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  • af Gary D Henry
    142,95 kr.

    Two weeks before Halloween, Jason McNab and Dustin Karp planned a fright-filled trip with ten friends. Dustin, the owner of a multi-million-dollar entertainment empire, purchased a large million-dollar bus to travel to the best haunted houses on the east coast. The trip, fueled by their desire to experience scary events together, takes them to the famed Sleepy Hollow cemetery for a midnight walk through the creepy darkness. Paid actors jumped out at them dressed in ghoulish costumes Though they knew it was a show, the frightful events gave them shivers of fear. As they proceed, strange things begin to occur. An eerie presence offered subliminal messages that none understood, directing them to an evil place. The second stop to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, they entered a haunted mansion funded by the local government for the children of the town. Though it wasn't as scary as their previous walk through the darkness, two of his friends found love. Still, messages sent to their mind continued until one of the group found an old poem. The poem directed them to a new destination in Perry, West Virginia, in the middle of the Blue Ridge Mountains. An urban legend about an evil rural avenue, named Lemon Road, fascinated them. A place not on any map, a cursed road, an evil road that ran in front of the Wedekindt Manor. A place that houses a morbidly evil woman who lures the living to her realm for her own sadistic needs. To get there they had to meet the author of the poem who had advanced Alzheimer's disease. The author's son ran an old rundown general store in the mountains and told the group that his father is the only one who can relay the story to them. They wanted to travel the road. They craved adventure. They wanted to be scared. The old man would not speak unless each swallowed a pill that turned out to be candy. He told of monumental evil on the road and the witch of the manor, Janet Wedekindt. Whose family name was at the end of their line. The Group of friends embark on the last leg of their Halloween journey, but will they return, or will they suffer the perils of Lemon Road. Death is traveling the road with them in the form of a vintage corvette deemed the Yellow Ghost. However, that isn't the only thing that haunt their thoughts because the cursed avenue needs to feed. Pain endures until death offers relief. Take the pill and travel the evil road.

  • af Gary D Henry
    162,95 kr.

    When his wife left him, Sam Martin decided that New York was too crowded and full of bad memories, so he decided to move out west. He bought a huge but inexpensive farm, near a small town called Gateway in Wyoming. Gateway was not on any map, so he knew that he would find the solitude that he desperately needed. Upon his arrival, he noted that the small town was stuck in the 1930's, not to mention a few other quirks that mystified him. Coming from a farming background, he relished the opportunity to sow his own fields and live an uncomplicated farm life for the rest of his days. A strange black rock jutted out from the middle of the field. It had writing upon it, so he thought that it might be a strange monument to a past farmer of these fields. One night, while admiring the splendor of what he'd accomplished the previous day, he noticed people hovering around the black rock. They stood upon it and then vanished within it. He ran to the rock, but no one was there. Many other oddities occurred to Sam-the town didn't have a cemetery; there were no modern appliances, modern cars or electricity. Sam navigates these mysteries to find the answers he needs and to determine, whether or not, he owned the Gateway to heaven or hell.

  • af Gary D Henry
    152,95 kr.

    Jan and Barry Winston were wealthy socialites in New York but the crowded city soon made Jan want to move out west to California. They loved their young son, Ben and wanted to expand their family. After years of trying, Jan finally became pregnant. However they all were shocked to find out that she was carrying quintuplets. The five boys were born with great fanfare as news crews covered the event and the five boys; Ethan, Calvin, Daniel, Adam, and Bradley were instant superstars in a future world of a war-weary populace. The public wanted a distraction from their lives and always followed the well-being of the five boys. The quintuplets proved to be more than just five precocious little boys. It was were proven that they all possessed similar genius qualities of their older brother. However the boys scholastically tested well beyond Ben but were also athletically gifted. The five boys grew up to be very handsome and were adored by females all over the world but they didn't care about that because they wanted to change the world. They joined and excelled as Navy Seals and were deployed as a group all around the world and placed in very dangerous situations. However, it was their older brother Ben, who provided an opportunity for the quintuplets to do just that in the country they loved. However, the corruption that Ben discovered was enough to shake the very foundation of the United States Government. Ben wanted his brothers to prove that the government wouldn't be a part of such a heinous plan and was killed along with his family before he could impart his important research to his brothers. The heavily decorated brothers returned home to determine what happened to their beloved brother and to exact the kind of revenge that the perpetrators were not prepared for. However, as the scheme presents itself, it is the quintuplets that are being covertly and systematically hunted and tested for purposes unknown. The quintuplets travel through steps to unravel the mysteries and at the same time, creating new ones.

