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Bøger af Fred Deruvo

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  • - Exactly Where Are We in Daniel's 70 Weeks?
    af Fred Deruvo
    127,95 kr.

    Four verses in the ninth chapter of Daniel are arguably some of the most important verses found anywhere in Scripture, related to prophecy. If we are to understand what God has given us in these four verses, then we had better do all that we can to ensure we have a correct interpretation. The 70 weeks of Daniel, highlighted in Daniel 9:24-27 are there for our benefit. God did not need to tell us anything, but He chose to do so in order that we would be blessed by the information He has graciously provided to Daniel through the angel Gabriel. The most important question becomes then, what is Gabriel actually relating to Daniel in these four verses? Is the information found there for us today, as yet unfulfilled, or is it all in the past, in which case it would merely be testimony of how God has worked in our past?

  • - Are the Attacks by Anti-Zionists Grounded and Justified in Truth?
    af Fred Deruvo
    162,95 kr.

    The belief that the Church has replaced Israel has grown in popularity and vehemence over the last few decades. That the Church is somehow the new "Israel" is at odds with Christian Zionism. Those who believe God has with finality rejected Israel, see Christian Zionism as working against God. These same people, having rendered their verdict, offer nothing less than vitriolic rhetoric as a response. While it is one thing to vehemently disagree with an opposing theological stance, it is quite another to let loose a barrage of vile comments and accusations, all in the name of God. This book is an attempt to respond to the virulent charges put forth by Anti-Zionism. Is Zionism racist? Does it glorify the aggressive acts of Israel? Is America in danger of being judged by God because of Christian Zionism? These are certainly weighty charges, but in the end, maybe it's not the Zionist who is working against God. Maybe it is the Anti-Zionist who is the real problem.

  • - Is Not As Confusing As It Sounds
    af Fred Deruvo
    152,95 kr.

    Those who understand the Bible in literal terms are constantly accused of not understanding the Bible in literal terms. Someone will point to the word "all" or "this" or "that" and charge that the Literalist does not take those words literally, therefore they are not truly understanding the Bible in literal terms. Is there any truth to this? Does the Literalist strive to understand the literal meaning of the Bible, and by doing so, is he required to understand every word in its most literal sense? The author sets out to show that within language, while not all words, phrases and verbiage are to be taken literally, all meaning derived from those same words, phrases and verbiage is to be taken literally. It is the actual meaning that matters. What's the difference? Is the Literalist simply pulling the wool over everyone else's eyes, in order to make the Bible say what they want it to say?

  • - LIving Our Christian Lives Effectively to the End for God's Glory
    af Fred Deruvo
    127,95 kr.

    Being a Christian is not necessarily a walk in the park. While it begins with the new birth Jesus spoke about with Nicodemus (John 3), it is the starting point of a lifetime of setting Self's will to the side, in favor of fulfilling Christ's will. The remainder of the Christian's life should be lived out from there and it must be lived for Christ. The reality of the cross, what it means and how it works itself out in the daily life of the Christian should constantly be at the forefront of all our thoughts and deeds. The Reformers thought it no small sacrifice, even giving their lives for their Lord. How can Christians today do any less?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    162,95 kr.

    Everywhere we look, there is corruption, rebellion, and sin both inside and outside of the visible Church, but does this mean that the invisible Church is also affected by it? In other words, as the authentic believer walks with Christ, yet sins from time to time, does that sin directly affect the purity of the invisible Church, or is the invisible Church (Christ's Bride) already pure, unable to be contaminated by sin? Does God want us to focus on our sin, or does He have something else that we should spend our time focusing on? Does the action of concentrating on our sin (and how terrible it can make us feel), create within us a spiritual maturity, or a spiritual poverty, born of false piety? Are we struggling to gain something we already possess, but are simply not aware of it yet? Satan benefits greatly by keeping God's children blind to the many blessings that are ours in Christ now.

  • af Fred Deruvo
    172,95 kr.

    There seems to be a good amount of confusion regarding salvation and the rewards that may result from it, for the believer. Many read parts of Scripture and believe it to be saying that if we don't finish the race, we do not end up with salvation. Is this true? Is this what the Bible means? Author, teacher and speaker Fred DeRuvo shines the light on this extremely valuable and important subject. He tackles salvation and then moves into areas of rewards for the believer. The Bible lists five different crowns available to the believer. There may be more, but we know that are five. What are the requirements for gaining each crown? Will all believers receive the same crowns (beyond salvation; the crown of life)?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    162,95 kr.

    Planet earth is under attack, but the attack is in the spiritual realm. Entities such as The Pleaidians Plus, Syrius and others are issuing their mandates for earth: evolve or die. They themselves are not going to bring about our death. They warn that we will be doing that, if we do not follow their guidelines and instructions, which they promise will save us and our planet. How are we to change? What is their underlying message of "hope" that more and more of humanity desires to understand? What happens to those who are unwilling to change?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    162,95 kr.

