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Bøger af Fergus Mason

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  • - The True Story Behind Alfred Hitchcock's Topaz
    af Fergus Mason
    157,95 kr.

    The truth is stranger than fiction! In October 1962 it looked to millions of people like the politicians of the United States and Russia were determined to push the other across the fatal line of launching a nuclear strike. The fate of the world hung on Cuba, a troubled island state in the Caribbean.Woven through the dramatic events in and around Cuba was a quieter but perhaps equally dangerous scandal - an enormous, deeply embedded network of Soviet spies at the heart of the NATO alliance. A senior KGB defector had revealed that his agency had penetrated the highest levels of the French government, military, and intelligence services - but when a French agent tried to act he found himself blocked at every turn by his own superiors.Alfred Hitchcock was so impressed by the fictional novel about the events (Topaz by Leon Uris) that he decided to adapt it into a movie. But fiction, as is often the case, only got half of the story. This book tells the remarkable true account of one of the greatest espionage scandals to rock the Cold War.

  • - The Murder of Teresa de Simone
    af Fergus Mason
    163,95 kr.

    ★★★ One of the strangest true crime stories you'll read ★★★The murder was brutal--raped and strangled. The case was open and shut--a man had confessed to the murder, and he was easily convicted. There was a problem with the man's testimony, however...he was a pathological liar who had confessed to over 200 other crimes--many of which never happened.For over 27 years, Sean Hodgson, the convicted murderer, sat in prison for a crime he didn't committ. The real killer, 17-year-old David Lace, had also confessed to the crime, but police didn't believe him.This gripping short book takes the reader on the hunt for the real killer, and reveals the creation of Operation Iceberg--the operation that led to the DNA review of over 240 other convictions.

  • - A Biography of Serial Killer Graham Young
    af Fergus Mason
    163,95 kr.

    ★★★ A page-turning true crime story ★★★Graham Young had an unusual obsession from a young age. Where most youths might be interested in music and sports, Young was fascinated by poisons. By the age of 14, he was using his family (who, of course, didn't know) as experiments. In 1962, still a teen, his stepmother died from one of his poisoning experiments.Young eventually confessed to the murder of his stepmother and the attempted murder of several other members of his family; he was sent to a mental hospital for nine years, where he was ultimately released fully recovered. Unknown to the hospital, however, Young was actually using his time in the mental hospital to study medical texts and improve his poisoning skills. His true work as a poisoner had only just begun!This gripping narrative gives you a page-turning look at one of England's most notorious serial killers: Graham Young.

  • - A Biography of World Trade Center Mastermind Ramzi Yousef
    af Fergus Mason
    98,95 kr.

    He plotted to kill Pope John crash a plane into CIA blow 11 airliners flying from Asia to the United States. But it isn't the things that he plotted that he is known for--it's the one that was carried out: the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Today the attack is largely overshadowed by 9/11, but at the time it was one of the most memorable attacks on American soil. This book provides insight into Yousef life, his planning of the attacks, and, perhaps, one of the most bizarre twists of fates of any Islamic extremist: how he allegedly became a born again Christian while in prison.

  • - A History of Noah's Ark
    af Fergus Mason
    108,95 kr.

    For thousands of years, the story of Noah has been one of the greatest epics ever wrote. This compelling book looks into the Biblical story from an historical standpoint. It looks at what the ark would have looked like, what society looked like, and the several archaeological quests to discover the ark. The book looks at the story from an unbiased viewpoint; it presents both sides (those who believe the story was true, and those who do not), and let's the reader decide what they believe.

  • - The Real Life Stories Behind Alfred Hitchcock's Greatest Works
    af Fergus Mason
    288,95 kr.

    Don't believe everything you watchHitchcock knew the popular saying: truth is stranger than fiction. He believed it and in fact based almost all of his most famous works on real-life stories. Inside this book, you will find the chilling true accounts behind the following movies: Rope, The Wrong Man, Topaz, Frenzy, Psycho, and The Birds.This is a collection of previously published books, which may also be purchased separately.

  • af Fergus Mason
    98,95 kr.

    New Years. Oscar Grant was celebrating like most of the world. On his way home from a celebration at the Embarcadero in San Francisco, everything changed. Oscar Grant, an unarmed man, was shot dead by BART police. A crowd of onlookers caught it all on cell phones. The shooting shook he community to its core. Protest and riots soon followed and it became Oakland's equivalent of Rodney King. This book will look into what exactly happened and what happened to those who were involved.