  • af Gary D Henry
    132,95 kr.

    This is a story of Paul Holtz and his horrific upbringing. The family lived next to the famed cemetery in the small New York town of Sleepy Hollow with his three older brothers and loving mother. His father, a fan of horror stories, peppered him with horrific tales of monsters that dwelled in the dark scary cemetery beside his home. Many a night young Paul gazed from his second story bedroom window to see the monsters, known as The Groundsmen, who his father assured were there and waiting in the darkness for unsuspecting and non-believing victims. His father had no idea what effect his stories had on Paul's young mind. Nightly, his fat5her sat his young son's down and plying them with blood and guts stories of what The Groundsmen do to people should they ever venture forth in the graveyard. Paul grew up scared and felt strange even walking past the cemetery on his way to school. A few years later, a prank that his father and older brothers pulled on Paul, sent him into the world of mental illness and fear. He dropped Paul into the cemetery at night and left him there. All the while. They hid in the bushes and made noises in the dark to add to Paul's hysteria. After his father killed himself in the cemetery and after a year-long stint in the local mental hospital, he came back to find that all of his father's stories came true and soon he found himself in the fight of his life trying to save his brothers from the evil Groundsmen. The fight against what he saw and what he believed begins in this hell raising tale of deceit, monsters and murder.

  • af Gary D Henry
    132,95 kr.

    Trent Pritchard grew up in a small town in Central West Virginia called Red Dirt. The town of less than three hundred people was on no map. His father, Ben, ran a sportsman store supporting the town's pastime of camping and hunting in the undiscovered forests surrounding the town. Trent's father grew up with a group of friends affectionately named The Lost River Boys. Trent enjoyed his life until something evil crept into causing his parents and many deaths in the town. He need-ed the Lost River Boys' history to untangle his present and future. The Kolb brothers were the worst kind of lawless rednecks. Together, they terrorized the town's citizens. The sons of the once beloved Randolph Kolb, they felt that they owned the town. Rape, murder, fights and overall evil permeated their existence. Soon, even their father couldn't control his sons and in his advancing years, he feared them as well. When His parents were killed, Trent had enough and planned his revenge but when he was kidnapped and buried alive, he thought that all was lost but little did he know that it was just the beginning of a story that twisted time and events that happened and didn't happen well before he was born, proved to be the only way to correct many wrongs. Follow Trent into worlds far away from his small town as he repairs the past to correct his future.

  • - Prisms
    af Gary D Henry
    162,95 kr.

    This is the continuing story of Falling Waters. Newly departed Preston Rhodes rules over Falling Waters, the benevolent town made up of recently and long deceased actors from the golden age of movie-making. Once the thespians make contact with Preston, one of their senses were returned to them. The sense of touch returned to them and they rejoiced because they were able to feel again and they all thought that it is their first step back to life. The famous actors and actresses can change their ages instantly to perform movies that made them famous on the stage in an amphitheater in the center of town. Some actors stay in Falling Waters and perform regular jobs to make them feel more alive. Other spirits return to wherever they find utopia exists. Jack and Jill Tilson return as Preston's best friends. Rick is released from jail early through manipulation and Carly unimaginably returns to him as his wife because of his perceived transformation for the better. However, Rick had not forgotten his evil ways nor his dislike for Preston Rhodes and Jack Tilson and puts events in play to take over the four unbelievable films the town of Falling Waters made for Preston who then left them to Jack upon his death. Rick succeeded to getting the billion-dollar films but was not satisfied. Through a mistake, Rick and Carly, who reverted back to her treacherous past, found out that Carly's daughter's trust fund held the deed to the land on which Falling Waters existed. Rick had never visited Falling Waters and did not believe Carly that the town was real. Preston needed Jack to get the deed back or else the town could not exist if the ground where it sat was disturbed in any way. Preston did what he could in his world and Jack did what he could in his to save the spiritual town. The eternal fate of countless actors depend on Jack and Preston getting the deed back and preserve the land for generations to come.

