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  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    418,95 kr.

    UNIUBE's website has an Institutional area that contains tools to help students communicate with teachers, and vice versa. Some of the tools available are Virtual Disk: a tool used by teachers to make files available to students related to their subjects. It can also be used for the Course Manager or Teaching Assistant to make files available to all students on a given course. Logbook: a tool used by students to make files (exercise lists, assignments) available to the teacher of any of their subjects. Agenda: a tool used by teachers to make activities that will take place during the semester available to their students. The aim of this work is to provide a manual to help students use the tools available on the virtual disk.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    508,95 kr.

    "Connecting Knowledge: Exploring the Educational World through Digital Games" is a work that delves into the contemporary educational scene, exploring the transformative potential of digital games in the learning process. The book highlights the intersection between technology and education, presenting in-depth analyses of how digital games can be effectively integrated into the educational environment. Based on solid research, the book offers valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges associated with using digital games as pedagogical tools, providing a comprehensive view of the potential revolution that these innovations can bring to the educational field.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    417,95 kr.

    Automation comprises techniques applied to a given process to make it more efficient and productive, agile and effective, minimising human interference in these processes. The creation of automatic systems allows equipment or devices to be controlled by means of electro-electronic devices such as microcomputers, mobile devices, among others. As technology continues to evolve, human beings increasingly feel the need to integrate technologies so that simple devices can meet the most varied needs, replacing the various components used to integrate with the environment with a centralised control system capable of manipulating various variables in the environment. Robotics is an educational and technological branch that encompasses computers, robots and computing, which deals with systems made up of automatic mechanical parts controlled by integrated circuits, making motorised mechanical systems, controlled manually or automatically by electrical circuits. Machines can be said to be alive, but at the same time they are an imitation of life, they are nothing more than connected wires and mechanisms, all of which together make up a robot.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    417,95 kr.

    L'automatisation comprend les techniques appliquées à un processus donné pour le rendre plus efficace et productif, plus souple et plus performant, en minimisant l'interférence humaine dans ces processus. La création de systèmes automatiques permet de contrôler des équipements ou des dispositifs au moyen d'appareils électro-électroniques tels que des micro-ordinateurs, des appareils mobiles, etc. Au fur et à mesure que la technologie évolue, l'être humain ressent de plus en plus le besoin d'intégrer les technologies afin que des dispositifs simples puissent répondre aux besoins les plus variés, en remplaçant les divers composants utilisés pour s'intégrer à l'environnement par un système de contrôle centralisé capable de manipuler diverses variables dans l'environnement. La robotique est une branche éducative et technologique qui englobe les ordinateurs, les robots et l'informatique, et qui traite des systèmes constitués de pièces mécaniques automatiques contrôlées par des circuits intégrés, réalisant des systèmes mécaniques motorisés, contrôlés manuellement ou automatiquement par des circuits électriques. On peut dire que les machines sont vivantes, mais en même temps elles sont une imitation de la vie, elles ne sont rien d'autre que des fils et des mécanismes connectés, qui tous ensemble constituent un robot.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    487,95 kr.

    Within organizations, management is present in one way or another, some overlapping with success, others leaving something to be desired. Based on this, this article will develop the importance of administration in organizations. First of all, we will look at the concepts of management and organization, demonstrating the skills, tasks and techniques needed to manage a company (organization). It will show the characteristics that administrators need to have in order for them and the organization to be successful. The purpose of the organization is to create collective proposals, bringing together the combination of individual efforts. The organization uses other resources, besides people, machines, money, equipment and knowledge. Furthermore, law is of paramount importance to society, given that it consists of a mechanism for social organization and that it must therefore reflect the historical, social, political, economic and cultural development of the society to which it is addressed, in order to meet the needs and desires of the citizens to whom it is addressed, with the aim of promoting equality and social justice.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    467,95 kr.

