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  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    282,95 kr.

    Morning by Morning, a 365-day devotional, provides rich food for the soul on various subjects, including hope, peace, suffering, loneliness, encouragement, forgiveness, comfort, the Bible, the deity of Christ, assurance, the second-coming, death, and Heaven. Each day includes a Scripture, a devotional from Frank Shivers, and an inspirational quote to reinforce the truth shared, all to enhance the Christian's love for and walk with the Lord.Thirsty to grow in intimacy with Jesus and in the knowledge of His Word? Get a copy of Morning by Morning and let the quest begin.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    222,95 kr.

    Prayer is indispensable for robust spiritual health and victorious Christian living. But how is it to be practiced rightly, consistently, and effectively? Basics of Biblical Praying provide the answer. It, a primer on prayer, is an instructional and inspirational book on the ABCs of prayer that is simple enough for the new believer to understand, yet deep enough to enhance the prayer life of the oldest saint. Frank Shivers, with the help of some of the church's greatest prayer warriors like E.M. Bounds, Andrew Murray, Samuel Chadwick, C.H. Spurgeon, J.C. Ryle, John Bunyan, S.D. Gordon, Gordon B. Watt, John Wesley, John R. Rice, Matthew Henry, and Oswald Chambers clarifies and simplifies the biblical essentials to powerful and effective praying.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    207,95 kr.

    In The Widow's Comfort, Frank Shivers shares a comforting blend of emotional support, spiritual guidance, coping strategies, inspirational quotes, and the experience of widows to assist the new widow in her journey of grief as she inches her way from brokenness to wholeness and from inexplicable sorrow to the fullness of peace. Within its pages, the widow will find (1. Life-giving answers to troublesome questions about the process of grief (2. Coping and healing medicines to relieve the intense pain, distress, loneliness, emptiness, and worry spurred by grief (3. Resolution to religious doubts that grief has generated, and ultimately (4. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Throughout the book, 'healing' is not used to imply that grief is an illness to be 'fixed' but that it is a trauma (broken heart) full of pain, sorrow, and discomfort (raw emotions) to be mended.Pastors, funeral home staff, grief therapists, and mental-health professionals will find the book highly beneficial to gift to the grieving widow.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    222,95 kr.

    Christian persecution's source, strategy, scope, and sphere and stymie are detailed in the book.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    397,95 kr.

    The Psalter is a combination praisebook, "how to cope" handbook, devotional exposition, moral and ethical compass for living life, duty manual, and treatise on the infallibility of the Holy Scriptures. It is a book of praise, prayer, precept and promise. The Psalms is perhaps the most read and known book in Christendom, for all identify with David in his triumph and defeat, ecstasy and sorrow, depression and elation, relapse and recovery, disappointment and encouragement, rejection and acceptance.Frank Shivers' three-volume series on the Psalms promises to quickly become a favorite of Bible students. Through this series, lovers of the Psalms will come to love them even more. Presented for each Psalm are: its authorship, historical setting (when known), a conservatively sound and simple interpretation, a homily (exposition and application of the text), and summary statement (The Bottom Line). The Psalms are listed by text and subject heading, enabling one to navigate them with ease. Exposition of the Psalms is different from similar commentaries in that its focus is upon a specific text(s) within each Psalm and in its 4,700 insights gleaned from some of the greatest conservative theologians of history.While pastors and teachers will find Exposition of the Psalms of immense value in the ministry of the Word (scriptural insights, sermonic outlines and helps), all Bible students will profit from its theological explanation and devotional application.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    397,95 kr.

    The Psalter is a combination praise book, "how to cope" handbook, devotional exposition, moral and ethical compass for living life, duty manual, and treatise on the infallibility of the Holy Scriptures. Shivers' three-volume series on the Psalms promises to quickly become a favorite of Bible students.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    137,95 kr.

    There is a crisis in the harvest field. The fields are ripe for harvesting, but there is a shortage of laborers. The means in which laborers are supplied in these places is from Christians who pray them out of schools, colleges, churches, seminaries, and secular work. Believers pray for laborers; the Lord answers with sending them.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    222,95 kr.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    127,95 kr.

    This is a Companion Workbook for personal or group study based on the book The Wounded Spirit.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    222,95 kr.