    You have to wonder sometimes. Though the visible church is being overrun by Contemplative Prayer, Church Growth movements, Seeker-Sensitive thinking, the Emergent Church, Spiritual Formation and a host of dangerous philosophies that are squelching the authentic gospel with what Paul would call "another" gospel, there are far too many individuals who seem unable to see the forest for the trees.

  • af Fred Deruvo
    162,95 kr.

    Rather than simply attempting to deal with aspects of this subject which have already been dealt with, author Fred DeRuvo tackles the claims against the PreTrib Rapture from another perspective. He deals with the plausibility of a few men being able to pull off what has got to be the greatest hoax the church has ever known...if it actually was a hoax. Beyond this, DeRuvo also deals with many other claims by the Anti-PreTrib Rapturist, finding out if these claims hold any water at all.

  • - The Pentateuch
    af Fred Deruvo
    207,95 kr.

    Always wanted to "see" each chapter of the Bible? Fred DeRuvo, author of several books on theological topics, has put together this first in a series of books, which allows the reader to gain a better understanding of each chapter of the Bible by seeing the important elements, along with several verses from that chapter. This volume, covers Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy - often referred to as the Pentateuch. Starting with God's act of Creation, through to the death of Moses, the reader will learn how each chapter flows into the next, and ultimately, follow God's plan of redemption from start to finish! While not meant to be a complete or in-depth study of the Bible, learning the important details of each chapter is one of the best ways to start, as it provides a strong foundation for further study! Each colorful chart is placed landscape (sideways) within this book, allowing for greater size and detail. Get started learning His Word today!

  • af Fred Deruvo
    142,95 kr.

    Christians should always be ready to present the reason for the hope that we have in Christ. However, this is completely different than attempting to win people with arguments and words. What we often fail to remember is that the Holy Spirit is deeply involved in the process of saving souls. We need to rely less on ourselves, and more on Him. Either He opens eyes, or He does not. Debate often does nothing, except create pride and a false sense of being right, when the "winner" of the debate might be bathed in error. Presenting the Truth in love is what we - as authentic Christians - are commanded to do. Debating does not usher people into the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit does that. Our job is to tell them the truth, whether they listen or not.

  • - About PreTrib Rapturists
    af Fred Deruvo
    117,95 kr.

    Obviously, not all aspects of Eschatology can be correct. Does this mean however, that an incorrect view of Eschatology means a lack (or even a loss) of salvation? Are the two connected? To hear some talk, the answer would be a vociferous "yes." Most often, people point to those who believe and espouse a PreTrib Rapture position, as one major source of error, resulting from deception. Not only is this view seen as erroneous, but it is also believed that the individuals who hold to this position are in grievous danger of falling headlong into the Great Tribulation completely unprepared. The tragic results of this, says those who warn, can only mean one thing: potential loss of salvation due to an underlying deception. Is this where the PreTrib Rapture position naturally leads? This book takes a look at the claims of those who condemn not only the PreTrib Rapture position, but the one who holds the position.

  • - a dispensational view
    af Fred Deruvo
    172,95 kr.

    It should be apparent to every believer that God has one supreme, overarching purpose for everything He does. Every plan He puts in motion, whether directly, or by allowing it to occur, is done with that ultimate, singular purpose in mind. The natural question then becomes, What is God's singular highest purpose for everything He has accomplished, is accomplishing, or will accomplish? Is it found in the plan of redemption? This sounds legitimate; even Scriptural and spiritual. However, if this is the case, it would seem to be a fairly narrow reason that is unable to incorporate everything that God achieves. God's progressively revealed plan is discussed in detail inside. Is His revealed will always the same as His salvation? Is there another reason; a reason greater in scope than even His plan of redemption? The author believes this is the case, and sets out to show from Scripture the truth of the situation.

  • af Fred Deruvo
    152,95 kr.

    The author provides what he feels is a litmus test in determining the truth of some of the most basic and sacred doctrines within Christianity. Sometimes, besides the proof of a doctrine that the Bible provides, another form of confirmation can be found within Satan's system itself; namely aspects of society that we might possibly be used to ignoring. In this day and age where truth seems to be up for grabs, learning what the world is doing and preparing for can wind up shedding a great deal of light on what the enemy of our soul believes. It is in knowing this that the Christian is fitted with another weapon for their arsenal, as they seek to evangelize the lost of this world.

  • af Fred Deruvo
    172,95 kr.

