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Bøger af Esterbauer Verlag

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  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    217,95 kr.

    The Danube bicycle route between Passau and Vienna ranks as Europe's best-known and most-loved cycling route - and for good reason. No other section of the river offers as diverse a range of landscapes and cultural landmarks or as many historical sites. Tranquil valleys, fertile plains, and steep vineyards line the banks of one of Europe's great rivers, where pretty farms and glorious abbeys stand side-by-side. The loop of the Danube at Schlögen, the abbey at Melk, and the romantic Wachau wine-producing region are just some of the highlights along the 330 kilometer route.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    197,95 kr.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    187,95 kr.

    To live, breathe and experience history in its purest form - that is the goal of the "European Iron Curtain trail". From the Barents Sea to the Black Sea, this guide traces the history of the Cold War and takes you along the Western border of the old Warsaw Pact countries across Europe. The route does not just embody European culture, history and sustainable tourism, but also provides cyclists who are interested in history with some spectacularly beautiful and varied landscapes and unique habitats in the European Green Belt, which one is sure to find along the border strip.This volume describes the 1,100-kilometre-long part from Lübeck to Hof, where the borders of Saxony, Bavaria and the Czech Republic meet.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    207,95 kr.

    Just over 500 kilometres in length, the route from Prague to Magdeburg offers a great mix of impressions and experiences, taking you though a change of landscapes, cultures and historic highlights - all in an easy-to-reach part of central Europe. A perfect blend of adventure, relaxed cycling, natural landscapes and a cultural and historic journey of great interest await you: Two great cultural capitals - Prague and Dresden, charming Bohemian and Saxon towns, palaces and castles, porcelain from Meissen, the Saxon Wine Road, Martin Luther's city Wittenberg, the Elbe's wide flood-plains and, as a concluding highlight, the old city of Magdeburg.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    187,95 kr.

    Oberfranken steht für Genuss. Kulinarische und landschaftliche Vielfalt sind das Markenzeichen dieser Region im Norden Bayerns. Sie ist zudem reich an Geschichte, Tradition, Kunst und Kultur und sie ist außerdem ganz besonders gastfreundlich.Auf der Radrunde Oberfranken lernen Sie die Glanzlichter dieser Genussregion kennen. Schon der Startpunkt, die UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe-Stadt Bamberg, ist ein wahres Schmuckstück. Die 550 Kilometer lange Rundtour verläuft über Coburg, Hof, Bayreuth und Forchheim, sie führt vorbei an mittelalterlichen Fachwerkstädten, barocken Schlössern, bedeutenden Kirchen, Klöstern und Festungen - manche davon genießen Weltruhm. Sie besuchen das Zentrum der deutschen Porzellanproduktion und durchstreifen den Frankenwald und das Fichtelgebirge. Oft führt die Route erstaunlich eben durch idyllische Bach- und Flusstäler oder auf alten Bahntrassen. Und wenn hier und da eine Steigung an Ihren Kräften zehren mag, ganz bestimmt wird bald danach am Wegesrand ein uriger Brauereigasthof, eine traditionelle Bäckerei oder Metzgerei Sie zu einer genüsslichen und erholsamen Pause einladen.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    197,95 kr.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    187,95 kr.

    In ancient times the Danube bordered the Roman Empire, later the river was the lifeline of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the Iron Curtain separated countries and ended the economic and cultural connection of the countries till 1989. The changeful history of the countries at the Danube cycle route between Vienna and Bratislava cannot only be seen in cities like Bratislava, Györ or Esztergom, but also right next to the route at the roman excavations at Petronell-Carnuntum. The cycling tourist can look forward to excellent cycling paths on the dykes that line the Danube which leads him through its floodplains. Not less scenic is the Danube's Bend near Visegrád where the river turns south and is headed to Hungarian capital city, Budapest.

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