    Au sein des organisations, le management est présent d'une manière ou d'une autre, certains avec succès, d'autres laissant à désirer. Sur cette base, cet article développera l'importance du management dans les organisations. Tout d'abord, nous examinerons les concepts de gestion et d'organisation, en démontrant les compétences, les tâches et les techniques nécessaires pour gérer une entreprise (organisation). Nous montrerons les caractéristiques que les managers doivent posséder pour assurer leur réussite et celle de l'organisation. L'objectif de l'organisation est de créer des propositions collectives, en rassemblant la combinaison des efforts individuels. Les organisations utilisent d'autres ressources que les personnes : des machines, de l'argent, des équipements et des connaissances. En outre, le droit est d'une importance capitale pour la société, étant donné qu'il consiste en un mécanisme d'organisation sociale et qu'il doit donc refléter le développement historique, social, politique, économique et culturel de la société à laquelle il s'adresse, afin de répondre aux besoins et aux désirs des citoyens auxquels il s'adresse, dans le but de promouvoir l'égalité et la justice sociale.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    467,95 kr.

    All'interno delle organizzazioni, la gestione è presente in un modo o nell'altro, in alcuni casi con successo, in altri lasciando a desiderare. Su questa base, questo articolo svilupperà l'importanza della gestione nelle organizzazioni. Innanzitutto, esamineremo i concetti di gestione e organizzazione, mostrando le competenze, i compiti e le tecniche necessarie per gestire un'azienda (organizzazione). Verranno illustrate le caratteristiche che i manager devono avere per il successo loro e dell'organizzazione. Lo scopo dell'organizzazione è creare proposte collettive, riunendo la combinazione degli sforzi individuali. Le organizzazioni utilizzano altre risorse oltre alle persone: macchine, denaro, attrezzature e conoscenze. Inoltre, il diritto è di fondamentale importanza per la società, dato che consiste in un meccanismo di organizzazione sociale e che quindi deve riflettere lo sviluppo storico, sociale, politico, economico e culturale della società a cui si rivolge, per soddisfare i bisogni e i desideri dei cittadini a cui si rivolge, con l'obiettivo di promuovere l'uguaglianza e la giustizia sociale.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    542,95 kr.

    "Data: Coding Information" is a revealing book that explores the fascinating world of data and how information is coded. Covering everything from fundamental concepts to the most advanced coding techniques, the book offers a comprehensive and accessible overview of this essential topic of the digital age. With clarity and engaging examples, readers will be taken through the various forms of data representation, from numerical systems to sophisticated compression algorithms. In addition, the book explores the importance of coding in information security and practical applications such as data transmission and efficient storage. Whether you're a technology specialist or just curious, this book is essential reading to understand how coding is the basis of all the information that surrounds us.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    457,95 kr.

    "Computers: Information Processing" is a comprehensive work that explores the heart of computing: information processing. With a didactic approach, the book introduces the fundamentals of computer architecture, explaining how electronic devices are used to manipulate data and perform complex operations. From the history of the first computers to cutting-edge technologies, the book takes the reader on a fascinating journey, unraveling the basic principles of digital logic, data representation and the execution of algorithms. Using accessible language, the book introduces essential concepts, such as the central processing unit (CPU), memory, input and output devices, as well as addressing different processing models, such as parallel and distributed computing. Throughout the book, the reader will be introduced to the different generations of computers and their technological evolution, from valves and transistors to integrated circuits and cloud computing. The book also discusses the challenges faced in the quest for greater processing power, such as the heating of components and the need for energy efficiency.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    542,95 kr.

