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Bøger af Georgette Heyer

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  • af Georgette Heyer
    257,95 - 397,95 kr.

    These Old Shades (1926) is a Georgian (set around 1755-56) romance novel written by British novelist Georgette Heyer (1902-1974). It was an instant success, and established her as a writer. It falls into the category of historical romance.The novel's title is taken from Austin Dobson's epilogue poem to his collection of essays Eighteenth Century Vignettes.Georgette Heyer (16 August 1902 - 4 July 1974) was an English novelist and short-story writer, in both the Regency romance and detective fiction genres. Her writing career began in 1921, when she turned a story conceived for her ailing younger brother into the novel The Black Moth. In 1925 Heyer married George Ronald Rougier, a mining engineer. The couple spent several years living in Tanganyika Territory and Macedonia before returning to England in 1929. After her novel These Old Shades became popular despite its release during the General Strike, Heyer determined that publicity was not necessary for good sales. For the rest of her life she refused to grant interviews, telling a friend: "My private life concerns no one but myself and my family."Heyer essentially established the historical romance genre and its subgenre Regency romance. Her Regencies were inspired by Jane Austen. To ensure accuracy, Heyer collected reference works and kept detailed notes on all aspects of Regency life. Whilst some critics thought the novels were too detailed, others considered the level of detail to be Heyer's greatest asset. Her meticulous nature was also evident in her historical novels; Heyer even recreated William the Conqueror's crossing into England for her novel The Conqueror.Beginning in 1932 Heyer released one romance novel and one thriller each year. (See List of works by Georgette Heyer.) Her husband often provided basic outlines for the plots of her thrillers, leaving Heyer to develop character relationships and dialogue so as to bring the story to life. Although many critics describe Heyer's detective novels as unoriginal, others such as Nancy Wingate praise them "for their wit and comedy as well as for their well-woven plots".Her success was sometimes clouded by problems with tax inspectors and alleged plagiarists. Heyer chose not to file lawsuits against the suspected literary thieves but tried multiple ways of minimizing her tax liability. Forced to put aside the works she called her "magnum opus" (a trilogy covering the House of Lancaster) to write more commercially successful works, Heyer eventually created a limited liability company to administer the rights to her novels. She was accused several times of providing an overly large salary for herself, and in 1966 she sold the company and the rights to seventeen of her novels to Booker-McConnell. Heyer continued writing until her death in July 1974. At that time 48 of her novels were still in print; her last book, My Lord John, was published posthumously. (

  • af Georgette Heyer
    197,95 kr.

    In this romance by the creator of the modern Regency genre, a woman's luck changes when she locates a long-lost aunt and becomes wealthy. But schemes are brewing and the only one she can trust is cousin Philip, who doesn't seem to like her very much--or does he? Foreword by author Theresa Medeiros.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    162,95 kr.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    192,95 - 337,95 kr.

