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  • af Evelyn Caldwell
    443,95 kr.

    Id¿ol fid-dinja tat-tisjir bil-mod bi "Dawgura s-sempli¿ità: Vjä¿ permezz tat-tisjir bil-mod," ktieb tat-tisjir li se jittrasforma l-k¿ina tieg¿ek f'kenn ta' aromi sinjuri u tog¿miet delectable. L-awtur tat-talent Evelyn Caldwell, dan il-ktieb huwa l-passaport tieg¿ek g¿al avventura kulinari li ti¿¿elebra l-arti tal-päenzja u l-fer¿ li nduqu kull gidma.F'dinja b'ritmu mg¿ä¿el, it-tisjir bil-mod huwa l-antidotu, li joffri alternattiva delizzjüa g¿all-ikliet mg¿ä¿la. B'Evelyn b¿ala l-gwida fdata tieg¿ek, int ser tesplora l-mäija tat-tisjir bil-mod, titg¿allem tikkontrolla l-arti ta 'tekniki baxxi u bil-mod li jag¿tu platti sumptuous u li jdubu f'¿alqek.Minn lämijiet teneri u li jaqg¿u tät l-g¿adam sa stews qalb u sopop li jserrä ir-rü, "Savor the Simplicity" fih firxa diversa ta 'ri¿etti li jilqg¿u g¿all-gosti u l-preferenzi tad-dieta kollha. Il-passjoni ta' Evelyn g¿at-tisjir bil-mod tispi¿¿a hekk kif taqsam it-tekniki, il-pariri u l-ingredjenti sigrieti li jag¿tu spinta lit-tog¿ma tag¿ha ppruvati u veri.Kemm jekk int cooker bil-mod im¿awwar jew kemm qed tibda l-vjä¿ kulinari tieg¿ek, dan il-ktieb joffri ri¿etti li huma kemm ä¿essibbli kif ukoll ta' ispirazzjoni. "Savor the Simplicity" jag¿tik is-setg¿a li töloq ikliet ta' kwalità ta' restorant fil-kumdità tal-k¿ina tieg¿ek stess, u t¿allik aktar ¿in biex tgawdi l-pjäiri sempli¿i tal-¿ajja.Ipprepara biex t¿ajjar il-blanzuni tat-tog¿ma tieg¿ek, hekk kif tibda vjä¿ mimli b'ikel ta' kumdità qalb, tog¿miet e¿oti¿i, u platti li ma jintesewx. "Savor the Simplicity" se tiddefinixxi mill-¿did il-mod kif täseb dwar it-tisjir bil-mod, u tag¿mel kull ikla ¿elebrazzjoni ta' tog¿ma u päenzja.¿u pjäir fl-arti tat-tisjir bil-mod u nduqu kull mument b'"Dawgura s-Sempli¿ità: Vjä¿ permezz tat-tisjir bil-mod."

  • af Evelyn Caldwell
    178,95 kr.

    Enter the enchanting world of small-town life in the South with "Fragile Threads: A Collection of Small-Town Stories" by author Evelyn Caldwell. Within these captivating short stories, Caldwell delves into the depths of small-town existence, unearthing the struggles, triumphs, and everyday chaos that define these close-knit communities.From the very first page, Caldwell's insatiable curiosity for life in small towns shines through. With meticulous attention to detail, she weaves narratives that effortlessly transport readers into the heart of each tale. Meet the worn-out backpack wanderer, whose intriguing stories and mysterious backpack hold secrets yet to be discovered. Encounter the enigmatic figure known as "The Dump Man," burdened by alcoholism but unwavering in his convictions. Each character embodies the essence of human resilience, leaving a lasting impression on readers.Through the pages of "Fragile Threads," every story serves as a testament to the determination of the underdog, the enduring bonds of friendship, and the extraordinary strength found within united communities. As you immerse yourself in these heartfelt narratives, you'll find yourself cheering for the characters, empathizing with their struggles, and rejoicing in their victories.Prepare to be transported to a world where familiar faces line the streets, where gossip weaves its way through every conversation, and where hardship becomes a catalyst for unwavering perseverance. With each turn of the page, you'll embark on a journey that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit, the unexpected connections that bind us, and the unyielding power of unity in the face of adversity. These stories will leave an indelible mark on your heart, serving as a reminder of the extraordinary tales that unfold within the hidden corners of small-town America.

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