skikkelse Som den intellektuelle, han er, er det svært for ham at handle, før han har endevendt en sag i alle detaljer.Et par gange i sit liv er han forelsket, sidst i en 20 år yngre kvinde. Hvor andre i krigens og dødens skygge smider hæmningerne over bord og gennemlever en hektisk affære, så ender det her i følelsesfulde breve om den store kærlighed. Lidt patetisk.Er han en martyr? Hvordan skal man definere sådan en? Han dør for sin tro, javel. Men det gjorde en masse andre ikke-religiøse også i denne ubarmhjertige kamp mod nazismen, inklusive en masse troende kommunister, ikketroende humanister og andre.Det er måske her, bogen har sin store værdi. Den tvinger selv en gammel agnostiker, som denne læser, til at gribe fat om livets store spørgsmål. Liv, død, godt og ondt, tro, overtro, viden og forståelse.Bonhoeffer var en kristen fundamentalist set igennem nutidens briller, men præsenteret på forfatterens farverige lærred en fascinerende historisk skikkelse.

  • - And the Secret of Their Greatness
    af Eric Metaxas
    213,95 kr.

    In Seven Men, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas presents seven exquisitely crafted short portraits of widely known---but not well understood---Christian men, each of whom uniquely showcases a commitment to live by certain virtues in the truth of the gospel.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    208,95 kr.

    Study Guide Is Atheism Dead? helps the reader embark on an enlightening journey that explores the very essence of belief in a higher power? Look no further than Metaxas' meticulously crafted study guide, tailored to complement the groundbreaking book, Is Atheism Dead? This thought-provoking companion is your key to a deeper understanding of faith, reason, and the profound questions that lie at the heart of humanity's search for meaning.Dive Deeper into compelling Insights: This study guide serves as a companion to his powerful examination of atheism's past, present, and future. It offers an in-depth analysis of the book's themes, arguments, and key takeaways. Whether you're a curious reader, a student, or a dedicated thinker, this guide will enrich your exploration of faith and philosophy.Comprehensive Chapter-by-Chapter Exploration: Uncover the book's core concepts through our user-friendly chapter-by-chapter breakdown. Each section is thoughtfully designed to help you grasp the nuances of the author's arguments and the counter arguments presented. Engage with discussion questions that encourage a deeper comprehension of the material.Foster Stimulating Discussions: Are you part of a book club or study group? Our guide is the perfect tool to facilitate meaningful discussions. It provides open-ended questions that will stimulate engaging dialogues on topics such as morality, science, and faith.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    278,95 kr.

    "Christianity is not about rituals but changed hearts. In the prophetic tradition of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas calls slumbering Christians to battle. Picking up where he left off in his electrifying Letter to the American Church, Eric Metaxas renews and deepens his call to believers not to 'practice' their faith but to live it-heroically and with joy. Invoking famous but misunderstood words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, he shows that God's answer to evil is 'religionless Christianity', the rejection of religiosity and the embrace of a living and active faith, one that consumes the whole person and affects every aspect of his life. The awakening of this faith will bring revival, a 'new birth of freedom' and a renaissance of Christian culture."--

  • af Eric Metaxas
    193,95 kr.

    The Letter to the American Church Study Guide serves as a companion workbook to the bestselling book by Eric Metaxas. In his thought-provoking work, Metaxas draws striking parallels between the failure of the German Church in the 1930s to oppose tyranny and injustice, urging the American Church to take action. However, answering this call to action may require venturing into unfamiliar terrain. To assist readers in taking their first steps, this study guide offers daily reflection questions and weekly discussion groups, facilitating engagement with the material. Each chapter summary provides a condensed overview, enhanced by a convenient word bank featuring key terms and concepts. Moreover, the guide concludes with a guided prayer for each chapter, inviting readers to humbly seek the Holy Spirit's guidance.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    188,95 kr.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    198,95 kr.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    198,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    243,95 - 348,95 kr.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    243,95 kr.

    In an earnest and searing wake-up call, the author of the bestseller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy warns of the haunting similarities between today's American church and the German church of the 1930s. Echoing Bonhoeffer's prophetic call, Eric Metaxas exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil before it is too late.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    288,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    168,95 kr.

    Amazing Grace tells the story of the remarkable life of the British abolitionist William Wilberforce (1759-1833). This accessible biography chronicles Wilberforce's extraordinary role as a human rights activist, cultural reformer, and member of Parliament. At the center of this heroic life was a passionate twenty-year fight to abolish the British slave trade, a battle Wilberforce won in 1807, as well as efforts to abolish slavery itself in the British colonies, a victory achieved just three days before his death in 1833. Metaxas discovers in this unsung hero a man of whom it can truly be said: he changed the world. Before Wilberforce, few thought slavery was wrong. After Wilberforce, most societies in the world came to see it as a great moral wrong.To mark the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the British slave trade, HarperSanFrancisco and Bristol Bay Productions have joined together to commemorate the life of William Wilberforce with the feature-length film Amazing Grace and this companion biography, which provides a fuller account of the amazing life of this great man than can be captured on film. This account of Wilberforce's life will help many become acquainted with an exceptional man who was a hero to Abraham Lincoln and an inspiration to the anti-slavery movement in America.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    98,95 kr.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    283,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • - The Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    af Eric Metaxas
    153,95 kr.

    In this four-session video-based small group Bible study, bestselling author Eric Metaxas helps you discover the major themes of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's writing and speaking and how he not only helped transform an entire faith community in Germany during World War II, but continues to impact the Christian faith of people throughout the world today.

  • - Pastor, Martir, Profeta, Espia
    af Eric Metaxas
    258,95 kr.