    Powder and Patch is a novel written by Georgette Heyer under the pen name Stella Martin. It was originally titled The Transformation of Philip Jettan when published by Mills & Boon in 1923. In 1930, the book was republished by William Heinemann minus the original last chapter as Powder and Patch.Philip Jettan, a handsome and sturdy but tongue-tied youth, is rejected by his true love, Cleone because he is not foppish enough. He resolves to improve himself and travels to Paris, where he becomes a sensation. Once he returns, however, Cleone realizes she wants the old Philip in place of the "painted puppy" she has received. ( the author: Georgette Heyer (16 August 1902 - 4 July 1974) was an English novelist and short-story writer, in both the Regency romance and detective fiction genres. Her writing career began in 1921, when she turned a story conceived for her ailing younger brother into the novel The Black Moth. In 1925 Heyer married George Ronald Rougier, a mining engineer. The couple spent several years living in Tanganyika Territory and Macedonia before returning to England in 1929. After her novel These Old Shades became popular despite its release during the General Strike, Heyer determined that publicity was not necessary for good sales. For the rest of her life she refused to grant interviews, telling a friend: "My private life concerns no one but myself and my family."Heyer essentially established the historical romance genre and its subgenre Regency romance. Her Regencies were inspired by Jane Austen. To ensure accuracy, Heyer collected reference works and kept detailed notes on all aspects of Regency life. Whilst some critics thought the novels were too detailed, others considered the level of detail to be Heyer's greatest asset. Her meticulous nature was also evident in her historical novels; Heyer even recreated William the Conqueror's crossing into England for her novel The Conqueror.Beginning in 1932 Heyer released one romance novel and one thriller each year. (See List of works by Georgette Heyer.) Her husband often provided basic outlines for the plots of her thrillers, leaving Heyer to develop character relationships and dialogue so as to bring the story to life. Although many critics describe Heyer's detective novels as unoriginal, others such as Nancy Wingate praise them "for their wit and comedy as well as for their well-woven plots".Her success was sometimes clouded by problems with tax inspectors and alleged plagiarists. Heyer chose not to file lawsuits against the suspected literary thieves but tried multiple ways of minimizing her tax liability. Forced to put aside the works she called her "magnum opus" (a trilogy covering the House of Lancaster) to write more commercially successful works, Heyer eventually created a limited liability company to administer the rights to her novels. She was accused several times of providing an overly large salary for herself, and in 1966 she sold the company and the rights to seventeen of her novels to Booker-McConnell. Heyer continued writing until her death in July 1974. At that time 48 of her novels were still in print; her last book, My Lord John, was published posthumously. (

  • af Georgette Heyer
    237,95 kr.

    Heyer essentially established the historical romance genre and its subgenre Regency romance. Her regencies were inspired by Jane Austen. To ensure accuracy, Heyer collected reference works and kept detailed notes on all aspects of Regency life. While some critics thought the novels were too detailed, others considered the level of detail to be Heyer's greatest asset. Her meticulous nature was also evident in her historical novels; Heyer even recreated William the Conqueror's crossing into England for her novel The Conqueror.While in Tanganyika, Heyer wrote The Masqueraders, set in 1745. The book follows the romantic adventures of siblings who pretend to be of the opposite sex to protect their family, all former Jacobites. Although Heyer did not have access to all of her reference material, the book contained only one anachronism: she placed the opening of White's a year too early.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    92,95 - 93,95 kr.

    Dagen efter sin 60 års-fødselsdag findes den velhavende Silas Kane død for foden af en klippe. Umiddelbart affejes hændelsen som en ulykke, men da Kanes nevø og arving bliver myrdet, og den tredje Kane-arving begynder at modtage dødstrusler, bliver det pludselig en sag for inspektør Hannasyde, der må benytte alle sine detektivegenskaber for at opklare dette familiedrama.Inspektør HannasydeDe fandt ham død er det tredje af fire værker om inspektør Hannasyde, der stilles over for den ene mordgåde efter den anden i denne række af klassiske "whodunit"-bøger, hvor blandt andet familieintriger og mørke hemmeligheder blot er noget af den modstand, som Hannasyde møder på sin vej.Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) var en britisk forfatter, der er mest kendt for sine Jane Austen-inspirerede historiske romancer og sine thrillere. Hun udgav i en årrække både en romantisk roman og en thriller om året, og var en aktiv forfatter indtil sin død i 1974, hvor 48 af hendes værker stadig var i produktion.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    73,95 - 119,95 kr.

    Den elegante og fandenivoldske adelsmand og forfører Dominic Alistair er af omtale bedst kendt som Djævelens Søn – dels på grund af sin fars mange udskejelser, dels på grund af sin egen vilde livsstil. Efter at have såret sin modstander i en duel, tvinges Dominique til at forlade England og rejse til Frankrig. Han har planer om at tage den borgerlige og charmerende miss Sophia Challoner med sig som sin elskerinde. Men Sophias søster og modsætning, den altid beherskede og kloge Mary, nægter at lade Djævelens Søn ødelægge sin søsters ry, og beslutter sig for i forklædning at tage Sophias plads på rejsen. Pludselig er Mary på vej mod Frankrig i selskab med en af Londons mest berømte og berygtede ungkarle …Den engelske forfatterinde Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) er bedst kendt for sine historiske romaner, som foregår i sidste halvdel af 1700-tallet og første halvdel af 1800-tallet. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Heyer har, af eftertiden, især fået ros for sin evne til at ramme tonen og detaljerne i de historiske miljøer, hun beskriver.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    63,94 - 119,95 kr.