    "Computer Evolution: History and Timeline" is an exciting journey through the past, present and future of computer technology. This comprehensive book presents the fascinating history of computers, from the first mechanical devices to powerful modern supercomputers. With a clear and engaging approach, the reader will be taken through the major technological innovations that have driven the evolution of computers over the years. From the enigmatic ENIAC and UNIVAC to advances in integrated circuits and the personal computer revolution, each crucial milestone is meticulously explored. The timeline traced in the book reveals how computing has evolved rapidly, resulting in smaller, faster and more affordable devices. The era of mobile computing, with smartphones and tablets, is meticulously documented, as are the latest trends in artificial intelligence and quantum computing. As well as covering the evolution of hardware, the book explores the evolution of software, from the first operating systems to modern cloud-based applications and artificial intelligence.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    457,95 kr.

    "Networks and the Internet: Information Distribution" is a comprehensive book that explores the fascinating infrastructure that connects the digital world. With clarity and depth, the book introduces the fundamental concepts of computer networks and their evolution, from the first connections to the sophisticated Internet era. The book unravels the principles behind data transmission, covering communication protocols such as TCP/IP and essential technologies such as routers and switches. Using accessible language, the reader will learn about the different network topologies, such as LAN, WAN and wireless networks, as well as understanding the security and management challenges. The distribution of information on the Internet is widely explored, including client-server architecture, the evolution of the World Wide Web, cloud services and social networks. The principles of website and web application design are also covered, providing a clear understanding of the interaction between users and servers. Throughout the reading, emerging standards such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing are discussed, as well as the impact of the 5G network on the dissemination of information.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    457,95 kr.

    "Digital Security: Preventing Cyber Attacks" is a comprehensive book that explores the challenges and strategies for protecting systems and information in the digital world. With a practical and accessible approach, the book offers valuable insights into the most common cyber threats and the tactics used by attackers. The book begins with an overview of the current digital security landscape, presenting the main vulnerabilities and the most frequent types of attacks, such as phishing, ransomware and denial-of-service attacks (DDoS).The basic principles of digital security are detailed, including encryption, authentication, authorization and measures to protect networks and systems. Best security practices for protecting personal and corporate information are also explored. With a focus on prevention, the reader will learn how to identify potential weak points in systems and networks, as well as how to implement proactive protection measures, such as firewalls, antivirus and intrusion detection systems. The book also addresses the importance of user awareness and the need for digital security training to prevent attacks based on social engineering.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    487,95 kr.

    In the discipline of Chemistry, it is undeniable that conducting experiments that correlate theory and practice is a very valuable tool. Using laboratory classes to investigate chemical phenomena arouses student interest and facilitates learning. This book offers a series of experiments that seek to cover, with an activity, each of the main topics studied in Chemistry in Engineering courses. The experiments have been designed using basic, inexpensive and easily acquired materials and equipment so that they can be carried out even in simple laboratories without many resources.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    737,95 kr.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    542,95 kr.

    Information security is the concept behind defending data, details, and the like to ensure that they are accessible only to those legally responsible for them or the people to whom they have been sent. In a company, information security is nothing more than the policies, processes and methods that should be employed so that the circulation of data and information is secure and controlled, preventing unwanted people from using or at least having access to this information. Having an IT department, the so-called Information Technology, prepared to take care of information security is fundamental. There are already a variety of tools that can avoid major problems and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of information, which is ultimately the primary desire of companies. Information will only be secure when users and IT professionals act accordingly, putting in place the best ways to avoid future risks.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    597,95 kr.

    La sicurezza delle informazioni è il concetto che sta alla base della difesa di dati, dettagli e simili per garantire che siano accessibili solo ai legittimi responsabili o alle persone a cui sono stati inviati. In un'azienda, la sicurezza delle informazioni non è altro che le politiche, i processi e i metodi da impiegare affinché la circolazione dei dati e delle informazioni sia sicura e controllata, impedendo a persone indesiderate di utilizzare o almeno di accedere a tali informazioni. Avere un dipartimento IT, la cosiddetta Information Technology, preparato ad affrontare la sicurezza delle informazioni è fondamentale. Sono disponibili diversi strumenti per evitare problemi importanti e garantire l'integrità e la riservatezza delle informazioni, che in ultima analisi è il desiderio primario delle aziende. Le informazioni saranno sicure solo quando gli utenti e i professionisti dell'IT agiranno di conseguenza, mettendo in pratica i modi migliori per evitare rischi futuri.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    542,95 kr.

