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Bushido und kein Song auf japanisch? Was hat Jesus mit Saw zu tun? Facebook: Das "isharegossip" Altenheim?Eine Kamera, die Machtverhältnisse umkehrt. (Ich glaube Gina Lisa). Die USB ist der DJ. V wie Joker. HipHop ist keine Satire. Demokratieolympiade. Die Ãra der Rebellen ist vorbei. HipHop ist in Germany laut. Hat aber nichts zu sagen! Der Erfolg der Kopie.
Phosphoros beschäftigt sich mit Adam und Eva und natürlich mit der Bibel.
Hollywood Das Rettungsboot ist Kino - der Film war Band 1 und 2 in einem Buch. Es befasst sich mit dem Einfluss von Hollywood auf die Filmlandschaft im Wandel der Zeit. Der Titel Das Rettungsboot bezieht sich zwar auf der einen Seite auf Alfred Hitchcock`s Film. Aber auch auf den WeiÃen Hai. Hollywood braucht ein Rettungsboot. Und mit Hollywood::: auch alle Anderen.
Der Raum, handelt von drei Protagonisten, verteilt auf dem Erdball, die an derselben mysteriösen Verschwörung arbeiten.Ein Agent muss dazu KPOP Tänze lernen. Eine Kopfgeldjägerin Pfeil und Bogen. Ein Journalist muss Plastiken in Frankfurt enträtseln und ins Internet abtauchen.
Dies ist die Fortsetzung zu: Kino - der Film war nicht schlecht, aber auch nicht gut und setzt sich weiterhin mit Kino und Film im Zusammenhang mit Sozialen Medien und Politik auseinander.
Frankfurt Mystery ist ein Fotobuch zu Plastiken an Fassaden zum selber Entdecken und Erkunden.
Hermetic, ist die Fortsetzung von. Vampirfalle. Ein Abenteurer sucht einen verschollenen Gerichtsmediziner und trifft auf eine neue Vampirart. Um aus einem Schloss zu flüchten, muss er Rätsel lösen.
Mauro und andere Kurzgeschichten, sind "Brainfuck" Geschichten, die in ich den 90ern geschrieben habe. Siehe Coverfoto. In der Tradition klassischer Gruselgeschichten. Mauro wurde auch als Kurzfilm verfilmt.
Aus der Sicht eines Filmliebhabers, wird der Film im Wandel der Zeit begutachtet, mit Einflüssen wie Internet und Politik.
is a ballet & dance horror thriller, with Vampires, Werewolfes and other creatures. This chapter is about the beast from gevaudan.
the f6rbi66en one's is a ballet & dance horror thriller, with Vampires, Werewolfes and other creatures.
The story of Lars and Sven goes on: after leaving the northern forests the city-boy accepts the invitation of his new friend and decides to spent some time at his home, located in a valley filled with an ancient and powerful magic.Day after day, thanks to their growing understanding, they will not discover more and more about each other only but about an old world too: a world rich of fascinating traditions, filled with powerful forces believed to be lost in the legends, which is still more alive and authentic than they could ever imagine.Cover Graphics designed and realized by Gabriel Wolf
In un mondo devastato da una catastrofe di cui si è persa la memoria pochi sopravvissuti lottano ferocemente per sopravvivere.Un giovane uomo che ha imparato a cavarsela da solo da quando era poco più di un bambino si aggira solitario su una terra in cui vita e morte si sono confusi al punto da non essere più sempre chiaramente distinguibili.Lui è diverso da chiunque altro abbia incontrato perché non gli basta semplicemente sopravvivere, vuole di più, vuole uno scopo per cui vivere.Durante il suo vagabondare incontrerà individui molto diversi fra loro, sia vivi che morti, con cui condividerà paure, speranze ed esperienze nuove che lo metteranno in contatto con realtà che non avrebbe mai immaginato, perché ognuno di loro è accomunato dalla stessa caratteristica, non essere ciò che appare, ed è proprio questo continuo confrontarsi che lo porterà a conoscere meglio non solo il mondo che lo circonda ma anche e soprattutto se stesso.
La storia di Lars, Sven e degli uomini dell'Asgard Felag continua: dopo il Rito di Purificazione accade qualcosa di straordinario e la vita di tutti cambia per sempre.Grazie all'aiuto di una misteriosa donna, la cui natura si rivelerà a poco a poco, gli uomini inizieranno ad incamminarsi sul sentiero del loro destino per scoprire meglio prima di tutto se stessi, anche se questo significherà pagare un prezzo alto, mentre lei inizierà un percorso diverso e allo stesso tempo parallelo al loro per diventare pienamente se stessa.Magia, erotismo, misticismo, avventure e rivelazioni si alternano in una storia dove amicizia, sesso, fratellanza e amore diventano indistinguibili in una tensione ideale verso un futuro in cui saranno risanate antiche fratture, per indicare all'umanità un cammino comune in cui ci si concentra più su ciò che unisce piuttosto che su ciò che divide.
In a world devastated by a catastrophe that has been forgotten, few survivors struggle fiercely to survive.A young man who has learned to fend for himself since he was little more than a child wanders alone on a land where life and death are confused to the point of no longer being clearly distinguishable.He is different from anyone else he has met because it is not enough for him to simply survive, he wants more, he wants a purpose for which to live.During his wandering he will meet very different individuals, both living and dead, with whom he will share fears, hopes and new experiences that will put him in contact with realities that he never imagined, because each of them is united by the same characteristic, not being what they appear, and it is precisely this continuous confrontation that will lead him to know better not only the world around him but also and above all himself.
In this third tale of "The Asgard Félag Saga" the story of Lars and Sven expands beyond the borders of their personal universe and the city-boy comes in contact with the Coven founded by Sven in Hessdalen Valley.When the Rite of Purification joined by Lars will be ended not him, Sven, or anyone else either will be the same again. Cover Graphics designed and realized by Gabriel Wolf
At the end of the working season two Norwegian lumberjacks, after a whole summer spent together in the northern woods, one night happen to find themselves alone for the very first time: they will learn about each other, and themselves too, much more than they could ever imagined.Cover Graphics designed and realized by Gabriel Wolf
The story of Lars, Sven and the men of Asgard Felag continues: after the Rite of Purification something extraordinary happens and everyone's life changes forever.Thanks to the help of a mysterious woman, whose nature will gradually reveal itself, the men will begin to set out on the path of their destiny to better discover themselves first of all, even if this means paying a high price, while she will start a different path and at the same time parallel to theirs to become fully herself.Magic, eroticism, mysticism, adventures and revelations alternate in a story where friendship, sex, brotherhood and love become indistinguishable in an ideal tension towards a future in which ancient fractures will be healed, to show humanity a common path in which we focus more on what unites rather than what divides.
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