    Sir Waldo Hawkridge, der i London er kendt som Legenden – blandt andet på grund af sine store sportspræstationer og gode manerer – skal til Yorkshire for at se på en ejendom, han har arvet. Sir Waldo er en meget rig og filantropisk mand, og han har planer om at istandsætte det store hus og lave det om til børnehjem. Mens han er der, møder han Tiffany Wield, en blændende smuk, men meget egoistisk, ung adelsdame med et skrækkeligt temperament, og hendes langt mere elegante, unge guvernante Ancilla Trent. Mens Waldos noget yngre fætter, lord Julian Lindeth, forblændes af den unge Tiffany, må Waldo forsøge at overbevise den praktisk anlagte og fornuftige miss Trent om, at hun godt må forelske sig i ham …Den engelske forfatterinde Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) er bedst kendt for sine historiske romaner, som foregår i sidste halvdel af 1700-tallet og første halvdel af 1800-tallet. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Heyer har, af eftertiden, især fået ros for sin evne til at ramme tonen og detaljerne i de historiske miljøer, hun beskriver.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    73,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Den engelsk adelsmand og hertug af Avon, lord Justin Alastair, er berygtet for sit kolde væsen og sin udsvævende livsstil. En sen aften i Paris, støder han på den unge mand, Léon Bonnard, hvis iøjnefaldende røde hår, dybblå øjne og sorte øjenbryn har en slående lighed med Alastairs ærkefjende, comte de Saint-Vire. Alastair tager drengen under sine vinger og gør ham til sin page. Hans første anelse om Léon viser sig at holde stik, da han erfarer, at Léon i virkeligheden er pigen Léonie! Léonie bliver en del af Alastairs familie, og hans følelser for den unge pige bliver stadig varmere. Derfor beslutter Alastair sig for at finde frem til sandheden om sammenhængen mellem Saint-Vire og Léonies dystre fortid. Den engelske forfatterinde Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) er bedst kendt for sine historiske romaner, som foregår i sidste halvdel af 1700-tallet og første halvdel af 1800-tallet. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Heyer har, af eftertiden, især fået ros for sin evne til at ramme tonen og detaljerne i de historiske miljøer, hun beskriver.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    92,95 - 93,95 kr.

    Kriminalkommissær Hannasyde fra Scotland Yard må træde til, da et dødsfald, der først blev forklaret som et hjerteanfald som følge af for højt blodtryk, viser sig at være et giftmord. Det bliver hårdt arbejde at opklare sagen, for afdøde Mr. Matthews familie er stor og kommer ikke for godt ud af det med hinanden. Og midt i opklaringsarbejdet sker mord nummer to.Georgette Heyer (1902-1974). Engelsk forfatterinde, især kendt for sine historiske romancer og for sine detektivromaner. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Hendes detektivromaner blev til i samarbejde med hendes mand, som fandt på et plot, hvorefter Heyer udviklede historien og de karakterer, der befolker den.”Georgette Heyer er uforlignelig i sin evne til at gøre kriminallæsning underholdende og spændende.” – Sunday Times, London

  • af Georgette Heyer
    192,95 kr.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    63,94 - 92,95 kr.

    Det der var tænkt som en hyggelig fejring af julen i selskab med venner og familie, udvikler sig til et mareridt, da værten Joseph Herriards ældre bror Nathaniel først udsættes for et farligt styrt på husets trappe og kort tid efter findes myrdet på sit værelse. Døren er låst indefra og vinduerne er lukket til, men han ligger på gulvet med et knivstik i ryggen. Hvordan er morderen sluppet ud? Og hvem har gjort det?Georgette Heyer (1902-1974). Engelsk forfatterinde, især kendt for sine historiske romancer og for sine detektivromaner. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Hendes detektivromaner blev til i samarbejde med hendes mand, som fandt på et plot, hvorefter Heyer udviklede historien og de karakterer, der befolker den.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    138,95 kr.

