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Nobelprisvinderen Gabriel García Márquez hylder fortællingen om den store og altfortærende kærlighed, men fremviser stadig den trussel, som tiden og hverdagen udgør mod den. Kærlighed i koleraens tid (1985) er historien om en kærlighed, der kunne vente 53 år, 7 måneder og 11 dage. Så langt tilbage ligger koleraens tid, hvor Florentino begyndte at elske Fermina, der dog giftede sig med en anden. Men han dør ... endelig. Da doktor Juvenal Urbino pinsedag falder død ned af en stige, under et forsøg på at fange sin undslupne papegøje, står en anden mand parat til at dele bord og seng med enken, Fermina Daza. Florentino Ariza har elsket hende lidenskabeligt – om end langt fra trofast – gennem hele livet. I deres ungdom forsmåede hun ham til fordel for doktoren. Det var på den tid, da koleraen hærgede. Og symptomerne på kærlighed og kolera er i alt væsentligt de samme. Bogen udkommer som en del af Rosinantes klassikerserie. »En fabelagtig fejring af de mange former for kærlighed, der eksisterer mellem mænd og kvinder.« – The Times »Genistreg af en bog« – Information
Though little more than a settlement surrounded by mountains, Macondo has its wars and disasters, even its wonders and miracles. A microcosm of Columbian life, its secrets lie hidden, encoded in a book and only Aureliano Buendia can fathom its mysteries and reveal its shrouded destiny.
Florentino Ariza has never forgotten his first love. He has waited nearly a lifetime in silence since his beloved Fermina married another man. But now her husband is dead. Finally Florentino has another chance to declare his eternal passion and win her back. Will love that has survived half a century remain unrequited?
Santiago Nasar is brutally murdered in a small town by two brothers. All the townspeople knew it was going to happen - including the victim. But nobody did anything to prevent the killing. Twenty seven years later, a man arrives in town to try and piece together the truth from the contradictory testimonies of the townsfolk.
Når talen falder på Gabriel García Márquez’ forfatterskab, er Beretning om et varslet mord kendt for den virtuositet hvormed plottet fortælles. Alle er med til bryllupsfesten i den lille by ved den caribiske kyst, men ud på natten bliver bruden leveret tilbage til sine forældre. Hun var ikke jomfru. Hendes brødre har intet andet valg end at hævne søsterens tabte ære. Den påståede skyldige, Santiago Nasar, skal dø. Læseren kender fra første linje den uafvendelige slutning, og den overlegent fortalte roman finder sin spænding i den stramme komposition, i oprulningen af mordet og i de afslørende spørgsmål der opstår: Hvem vidste at Santiago Nasar skulle dø? Hvad gjorde de med den viden? Hvorfor? Nobelprismodtageren Gabriel García Márquez slog igennem internationalt med slægtskrøniken Hundrede års ensomhed i 1967 og etablerede sig som en af verdenslitteraturens største forfattere. Han var et af de absolutte hovednavne i det latinamerikanske litterære boom i 1960’erne og i den magiske realisme, som der også findes træk af i Beretning om et varslet mord – en nyoversættelse af værket, som udkom første gang på dansk i 1982 og blev filmatiseret i 1987.
En rørende roman om kærlighed, begær og sorg af en af litteraturhistoriens store forfattere, udgivet ti år efter hans død.Ana Magdalena Bach sidder i baren på sit hotel på en caribisk ø og nyder stemningen, musikken og den varme, sydlige aftenluft. Hvert år den 16. august rejser hun til den lille ø for at lægge blomster på sin mors grav og indvi hende i sine inderste tanker. Denne aften får hun øjenkontakt med en mand i baren, og en længe glemt lidenskab blusser op i hende. Hun er lykkeligt gift og har to børn med den eneste mand, hun nogensinde har elsket, men måske er det muligt at blive en anden, mere løssluppen udgave af sig selv, om det så bare er for en enkelt nat."Vi ses i august" er en fortættet fortælling om en kvindes begær og drømme, bekymringer og sorger, og om den længsel efter frihed og selvstændighed, som kun vokser sig større, hvis den ikke får lov at leve.
THE EXTRAORDINARY LOST NOVEL FROM THE NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING AUTHOR OF LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA AND ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDESitting alone, overlooking the still and blue lagoon, Ana Magdalena Bach surveys the men of the hotel bar. She is happily married and has no reason to escape the world she has made with her husband and children. And yet, every August, she travels here to the island where her mother is buried, and for one night takes a new lover.Amid sultry days and tropical downpours, lotharios and conmen, Ana journeys further each year into the hinterland of her desire, and the fear that sits quietly at her heart.Constantly surprising and wonderfully sensual, Until August is a profound meditation on freedom, regret, and the mysteries of love, from one of the greatest writers the world has ever known.'No writer since Dickens was so widely read, and so deeply loved, as Gabriel García Márquez' Salman Rushdie'One of the greatest visionary writers - and one of my favourites from the time I was young' Barack Obama'Few writers can be said to have written books that have changed the whole course of literature. Gabriel García Márquez did just that' Guardian
At the age of forty-six General Simon Bolivar, who drove the Spanish from his lands and became the Liberator of South America, takes himself into exile. He makes a final journey down the Magdalene River, revisiting the cities along its shores, reliving the triumphs, passions and betrayals of his youth.
