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  • af Erika M Szabo
    163,95 kr.

    Intriguing, bone-chilling, heartwarming, and thought-provoking speculative fiction stories by various genre authors.Mysteries of the Wetland by Erika M Szabo and Lorraine CareyJoin Ava Jenson on vacation in her grandmother's old country when all mysterious events are connected to an ancient legend about a cursed church bell.The Zanna by David W. ThompsonA potential stepmother and stepdaughter seek common ground at the family's rustic retreat. Will the past return to haunt them? Only Zanna knows...Forbidden Love by Erika M SzaboThey knew their love was forbidden, but they couldn't help the way they felt. Their love for each other was too strong to ignore.A Well-kept Home by Toi ThomasEveryone knows how special the Fields Family Farm is. Some say it's haunted. Some say it's enchanted. But only those who dare to stay the night really know.Don't Whistle Back by Erika M SzaboMilena visits her grandfather in Mexico and wonders why he has a rope with seven knots tied to the door. She finds out soon enough!J.A.C.K.S. by R. A. "Doc" Correa.What is a human? According to the cybernetically enhanced officers of the U. S. Army's Joint Advanced Combat Knowledge System program, they are the only real humans.She Decided to Be a Vampire by Erika M SzaboEvery kid in town knew that old Mrs. Robbins was a vampire. What they didn't know and are about to find out, will change their lives forever.T'is Was The Night by Alan ZacherThis Christmas tale is about a family coming to "terms" with the alleged existence of Mo-Mo, aka, "The Missouri Monster"; aka, their own Bigfoot.W.I.DG.E.T.S. by R. A. "Doc" CorreaThe U. S. Army pursues the technologies "improving" Soldier-Machine Interface for Future Combat Systems. What are the consequences for humans?The Unlucky Number Four by Erika M SzaboIn China, the number four sounds like the word death, making the number highly unlucky. Hua is the fourth child in her family.Push by David W. ThompsonLeona is a missing mother and Sergeant James is on the hunt. When family secrets are revealed, he must find her, or it will be the cadaver dog's turn.Bravery Has a Price by Erika M Szabo and Lorraine CareyAfter boasting to her twin brothers that she is braver than they are, Emma immediately regrets it. Is proving her courage worth the price she must pay?

  • af Erika M Szabo
    107,95 kr.

    Three stories in one book for children 4-12 A Basketful of Kittens: When Bianca, Daniel, and Peanut, the St. Bernard, are confronted by Mark and his cronies, the BFFs stand up to the brute bullies with the help of Peanut. Their adventure continues when they see a woman throwing four tiny, meowing kittens into the river. Can the BFFs save them? Find out what happens to the kittens. Pico, the Pesky Parrot: Sarah, Emma's mom, promised to bird-sit Pico for two weeks but soon regrets her decision because the noisy parrot keeps screeching and squawking all day, annoying her family and the neighbors. When Pico makes a mess of Emma's room, Emma gets very angry, but her friends help her. Charlotte notices that Pico seems sad, and Pedro finds out why Pico is shrieking so loudly all the time. The parrot is frustrated because nobody pays attention to him, and nobody understands what he wants. Look, I Can Talk With My Fingers: When Grandma Rosa lost her hearing, Sandra's parents became frustrated and sad. They didn't know what to do and how to learn to communicate with Grandma Rosa. Sandra found the way, she taught her family to use sign language. When she meets a lonely deaf boy, Thomas, Sandra invites him to play and teaches her friends how to talk to Thomas without words.

  • - Women of the Willow Wood, Book 3
    af Erika M Szabo
    152,95 kr.

    Author Lorraine Carey pushes the boundaries on this epic tale with her Blockbuster final book in the Women of the Willow Wood Trilogy. In the themes of the DaVinci Code and The Witcher, Last Rites is a powerhouse of ancient goddess magic coupled with steamy love scenes, deceit, vengeance and forgiveness. We find our fearless Guardian of Souls, Daniella Reyes reunited with her beloved Sisters as together they face off the last standing demonic cult in the country.A final showdown is coming and it will take more than the Sisterhood to face this epic battle between good and evil.Who will be the victor in this epic battle between two powerful and diverse secret societies that will change the course of history?

  • - Cuentos románticos y sobrenaturales
    af Erika M Szabo
    152,95 kr.

