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  • af Fridah Kathambi
    683,95 kr.

    Nel corso dei secoli, la filosofia è stata considerata la madre di tutte le discipline. Questo perché le prime forme di indagine sulle cose che riguardano ogni aspetto dell'esistenza umana sono state condotte dai filosofi. L'antico dettame socratico "conosci te stesso" indica specificamente il fatto che non si tratta solo di un esame di coscienza, ma anche di un'indagine critica sul mondo che ci circonda. Pertanto, la filosofia ci aiuta a essere consapevoli non solo di noi stessi (i nostri pensieri, lealtà, pregiudizi, presupposti e assunti), ma anche degli eventi che ci circondano. Siete invitati a studiare la madre di tutte le discipline accademiche. Troverete questa unità di grande interesse in quanto vi verrà presentata l'etimologia, le definizioni, i rami e i vari approcci allo studio della filosofia.

  • af Fridah Kathambi
    684,95 kr.

    Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte wurde die Philosophie als die Mutter aller Disziplinen bezeichnet. Das liegt daran, dass die frühesten Formen der Untersuchung von Dingen, die alle Aspekte der menschlichen Existenz betreffen, von Philosophen durchgeführt wurden. Das antike sokratische Diktum "Erkenne dich selbst" weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass wir nicht nur uns selbst prüfen, sondern auch die Welt um uns herum kritisch untersuchen müssen. Die Philosophie hilft uns also, uns nicht nur unserer selbst bewusst zu werden (unserer Gedanken, Zugehörigkeiten, Vorurteile, Voraussetzungen und Annahmen), sondern auch der Ereignisse in und um uns herum. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, sich mit der Mutter aller akademischen Disziplinen zu beschäftigen. Diese Unterrichtseinheit wird für Sie von großem Interesse sein, da Sie eine Einführung in die Etymologie, die Definitionen, die Zweige und die verschiedenen Ansätze des Studiums der Philosophie erhalten werden.

  • af Fridah Kathambi
    683,95 kr.

    Ao longo dos tempos, a filosofia tem sido considerada como a mãe de todas as disciplinas. Isto deve-se ao facto de as primeiras formas de investigação sobre coisas relativas a todos os aspectos da existência humana terem sido levadas a cabo por filósofos. O antigo ditado socrático "o homem conhece-se a si próprio" aponta especificamente para o facto de não só se auto-examinar, mas também para uma investigação crítica do mundo que nos rodeia. Assim, a filosofia ajuda-nos a tomar consciência não só de nós próprios (os nossos pensamentos, lealdades, preconceitos, pressupostos e suposições), mas também dos acontecimentos que nos rodeiam. É bem-vindo ao estudo da mãe de todas as disciplinas académicas. Esta unidade será de grande interesse, pois ser-lhe-ão apresentados a etimologia, as definições, os ramos e as várias abordagens ao estudo da Filosofia.

  • af Fridah Kathambi
    568,95 kr.

    The morality of persons or groups consists not merely in what they habitually or customarily do, but always a sign of what they believe. Ethics is tasked to look at moral issues from the platform of their reasonableness and in view of how they contribute to good earthly existence.This is a University-level book aimed at instilling Christian values in students. It also aims at making students thoroughly understand and create a positive attitude toward Christian morality and values, and impart life skills.

  • af Fridah Kathambi
    649,95 kr.

    This is a university-level book aimed at instilling knowledge about various issues in society. These issues include among others: Human sexuality, marriage, family, and issues related to science and technology.The book gives students a thorough understanding of the issues affecting Christianity in contemporary society. it helps in molding students into role models in society by instilling positive behavioral change. it also helps them develop positive attitudes and life skills that will enable them to deal with emerging societal issues.

  • af Fridah Kathambi
    563,95 kr.

    Through the ages, philosophy has been ascribed as the mother of all disciplines. This is because the earliest forms of inquiry into things concerning every aspect of human existence were first carried out by philosophers. The ancient Socratic dictum ¿man know thyself,¿ specifically points to the fact of not only self-examination but a critical inquiry into the world around us. Hence, philosophy helps us to be conscious not only of ourselves (our thoughts, allegiances, prejudices, presuppositions, and assumptions) but also of events in and around us. You are welcome to the study of the mother of all academic disciplines. You will find this unit of great interest as you will be introduced to the etymology, definitions, branches and various approaches to the study of Philosophy.

  • af Fridah Kathambi
    563,95 kr.

  • af Fridah Kathambi
    298,95 kr.

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