On the eve of his ninetieth birthday a newspaper columnist in Colombia decides to give himself 'a night of mad love with a virgin adolescent'. But on seeing this beautiful girl he falls deeply under her spell. His love for his 'Delgadina' causes him to recall all the women he has paid to perform acts of love.
Combining terror and nostalgia, surreal comedy and the poetry of the commonplace, this book is a triumph of storytelling by our writer.
In 1973, the film director Miguel Littín fled Chile after a U.S.-supported military coup toppled the democratically elected socialist government of Salvador Allende. The new dictator, General Augusto Pinochet, instituted a reign of terror and turned Chile into a laboratory to test the poisonous prescriptions of the American economist Milton Friedman. In 1985, Littín returned to Chile disguised as a Uruguayan businessman. He was desperate to see the homeland he'd been exiled from for so many years; he also meant to pull off a very tricky stunt: with the help of three film crews from three different countries, each supposedly busy making a movie to promote tourism, he would secretly put together a film that would tell the truth about Pinochet's benighted Chile—a film that would capture the world's attention while landing the general and his secret police with a very visible black eye. Afterwards, the great novelist Gabriel García Márquez sat down with Littín to hear the story of his escapade, with all its scary, comic, and not-a-little surreal ups and downs. Then, applying the same unequaled gifts that had already gained him a Nobel Prize, García Márquez wrote it down. Clandestine in Chile is a true-life adventure story and a classic of modern reportage.
In the book which put South America on the literary map, Marquez tells the haunting story of a community lost in the depths of that almighty continent where time passes slowly.
Love In The Time Of Cholera is a captivating novel by the renowned author, Gabriel García Márquez. Published by Everyman in 1997, this book is a masterpiece that beautifully intertwines love, passion, and the relentless passage of time. The story is set in a cholera-stricken South American country, where the protagonists, Florentino and Fermina, find themselves caught in a tumultuous love saga that spans over five decades. Márquez, known for his magical realism, weaves a tale that is as enchanting as it is poignant. This novel is a must-read for those who appreciate literature that explores the depths of human emotions and the complexities of love. Love In The Time Of Cholera is not just a book, but a journey through time, love, and the mysteries of the human heart. Published by Everyman, it is a testament to Márquez's literary genius and his ability to touch readers' hearts across generations.
With the style and eloquent language that earned him the Nobel prize for literature, Marquez weaves a stunning story of glory and despair. Both real history and Marquez' imagination let us enter the world of Simon Bolivar, Liberator of South America, in all his humanity - good and evil.
Gabriel García Márquez has been described as the greatest writer in Spanish since Cervantes, and El coronel no tiene quien le escriba is considered to be one of his best works. This reflective and atmospheric novel is set in a small Colombian town where the frustrated and stubborn Colonel, a veteran of the 'War of a Thousand Days', is still, after thirty years, waiting for the letter authorising payment of his war pension.The old soldier and his wife mourn the brutal killing of their only son, and the story of their struggle against poverty and sickness culminates in the Colonel's defiant refusal to part with his cherished fighting cock, however serious the consequences.The moving narrative pays tribute to the resilience of human nature and man's will to survive in the face of heavy odds. The novel also throws light on the turbulent religious and political troubles in Latin America.Now revised to include an updated chronology and bibliography, Giovanni Pontiero's acclaimed critical edition provides English-speaking students with an introduction to, and notes on the text, and a selected vocabulary.
100 års ensomhed er den fabulerende farverige og fantastiske krønike om den ensomt beliggende landsby Macondo og dens store Buendia-slægt med dens mangfoldige skæbner.Det er ægteparret José og Ursula Buendia, fætter og kusine, som engang i 1800-tallets begyndelse grundlægger flækken. Márquez befolker den med en broget skare af lidenskabelige kvinder, eventyrlystne mænd, pjaltede sigøjnere og hvileløse ånder. Trods frygten for indavl drages slægtens mænd på forunderlig vis generation efter generation mod slægtens kvinder alt imens moderne landvindinger på godt og ondt trænger sig på udefra. Men Buendia-familien er underlagt den skæbne, som bogens titel hentyder til: menneskets ensomhed.Under magien og fablen finder man Márquez’ indignation over socialuretfærdighed og hans litterære protest mod de politiske forhold.PRESSEN SKREV:»»100 års ensomhed« rummer en strøm af sanselighed, humor og vidtfavnende kreativitet. Man fornemmer duften af oregano og overvældes af fantasirigdommen.« ***** – Eva Pohl, Berlingske
"Sitting alone beside the languorous blue waters of the lagoon, Ana Magdalena Bach contemplates the men at the hotel bar. She has been happily married for twenty-seven years and has no reason to escape the life she has made with her husband and children. And yet, every August, she travels by ferry here to the island where her mother is buried, and for one night takes a new lover. Across sultry Caribbean evenings full of salsa and boleros, lotharios and conmen, Ana journeys further each year into the hinterland of her desire and the fear hidden in her heart"--Provided by publisher.
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