    A wounded (broken, damaged or crushed) spirit is the injury to the emotions by another that manifests such horrendous pain and misery that it may feel as if we have been torn open and are bleeding from every orifice of the body. The Wounded Spirit seeks to address many of the heart wounds that plague humanity, offering biblical direction regarding their resolution and healing. The purpose of this book is primarily twofold. First, it is my intent to encourage and help the hurting by revealing from Scripture that God loves them, that He is ever in con-trol of their life, and that He works out all that happens for their highest good and His glory. Second, I write to aid believers in recognizing their wounded spirit and how it may be healed.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    787,95 kr.

    The Evangelism-Apologetic Study Bible is a comprehensive resource that integrates the what and why of belief with witnessing instructional guidance coupled with personal helps in Christian growth. Included are almost 2500 entries with topics such as Beliefs and Defense (understanding the why of belief and the how to defend it), Evangelistic Talking Points (private and pulpit jump starters), Excuses and Answers (how to handle objections to being saved), Ways to Tell (various methods in sharing the Gospel), Soul Winner Traits (the character and discipline of the soul winner), Role of the Law (the role of the Ten Commandments in evangelism), Tips for Witnessing (hints to effective witnessing/soul winning, Relevancy of Revival (biblical reasons for church revival), Counseling Helps (keys to helping the addicted or troubled), Spurs to Soul Winning (inspirational and motivational mediations to soul win), Windows to Clarity (illustrations to clarify biblical truth), Tell the Gospel (content of the soul winner's message), Truth or Not (exposing religious folklore), Follow-Up (new believer guidance), Prophetic Proofs (how fulfilled prophecy substantiates the validly of the Bible and claims of Jesus Christ), Science and the Bible (ways science substantiate the Bible), Archaeology and the Bible (ways archaeology substantiate the Bible) and the Second Coming of Christ (notes about Jesus second return). Each entry is an easy navigable thread.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    272,95 kr.

    Andrew W. Blackwood, the great preaching professor said there are two kinds of ministers: the kind who knows how to conduct a funeral and the other who does not. At times even for those who know the how funerals can be staggering for none are exactly alike for no two people grieve the same. Caring for and comforting people in the hour of grave sorrow doubtlessly is one of the greatest challenges and privileges afforded to the Man of God. This primer on the funeral is purposed to help the pastor meet this responsibility preparedly and effectively without fear or anxiety with greater ease in fulfillment of God's call echoed by Isaiah, "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God." (Isaiah 40:1)

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    197,95 kr.

    The Funeral Home Edition of Grief Beyond Measure, But Not Beyond Grace. Death of a loved one produces grief beyond measure - a hurt so deep that it appears incurable and inescapable. Within you, me and every man lies no capability to manage the painful process of grief thus making any such attempt foolish. Wherein then does man's hope in such despair lay? In Grief Beyond Measure, But Not Beyond Grace Frank Shivers gives answer. Grief indeed is beyond measure to heal yourself but not beyond God's grace to relieve granting peace and hope. There is no hell on earth so deep but that God's grace can go deeper still and no sorrow of heart so deep but that God's grace can go deeper still. Contains presentation page stating it is from the caring funeral home professionals assisting them in the hour of great sorrow.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    187,95 kr.

    To live a victorious Christian life, the believer must abide in Christ (John 15:5). Abiding in Christ means to keep Him at the center of life, to obey Him without vacillating, to take cues from Him regarding decisions and conduct, and to steadfastly walk in intimacy with Him. Hot Buttons on Christian Discipleship will enlighten, energize, and equip the believer in this quest.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    187,95 kr.

    "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set" (Proverbs 22:28). Hot Buttons on Morality is purposed to remove the fog helping students to see the clearly defined boundary markers God has erected regarding issues such as abortion, homosexuality, pre-marital sex, gambling, alcohol, drugs, suicide, tobacco, parental authority, music, dating, marriage and divorce. Knowledge of and obedience to the spiritual boundaries divinely established in Holy Scripture will prevent the dishonoring of God, and defilement and devastation of life.

  • af Frank Ray Shivers
    187,95 kr.

    Hot Buttons on Apologetics is designed to help the Christian student understand the distinctiveness of the Christian faith among other religions and gain solid foundational footing in sound biblical theology and knowledge with a view toward confronting unbelievers with its truth. This volume is complete with an Ask Yourself section as an aid for application at the conclusion of each topic.

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