    Business Intelligence (BI) is a combination of processes that include business analysis, data collection, and the infrastructure used to improve decision making.In short, Business Intelligence consolidates information from a business, building a comprehensive view to enable that business to use the data collected to make improvements, eliminate weaknesses, and adapt to market trends and needs.Business Intelligence has as main objectives: to collect data through management tools and/or specialized software; to store the collected data, in compliance with the General Law of Data Protection; to enable data analysis, the "heart" of Business Intelligence, to extract useful information; to produce reports, combining analysis, tools and the visualization of the collected data.Based on these objectives, Business Intelligence supports informed decision making - and this competitive advantage is just one of the benefits that BI provides.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    597,95 kr.

    La sécurité de l'information est le concept qui sous-tend la défense des données, des détails et autres afin de s'assurer qu'ils ne sont accessibles qu'aux personnes qui en sont légitimement responsables ou aux personnes à qui ils ont été envoyés. Dans une entreprise, la sécurité de l'information n'est rien d'autre que les politiques, les processus et les méthodes qui doivent être employés pour que la circulation des données et des informations soit sûre et contrôlée, empêchant ainsi les personnes indésirables d'utiliser ces informations ou du moins d'y avoir accès. Il est fondamental de disposer d'un département informatique, appelé technologie de l'information, prêt à traiter de la sécurité de l'information. Il existe différents outils permettant d'éviter les problèmes majeurs et de garantir l'intégrité et la confidentialité des informations, ce qui est en fin de compte le principal objectif des entreprises. L'information ne sera sûre que si les utilisateurs et les professionnels de l'informatique agissent en conséquence, en mettant en pratique les meilleurs moyens d'éviter les risques futurs.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    542,95 kr.

    In the globalized and technological world in which we live, it is necessary to look for ways to improve digital computer systems. Software, for example, is constantly changing, as there is a need to correct existing errors or add new features and functionality. This evolutionary need of the software system makes it "unreliable" and predisposed to defects, delayed delivery, and cost overruns. The complexity of software systems requires software professionals to reason, design, code, and communicate through software components. From this need, software engineering has shown itself more attractive and has recently become a very approached area. Also through it came the branch of software architecture, which works with the use of layers, aiming to facilitate the allocation of functionality from requirements and to support flexibility and portability, resulting in ease of reuse and maintenance. This is due to the well-defined standard interfaces that encapsulate components. In addition to modularizations, the architecture supports a set of quality and performance attributes.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    542,95 kr.

    Automation is the kind of process that simplifies routine actions with the help of technology. There are several existing automation systems and they can be applied to any kind of task. With the office automation system is no different, and the great advantage is that with it you can save time and resources, including financial. The office automation system can bring many benefits to companies, first, because it generates great savings in the time spent on routine and simple tasks, increasing productivity, and also because it is a more efficient way to monitor how these courses are being used, so that there is a more conscious use and, consequently, cost reduction. Moreover, with the office automation system it is possible to increase the welfare and comfort of employees, another fact that also impacts positively on productivity levels.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    542,95 kr.

    Currently, Expert Systems (SE) can be considered as a subset of Artificial Intelligence. An Expert System is a system that uses human knowledge captured in a computer to solve problems that would normally be solved by human experts. Well-designed systems mimic the reasoning process that experts use to solve specific problems. These systems can perform better than any human expert in making individual decisions in certain domains and can be used by non-expert humans to improve their problem-solving skills.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    542,95 kr.

