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Forlænget returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Bøger af Erik Larsen

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  • af Erik Larsen
    536,95 kr.

    In the nineties, six teenagers disappeared into a fantasy role-playing game. Only five returned. Nearly thirty years later, these broken adults are dragged back to discover the game isn't finished with them yet.

  • af Erik Larsen
    388,95 kr.

    Savage Dragon's formative years collected at last! This MASSIVE hardcover continues the deluxe re-presentation of the Savage Dragon's greatest adventures! Featuring team-ups with Spawn! Hellboy! WildStar! The Maxx! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Plus: Dragon gets engaged! Rapture has a baby! And the classic showdown between God and the Devil! SAVAGE DRAGON: THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. 3 is a must-have for any fearless Fin-Addict in search of an easy entry point into one of Image Comics’ longest-running series! Introduction by GEOFF JOHNS. Collects SAVAGE DRAGON #22-35

  • af Erik Larsen & James Martell
    1.424,95 kr.

  • af Erik Larsen
    146,95 kr.

    Decades after the events of the previous LOADED BIBLE, and a devastating war, the vampire-hunting clone of Jesus is a bigger outlaw than ever. He works to defend a flock of outcasts trying to carve out a life in the wastelands bordering civilization because civilization doesn't want them.Much has changed on the dome-covered streets of New Vatican City as well. Everyday citizens challenge the church's control more and more, forcing a deadly compromise to bolster the church's power. Much as they cloned Jesus long ago in a desperate power grab, the church has now cut a deal with the vampire nations to unite under their cloned savior: Dracula.>Collects LOADED BIBLE: BLOOD OF MY BLOOD #1-6

  • af Erik Larsen
    88,95 kr.

    Something strange is happening on the planet Cyrene, which is in the early phases of being 'developed' by the mammoth Interworld Restructuring Corporation. Terrans from the base there have been disappearing. Myles Callen, a ruthlessly efficient 'Facilitator,' is sent to investigate.

  • af Larry Niven
    266,95 kr.

    The kzin, formerly invincible conquerors of all they encountered, had a hard time dealing with their ignominious defeat by the leaf-eating humans. Some secretly hatched schemes for a rematch, others concentrated on gathering power within the kzin hierarchy, and some shamefully cooperated with contemptible humans, though often for hidden motives.

  • af Erik Larsen
    88,95 kr.

    American Brion Bayard is abducted on the streets of Stockholm, and thrust into what he believes is a truck. He's relieved to find his captors very apologetic, and very British - that is, until they begin speaking about nations of which Bayard has never heard. His captors were from Earth, yes. But not his Earth.

  • af Erik Larsen
    88,95 kr.

    Sir Dominic Flandry is now an Admiral, but takes little joy in his new rank. He sees the rot in the Terran Empire on every hand and knows that the "Long Night" will inevitably fall upon the galaxy.

  • af Erik Larsen
    111,95 kr.

    The alien Hyadeans have showered high-tech gifts on the population of Earth, offering to make a paradise of the planet. But when wealthy socialite Roland Cade discovers the dark underbelly of the alien presence, and learns that his ex-wife is one of the so-called terrorists who are fighting against the alien takeover, he's forced to choose sides.

  • af Erik Larsen
    236,95 kr.

    The Mesan Alignment: a centuries-old cabal that seeks to impose its vision of a society dominated by genetic rank onto the human race. Now the conspiracy stands exposed by spies Anton Zilwicki and Victor Cachat - one an agent of Honor Harrington's Star Kingdom of Manticore, the other a Havenite operative.

  • af David Drake & Tony Daniel
    226,95 kr.

    Humanity settled the stars, only to fall into a catastrophic collapse. On one planet, a single artificial intelligence, a computer program known as Center, found a military genius of grit and daring in Raj Whitehall, and the Galactic Republic rose again. But many dark planets remain - planets such as Duisenberg.

  • af P. C. Hodgell
    88,95 - 136,95 kr.

    Jame is one of the last of the Kencyrath line, born to battle a world-destroying Lord of Darkness and resuscitate her ancestral heritage. Jame's youth was spent hard and low in a desert wasteland. Now she has discovered her past and her heritage as Highborn - and, with it, power to call souls out of their bodies and slay the occasional god or two.

  • af Erik Larsen
    226,95 kr.

    A saga of humanity's return to the lunar surface - possibly forever.

  • af Erik Larsen
    88,95 kr.

    The Thirty Years War continues to ravage 17th century Europe, but a new force is gathering power and influence: the United States of Europe, a new nation led by Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and the West Virginians from the 20th Century led by Mike Stearns who were hurled centuries into the past by a mysterious cosmic accident.

    83,95 - 226,95 kr.

  • af John Joseph Adams
    83,95 - 136,95 kr.

  • af Erik Larsen
    213,95 kr.

    Savage Dragon has been reunited with Jennifer Murphy but there's no happily ever after to this tale as their lives get turned completely upside-down.

  • af Erik Larsen
    83,95 kr.

    For alien commander Arid Ricimer there was no going home. His species was winning the war with Earth, but the civilization he had fought for was gone, destroyed from within by ideologues and bureaucrats.

  • - Workbook
    af Jeremy Watts & Erik Larsen
    238,95 kr.

    The New Choice for syvende - Workbook indeholder opgaver til skriftlig indøvning af grammatiske emner. Bogen er selvinstruerende med rigeligt stof til alle niveauer. Workbook er et selvstændigt sprogligt øvemateriale, der kan bruges uafhængigt af Reader, og der er ikke fastlagt nogen bestemt arbejdsproces med hensyn til progression.

  • - Teacher's Book
    af Jeremy Watts & Erik Larsen
    1.278,95 kr.

    The New Choice for syvende - Teacher's Book giver forslag til arbejdet med emnerne i Reader og de forskellige teksttyper og indeholder ekstra tekster til videre arbejde, der alle er indspillet på bånd, samt ideer til kreative skriftlige opgaver. Der er desuden arbejdsark med supplerende opgaver til samtlige tekster i Reader med fri kopiret. Bagerst i bogen er der en facitliste.

  • - Workbook
    af Jeremy Watts & Erik Larsen
    238,95 kr.

    The New Choice for sjette - Workbook indeholder opgaver til skriftlig indøvning af grammatiske emner. Bogen er selvinstruerende med rigeligt stof til alle niveauer. Workbook er et selvstændigt sprogligt øvemateriale, der kan bruges uafhængigt af Reader, og der er ikke fastlagt nogen bestemt arbejdsproces med hensyn til progression.

  • - Teacher's Book
    af Jeremy Watts & Erik Larsen
    1.278,95 kr.

    The New Choice for sjette - Teacher's Book giver forslag til arbejdet med emnerne i Reader og de forskellige teksttyper og indeholder desuden ekstra tekster til videre arbejde (der alle er indspillet på cd), samt ideer til kreative skriftlige opgaver. Der er desuden arbejdsark med supplerende opgaver til samtlige tekster i Reader med fri kopiret. Bagerst i bogen er der en facitliste.

  • - Reader
    af Jeremy Watts & Erik Larsen
    416,95 kr.

    The New Choice er et materiale, udarbejdet for at opfylde de krav, der i dag stilles til engelskundervisning. Systemet fastholder det kommunikative princip, men lægger samtidig stor vægt på, at eleverne får gode læseoplevelser.Emnerne i The New Choice for sjette er:- Me and Mine- It's a Bad World!- Animal Kingdom- Boy Meets Girl- Out of this world?- Red or White- My Free Time- Children's ClassicsTeksterne er indspillet på cd i England.

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