    Cuentos románticos y sobrenaturales: Magia Misterio Fantasma Destino Amor Engaño PresagioMensajeroLauren tiene todo lo que siempre había deseado. Gran carrera, seguridad financiera, esposo amoroso y amigos devotos.Cuando su guía espiritual Raven le advierte del peligro inminente, ella toma el presagio en serio. Alguien irrumpe en su oficina y después del brutal ataque y las repetidas advertencias del Cuervo, ella sabe que su vida está en peligro. ¿Quién la quiere muerta y por qué?La pociónUna poción de amor hecha con prisa por celos pone a Dorian en un estado de coma. Y una rara orquídea que florece solo una vez al año podría salvarle la vida, pero las preciosas flores están ferozmente custodiadas por Liam y su manada de hombres lobo. Los integrantes del Aquelarre tienen prohibida la entrada al bosque y los jóvenes aprendices se ofrecen como voluntarios para realizar el viaje que pondrá a prueba su lealtad y coraje. ¿Tendrán éxito?El fantasma del príncipe AkhmoseAl leer los jeroglíficos, Layla, una joven egiptóloga, rompe inadvertidamente la maldición y libera los fantasmas tanto del príncipe Akhmose como del Gran Visir, cuya sed de venganza es más fuerte que nunca. Con la ayuda de Layla, ¿podrá el príncipe Akhmose finalmente cruzar al más allá? O tal vez, hipnotizado por los encantos de la mujer mortal, no quiere ...Recuerdos agridulcesNovela dulce romance. Nacida de una madre drogadicta y abandonada en los escalones de la iglesia, la vida de Elana fue una puerta giratoria de esperanzas y decepciones destrozadas. Hasta que conoció a Luca. Pero el destino cruel los destrozó. ¿Se encontrarán de nuevo?

  • af Erika M Szabo
    172,95 kr.

    Intriguing, bone-chilling, thought-provoking, and heartwarming short stories by various genre authors.Lost in the Woods by Erika M SzaboA young police officer enters the woods to find a missing woman, but it takes all her mental strength to deal with what she finds.She Waits by Lorraine CareyDuring a class field trip to a historical site in the Caribbean, a curious student encounters a lonely ghost who does not want her to leave.The Treasures of Grandma's Attic by Erika M SzaboSixteenth birthdays are special, but something they find in Grandma's attic will make sure they'll never forget this party.Church of the Sentient System Ascendant by R.A, "Doc" CorreaA civil servant who is deeply devoted to his faith. By accident, he learns the truth about his religion and the malevolent A.I. behind it.Genie in the Sporran by Erika M SzaboA device cloaked as an everyday item makes all your wishes come true. But Blair and Rhona find out the hard way that everything has a price.I Scarecrow by Alan ZacherA troubled man is cursed by a gypsy woman, and the scarecrow he built makes his wishes come true. All is good, but he might get more than he bargained for.Don't Look Out the Window by S.S. BazinetGrowing up in a house with a cursed window, Hank has to find the courage to look out its glass panes, even if it kills him.The Spirit of The Rattlesnake by S. M. RevolinskiIn the spring of 1889, civilization with railroads and cattle ranches moved into Wyoming. However, the Indian Spirit was not finished. Into this, Alice Potter begins her trek.Will You Wait for Me? By Erika M Szabo and Lorraine CareyFate gave her one year of happy marriage, but although losing her husband and unborn child devastated Gladys, she'd find a way to live a full life. Will they meet again?

  • af Erika M Szabo
    172,95 kr.

    Amikor az el¿dök a régmúltban és közelmúltban elkövetett b¿neinek árát a sors az utódokkal fizetteti meg. Két család története:Átkozott utódok:Jayden egy b¿rlapokra irt történetet talál a nagyanyja titkos szobájában. Húga, Szófia dekódolja az ¿si rúnákat, és döbbenten veszik észre a hasonlóságot a sámán könyvében leírt családi tragédia és az övék között, ezerhatszáz évvel kés¿bb. Családi titkok és gyermekkoruk sötét emlékei kezdenek felszínre törni miközben Jayden élete veszélyben forog. Vajon meg tudják-e törni a kegyetlen átkot és meg tudják-e menteni Jayden életét?Keserédes emlékek:Elenát születése napján hajléktalan, drogfügg¿, és kilátástalan jöv¿jét világosan látó anyja, a Szent Patrik katedrális lépcs¿in hagyta rongyokba burkolva. Gyermekkora az egyik nevel¿ otthonból másikba toloncolással telt el, és amint úgy érezte, hogy érzelmi kapcsolat kezd valakivel kialakítani, gyorsan elfojtotta magában a bimbózó érzést, egészen addig, amíg nem találkozott Lukával.Egy rövid ideig élvezhették a boldogság melenget¿ sugarait, de a kegyetlen sors hamar szétválasztotta ¿ket. Elena egyetlen támasza a remény maradt, a féltve ¿rzött rózsafa szív medál fele, amit Luka faragott születésnapjára, megtalálja párját. Vajon megengedi-e a sors, hogy újra találkozzanak?

