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Bøger af Frederick Amrine

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  • - Rudolf Steiner at 150
    af Frederick Amrine
    92,95 kr.

    An introduction to the life and work of Rudolf Steiner, a largely undiscovered genius whose work deserves to be far better known. No acquaintance is presupposed, but experienced anthroposophists also stand to gain by reading it.In a world in which so many ideologies - Marxism, nationalism, materialism, religious fundamentalism, the invisible hand of the market - have become tired if not outright destructive, many hunger for a radically new kind of thinking, for ideas arising out of new insights, ideas that have real transformative power. They yearn for ideas that can become real, living ideals. Steiner gave them to us in abundance, launching and inspiring a host of initiatives throughout the world.Look for translations into Norwegian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French, with Japanese and Italian forthcoming.

  • - Loië Fuller, Isadora Duncan og Ruth St. Denis
    af Frederick Amrine
    117,95 kr.

    Dette essayet hevder at eurytmi er den ekte etterfølgeren til den "nye dansen" innviet av Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncan og Ruth St. Denis.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    87,95 kr.

    This study begins by recapitulating briefly Rudolf Steiner's ideas about reincarnation and karma. The heart of the argument is a comparison of Steiner's views with those of John Rawls and Peter Singer, perhaps the two greatest moral philosophers of the second half of the 20th century. Peters Singer's work suggests a thought experiment whereby the notions of reincarnation and karma turn out to be central to an understanding of social justice.

  • - i 150 anni di Rudolf Steiner
    af Frederick Amrine
    117,95 kr.

    Rudolf Steiner era un grande genio, che rimane in gran parte da scoprire. Ecco un'introduzione alla sua vita e al suo lavoro.

  • - Rudolf Steiner zum 150.
    af Frederick Amrine
    107,95 kr.

    Rudolf Steiner war ein ausserordentliches Genie, aber auch überraschend vernachlässigt. In diesem Essay zu seinem 150. Geburtstag gibt Frederick Amrine einen Überblick über sein Werk und argumentiert für Steiners Bedeutung.

  • - Ten Anthroposophical Studies
    af Frederick Amrine
    227,95 kr.

    This is a collection of essays that all have in common that they represent thresholds - sites where can begin the arduous path of self-transformation. It is secondarily a philosophical book. All the essays are informed to a lesser or greater degree by the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, anthroposophy. For those who don't know anthroposophy, it provides an excellent introduction in the essay "Discovering a Genius," Also included are essays of the aesthetics of music, figurative language in the Bible, Gilles Deleuze, Joseph Beuys & more.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    107,95 kr.

    Die konventionelle Ideengeschichte geht davon aus, dass die Struktur des Bewusstseins konstant bleibt und sich nur der Inhalt ändert. Rudolf Steiner argumentiert dagegen, dass sich die Struktur der Selbst/Nicht-Selbst-Beziehung im Laufe der Zeit wandelt. Seine revolutionäre Theorie, die für die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften das werden könnte, was Einsteins Relativitätstheorie für die Physik war, heißt "Die Evolution des Bewusstseins". Dieser Aufsatz gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die wichtigsten Ideen.

  • - Loïe Fuller, Isadora Duncan y Ruth Saint Denis
    af Frederick Amrine
    97,95 kr.

    Sostiene que el heredero legítimo del "nueva danza" es la euritmia de Rudolf Steiner.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    172,95 kr.

    This groundbreaking and beautiful study describes two experiments in which Andrea Paz successfully integrated pedagogical eurythmy into high school main lesson blocks on embryology and astronomy. It will be of especial interest to practitioners of Rudolf Steiner's eurythmy and Waldorf high school teachers, but even more, it deserves to be held up as a shining model of interdisciplinary research and teaching generally.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    117,95 kr.

    Este ensaio apresenta a revisão radical de Rudolf Steiner da história das ideias, "a evolução da consciência". Essa nova maneira de entender a história cultural a vê não como uma sucessão de ideias, mas como uma metamorfose da própria forma da consciência.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    97,95 kr.

    All new ideas begin outside the mainstream and gradually move in. This introduction to Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy seeks to show that many of his ideas have already entered the mainstream, or are on the cusp of doing so.

  • - Rudolf Steiner på 150 år
    af Frederick Amrine
    107,95 kr.

    Rudolf Steiner var et stort geni, men også en, der har lidt forvirrende omsorgssvigt. I dette essay forsøger Frederick Amrine at redegøre for forsømmelsen og argumenterer for Steiners betydning for fremtiden.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    107,95 kr.

    Essee musiikin merkityksestä ja estetiikasta viitaten erityisesti Zuckerkandliin ja Steineriin.An essay on the significance and aesthetics of music with special reference to Zuckerkandl and Steiner.

  • - Music as a Threshold Experience
    af Frederick Amrine
    107,95 kr.

    Diese Studie untersucht den meditativen Aspekt der Musik. Genauer gesagt, sie beschreibt wie Musik erscheint als übersinnliche Wahrnehmung, als reale Bewegung, als reiner Raum, als reine Zeit, und als lebendiger Organismus.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    117,95 kr.