  • af Gary D Henry
    162,95 kr.

    Reedited and reformatted with a few additional scenes The story begins in pre-civil war Virginia. Cyrus Black purchased a massive estate consisting of fifty bedrooms. Twenty-five of which were on the haunted and bloody west wing. Cyrus was a humble man who ran away from the monarchy searching for a smaller life as a farmer in America. He married his beautiful but troubled wife, Heather, and moved into a famed manor in Virginia. Unaware to Cyrus, Heather, his beautiful wife led another life, a secretive life as a practicing witch. Many things seemed to anger her much to the dismay of the calm and regal Cyrus. It angered her that the women didn't bow down to her great beauty and fawn over her. Lamenting the aging process, she found a seldom-used spell that would make her forever young and magically force the people in the small community to love her as much as she loved herself. However, for the spell to work, she had to kill her loving husband and remove a body part or relic and hide it within the great manor to be used along with five additional relics from future generations of Heather Blacks, for a final ritual that would give her everlasting beauty and immortality. She cursed the mansion to only allow those named Heather Black to live in the house and each of five Heather Blacks fought the will to gruesomely kill their husbands and aid her quest. Though Heather died, she lived a long life. The spell allowed her spirit to endure within the mansion to ensure that the future Heather Black's adhere to her will. Each wife fought the desires to harm their loving husbands but the original Heather Black's will forced their hand. The spirits of the dead husbands offered future Heather Blacks clues as to how to defeat the spirits plans. See how the generations of Heather Blacks coped with the horrors within the manor.

  • af Gary D Henry
    162,95 kr.

    Barry Boswell had a despicable childhood on the hard streets of New Jersey's lost avenue of despair. He was sent to an orphanage when his drug infested parents died. Years later he was adopted by a loving family and changed his name. Barry loved photography and after many years in the profession, he won the highest prize for a photographer, the Nobel Prize. Known the world over for his photography, his photographic genius captured amazing images but they also captured stories that begged to be told. His photo's prompted movies to be made and books to be written. Later in life, he specialized in wildlife photography and set up cameras all over his extensive wooded properties to catch the animals in their natural habitat. However, when he began capturing disturbing murderous images, he started a dangerous investigation into the photographs. The graphic images muddled his mind to the point where nothing else mattered. Along with friends, he set out to remote locations in search of clues to the disturbing images but found nothing. He brought a series of law enforcement agencies and detectives into the mystery, but their findings only intensified the mystery until one detective linked his disturbing findings to Barry's seldom talked about early life in the orphanage and his own well-documented but secretive murderous past. A past that was buried so deep that he was convinced that his teenage deeds were unsettling horrific nightmares. Follow Barry into a dangerous world of photographic confusion that brought his past back into his present and threatened his very existence with deadly consequences.

  • af Gary D Henry
    157,95 kr.

