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  • - Eine OPS-Protector-Romanze
    af Giulia Lagomarsino
    221,95 kr.

    "Schall und Rauch" ist das vierte Buch der OPS-Serie und sollte der Reihe nach gelesen werden. Ich bin der Schatten in der Nacht. Derjenige, der dafür sorgt, dass du ständig über deine Schulter schauen musst. Ich agiere innerhalb der Grenzen des Gesetzes, wenn es mir passt, aber ein Fehltritt von dir und ich werfe das Regelwerk aus dem Fenster, um dich zu erledigen.Mein Job erfordert ein gewisses Maß an Täuschung und die Fähigkeit, Gefühle und Beziehungen zurückzustellen, um den Auftrag zu erledigen.Ich kann aufrichtig sagen, dass es keinen einzigen Menschen gibt, den ich nicht ans Messer liefern würde, wenn es die entsprechenden Gründe dafür gibt.So bin ich nun mal, und ich kann mich nicht ändern.Nein, ich werde mich nicht ändern. Aber es gibt eine Frau, die mich zu brechen droht. Ich wusste es von dem Moment an, als ich sie vor vier Jahren kennengelernt habe. Sie ist so jung und naiv, sodass es leicht zu verstehen ist, wie eine Frau wie sie sich in einen Mann wie mich verlieben kann.Sie durchschaut die Lügen und Manipulationen nicht.Sie glaubt, sie weiß, wer ich wirklich bin, aber sie sieht nur, was ich sie sehen lasse.Ich habe alles in meiner Macht Stehende getan, um sie vor mir zu beschützen, aber jetzt muss ich etwas tun, das mich innerlich zerreißen könnte. Ich muss sie verraten. Ich weiß, dass sie mir nie verzeihen wird, aber hier geht es nicht nur um einen Job.Jemandes Leben steht auf dem Spiel, und zu ihrem Unglück ist es ein Leben, das ich nicht aufs Spiel setzen kann.Sie wird mir nie verzeihen - falls sie überlebt.Und auch ich werde mir nie verzeihen.Aber diese entscheidenden Momente im Leben sind es, die uns zu dem machen, was wir sind. Ich weiß, dass ich immer der sein werde, der den Job zu Ende bringt.Koste es, was es wolle.

  • - Eine OPS-Protector-Romanze
    af Giulia Lagomarsino
    221,95 kr.

    Ich stelle meiner Beute nach und lasse mein Ziel nie aus den Augen. Ich bin Scharfschütze von Beruf, aber ich bin so viel mehr als das.Mein Gewehr ist eine Verlängerung meines Körpers.Ich bin die Kugel.Ich bin ein Hunter of Gunmen. Ich wurde als Beschützer geboren und werde auch als solcher sterben. Dass ich das Militär verlassen habe, hat nichts daran geändert. Deshalb habe ich mein Unternehmen gegründet, Owens Protective Services.Meine Männer sind meine Familie, meine Brüder. Und die Menschen, die ich beschütze, sind meine Mission.Was den Feind angeht ... so muss man manchmal eben die Spülung der menschlichen Toilette betätigen. Aber auch wenn die Sicherheit meiner Klienten immer absolute Priorität für mich hat, noch nie habe ich mich für jemanden so eingesetzt wie für sie.Beth.Sie behält ihre Geheimnisse für sich, so wie ich meine Gefühle für mich behalte. Ich war stets in der Lage, meine Jobs zu meistern, aber bei ihr gerät alles außer Kontrolle. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich ihr trauen kann oder nicht, vor allem, wenn sie mitten in einen Auftrag stolpert. Sie scheint unschuldig zu sein, aber sind sie das nicht immer? Ich sehe eine verängstigte Frau, die vor jedem zurückweicht, der sich ihr nähert. Sehe ihren Drang, wegzulaufen. Aber ich sehe auch das Kätzchen mit den Krallen, das bereit ist, zu kämpfen, wenn es jemand wagt, sie zu verfolgen. Tief im Inneren weiß ich, dass sie mein Schicksal ist.Mein Grund zu kämpfen.Ich werde ihre Geheimnisse aufdecken, und dann werde ich meinen Job machen und jeden ausschalten, der es wagt, sie zu bedrohen.