    Efter sin fars tragiske død bliver Kate Malvern inviteret til at flytte ind på godset Staplewood af sin fornemme og skrappe tante, Lady Minerva Broome. Her møder Kate sin smukke, men også til tider dæmoniske, fætter Torquil. Minerva styrer slagets gang på Staplewood med hård hånd. Der er langt mellem de få gæster, der besøger godset, og selv familiemiddagene er stive og formelle. Alene og isoleret på det store gods har Kate ingen at betro sig til, og den eneste faste gæst, Torquils fætter Philip, bryder sig tilsyneladende ikke sig om hende. Bag Lady Broomes generøsitet gemmer sig imidlertid mørke hemmeligheder og snart får Kate mistanke om, hvorfor hun i virkeligheden er inviteret til Staplewood.Den engelske forfatterinde Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) er bedst kendt for sine historiske romaner, som foregår i første halvdel af 1800-tallet. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Heyer har, af eftertiden, især fået ros for sin evne til at ramme tonen og detaljerne i de historiske miljøer, hun beskriver.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    242,95 kr.

    When the Duke of Avon encounters a mistreated young boy on the streets of Paris, he employs the lad as his page. As the duke's closest friends ponder his actions, the precocious Léon soon becomes the talk of the aristocracy. Léon cannot believe his good fortune after being saved from a brutal beating by his older brother. He follows the duke around like a loyal puppy, a constant source of amusement for the duke, who is seen by himself-and by society-as a devious scoundrel, well deserving of his nickname, Satanas. But when Avon uncovers Léon's biggest secret-that the boy is in fact a girl named Léonie-he acts honorably, taking her to his sister in London to learn the ways of the fairer sex, before he can adopt her. For Avon can't believe his luck. A trump card has fallen into his hands. If Léonie is who the duke suspects she is, she'll be the perfect weapon to use against his greatest nemesis. He embarks on his quest for revenge, never foreseeing just how Léonie's transformation will change the game.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    192,95 kr.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    182,95 kr.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    197,95 kr.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    92,95 - 118,94 kr.

    Det kommer bag på alle, da det viser sig, at den afdøde jarl af Spenborough har gjort Ivo Barrasford, markis af Rotherham, til værge for sin unge datter, lady Serena Carlow. Serena og Rotherham har tidligere været forlovede, men Serena ophævede forbindelsen. Nu har Rotherham råderet over Serenas formue samt ret til at bestemme om og med hvem, hun må gifte sig. Han er opsat på at overtage sin arv – og Serenas barndomshjem – men Serena er ikke så let at kontrollere. Og da hun og hendes unge stedmor, Fanny, rejser til Bath, bliver der for alvor vendt op og ned på byen og dens selskabsliv ...Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) bliver kaldt Regency romances grand master og moder. Hun skrev sin første historiske romance som 17-årig, og bogen blev udgivet i 1921. Fra 1932 og frem til sin død i 1974 udgav Heyer en historisk roman om året. Georgette Heyer var et notorisk privat menneske, som hverken promoverede sine bøger eller gav interviews. Alligevel sælges hendes bøger stadig verden over i dag.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    73,95 kr.

    Wallis Carter bliver nær slået ihjel af et vådeskud under en jagt. Da han senere bliver skudt og dræbt på vej ind til sin nabo, står det klart, at jagtulykken ikke var et tilfælde. Det lokale politi finder hurtigt en riffel, der viser sig at være mordvåbnet, men den, der har affyret den, er som sunket i jorden. Scotland Yard træder til og forsøger at finde hoved og hale i den mystiske sag.”Hendes personer og dialog er en stadig fryd for mig, jeg har sjældent mødt mennesker jeg blev så begejstret for lige fra begyndelsen” – Dorothy L. SayersGeorgette Heyer (1902-1974). Engelsk forfatterinde, især kendt for sine historiske romancer og for sine detektivromaner. Hun udgav sin første roman som 19-årig og blev hurtigt populær blandt læserne. Hendes detektivromaner blev til i samarbejde med hendes mand, som fandt på et plot, hvorefter Heyer udviklede historien og de karakterer, der befolker den.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    132,95 kr.