  • af Erika M Szabo
    147,95 kr.

    Bilingual storybook for preschoolers and early readers.Pierre's beauty was praised all the time, and the pretty peacock became arrogant. He looked down on others and treated everyone terribly. He believed that outer beauty was all that mattered. But when he got into trouble, he learned the value of loyal friends and changed his attitude toward others. Libro bilingüe para niños en edad preescolar y primeros lectores.La belleza de Pierre era elogiada todo el tiempo y el hermoso pavo real se volvió muy arrogante. Miraba por encima del hombro a los demás y trataba a todos terriblemente. Él creía que la belleza exterior era todo lo que importaba. Pero cuando se metió en problemas, aprendió el valor de los amigos leales y cambió su actitud hacia los demás.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    97,95 kr.

    Children love to listen to stories as much as they love to tell them. This coloring book encourages children to use their imagination and write their own stories while they're coloring the pictures. The idea of this book originated from watching my daughter when she was little. She loved to draw and color and she made up quite interesting tales about the bunnies, kittens, and princesses in the pictures. When the children finish coloring the pictures and writing their stories, the book will become a precious keepsake for parents.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    162,95 kr.

    Jayden and his archeology group find the burial site of a Medicine Woman from the 5th century. Strangely, Jayden also finds a crude leather book in his grandmother's secret room that was written in 426 by a Shaman.His sister, Sofia, decodes the ancient runes, and they learn that a powerful curse cast sixteen hundred years ago destroyed the lives of their ancestors for centuries. If it remains unbroken, the curse will ruin the lives of future generations as well.Dark memories of their childhood start to surface, and they're stunned to realize the similarities between the tragedy of the family described in the Shaman's book and theirs, sixteen hundred years later. They're stunned by the conclusion that Jayden is in danger due to a family curse.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    162,95 kr.

    Bilingual storybook for preschoolers and early readers.Pierre's beauty was praised all the time, and the pretty peacock became arrogant. He looked down on others and treated everyone terribly. He believed that outer beauty was all that mattered. But when he got into trouble, he learned the value of loyal friends and changed his attitude toward others. Libro bilingüe para niños en edad preescolar y primeros lectores.La belleza de Pierre era elogiada todo el tiempo y el hermoso pavo real se volvió muy arrogante. Miraba por encima del hombro a los demás y trataba a todos terriblemente. Él creía que la belleza exterior era todo lo que importaba. Pero cuando se metió en problemas, aprendió el valor de los amigos leales y cambió su actitud hacia los demás.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    162,95 kr.

    Rhyming storybook for pre-schoolers and early readers.Everyone praised Pierre for his beauty. The pretty peacock became uppish, and he believed that outer beauty is the only important thing in life.But when he got into trouble, he soon realized that having good friends is much more important than beautiful feathers to be admired.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    172,95 kr.

    La tierra de la fantasía: Cuentos románticos y sobrenaturalesMensajeroLauren tiene todo lo que siempre había deseado. Gran carrera, seguridad financiera, esposo amoroso y amigos devotos.Cuando su guía espiritual Raven le advierte del peligro inminente, ella toma el presagio en serio. Alguien irrumpe en su oficina y después del brutal ataque y las repetidas advertencias del Cuervo, ella sabe que su vida está en peligro. ¿Quién la quiere muerta y por qué?La pociónUna poción de amor hecha con prisa por celos pone a Dorian en un estado de coma. Y una rara orquídea que florece solo una vez al año podría salvarle la vida, pero las preciosas flores están ferozmente custodiadas por Liam y su manada de hombres lobo. Los integrantes del Aquelarre tienen prohibida la entrada al bosque y los jóvenes aprendices se ofrecen como voluntarios para realizar el viaje que pondrá a prueba su lealtad y coraje. ¿Tendrán éxito?El fantasma del príncipe AkhmoseAl leer los jeroglíficos, Layla, una joven egiptóloga, rompe inadvertidamente la maldición y libera los fantasmas tanto del príncipe Akhmose como del Gran Visir, cuya sed de venganza es más fuerte que nunca. Con la ayuda de Layla, ¿podrá el príncipe Akhmose finalmente cruzar al más allá? O tal vez, hipnotizado por los encantos de la mujer mortal, no quiere ...Recuerdos agridulcesNovela dulce romance. Nacida de una madre drogadicta y abandonada en los escalones de la iglesia, la vida de Elana fue una puerta giratoria de esperanzas y decepciones destrozadas. Hasta que conoció a Luca. Pero el destino cruel los destrozó. ¿Se encontrarán de nuevo?