    Considering the growing demand for research in the health field, the need for tools in various sectors, such as physiotherapy, arises. This book presents serious games for health and education. In Chapter 1, there is an interactive game to support physiotherapeutic exercises using Kinect and mobile devices. As a methodology, the Virtual and Augmented Reality resources were used, which enable visualization, interaction, and three-dimensional simulation of images. Thus, it is expected to contribute to the motivation of patients through technological innovations, generating a more pleasant and harmonious environment for the performance of physiotherapy, besides seeking to promote the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    457,95 kr.

    This work deals with a survey of periodicals developed in Brazil during the pandemic period regarding Technology, elaborated during 2020, according to the Periodical Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The research problem is defined as follows: What was the role of technology in people's lives during the pandemic? The main objective of this research is to analyze these journals in order to verify how the research on technology in people's lives, produced in Brazil, in the period of 2020. To find these researches we defined the Portal de Periódicos da CAPES as our source. The methodology used for this research can be configured as a qualitative bibliographic research. To analyze the journals, we defined the following focuses: main objective of the research, theoretical basis, methodological synthesis and main results.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    297,95 kr.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    629,95 kr.

    Com estrutura didática e contribuições significativas, a principal qualidade de Algoritmos e programação de computadores é tornar o processo de aprendizagem de programação de computadores menos traumático para o estudante da disciplina. Em cursos de Computação e Informática, a maior dificuldade encontrada por estudantes continua sendo o primeiro contato com o tema. A razão principal é que, nesse momento, o aluno é solicitado, pela primeira vez, a pensar de maneira detalhada sobre os passos necessários para a solução de um problema e, ainda, a construir uma abstração que represente estes passos de forma que possam ser processados por um computador. Enfrentar o desafio de ¿ensinar¿ programação é o diferencial deste livro. Nele, cada tema é trabalhado a partir de uma situação-problema, passando pela resolução da situação, ampliação do tópico, conceituação e aplicação em diversas linguagens de programação e, por fim, pelos exercícios de fixação. Partindo de uma linguagem dialógica, que mescla texto simples e muitas imagens, o conteúdo com a resolução de exercícios tem como objetivo tornar a aprendizagem mais fácil e, até mesmo, prazerosa.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    353,95 kr.

    No mundo tecnológico e globalizado em que se vive atualmente, é necessário sempre implementar novas soluções a fim de amenizar os problemas e facilitar a vida da sociedade, como a determinação de percursos mais curtos durante a realização de viagens, por exemplo. Nesta linha de raciocínio, o algoritmo de Dijkstra é o mais famoso dos algoritmos para cálculo de caminho de custo mínimo entre vértices de um grafo e, na prática, o mais empregado. Logo, este trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar o algoritmo de Dijkstra com a finalidade de obter a otimização da trajetória entre vários municípios do estado brasileiro de Minas Gerais.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    487,95 kr.

    A automação compreende em técnicas aplicadas em um determinado processo para torná-lo mais eficiente e produtivo, ágil e eficiente, minimizando a interferência humana sobre estes processos. A criação de sistemas automáticos permite que equipamentos ou dispositivos sejam controlados por meio de dispositivos eletroeletrônicos como microcomputadores, dispositivos móveis, entre outros. Com as tecnologias em crescente evolução o ser humano sente cada vez mais necessidade na integração de tecnologias para que dispositivos simples possam suprir as necessidades mais variadas, substituindo diversos componentes utilizados para a integração com o ambiente por um controle centralizado capaz de manipular diversas variáveis no ambiente. Robótica é um ramo educacional e tecnológico que engloba computadores, robôs e computação, que trata de sistemas compostos por partes mecânicas automáticas e controladas por circuitos integrados, tornando sistemas mecânicos motorizados, controlados manualmente ou automaticamente por circuitos eléctricos. As máquinas, pode-se dizer que são vivas, mas ao mesmo tempo são uma imitação da vida, não passam de fios unidos e mecanismos, isso tudo junto concebe um robô.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    532,95 kr.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    482,95 kr.

  • af Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes
    537,95 kr.

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