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  • af Gerhard Roth
    434,95 kr.

    The textbook builds a bridge between the "neurosciences" (theoretical and experimental neurobiology, neurology) and the "psychosciences" (psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy) and aims to help provide the other disciplines with the most important and scientifically validated knowledge in an understandable form. The question of how mental experience and brain processes relate to each other has long been considered mysterious. In this book you will learn, based on the latest scientific findings, that the two areas form an indissoluble unity, even if we experience and study them differently. We present this unity in concrete terms in psychological-neurobiological theory and psychiatric-psychotherapeutic practice. We treat the principles of neurobiological excitation and information processing, the structure and function of the limbic system, the development of the personality and the interaction of genetic-epigenetic factors and prenatal and postnatal environmental influences, which may be favourable or unfavourable. On this basis, the exemplary presentation of important mental disorders such as addictive disorders, schizophrenic disorders, affective disorders and anxiety disorders takes place. Finally, following in the footsteps of the eminent psychotherapist Klaus Grawe, the concept of "neuropsychotherapy" is introduced and it is shown why psychotherapy and neurobiology belong together and can enrich each other. Our psychoneuroscientific approach paints a picture of man that is not based on opposites, but on an integration of psyche, brain, behavior and experience.

  • af Gerhard Roth
    277,95 kr.

    Michael Aldrian, a retired Viennese opera prompter, travels to Venice to visit his brother and sister-in-law for the holidays, but they seem to have disappeared without a trace. Intending to write a travel guide to Venice, Aldrian heads out into the flooded city. But he is subsequently followed, threatened, and attacked. He then receives a package of Italian lira, presumably as a bribe. The police advise him to return to Vienna, but he stays, hoping to solve the mysterious disappearance of the couple. Yet another package contains the hands of his brother and sister-in-law, and soon thereafter their bodies are fished out of the sea. Inexorably and almost without his complicity, he is drawn into the intrigue, more as a participant than as a spectator. As if in a nightmare, he traverses the city and kills several people who stand in his way. Has he gone crazy, or is it the world?Author Gerhard Roth was born in Graz in 1942, the son of a medical doctor and a nurse. He originally intended to study medicine, but soon discontinued his studies. For ten years Roth worked as a computer programmer to support his growing family, but since the mid-1970s he has been exclusively a writer. His major works consist of a cycle of seven novels, Die Archive des Schweigens (The Archives of Silence), and another novel cycle, Orkus (Hades). His work has earned extensive critical acclaim over the years, including the Döblin Prize (1983), the Kreisky Prize (2002), and the Grand Austrian State Prize (2016), among many others.

  • af Gerhard Roth
    177,95 kr.

    "So geht nun hin und macht zu Jüngern alle Völker und tauft sie auf den Namen des Vaters und des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes ..." - das ist der Auftrag Jesu an Seine Nachfolger. Meist wird dies als Missionsbefehl verstanden. Die Gemeinde Jesu soll intensiv daran arbeiten, dass das Evangelium von dem einzigen Erlöser Jesus Christus in aller Welt, in allen Völkern, in allen Sprachen bekannt gemacht wird und dadurch Menschen vom ewigen Verderben errettet werden.Zu selten wird der Auftrag Jesu in seinem vollen Umfang wahrgenommen. Der oben zitierte Auftrag geht weiter: "... und lehrt sie alles halten, was ich euch befohlen habe." Solche, die durch Gottes Gnade errettet wurden, sollen gelehrt werden, alles zu halten, was der Herr befohlen hat. Sie sollen nicht nur an Jesus gläubig werden, sondern sie sollen zu Jüngern Jesu gemacht werden.Wie geht das ganz konkret? Wo fangen wir damit an? Wie stellen wir in Familie und Gemeinde sicher, dass wir diesen Auftrag mit aller Sorgfalt, Hingabe und Treue verfolgen?Dieser Kleine Katechismus soll ein Hilfsmittel dazu sein. Nur eines unter vielen. Aber ein wichtiges!

  • af Gerhard Roth
    237,95 kr.

    A celebrated comic book author suffers a mysterious death. His widow, Lilli Kuck, spontaneously travels to the site of his accident in Venice and traces entries in her husband's notebook, following his routes and trying to meet with people he encountered during his final days. Her sleuthing uncovers several of her late-husband's secrets, forcing Lilli to question how well she had really known her life's companion. She also witnesses the killing of a policeman and herself becomes a target for murder. In the end, her journey to Venice becomes a journey to herself, confronting the very riddles of life itself.Author Gerhard Roth was born in Graz in 1942, the son of a medical doctor and a nurse. He originally intended to study medicine, but soon discontinued his studies. For ten years Roth worked as a computer programmer to support his growing family, but since the mid-1970s he has been exclusively a writer. His major works consist of a cycle of seven novels, Die Archive des Schweigens (The Archives of Silence), and another novel cycle, Orkus (Hades). His work has earned extensive critical acclaim over the years, including the Döblin Prize (1983), the Kreisky Prize (2002), and the Grand Austrian State Prize (2016), among many others.