  • af Erika M Szabo
    222,95 kr.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    232,95 kr.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    217,95 kr.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    137,95 kr.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    127,95 kr.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    162,95 kr.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    157,95 kr.

    The icy fingers of the unsettled past seem to follow bitter rivals from childhood. Will the secrets of the past ever be revealed?An accomplished pianist disappears from her home in the middle of the night, wearing only her nightgown as her children and husband sleep soundly. As with several young women before her, it seems as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind.There are no clues as to what happened, and no evidence has been found during the thorough police investigation. Her distraught family is ready to do whatever it takes to bring the loving wife and mother home, alive.Are private investigators capable of accomplishing what the police cannot?Only time will tell.From the beta readers:"The best mystery novels make you guess who the killer is, and then bam, surprise you at the end. This is one of those stories!""Engrossing plot with vivid scenes and relatable characters.""Love the backstories into the lives of these characters making the story so come to life and leaving a long-lasting impression!""The vivid details of the setting made me feel as though I was right there in every room of this magnificent mansion.""As they say, 'The past always catches up with you, and the author is a master at proving this to be true!"

  • af Erika M Szabo
    172,95 kr.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    297,95 kr.

    The Sacred Sword chose her, the Sacred Falcon will protect her.Ilona's birth had been foretold 1600 years ago by the Seer of an ancient clan that still exists hidden among us with obscure traditions and beliefs. Her destiny is to save the future of the Hunor Clan. Unbeknown to her, Ilona resigns to live the simple life of a small-town doctor, but her life is drastically changing after her 29th birthday. She starts to develop unimaginable powers which she finds exciting as well as frightening. She struggles to find answers, but those who try to reveal the clan secrets are severely punished by an invisible force that controls their lives.Punished by the ancestors long ago, revenge has kept Mora alive for over 1600 years. She never gave up her plan to become the ruler clan. The clan Leaders and Elders are worried. They're powerless against Mora and as it was foretold, they must place their trust in Ilona.With the help of the clan's Time Bender, her journey will take her back in time to when her people lived as nomads, to the castles of the 14th century as they struggle to overcome the obstacles in their path due to the evils of Mora. Ilona must ensure the birth of the Chosen Child in the 4th century to save the future of the Hunor Clan.Will she accept her destiny? Will she succeed in saving the child?

  • - Bedtime Stories for Grownups
    af Erika M Szabo
    182,95 kr.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    172,95 kr.

  • - Lucky proves the bullies wrong
    af Erika M Szabo
    167,95 kr.

  • - The BFF Gang's Kitten Rescue Adventure
    af Erika M Szabo
    137,95 kr.

    Bianca and her best friend, Daniel, grew up together under the watchful eyes of Peanut, Bianca's St. Bernard. The huge dog was their babysitter, playmate, and bodyguard. They were inseparable, so people started calling them the BFF Gang. When summer vacation came, Bianca and Daniel decided to go swimming in the river when they were confronted by Mark and his cronies of the Wolf Pack Gang. Find out how Peanut told Mark, in his own doggy language, how much he dislikes brute bullies. When Bianca and Daniel finally got to the river and were happily splashing in the cool water, they heard Peanut's angry bark, and they saw an old woman approaching the riverbank with a basket in her hand. When the woman reached the edge of the river, she took a tiny, meowing kitten out of her basket and threw it into the river as far from shore as she could. The kitten flailed in the air, desperately crying, and then splashed into the water. Find out what happened to the kittens and how the BFFs dealt with Mark's gang.

  • af Erika M Szabo
    152,95 kr.

  • - Three Ghosts in a Black Pumpkin and The Power of the Sapphire Wand
    af Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna
    217,95 kr.

  • - Creepy Hollow Adventures 1
    af Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna
    112,95 kr.

  • - Creepy Hollow Adventures 2
    af Erika M Szabo & Joe Bonadonna
    137,95 kr.

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