    Del autor de Amazing Grace, uno de los autores de mayor exito editorial segun el New York Times, llega esta biografia innovadora sobre Dietrich Bonhoeffer, uno de los mas grandes heroes del siglo XX, el hombre que se irguio frente a Hitler.

  • - And the Secret of Their Greatness
    af Eric Metaxas
    288,95 kr.

    In Seven More Men, the sequel to the enormously successful Seven Men, #1 New York Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas offers more captivating stories of some of the most inspiring men in history. A gallery of greatness comes to life as Metaxas reveals men who faced insurmountable struggles and challenges with victorious resolve. Heroes and role models have always been tremendously important--essential for inspiring our lives and shaping the world. But in the last few decades, the need for men of valor and integrity is more vital than ever. Award-winning biographer Eric Metaxas restores a sense of the heroic in the compelling profiles of Martin Luther, George Whitefield, William Booth, George Washington Carver, Sergeant Alvin York, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and Billy Graham. Each man evinces a particular quality: the courage to surrender themselves to a higher purpose, and the willingness to give something dear to them away for the good of others.With vitality and warmth, Metaxas draws electrifying insights for our daily lives from the inexhaustible richness of history. Inevitably inspiring, this anthology reminds us that certain qualities are worthy of emulation. Becoming acquainted with these seven heroes cannot fail to make your life immeasurably richer.

  • - But Were Afraid to Ask
    af Eric Metaxas
    183,95 kr.

    Who doesn’t have questions about God? But where in the world can you go to get answers?  Eric Metaxas has been there, so he gets it. Which is why he’s written this shockingly down-to-earth book on the big questions everyone asks (but not always out loud). Totally conversational and sometimes flat-out hilarious, this book asks: * How can a good God create a world that has evil and suffering? * Is God anti-sex? * Doesn’t science make God obsolete? * What’s the real story on miracles? * If God is everywhere, why go to church? * Don’t we already have God within us? * Isn’t God too busy running the universe to care about the details of my day? These questions (and many more) get no-nonsense answers that don’t hide behind dull theological language. So get the lowdown (and more than a few laughs) on what are probably the most important questions anyone has.

  • - And the Secret of Their Greatness
    af Eric Metaxas
    263,95 kr.

    Two beloved Metaxas classics in a single, compact edition.

  • af Eric Metaxas
    168,95 kr.

    In his earlier book, Eric Metaxas tackled the questions people had always wanted to ask about God. His book was well-received, but Metaxas soon realized there was a long list of questions that still needed to be addressed. In Everything Else You Always Wanted to Know about God…, the author answers the rest-and some of the very best-of the questions that surface when God is the topic of conversation. Metaxas' s welcoming tone and his skillful use of humor lower readers' defenses. He presents biblical truth in the form of engaging answers that can't help but connect, whether the reader is an inquisitive skeptic, an open-minded agnostic, or even a new believer looking to get grounded in the basics of the Christian faith. No matter who is asking the questions, this sequel delivers the goods with disarming candor and biblical authority.

  • - Y el secreto de su grandeza
    af Eric Metaxas
    178,95 kr.

    En su ansioso seguimiento anticipado al enormemente exitoso Siete Hombres, el autor bestselling del New York Times, Eric Metaxas nos presenta siete retratos cautivadores de algunas de las mas grandes mujeres de la historia, cada una de las cuales cambiaron el curso de la historia al seguir el llamado de Dios en sus vidas como mujeres.

  • - The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World
    af Eric Metaxas
    176,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • - The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty
    af Eric Metaxas
    193,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • - And the Secret of Their Greatness
    af Eric Metaxas
    213,95 kr.

    Eric Metaxas gives us seven captivating portraits of some of history's greatest women, each of whom changed the course of history by following God's call upon their lives---as women. Each of them---Joan of Arc, Susanna Wesley, Hannah More, Maria Skobtsova, Corrie ten Boom, Mother Teresa, and Rosa Parks---is an exemplary model of true womanhood.

  • - The Jesus Edition
    af Eric Metaxas
    178,95 kr.

    We all have questions about Jesus, but very few of us get the answers we're looking for--if the answers even exist! New York Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas understands how hard it can be to get hard truths, which is why he wrote this hilarious, entertaining guide to the most influential individual to have ever lived on the face of the earth. Like his previous books in this style, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About God is a book that takes questions about the Son of God seriously enough to get silly--where appropriate. Metaxas covers questions about Jesus' life (Did he live at all?), his death, (If he truly was the Son of God, why did he have to die?), his resurrection, (Did Jesus really come back after death?), and much more.

  • - What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life
    af Eric Metaxas
    106,95 kr.

  • - Y el secreto de su grandeza
    af Eric Metaxas
    178,95 kr.

    EnSieteHombres,Eric Metaxas, uno de los autores mas leidos delNew York Times, presenta siete retratos cortos exquisitamente elaborados sobre hombres cristianos ampliamente conocidos -----aunque no del todo comprendidos---, cada uno de los cuales demuestra de forma singular su compromiso de vivir, bajo determinadas virtudes, en la verdad del evange

  • - Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
    af Eric Metaxas
    168,95 kr.

    From the New York Times bestselling author of Amazing Grace, an abridged version of the groundbreaking biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the greatest heroes of the twentieth century, the man who stood up to Hitler.

  • - Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
    af Eric Metaxas
    163,95 kr.

    Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. In his New York Times bestseller Bonhoeffer,author Eric Metaxas presents the fullest account of Bonhoeffer's heart-wrenching 1939 decision to leave the safe haven of America for Hitler's Germany.

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