  • - Die Wahren Geschichten Hinter Alfred Hitchcocks Großartigsten Werken
    af Fergus Mason
    343,95 kr.

    Glauben Sie nicht alles, was Sie sehen Hitchcock kannte das bekannte Sprichwort: Die Wahrheit ist seltsamer als die Fiktion. Er glaubte daran und stützte fast alle seine berühmtesten Werke auf wahre Begebenheiten aus dem Leben. In diesem Buch finden Sie die schaurigen wahren Geschichten hinter den folgenden Filmen: Rope, The Wrong Man, Topaz, Frenzy, Psycho und The Birds. Es handelt sich um eine Sammlung von bereits veröffentlichten Büchern, die auch einzeln erworben werden können.

  • - 6 Crimes That Inspired Movies
    af Fergus Mason
    183,95 kr.

    Some of Hollywood's greatest movies have been based on real life crimes. This anthologies looks at the real stories behind six movies. The collection includes: Stealing Hollywood: The True Story of the Teen Burglars Known As the Bling Ring The Real Life Taxi Driver: A Biography of Arthur Herman Breme The Perfect Crime: The Real Life Crime that Inspired Hitchcock's Rope Wrestling With Madness: John E. Du Pont and the Foxcatcher Farm Murder Pirates of Somalia: The Hijacking and Daring Rescue of MV Maersk Alabama The Fruitvale Station Shooting

  • - La Vida Real Detrás De Las Grandes Obras De Alfred Hitchcock
    af Fergus Mason
    288,95 kr.

    No creas todo lo que ves Hitchcock conocía el dicho popular: la verdad supera a la ficción. Él lo creía y, de hecho, basó casi todas sus obras más famosas en historias reales. En este libro encontrará los escalofriantes relatos reales que hay detrás de las siguientes películas: La soga, El hombre equivocado, Topaz, Frenesí, Psicosis y Los pájaros.

  • - Eine Geschichte der Stadt und des Ausbruchs des Vesuvs
    af Fergus Mason
    208,95 kr.

    Pompeji war eine der fortschrittlichsten Städte ihrer Zeit; sie verfügte über ein komplexes Wassersystem, eine Sporthalle und ein Amphitheater. Trotz ihrer Fortschritte war sie auf eine Sache nicht vorbereitet: Der Vesuv - der Vulkan, der zum endgültigen Untergang der Stadt führte. Der Ausbruch des Vesuvs 79 n. Chr. war eine der schlimmsten Katastrophen in der europäischen Geschichte. In kürzester Zeit starben über 15 000 Menschen und eine Stadt wurde völlig zerstört. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit dem Aufstieg, dem Fall und der Wiederentdeckung der großen Stadt Pompeji.

  • - A Biography of Sam Giancana
    af Fergus Mason
    153,95 kr.

    ★★★ Did the mafia kill JFK? ★★★Sam Giancana is one of the most famous gangsters in U.S. history, with rumored links to the CIA and President Kennedy. But was he really involved in the assassination attempt on Fidel Castro and the assassination of J.F.K.?This thrilling bio gives you all the details on one of America's most fascinating underworld figures.

  • - A History of America's Shadow Warriors
    af Fergus Mason
    98,95 kr.

    In the American Revolution...they were there-there in the Civil War...the Boer War, The First World War... The Second World War...The Vietnam War-they were there in every single American the Shadows; they are the American Sniper. This book goes way back to the origins-to the very first snipers to ever fight in an American war, and traces there roots throughout American history. Along the way it will trace their training and various weaponry.

  • - Eine Biografie Über Den Weibli-chen Lawrence Von Arabien, Gertrude Bell
    af Fergus Mason
    228,95 kr.

    ★★★ Im Schatten eines jeden großen Mannes steht eine noch größere Frau ★★★ T.E. Lawrence wird oft zugeschrieben, dass er die Diplomatie in den Nahen Osten gebracht hat; im Schatten eines jeden großen Mannes findet man oft eine noch größere Frau. In Lawrence' Fall hieß diese Frau Gertrude Bell. In einer Zeit, in der Frauen nicht zur Schule gingen, tat es Bell; in einer Zeit, in der Frauen nicht in die Armee eintraten, sicherte sich Bell eine Stelle im Hauptquartier des Nachrichtendienstes der Armee in Kairo; sie sprach Arabisch, Persisch, Französisch und Deutsch. Sie kannte das Terrain und die Kultur des Nahen Ostens besser als fast jeder Westler ihrer Zeit. In einer von Männern geprägten Welt schaffte es Bell, eine der größten politischen Entscheidungsträgerinnen zu werden, die die Welt je gesehen hat; ohne sie wäre der Nahe Osten vielleicht ein ganz anderer Ort, und ihr Einfluss in diesem Gebiet brachte ihr den Spitznamen "Königin der Wüste" ein. Diese Biografie erzählt die außergewöhnliche Geschichte einer der abenteuerlichsten und faszinierendsten Frauen, die Sie je kennenlernen werden.

