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  • af Felix Weber
    248,95 kr.

    A Meditation Guide that will equip you with the skills and tactics you need to decrease your stress and anxiety level, quiet your mind, and create a habit of peace, even in the middle of the turmoil that surrounds you. If you make these changes part of your regular routine, you will notice a significant improvement in the overall quality of your life.That will be your independence the moment you open your eyes. You are not the contents of your thoughts. There is no thought to speak about. You are not the same thing as your ideas. Your ideas are comparable to a stupid half-brother who never stops babbling gibberish. He is capable, from time to time, of uttering profound and insightful statements. However, in the vast majority of cases, it is trash, and you will be required to get rid of it. Although the ideas will continue, their "stickiness" will no longer be present.This book covers a variety of meditation practises, including mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, spiritual meditation, guided meditation, focused meditation, movement meditation, mantra meditation, breathing-based meditation, mantra meditation, focused meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and progressive muscular tension release. In the next chapters, each of these different styles of meditation will be discussed in more detail so that you may choose the meditation method that is the most appropriate for you.

  • af Felix Weber
    721,95 kr.

    While methods of artificial intelligence (AI) were until a few years ago exclusively a topic of scientific discussions, today they are increasingly finding their way into products of everyday life. At the same time, the amount of data produced and available is growing due to increasing digitalization, the integration of digital measurement and control systems, and automatic exchange between devices (Internet of Things). In the future, the use of business intelligence (BI) and a look into the past will no longer be sufficient for most companies.Instead, business analytics, i.e., predictive and predictive analyses and automated decisions, will be needed to stay competitive in the future. The use of growing amounts of data is a significant challenge and one of the most important areas of data analysis is represented by artificial intelligence methods.This book provides a concise introduction to the essential aspects of using artificial intelligence methodsfor business analytics, presents machine learning and the most important algorithms in a comprehensible form using the business analytics technology framework, and shows application scenarios from various industries. In addition, it provides the Business Analytics Model for Artificial Intelligence, a reference procedure model for structuring BA and AI projects in the company.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Künstliche Intelligenz für Business Analytics by Felix Weber, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

  • af Felix Weber
    397,95 kr.

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich BWL - Offline-Marketing und Online-Marketing, Note: 1,0, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: (...) "Wenig erforscht sind jedoch die Konsequenzen, die die Facebook-Likes an sich hervorrufen. Was passiert mit einem Konsumenten, wenn er sieht, dass ein vorliegender Inhalt viele Likes beziehungsweise Kommentare erhalten hat und häufig geteilt wurde? Möglich wäre, dass eine als hoch wahrgenommene Viralitätdie Einstellung des Konsumenten gegenüber dem Inhalt beeinflusst ¿ gefällt zum Beispiel eine Werbeanzeige auf Facebook einem Konsumenten besser,wenn er sieht, dass sie vielen anderen Konsumenten (oder auch seinen Facebook-Freunden) ebenfalls gefällt? Und beeinflusst dies sogar seine Verhaltens- beziehungsweise Kaufabsicht?Die vorliegende Arbeit wird sich genau dieser Frage widmen. Sie gibt einen Überblick über die aktuelle Forschung zu diesem Thema, leitet daraus Hypothesenab und fasst diese in einem Modell zusammen, das auf der Theory of Reasoned Action basiert. Der Ablauf der Arbeit ist wie folgt: Einführend werdendie einzelnen Funktionen von Facebook dargelegt und die Theory of Reasoned Action erläutert. In den weiteren Kapiteln wird die Wirkung von Facebook-Likes im Allgemeinen und Viralität im Speziellen anhand von Studien dargelegt und mit weiteren Theorien untermauert. Abschliessend werden auf Basis dieserArbeit mehrere Hypothesen aufgestellt und ein entsprechendes Untersuchungsdesign zur Überprüfung dieser Hypothesen hergeleitet. Das Ergebnis der vorliegendenArbeit zeigt, dass wahrgenommene Viralität unter gewissen Umständen einen Einfluss auf das Konsumentenverhalten haben kann."

  • af Felix Weber
    411,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2016 in the subject Biology - Ecology, grade: 1,0, University of London (SOAS), language: English, abstract: Ecological restoration may pursue multiple objectives related to functions and services provided by ecosystems. To understand the different characteristics of restoration programmes prioritising carbon storage and biodiversity conservation this study analysed the case of the TMRP and interviewed 13 stakeholders including project management, partners and landholders. The results revealed that a number of requirements for the two different restoration types are complementary but some specific characteristics particularly related to the selection, composition and diversity of restoration plantings exist. The effectiveness of restoration depends highly on the commitment of the stakeholders and the study showed that there are different interests between larger landholders, who care more for the general environment, and smaller landholders, who are more concerned about the land¿s productivity. Market-based instruments including carbon and biodiversity trading markets could be used to provide further incentives for all restoration stakeholders and enhance the effectiveness of restoration programmes.

  • - Auswirkungen von Digitalisierung und Kunstlicher Intelligenz
    af Felix Weber
    222,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Buch fuhrt in die essentiellen Aspekte der Preispolitik ein und stellt gleichzeitig die Herausforderungen und Chancen der Digitalisierung und die neuen Moeglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Software zur Preisoptimierung dar.

  • af Felix Weber, Daniel Weber & Nico Steinbach
    503,95 kr.

  • - A Man's Guide to the Kitchen
    af Felix Weber
    186,95 kr.

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