    Witchwoods...reedited to include additional scenes and scary moments within the darkened woods of Tennessee. Go with Josh Fenton, his wife Sydney and their friends to investigate the famed Bell Witch. Sydney, knowing that her best friends, whom they have traveled to the world's creepiest places, were having trouble in their marriages, sought a final adventure to reinvigorate their love for each other. Jackie, and her husband Hank, spoke of divorce and Josh's brother, Jeff and his partner, Doug also wanted to go their separate ways. The news of her precious friends and family members splits devastated Sydney and she wanted to do what she could to help them realize what they would lose. So, Sydney convinced Josh to buy a tract of land in middle Tennessee that held a troubling legend attached to it. Stories and movies have been written about the infamous Bell Witch and how she terrorized all who dared to enter her woods. Though Sydney didn't believe the legend, she wanted to get the group together for one final experience. The six friends, all young, energized and wealthy agreed to the two-week excursion into the woods. Bonnie, Sydney's sister, who lived in Asheville North Carolina was a practicing witch and wanted to come along in case she was needed, though Sydney knew that she was just interested in the history of the location she chose and its infamous spirit that supposedly dwelled there. Along with their guide DR Rumble, they set out to debunk the myth of the Bell Witch and defy the legend of the Bell Witch.

  • af Gary D Henry
    172,95 kr.

    Meet the Calvert's, a family both blessed and cursed since the 1600's. Their first-born's have always been males who excel at whatever business endeavor they take on-but die young, in strange circumstances, soon after they reach the pinnacle of business success. The females born to the Calvert's cannot bear children and die young because of ill health. The latest couple in this long line of brilliant and tragic family members is Perry and Jessica Calvert. They, as generations of Calvert's, attempted to break the evil curse. They just might... Meet Max and Terri Porter, Perry's best friend and younger sister. Frightened for business success himself due to his family's curse, he planned on using his formative skills to make Max's business dreams and plans succeed, while he comfortably stayed a silent partner. The Porters were also godparents-the second parents-to Perry's daughter, Connie. Because Perry's first born was a daughter, he thought that it broke the long standing family curse. However, created another, more cruel curse, for his daughter to endure. Max buys a castle in upstate New York, where both families shared memories and lives. But this castle, built by Alonzo Antonelli in the mid eighteen hundreds, holds dark mysteries and hidden rooms and fables of hidden treasures that lied within. Subsequent generations of sons of the Antonelli family disappeared mysteriously within the walls of the manor attempting to find the treasure. What's behind the walls of this house that caused such pain to three families? Accompany Connie, Perry's daughter, as she goes on a search-a quest-to stop the curse, and to unravel the mysterious Antonelli disappearances. She accused fate for her many tragedies in life and gallantly fought it to change her lot in life and by doing so destroying the curse. She set out to rescue the castle from that unseen and unknown entity -fate.

  • af Gary D Henry
    162,95 kr.

    Cristina is a new veterinarian with a passion for protecting animals. She fought against shelters that euthanize animals to save money instead of creating a robust animal adoption center for older animals. However, her mentor and kindly old Vet who owned the clinic where she interned, died sud-denly leaving the business to his son who only cared about making money. He hired a heartless busi-ness partner to modernize the clinic. However, with the modernization came an ominous oven de-signed to cremate newly euthanized animals. She read a newly written decree that their clinic had changed its policy on unwanted animals. An incensed Cristina fought hard against the practice and eventually won the hearts and minds of the small community sending the young business partner and the new owner into bankruptcy. During a vacation designed to get her away from the clinic while the owner and business part-ner installed the controversial oven, she met up with ex-hunter, Paul McClaren, her longtime, on again, off again, boyfriend who wanted desperately to get her back full-time. His enduring love of hunting gave her pause in pursuing a lasting relationship. Her loving nature changed his views on hunt-ing once he saw Cristina calm a charging wild cougar just by talking to it. From then on, her beauty and her devout love for animals of all kinds, captured his heart and changed his belief in all animal's desire to live a long happy life. Paul owned multiple no kill clinics that he inherited from his father who shared Cristina's love of animals in and around Denver Colorado. Together, they fought to eliminate the prac-tice of euthanasia and longed for a time when both could run a large animal sanctuary. A former zoo with a five-hundred-acre tract came on the market and Paul purchased it imme-diately. He was wary of the inexpensive price but purchased it anyway. However, the former owners didn't relay the property's deadly past until it was too late. Read how Paul and Cristina navigate the hellish acres of the abandoned Wingate Zoo. Don't walk in the tall grass. See how they withstand the horrors surrounding them as they strive to stay alive long enough to find a way out of the cursed acres.