  • - Four Athletes That Inspired a Nation
    af Fergus Mason
    143,95 kr.

    Some athletes play the game...and some inspire the game. The four plays profiled in this book were part of the second group. This book profiles the following athletes: Jay Moriarity, Jackie Robinson, and Rinku Singh and Dinsesh Patel. This is a collection of previous published books, which may also be purchased separately.

  • af Fergus Mason
    228,95 kr.

    This book helps you understand the Bible at a deeper level, but presenting some of the most famous characters as biographies. The following people are profiled: The Apostles James and John, Saul of Tarsus, Judas Iscariot, and Noah This is a collection of previous published books, which may also be purchased separately.

  • af Fergus Mason
    73,95 kr.

    "This is gonna sound crazy," Margi said, "But I think they were chupacabras." Ray frowned. "Cha. . . chalupa. . . coprah?" She laughed. "No Dad, chupacabra. It means 'goatsucker' in Spanish." "So what the heck are they?" "Well, that's the thing. Nobody really knows." When Margi agreed to go on a business trip to South America with her Dad she just wanted to spend some time with him. Maybe it would even be exciting. Now their plane had crashed and they were stuck in the jungle, surrounded by strange monsters. To get out they'd have to rely on skills they didn't know they had. There's such a thing as too exciting.

  • - Storia della città e dell'eruzione del Vesuvio
    af Fergus Mason
    218,95 kr.

    Se vi recate in barca al centro del Golfo di Napoli, avrete uno dei panorami più spettacolari d'Italia. Situata sulla costa mediterranea della regione Campania, la baia larga dieci miglia è uno spettacolo incredibile. Le acque blu sono piene di attività; Napoli è uno dei porti più trafficati d'Europa e gestisce più passeggeri di qualsiasi altro porto al mondo, ad eccezione di Hong Kong. Molte delle compagnie di crociera italiane hanno qui la loro base e le loro lussuose navi fanno continuamente la spola. Tra di esse si infilano talvolta anche scafi grigi più piccoli e slanciati, perché qui ha sede anche la Sesta Flotta della Marina degli Stati Uniti. Traghetti, barche da turismo, pescatori e piccoli trasporti si aggiungono all'infinito traffico marittimo.A nord e a sud della baia, piccole penisole si protendono nel Mediterraneo, indicando le isole che si trovano al di là di esse. Le isole stesse sono vivaci. A nord, la piccola Procida, con i suoi porti di pesca e la sua crescente industria turistica, separa la località termale di Ischia dalla terraferma; a sud si trova la splendida Capri, una delle destinazioni estive più popolari della regione.

  • - Die Ermordung Von Tersea De Simone
    af Fergus Mason
    198,95 kr.

    ★★★ Eine der seltsamsten wahren Kriminalgeschichten, die Sie lesen werden ★★★ Der Mord war brutal - vergewaltigt und erdrosselt. Der Fall war klar und eindeutig - ein Mann hatte den Mord gestanden, und er wurde leicht verurteilt. Es gab jedoch ein Problem mit der Aussage des Mannes... er war ein pathologischer Lügner, der über 200 andere Verbrechen gestanden hatte - von denen viele nie stattgefunden hatten. Über 27 Jahre lang saß Sean Hodgson, der verurteilte Mörder, im Gefängnis für ein Verbrechen, das er nicht begangen hatte. Der wahre Mörder, der 17-jährige David Lace, hatte das Verbrechen ebenfalls gestanden, aber die Polizei glaubte ihm nicht. Dieses fesselnde Buch nimmt den Leser mit auf die Jagd nach dem wahren Mörder und enthüllt die Entstehung der Operation Iceberg - der Operation, die zur DNA-Überprüfung von über 240 weiteren Verurteilungen führte.

  • - Historia de la ciudad y la erupción del Vesubio
    af Fergus Mason
    198,95 kr.

