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Bøger af Flemming Friborg

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  • - Mesteren, monsteret og myten
    af Flemming Friborg
    331,95 kr.

    Mystikken og myterne omkring kunstneren Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) lever i bedste velgående. Hyldet som en af den tidlige modernismes mest betydningsfulde figurer, men samtidig fordømt for sit arbejde og sin karakter.Bogen sætter fokus på Gauguins virke og et eftermæle, der forbliver tvetydigt. Diskussionen om hans kunst og person er ikke blevet mindre relevant i en tid, hvor #MeToo sætter nyt fokus på Gauguins forhold til mindreårige piger og hans andel i kolonialismen i Fransk Polynesien. Alligevel sælges hans malerier stadig for astronomiske beløb og kæmpeudstillinger præger museer verden over – Gauguins status som berømt geni er uanfægtet. Det er på tide at betragte mesteren og monsteret som uadskillelige størrelser. Med Flemming Friborgs fascinerende bog anskues Gauguins metode og moral som uløseligt forbundne i et omhyggeligt plejet, personligt brand. Men moderniteten havde store omkostninger, kunstnerisk og personligt.

  • - The Master, the Monster and the Myth
    af Flemming Friborg
    331,95 kr.

    Hailed as one of the most significant figures of early Modernism and at the same time condemned for his work and his moral – the discussion about Gauguin, his art and his character is still relevant today. Especially at a time where #MeToo is shedding new light on Gauguin’s relationship with adolescent girls and his share in colonialism in French Polynesia.‘Gauguin – The Master, the Monster and the Myth’ is the first in-depth biography about the artist written by a Danish writer. The publication shares new insights about Gauguin – about his complex character as an artist and a human being. It challenges the traditional ideas we have about his life and work. Flemming Friborg unfolds the fascinating story about Gauguin’s life and the millieu of Impressionism that he was a part of but also at the same time distinguishing himself from. The book shows how his method and moral was bound in a carefully maintained, personal brand and therefore the master and the monster must be seen as inseparable – and therefore, as a result of this, Gaugain’s legacy and status as a genius artist remains unclear.Flemming Fribog (b. 1965) is an Art Historian and Associate Professor at CBS (Management, Politics and Philosophy). From 2002-17 he was director of Ny Garlsberg Glyptotek. He has been awarded several Danish and international orders such as the N.L. Høyen medal from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and the honourable order L’ordre ministériel des Arts et des Lettres presented by the French Ministry of Culture.

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