    The Black Moth (1921) is a Georgian (set around 1751) romance novel by Georgette Heyer. The novel is about Earl Wyncham, who returns home and becomes a highwayman so that he is able to live in the land he loves without detection. Mystery and intrigue continue to the melodrama's end.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    167,95 kr.

    In love? You? Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! You do not know what the word means. You are like a -- like a fish, with no more love in you than a fish, and no more heart than a fish, and...Book #9 of 15 in the SDE Classics Romance CollectionSix years earlier in the mid-18th Century England, Lord Jack Carstares takes the blame when his younger brother Richard was found to have cheated at cards. With such a breach of social propriety, Jack was socially exiled and, consequently, he left England and traveled through Europe. He secretly returns under an alternate identity and encounters an abduction in process. He foils the attempted abduction, and the woman, Miss Diana Beauleigh, whom he saves falls in love with Jack. Alas, his reputation does not serve him well enough to take up a bride as worthy as Miss Diana. But will that be the end of Lord Jack or will he succeed in repairing his image?

  • af Georgette Heyer
    277,95 kr.

    The Black Moth, first published in 1921, is Georgette Heyer's first novel and is also the first novel in a four-part series including These Old Shades, Devil's Cub, and An Infamous Army. The Black Moth is set around 1751 during the Georgian era and comes disguised as an amusing but uncomplicated romance. The story appears so straightforward that you may be inclined to read it with half a mind, but that would be a mistake.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    137,95 - 165,95 kr.

    The Black Moth (1921) is a historical romance novel by Georgette Heyer. Initially devised as a series of stories for her younger brother Boris, who suffered from hemophilia, The Black Moth became Heyer¿s debut novel following its discovery by her father, who recognized its merits and sought publication. Published in Britain and the United States, The Black Moth was a commercial success that launched the career of one of twentieth-century England¿s most popular writers of fiction. Set during the Georgian era of the 1750s, the story follows Lord Jack Carstares, a disgraced nobleman who turns to a life of crime after taking the blame for his brother¿s persistent dishonesty at cards. Branded a cheater and a thief, Jack briefly flees England before returning under the name of Sir Anthony Ferndale. Forced into the shadows, he becomes a highwayman notorious for robbing the carriages of the rich. Following his father¿s death and his brother¿s ascent to the head of the family estate, Jack is caught while robbing the carriage of a man who turns out to be Miles O¿Hara, an old friend and Justice of the Peace. Arrested, Jack is forced to reveal his identity, and is promptly forgiven. Retaining his disguise and unready to rejoin the social life of England¿s elite, Jack becomes embroiled in a scandal involving the abduction of Miss Diana Beauleigh, whom he rescues from the wicked Duke of Andover. Unable to remain anonymous for much longer, Jack is pulled by his innate goodness toward the friends and family he has long since left behind, allowing him one last chance at redemption.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Georgette Heyer¿s The Black Moth is a classic work of English historical romance reimagined for modern readers.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    192,95 kr.

    Heyer essentially established the historical romance genre and its subgenre Regency romances. Her Regencies were inspired by Jane Austen, but unlike Austen, who wrote about and for the times in which she lived, Heyer was forced to include copious information about the period so that her readers would understand the setting. To ensure accuracy, Heyer collected reference works and kept detailed notes on all aspects of Regency life. While some critics thought the novels were too detailed, others considered the level of detail to be Heyer's greatest asset. Her meticulous nature was also evident in her historical novels; Heyer even recreated William the Conqueror's crossing into England for her novel "The Conqueror". In "The Great Roxhythe" Charles II is in need of some ready cash, and since Parliament refuses to bankroll his excesses, he turns to assorted foreign powers for financial aid.The Great Roxhythe is Heyer's early masterpiece. It is an astonishing work of historical fiction, with two unconventional love stories at its center.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    104,95 kr.