    Tome un barco hasta el centro de la bahía de Nápoles y tendrá una de las panorámicas más espectaculares de Italia. Situada en la costa mediterránea de la región de Campania, la bahía, de 16 km de ancho, es un espectáculo asombroso. Las aguas azules bullen de actividad; Nápoles es uno de los puertos más activos de Europa y por él transitan más pasajeros que por ningún otro del mundo, salvo Hong Kong. Muchas de las compañías de cruceros italianas tienen su base aquí, y sus lujosos barcos entran y salen constantemente. A veces se cuelan entre ellos cascos grises más pequeños y elegantes, porque la Sexta Flota de la Marina estadounidense también tiene aquí su cuartel general. Transbordadores, barcos turísticos, pescadores y pequeños transportes se suman al incesante tráfico marítimo.Al norte y al sur de la bahía, pequeñas penínsulas se adentran en el Mediterráneo, señalando las islas que hay más allá. Las islas son muy animadas. Al norte, la diminuta Procida, con sus puertos pesqueros y su creciente industria turística, separa la estación balnearia de Ischia de tierra firme; al sur se encuentra la bella Capri, uno de los destinos veraniegos más populares de la región.

  • - The True Story Behind the Unsolved Murder That Allegedly Inspired True Detective, Season One
    af Fergus Mason
    168,95 kr.

    The Unsolved Mystery That Rocked the World Jefferson Davis Parish has been described as quaint, and in many ways it certainly is. For anyone from a big city much of the area, especially out among the farms, is like a trip in a time machine. For a sleepy rural community, however, Jefferson Davis is a lot more violent than you'd expect, and these days cheap, potent rocks of cocaine are at the root of a lot of that violence.Crack addicts are famously willing to do just about anything to subsidize their habit so street prostitution has become a real issue, mostly concentrated in the town's poorer neighborhoods south of the railway track. Prostitution - especially on the street - is a dangerous business, so the sheriff's office weren't too surprised when the first one turned up dead. As the body count climbed people started to take notice, but despite all their efforts the killings continued until eight women were dead.This book traces one of the most fascinating unsolved crimes in the history of Louisiana. In 2014, many believe it became one of the inspirations for the first season of HBO's "True Detective." But the crimes in this book are much more shocking than anything captured on TV.Please note: This book is not published or endorsed by the creators or producers of "True Detective."

  • - The Life of Serial Killer Colin Ireland
    af Fergus Mason
    108,95 kr.

    When it comes to serial killers in England, there are few as brutal as Colin Ireland. Known as "The Gay Slayer," Ireland preyed on homosexual men who were into sadomasochism--so when he began to restrain them, they thought it was just a game. With page-turning suspense, this book examines the motives and tactics of the man some said was one of the most organized serial killers who ever lived.

  • - An Overview
    af Fergus Mason
    78,95 kr.

    As software moves increasingly to online distribution and frequent updates Agile development is fast becoming the norm. If you're considering moving from traditional development processes to Agile this book will give you the knowledge you need to get off to a smooth start.

  • af Fergus Mason
    98,95 kr.

    More than a decade after the brief reign of the Beltway Snipers most of the information about the case has been released into the public domain. There's still a lot of confusion about exactly what the two perpetrators did and why. That's understandable because it's such a bizarre story and there are so many tangled threads involved. This book will try to weave them into a picture that's easier to understand.

  • - The Incredibly True Story of How 1,000 Prisoners Took Over Attica Prison
    af Fergus Mason
    98,95 kr.

    On August 21, 1971, Black Panther leader, George Jackson, was shot dead while trying to escape from California's San Quentin Prison. Thousands of miles away, inmates of Attica Prison in New York hear the news and believe the death was a racially charged murder. On September 9, 1971, the unthinkable happens: prisoners riot and are able to completely overtake the prison. This is the remarkably true story-in gripping, page-turning detail!

  • - The Tragic Life of Alan Turing
    af Fergus Mason
    168,95 kr.

    ★★★ The code breaker that helped win the war ★★★Hundreds of movies and thousands of books have been written about the heroes of World War II. For dozens of years, however, few people knew about one of the greatest heroes of the war-a mild-mannered, eccentric mathematician from the University of Cambridge.This man, an undeniable genius whose later life was plagued by controversy and tragedy, probably played a greater role in the eventual Allied victory than anyone else. Until quite recently his contribution to the war effort was barely recognized. Everyone's heard of Churchill, Eisenhower, Montgomery, Patton and even de Gaulle, but far fewer have ever heard of Alan Turing. This is his incredible story.