  • - Second Edition
    af Gary D Henry
    172,95 kr.

    Preston Rhodes was an extraordinary writer. However his actress wife, Carly, didn't want him to over-shadow her talents so she set out to squash every opportunity that came his way. His father died and left Preston an extraordinary gift. It was his memoirs and Preston immediately saw that the book was literary genius. He set out to write a script and it was immediately touted as the next Gone With the Wind. He set out to sell the movie around the country until an errant bullet to his head sent him to a magical town where all the old Hollywood actors dwelled long after their starlight had been extinguished. Falling Waters was the town where spirits thrived and he was sure it was real. He was accepted and spent a lifetime amid the old stars of Hollywood. He met and interacted with all the greats. When he came out of his coma he tried to convince everyone that the town existed but nothing he could do would convince his friends. That is until they understood that miracles do happen.

  • af Henry Gary D. Henry
    147,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Gary D Henry
    242,95 - 390,95 kr.

  • af Gary D Henry
    203,95 - 335,95 kr.

  • af Gary D Henry
    199,95 - 331,95 kr.

  • - The Barrier
    af Gary D Henry
    203,95 - 335,95 kr.

  • - Returning
    af Gary D Henry
    202,95 - 334,95 kr.

  • af Gary D Henry
    191,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Gary D Henry
    197,95 - 329,95 kr.

  • af Gary D Henry
    143,95 kr.

    Bronson and Catherine Preminger, an elderly couple who loves sailing the seas in their huge yacht, are planning a suicide voyage to sink their beloved boat because of Catherine's memory-destroying terminal illness. However, their romantic plans to die together at sea are thwarted when their daughter, Brooke, announces they are to become grandparents. Catherine wants to see her grandchild's face while her mind is still able to remember important things. She wants another wonderful memory to take with her to the deep. The couple sails to Bermuda instead with the intention of returning in time for the birth. However, two storms destroy their boat and they drift to a strange and unknown island where mysterious things start happening to them. They endure unimaginable hardships trying to survive, but these hardships are not the only peril they are forced to suffer. They have an unknown and unseen enemy lurking about, trying to eliminate them from the island. Can the couple withstand and meet the challenges presented to them? Better yet, can it be that they have found the Fountain of Youth halfway between Bermuda and Florida? About the Author: Gary D. Henry A prolific writer, Gary D. Henry is an award-winning author who has penned twenty novels and touts several works-in-progress. Specializing in the field of horror and mystery, Henry is not shy about blending other genres into the mix. Averaging two to four releases a year, Henry's first publication came in September 2009 with the release of The Westward Journey of the Nebraskan Wind. Since then, several of his books have gone on to win awards, such as: Opulence Among Us, Honorable Mention at the 2012 Los Angeles Book Festival-DIY award; Legacy of the Unsung, First Place in the 2011 Halloween Book Festival-Time Travel Category; Falling Waters, Honorable Mention in the both the 2012 Paris Book Festival Award-General Fiction Category and the 2012 Beach Book Festival Award in New York; and the Abel Conspiracy, Honorable Mention in both the 2012 San Francisco Book Festival Award-General Fiction Category and the 2012 The Halloween Book Festival Award-General Fiction Category. Recently, Henry has dipped his pen in the genre of short stories after being compelled to write a story about Alzheimer's Disease, which claimed the life of his father, Ray Henry. Previously, Henry's career spans twenty-three years in the environmental field and an additional twenty years as a government defense contractor, where he continues to work and is where he discovered his knack for writing. As a technical writer for many years, he has written countless reports regarding testing procedures and testing results presented to government agencies for review and acceptance. Among Henry's writing habits is the playing of old movies in the background, which nudges his subconscious so the words can flow. He is single and lives in Sterling, Virginia, where he has lived most of his life. Visit Gary D. Henry's website at

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