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Bøger af Eyong Eta Mbuagbaw

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  • af Calvince Omondi Barack & Eyong Eta Mbuagbaw
    330,95 kr.

    Project Report from the year 2014 in the subject Politics - Topic: Development Politics, grade: 7,0, Aalborg University (Development and International Studies), course: Semester Project, language: English, abstract: This paper begins with an introduction on the importance of self-respect and its conception. It then, proceeds to the methodology section highlighting the research question, the method of inquiry, study limitations and literature review. It moves to look at the concept of Self-respect by John Rawls in his Theory of Justice where the two key components of self-respect is highlighted. It then continue to the discussion and Analysis section where the three aspects of self-respect in the category of individual values, free-will and capabilities are discussed in relation to development processes. Then, it takes a reflection on the specific development strategies of participatory development and women empowerment by highlighting the actual obstacles in guaranteeing self-respect in the processes of development. The paper then concludes that without some minimum guarantees on basic conditions of living, realization of self-respect in development processes will remain quite a challenge.

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