    "Georgette Heyer ist eine wundervolle Autorin, die beeindruckende Figuren, witzige Dialoge und fabelhafte Intrigen erschafft. Wer die Bücher von Jane Austen liebt, wird auch von Georgette Heyer begeistert sein." Night Owl Romance England, 1816: Sir Waldo Hawkridge genießt sein Junggesellendasein in vollen Zügen - er ist in der feinen Gesellschaft ein gern gesehener Gast und wird für seine Eleganz, Sportlichkeit und Wohltätigkeit bewundert und geschätzt. Aber bisher ist es keiner Dame gelungen, sein Herz zu erobern. Als er ein Landgut in Yorkshire erbt, beschließt Sir Waldo zusammen mit seinem Neffen dorthin zu reisen. Die Ankunft der beiden Gentlemen stürzt die Damenwelt in helle Aufruhr. Allen voran die bildschöne und kokette Tiffany, die von ihrer Gouvernante Miss Ancilla nur schwer im Zaum zu halten ist. Wird sie das Herz des begehrten Junggesellen erobern?Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) war eine beliebte englische Schriftstellerin, die vor allem durch ihre romantisch-humorvollen Romane weltberühmt wurde. Ihr Figuren sind stets charmant und selbstbewusst.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    427,95 kr.

    The Black Moth (1921) is a Georgian era romance novel by the British author Georgette Heyer, set around 1751. The Black Moth was Heyer's debut novel, published when Heyer was nineteen. It was a commercial success.The story follows Lord Jack Carstares, an English nobleman who becomes a highwayman after taking the blame during a cheating scandal years before. One day, he rescues Miss Diana Beauleigh when she is almost abducted by the Duke of Andover. Jack and Diana fall in love but his troubled past and current profession threaten their happiness.Based on a story she had written for her brother and published with the encouragement of her father, modern critics have considered it a flawed work; they have observed characteristics Heyer included in her later works. ( the author: Georgette Heyer (16 August 1902 - 4 July 1974) was an English novelist and short-story writer, in both the Regency romance and detective fiction genres. Her writing career began in 1921, when she turned a story conceived for her ailing younger brother into the novel The Black Moth. In 1925 Heyer married George Ronald Rougier, a mining engineer. The couple spent several years living in Tanganyika Territory and Macedonia before returning to England in 1929. After her novel These Old Shades became popular despite its release during the General Strike, Heyer determined that publicity was not necessary for good sales. For the rest of her life she refused to grant interviews, telling a friend: "My private life concerns no one but myself and my family."Heyer essentially established the historical romance genre and its subgenre Regency romance. Her Regencies were inspired by Jane Austen. To ensure accuracy, Heyer collected reference works and kept detailed notes on all aspects of Regency life. Whilst some critics thought the novels were too detailed, others considered the level of detail to be Heyer's greatest asset. Her meticulous nature was also evident in her historical novels; Heyer even recreated William the Conqueror's crossing into England for her novel The Conqueror.Beginning in 1932 Heyer released one romance novel and one thriller each year. (See List of works by Georgette Heyer.) Her husband often provided basic outlines for the plots of her thrillers, leaving Heyer to develop character relationships and dialogue so as to bring the story to life. Although many critics describe Heyer's detective novels as unoriginal, others such as Nancy Wingate praise them "for their wit and comedy as well as for their well-woven plots".Her success was sometimes clouded by problems with tax inspectors and alleged plagiarists. Heyer chose not to file lawsuits against the suspected literary thieves but tried multiple ways of minimizing her tax liability. Forced to put aside the works she called her "magnum opus" (a trilogy covering the House of Lancaster) to write more commercially successful works, Heyer eventually created a limited liability company to administer the rights to her novels. She was accused several times of providing an overly large salary for herself, and in 1966 she sold the company and the rights to seventeen of her novels to Booker-McConnell. Heyer continued writing until her death in July 1974. At that time 48 of her novels were still in print; her last book, My Lord John, was published posthumously. (

  • af Georgette Heyer
    237,95 kr.