  • af Gerhard Roth
    257,95 kr.

    Emil Lanz, an Austrian translator living in Venice, suffers a mid-life crisis and is about to commit suicide when he witnesses a murder. Mobsters burn his house and threaten his life, but he fights back and, in turn, kills two of his pursuers. Though he survives, his previous routine is destroyed . . . then rebuilt, thanks to an eccentric billionaire. He frequently questions the evolving situation: Is it a new reality? A consequence of his suicide that has transported him to a new dimension, to an afterlife? Or has he gone mad and is now in an insane asylum?Author Gerhard Roth was born in Graz in 1942, the son of a medical doctor and a nurse. He originally intended to study medicine, but soon discontinued his studies. For ten years Roth worked as a computer programmer to support his growing family, but since the mid-1970s he has been exclusively a writer. His major works consist of a cycle of seven novels, Die Archive des Schweigens (The Archives of Silence), and another novel cycle, Orkus (Hades). His work has earned extensive critical acclaim over the years, including the Döblin Prize (1983), the Kreisky Prize (2002), and the Grand Austrian State Prize (2016), among many others.

  • af Gerhard Roth
    257,95 kr.

    Dieses Sachbuch fasst die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der natürlichen und künstlichen Intelligenzsysteme zusammen und analysiert ihre Leistungen in einem kritischen Vergleich. Fachkenntnisse sind keine Voraussetzung. Nach einer Einführung in die Intelligenzforschung folgt die Beschreibung menschlicher und tierischer Intelligenz und deren neurobiologischen Grundlagen. Dieser natürlichen Intelligenz wird im Anschluss die künstliche Intelligenz gegenübergestellt, wobei die wichtigsten Grundprinzipien und die Entwicklung hin zu heutigen KI-Systemen betrachtet werden. Dies beinhaltet auch die wichtige Frage, inwiefern KI-Systeme vom Gehirn und dessen Arbeitsweisen lernen können und ob durch das "Nachbauen" von Nervenzellenverbünden mit den sogenannten neuromorphen Chips vergleichbare Leistungen erreichbar sind oder sein werden. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der kritischen Betrachtung und Einordnung der Fähigkeiten von KI-Systemen in Hinblick auf Denken und Handeln als eine selbstständige Entscheidungsinstanz. Letzteres wirft Fragen hinsichtlich moralischer Entscheidungen und des möglichen Kontrollverlusts über solche Systeme auf, die zurzeit nicht abschließend beantwortet werden könnenDie Autoren¿Gerhard Roth zählt zu den bekanntesten Hirnforschern Deutschlands. Er forschte und lehrte am von ihm gegründeten Institut für Hirnforschung an der Universität Bremen. Er war Mitglied der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und von 1997 bis 2008 Rektor des Hanse-Wissenschaftskollegs in Delmenhorst. Er hat neben einer Vielzahl an Fachartikeln und -büchern auch zahlreiche Sachbücher veröffentlicht, die große öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit und Verbreitung erlangt haben.Lukas Tuggener ist KI-Forscher am Centre for Artificial Intelligence der ZHAW School of Engineering in Winterthur.Fabian C. Roth ist Neurobiologe und forscht und lehrt am Institut für medizinische Grundlagenforschung (IMB) der Universität Oslo.

  • af Gerhard Roth
    417,95 kr.

    The textbook builds a bridge between the "neurosciences" (theoretical and experimental neurobiology, neurology) and the "psychosciences" (psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy) and aims to help provide the other disciplines with the most important and scientifically validated knowledge in an understandable form. The question of how mental experience and brain processes relate to each other has long been considered mysterious. In this book you will learn, based on the latest scientific findings, that the two areas form an indissoluble unity, even if we experience and study them differently. We present this unity in concrete terms in psychological-neurobiological theory and psychiatric-psychotherapeutic practice. We treat the principles of neurobiological excitation and information processing, the structure and function of the limbic system, the development of the personality and the interaction of genetic-epigenetic factors and prenatal and postnatal environmental influences, which may be favourable or unfavourable. On this basis, the exemplary presentation of important mental disorders such as addictive disorders, schizophrenic disorders, affective disorders and anxiety disorders takes place. Finally, following in the footsteps of the eminent psychotherapist Klaus Grawe, the concept of "neuropsychotherapy" is introduced and it is shown why psychotherapy and neurobiology belong together and can enrich each other. Our psychoneuroscientific approach paints a picture of man that is not based on opposites, but on an integration of psyche, brain, behavior and experience.

  • af Gerhard Roth
    1.348,95 - 1.596,95 kr.

    This book asks, What makes human intelligence unique? Is it absolute or relative brain size or the size of the brain's "intelligence centers", the number of nerve cells in the brain or in such "intelligence centers"? Covers the mind-brain relationship and more.

  • af Gerhard Roth
    1.341,95 kr.

    However, careful studies show that the salamander brain possesses virtually all the ana tomical and functional properties found in anurans, which are usually regarded as being much more evolved with respect to the guidance of comparable behavior.

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