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Bøger af Eugene Luning

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  • - An Experiment in Emulating the Early Church Gatherings
    af Eugene Luning
    117,95 kr.

    From the Foreword - This short work is a treatise on treating the Early Church's gatherings as more than some long-forgotten dream, patterns that slipped from our grasp millennia ago, power that we've never known or experienced. Instead, together, we'll consider what we can know from the evidence of the New Testament - both in Acts and the Epistles - and we'll invite the Holy Spirit to illuminate our understanding and our attempts to emulate them. We won't be going after general admonitions directed toward the Early Church by Paul and the others; we want the specifics of what it looked like, felt like, tasted like, sounded like and, overall, just how robust was their shared experience of the Living Jesus. To consider such spirit and structure, we have to begin with the best-known description of their lifestyle which, it just so happens, is given right at the beginning, in Acts 2: "[The believers] devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." As we read those words, we're equally apt to be delighted or discouraged, thinking either "Let's do that again!" or "Where along the way did we lose that?" Yet it's that second line of thinking - the sense that somehow Jesus has changed in His ways or plan or power toward us - that I'd ask you to be rid of, right this minute. You see, the main purpose of this work is to harness our sense of wonder of what's possible in His Body to the illimitable resources that are available in the Holy Spirit - that very One who animated the every day of Jesus' life, the One who was the lifeblood of the first generation of our Brothers and Sisters. In essence, you and I must begin by believing...

  • af Eugene Luning
    192,95 kr.

    Awaken Your Family's Hearts to Encounter Jesus.As a parent, it can sometimes be difficult to engage kids in meaningful interactions with Scripture and deep discussions about Jesus. Establishing a fruitful and consistent devotional routine in the midst of the craziness of family life can feel daunting.The Moments with Jesus Family Devotional is the guide youíre looking for. Through bite-size excerpts from the Gospel of Mark, alongside engaging, interactive questions, this book helps families establish a devotional rhythm and have transformative discussions about Jesus.Eugene Luning, author of Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible and Bible teacher, created this devotional as a tool for families to engage with Scripture in an accessible and thoughtful way. The structure of short Gospel excerpts and intentional questions originated around his own familyís dinner table, where Eugene, his wife, and three kids have spent many mealtimes reading Scripture and talking about what they heard and experienced.Through the Moments with Jesus Family Devotional, your family will:Read aloud short, simple segments from the Book of MarkTalk about the who, what, when, where, why, and how of what happenedReflect on how Jesus is revealing HimselfAnswer open-ended, personal questionsEstablish a devotional rhythm that can easily be replicated beyond this bookIn Eugeneís words, ìLife Himself wants to know youóand your family! He wants to draw your heart into the middle of the Gospel story!î This devotional will transport your family right thereóto the middle of the Gospel storyówhere youíll learn to listen, ponder, discuss, and encounter Jesus, together.

  • - A Journey Through 30 Unchangeable Promises from the Mouth of God
    af Eugene Luning
    222,95 kr.

    Is Your Joy Inextinguishable?Christians say they believe in a loving, trustworthy God who has promised abundant spiritual and earthly provision for their every need.But ask yourself… Are you totally satisfied with your experience of God? Do you feel as intimate with Him as you think is humanly possible? Do you believe that you can trust His personal promises implicitly?If you cannot respond with a confident "Yes!" to each one of those questions, then perhaps you've missed something along the way.Our God, who is infinitely trustworthy, whose very nature is the definition of love, has filled His Word with distinct, "first-hand" promises, offered directly to you from His own lips.Masterful author and spiritual director, Eugene Luning takes you on an imaginative journey through thirty of these unique promises. With each daily reading, you will experience Jesus, see His face, fall in love with Him, and learn to follow Him with your whole heart.With such a good God offering you such steadfast promises, why would you spend even a moment in anything less than inextinguishable joy? You've already been given Everything Worth Having!

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