    The Black Moth (1921) is a Georgian era romance novel by the British author Georgette Heyer, set around 1751. The Black Moth was Heyer's debut novel, published when Heyer was nineteen. It was a commercial success.The story follows Lord Jack Carstares, an English nobleman who becomes a highwayman after taking the blame during a cheating scandal years before. One day, he rescues Miss Diana Beauleigh when she is almost abducted by the Duke of Andover. Jack and Diana fall in love but his troubled past and current profession threaten their happiness.Based on a story she had written for her brother and published with the encouragement of her father, modern critics have considered it a flawed work; they have observed characteristics Heyer included in her later works. ( the author:Georgette Heyer (16 August 1902 - 4 July 1974) was an English novelist and short-story writer, in both the Regency romance and detective fiction genres. Her writing career began in 1921, when she turned a story conceived for her ailing younger brother into the novel The Black Moth. In 1925 Heyer married George Ronald Rougier, a mining engineer. The couple spent several years living in Tanganyika Territory and Macedonia before returning to England in 1929. After her novel These Old Shades became popular despite its release during the General Strike, Heyer determined that publicity was not necessary for good sales. For the rest of her life she refused to grant interviews, telling a friend: "My private life concerns no one but myself and my family."Heyer essentially established the historical romance genre and its subgenre Regency romance. Her Regencies were inspired by Jane Austen. To ensure accuracy, Heyer collected reference works and kept detailed notes on all aspects of Regency life. Whilst some critics thought the novels were too detailed, others considered the level of detail to be Heyer's greatest asset. Her meticulous nature was also evident in her historical novels; Heyer even recreated William the Conqueror's crossing into England for her novel The Conqueror.Beginning in 1932 Heyer released one romance novel and one thriller each year. (See List of works by Georgette Heyer.) Her husband often provided basic outlines for the plots of her thrillers, leaving Heyer to develop character relationships and dialogue so as to bring the story to life. Although many critics describe Heyer's detective novels as unoriginal, others such as Nancy Wingate praise them "for their wit and comedy as well as for their well-woven plots".Her success was sometimes clouded by problems with tax inspectors and alleged plagiarists. Heyer chose not to file lawsuits against the suspected literary thieves but tried multiple ways of minimizing her tax liability. Forced to put aside the works she called her "magnum opus" (a trilogy covering the House of Lancaster) to write more commercially successful works, Heyer eventually created a limited liability company to administer the rights to her novels. She was accused several times of providing an overly large salary for herself, and in 1966 she sold the company and the rights to seventeen of her novels to Booker-McConnell. Heyer continued writing until her death in July 1974. At that time 48 of her novels were still in print; her last book, My Lord John, was published posthumously. (

  • af Georgette Heyer
    104,95 kr.

    Ein amüsanter Regency-Liebesroman mit einer charmanten HeldinEngland, 1813: Die bezaubernde Elinor Rochdale ist adeliger Herkunft. Aber da ihr Vater kurz vor seinen Tod das gesamte Vermögen verspielt hat, beschließt die junge Frau einen Posten als Gouvernante anzutreten, um den finanziellen Ruin abzuwenden. Auf dem Weg zu ihrem Arbeitgeber steigt Elinor versehentlich in die falsche Kutsche und wird unversehens zur Ehegattin des als Trunkenbold verschrienen Mr. Cheviot gemacht. Als derselbige unmittelbar nach der Hochzeit verstirbt, erbt die junge Frau nicht nur sein gesamtes Hab und Gut, sondern auch einige mysteriöse Feinde und Rätsel ...Georgette Heyer (1902-1974) war eine beliebte englische Schriftstellerin, die vor allem durch ihre romantisch-humorvollen Romane weltberühmt wurde. Ihr Figuren sind stets charmant und selbstbewusst.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    242,95 kr.

  • af Georgette Heyer
    367,95 kr.

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