  • - Une histoire de la ville et de l'éruption du Vésuve
    af Fergus Mason
    198,95 kr.

    Prenez un bateau jusqu'au milieu de la baie de Naples et vous aurez l'un des panoramas les plus spectaculaires d'Italie. Située sur la côte méditerranéenne de la région Campanie, la baie, large de dix miles, est un spectacle étonnant. Les eaux bleues grouillent d'activité; Naples est l'un des ports les plus actifs d'Europe et accueille plus de passagers que n'importe quel autre port dans le monde, à l'exception de Hong Kong. De nombreuses compagnies de croisière italiennes ont leur base ici et leurs luxueux navires font constamment la navette. Des coques grises plus petites et plus élégantes se glissent parfois parmi eux, car la Sixième flotte de la marine américaine y a également son quartier général. Les ferries, les bateaux de tourisme, les pêcheurs et les petits transports viennent s'ajouter à l'interminable trafic maritime.Au nord et au sud de la baie, de petites péninsules se jettent dans la Méditerranée, pointant vers les îles qui se trouvent au-delà. Les îles elles-mêmes sont animées. Au nord, la petite Procida, avec ses ports de pêche et son industrie touristique en plein essor, sépare la station thermale d'Ischia du continent; au sud se trouve la belle Capri, l'une des destinations estivales les plus populaires de la région.

  • af Fergus Mason
    293,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿ Im Schatten eines jeden großen Mannes steht eine noch größere Frau ¿¿¿T.E. Lawrence wird oft zugeschrieben, dass er die Diplomatie in den Nahen Osten gebracht hat; im Schatten eines jeden großen Mannes findet man oft eine noch größere Frau. In Lawrence' Fall hieß diese Frau Gertrude Bell.In einer Zeit, in der Frauen nicht zur Schule gingen, tat es Bell; in einer Zeit, in der Frauen nicht in die Armee eintraten, sicherte sich Bell eine Stelle im Hauptquartier des Nachrichtendienstes der Armee in Kairo; sie sprach Arabisch, Persisch, Französisch und Deutsch. Sie kannte das Terrain und die Kultur des Nahen Ostens besser als fast jeder Westler ihrer Zeit.In einer von Männern geprägten Welt schaffte es Bell, eine der größten politischen Entscheidungsträgerinnen zu werden, die die Welt je gesehen hat; ohne sie wäre der Nahe Osten vielleicht ein ganz anderer Ort, und ihr Einfluss in diesem Gebiet brachte ihr den Spitznamen "Königin der Wüste" ein.Diese Biografie erzählt die außergewöhnliche Geschichte einer der abenteuerlichsten und faszinierendsten Frauen, die Sie je kennenlernen werden.

  • af Fergus Mason
    293,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿ Eine der seltsamsten wahren Kriminalgeschichten, die Sie lesen werden ¿¿¿Der Mord war brutal - vergewaltigt und erdrosselt. Der Fall war klar und eindeutig - ein Mann hatte den Mord gestanden, und er wurde leicht verurteilt. Es gab jedoch ein Problem mit der Aussage des Mannes... er war ein pathologischer Lügner, der über 200 andere Verbrechen gestanden hatte - von denen viele nie stattgefunden hatten.Über 27 Jahre lang saß Sean Hodgson, der verurteilte Mörder, im Gefängnis für ein Verbrechen, das er nicht begangen hatte. Der wahre Mörder, der 17-jährige David Lace, hatte das Verbrechen ebenfalls gestanden, aber die Polizei glaubte ihm nicht.Dieses fesselnde Buch nimmt den Leser mit auf die Jagd nach dem wahren Mörder und enthüllt die Entstehung der Operation Iceberg - der Operation, die zur DNA-Überprüfung von über 240 weiteren Verurteilungen führte.

  • af Fergus Mason
    398,95 kr.

    Glauben Sie nicht alles, was Sie sehenHitchcock kannte das bekannte Sprichwort: Die Wahrheit ist seltsamer als die Fiktion. Er glaubte daran und stützte fast alle seine berühmtesten Werke auf wahre Begebenheiten aus dem Leben.In diesem Buch finden Sie die schaurigen wahren Geschichten hinter den folgenden Filmen: Rope, The Wrong Man, Topaz, Frenzy, Psycho und The Birds.Es handelt sich um eine Sammlung von bereits veröffentlichten Büchern, die auch einzeln erworben werden können.

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