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Rudolf Steiner are shown to be the great pioneers of what today is called "emergence." Parallels with the great Danish semiotician Jesper Hoffmeyer are especially striking. We see all three figures working towards a non-Darwinian biology of freedom. The essay focuses of Steiner's first published ms., CW2; Goethe's Theory of Knowledge, in which Steiner supplies the epistemology that had been missing from Goethe's alternative science. Thus Steiner views Goethe as "the Copernicus and Kepler of the organic world."

  • af Frederick Amrine
    172,95 kr.

    This book addresses philosophical aspects of "Artificial Intelligence" in an original way. Initially, an analysis of thinking is made, and the possibility of self-determining the next thought and the consequent free will. The subjectivity of feelings and particularities of human memory are covered. The mind and its inner activities of thinking, feeling and wanting are examined, using both its general characteristics and under the light of a fundamental working hypothesis, exposing why they cannot be fully inserted into a machine. The book also covers the essential role of the physical brain in the thinking process, and the dependency of consciousness on thinking and feeling, with an emphasis on self-consciousness. New classifications of intelligence and "Artificial Intelligence" are proposed. Searle's Chinese Room, the Turing Test, electronic chess and Kurzweil's prophecies are described and discussed. "Machine Learning," the most successful area in "Artificial Intelligence", is introduced and the problems it causes are discussed. Two films where robots are played by human actors are discussed, as well as their influence upon laymen and children. The book concludes with considerations that regarding humans and living beings as machines represents a great danger to humanity and the world, and shows how the main hypothesis may help reversing this trend.

  • - An Introduction: Supplemental Materials
    af Frederick Amrine
    117,95 kr.

    Anthroposophy: An Introduction is one of Steiner's most important lecture cycles. In it, Steiner begins anew in light of the Christmas Conference, presenting anthroposophy in a language and approach that is fresh, concrete, and even more esoteric. Given the obvious centrality of such a work to anthroposophy, is it astonishing that the cycle has remained out of print for a very long time. The present volume is part of a multi-pronged attempt to make it accessible again. It contains suggested emendations of the two versions available, plus notes, which are not included with the extant translation at all. It was also possible to reproduce for the first time the color plates, which are not available even in the German original.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    92,95 kr.

    A study of chapter III of Difference & Repetition, "The Image of Thought," and Steiner's later philosophy, focusing on two lectures he gave in Bologna in 1911, and on the last chapter of The Riddles of Philosophy (1914). All four text are radical, profound -- and remarkably similar.

  • - Goethe's Science and Modernist Aesthetics
    af Frederick Amrine
    92,95 kr.

    This essay seeks to address a perplexing question: Why was Goethe's scientific work far more influential in twentieth-century art and aesthetics than in science? I argue that Goethe's science is in a real sense expressionist, and more specifically cubist.

  • - The Human Being, Image of Creation: Supplemental Materials
    af Frederick Amrine
    117,95 kr.

    These supplemental materials to GA 201; Mystery of the Universe: The Human Being, Model of Creation offer substantive emendations to the extant translation. They also supply color plates (produced in color however only in the electronic version), and notes, neither of which are contained in the RSP's version. In this important cycle of lectures, Steiner refers astronomy at every point to the human constitution. The result is an especially challenge, with rewards to match.

  • - A Goethean Interpretation of Aristotle's Theory of Knowledge
    af Frederick Amrine
    287,95 kr.

    This brilliant, insightful study offers an interpretation of Aristotle's theory of scientific knowledge, particularly as this is presented in the Posterior Analytics. The interpretation draws on the theory of knowledge and philosophy of science informing the scientific work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Is is argued that the interpretation of Aristotle as a rational empiricist in the Goethean sense helps to solve many central problems in Aristotle's theory of scientific knowledge.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    92,95 kr.

    First, a study of Ch. III of Difference and Repetition, "The Image of Thought," and Steiner's later philosophy, focusing on two lectures given in Bologna in 1911, and on the last chapter of The Riddles of Philosophy (1914). All four texts are radical, profound - and remarkably similar. This essay is followed by an imaginary conversation between Gilles Deleuze and Rudolf Steiner, revealing uncanny parallels.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    77,95 kr.

    Dit is een meditatie op muziek. De belangrijkste aangehaalde theoretici zijn Victor Zuckerkandl en Rudolf Steiner. Muziek wordt verkend als bovenzintuiglijke ervaring, als pure beweging, als pure tijd, als pure ruimte en als een levend organisme. This is a meditation on music. The chief theorists cited are Victor Zuckerkandl and Rudolf Steiner. Music is explored as supra-sensory experience, as pure motion, as pure time, as pure space, and as a living organism.

  • - Ocho estudios antroposóficos
    af Frederick Amrine
    117,95 kr.

    Estudios inspiradon en el trabajo de Rudolf Steiner.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    207,95 kr.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    92,95 kr.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    92,95 kr.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    76,95 kr.

  • af Frederick Amrine
    99,95 kr.

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