    Society has changed...drastically over the past decades. Why is that? Plain and simply, it is due to the fact that people have become more preoccupied with Self. We often see Self as simply a force or an idea. In this book, Dr. Fred presents Self as an entity capable of getting things done its way and using the individual to accomplish it. In essence, Self easily becomes the master to every person who is not under the control of God's Holy Spirit, with the person becoming the slave. Our global society has placed an increasing emphasis on doing things that make a person feel good about themselves (Self). In every area of life, we are told that we need to cater to Self, because in doing so, we become healthier, more rounded individuals. But look where this has gotten us? Society in general today is more rude, more brutish, and generally carries with it the attitude that says "I care only about me!" The concept of consideration for others is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Gone are the courtesies in life that separate humanity from the animal kingdom. Respect for others has been replaced with ideologies that allow Self to do the dictating. Whether we see this in the form of criminal "flash mobs," or the rudeness of someone deliberately cutting us off in traffic, the root of the problem is the same. Self, by its very nature, needs to dominate. When a society exists in which millions of individuals live for Self, it is not long before anarchy establishes itself throughout the whole of global society. In this book, Dr. Fred looks examines the fallacies of the Self-life. What are the root causes, the fundamental problems, and the solution?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    182,95 kr.

    There is a good deal of talk today about peace in the Middle East. There is also a great deal of acrimony where Israel is concerned because of this peace process and its failure. Insults and vitriol are routinely placed at the feet of Israel because of their alleged unwillingness to foster peace with the Arab nations that surround her. This is expected from the world. It shouldn't come from people who call themselves Christians, yet this is increasingly becoming the norm throughout Christian circles. People do not realize how they contradict themselves. On one hand they say that Israel controls the foreign policy of the United States. They say that "the Jews" control the media. On both counts, they are wrong. Logically, does it not stand to reason if "the Jews" controlled the media, there would obviously be far less acrimony toward Israel than there is today. Instead, what do we have in the world? We have a tremendous sympathy toward Arabs and Muslims and particularly the world's collective heart goes out to the "Palestinians" within the Land of Israel. The world believes those people have gotten a raw deal and the fault lies with Israel. So what does the Bible teach about the Land and the nation of Israel? Is God done with the nation as many believe? Is He now focusing solely and forever on the Church and can we rightly assume that from Ezekiel 36 onward, even though God is referring to specifics about Israel, He really means the Church?

  • af Fred Deruvo
    172,95 kr.

    We are not only seeing a proliferation of books purported to be from aliens friendly to us, but are also experiencing a growing multitude of people who simply receive the messages from these aliens as truth without question. Why is that? What do these aliens allegedly teach that makes their truth seem so inviting? Years ago, it was relatively unheard of to take books like this seriously unless you were in that small segment of the population that lived within that fringe group mindset. Today, it is fast becoming the norm and people from all walks of life are not only accepting messages from aliens as truth, but are directing their energies to bring about what the aliens tell us needs to happen in order for earth and its citizens to survive. The question arises beyond what these entities tell us. The real question has not only to do with the message they bring, but the determination of their true identity. Are they truly who they say they are and are they here for altruistic purposes? While it might seem as though they have made contact with many individuals on the earth, the question as to their veracity is one that must - at all costs - be considered. What is their purpose? Why are their messages so filled with earnestness and why are they just seeming to come out of their dimension now, at this point in time? Can we know? Can we see beyond what is being presented to us to find the truth? Join author Fred DeRuvo as he circumvents some of the main books at the forefront of the world of aliens.

  • - And Other Important Topics
    af Fred Deruvo
    172,95 kr.

    A phenomenon is happening today at an alarming rate. More and more people are boldly proclaiming that they are no longer Christians, but "ex-Christians." Many are now in fact, atheists. Can this be true? If they are non-Christians now, were they truly Christians to begin with? They will state without equivocation that they were in fact committed Christians, but no longer. What is the deal? The author investigates this and other areas related to the biblical salvation, even dedicating a number of chapters in which he reviews and critiques the book "Why I Became an Atheist" by John W. Loftus. The Christian-turned-atheist's line of thinking (and resultant statements) merely creates more questions; questions that deserve to be answered. Join Fred as he works his way through the conundrum of statements and questions posed by the ex-Christian.

  • af Fred Deruvo
    182,95 kr.

    Everyone has an opinion. It does not matter whether you're a New Ager, a UFO researcher, a student of the Bible, or simply a curious party. Theories regarding aliens range from believing that the whole alien phenomenon is nothing more than an elaborate hoax, to the belief that they are real and getting ready to take over our world, to the view that they are demons disguising themselves as aliens. Who is right? Can we know? Each reader will undoubtedly have their own opinion about the subject of extraterrestrials and their goals for earth and its people. In this book, author, speaker, and teacher Fred DeRuvo culls information and research from a variety of well known researchers and authors in the field.

  • - Removing the Stress!
    af Fred Deruvo
    172,95 kr.

    This book is designed for General and Special Education as well as the English Language Learner. Includes reproducible outlines covering a variety of topics like the Rain Forest, Native Americans, the Gold Rush, State Report, and many more!

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