  • - Eine Milliardärs-Romanze Am Strand
    af Giulia Lagomarsino
    199,95 kr.

    Er ist ein mürrischer, hartherziger Milliardär. Ein Workaholic, der Perfektion erwartet.Rücksichtslos, streng und unerbittlich in allen Belangen, nicht nur was sein Business angeht. Aber das ist nicht der Mann, in den ich mich verliebt habe. Ich werde nie den redegewandten Mann vergessen, der an jenem Tag das Taxi mit mir teilte - so unbeschwert und voller Leben.Ich steckte in einer lieblosen, arrangierten Ehe fest und wusste nicht mehr weiter.Bis er auftauchte und meine Welt auf den Kopf stellte. Doch das war damals, und jetzt ist alles anders. Der Mann, den ich kannte, ist weg, und alles, was von ihm übrig ist, ist ein dunkles Loch, wo einst sein Herz war, und Kohlebrocken anstelle der warmen, liebevollen Augen, die vor nicht allzu langer Zeit noch jeder meiner Bewegungen folgten.Der romantische, süße Mann, den ich kennengelernt habe, versteckt sich jetzt hinter einer undurchdringlichen Maske der Gleichgültigkeit.Ich bin mir einfach nicht sicher, ob es sich für einen Mann zu kämpfen lohnt, den ich kaum wiedererkenne.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    223,95 kr.

    Gabe is the 11th book in the Reed Security series. It is suggested they are read in order.GabeWhen I saw her in the bar, I knew I wanted to take her home. When I opened her front door the next morning, I knew I was in trouble. My teammate was standing at the door. With two kids. I was so f*@ked. At first, I mistook him for her lover. That was punch number one. Then he told me he was her brother. That should have been the first indication to shut my mouth. But I was exhausted and let my mouth do the talking. That was when I told him she was old enough to have a one night stand. That was punch number two. I've been warned to stay away, but I've never been very good at following directions. I want her, and I'm willing to pay for my actions.IsaAfter divorcing my cheating husband, I came to live near my brother. We haven't been close in years, but I needed family around right now. My first night here, he offered to watch the kids so I could unpack. I got one box done before I decided that I needed to get laid. When my brother showed up the next morning, he wasn't exactly thrilled with what he found. But I'm a grown woman and it's about time I started living for me. Besides, Gabe is the most fun I've ever had. I'm just not sure it'll last. I have two kids and they come first, but Gabe refuses to give up. I'm not ready to move on, but I'm not willing to give up either.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Drew is a new beginnings romance and the fourth book in the series, For The Love Of A Good Woman, and should be read in order. She was my everything.The love of my life, the air I breathed, the one person I thought I would grow old with.Now, she's gone.Life has had little meaning since the day I lost her. After wandering around the country for years, I finally found a place to settle down. And then she ruined it. Sarah. My new next-door neighbor has terrible timing. Those precious moments I had alone with my wife every night were destroyed when she stepped onto my property.It's not her fault. She doesn't understand what this means to me, but I can't help but be angry at her for ruining everything. She's an annoyance I don't need. She's the complete opposite of my wife, so full of confidence and love. This woman...I don't even know where to begin with her.But as a man with secrets, I can easily spot a fellow runner. I shouldn't care what she's hiding. I shouldn't care about the mysterious men that showed up one day for her. And I definitely shouldn't care that she can't seem to take care of herself.I'm just her neighbor. It can never be more.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    223,95 kr.

    Jules is the 12th book in the Reed Security Series. It is recommended that they are read in order.JulesI've always wanted Ivy. At least, that's what they tell me. I was out on a job and almost died. Now I can't remember a single thing about my life. Slowly, things are filtering back in, but not her. Nothing is familiar about her. I don't want her around. As far as I'm concerned, I have enough on my plate. But I don't have that option, because she's carrying my child. Whether I want her or not, I have to try. They say I loved her once. Maybe I could love her again.IvyThe moment I got the call that Julian was in the hospital, I knew I had thrown my life away. After years of running, I finally found someplace to settle down. I thought I had it all, but now the man I love doesn't remember me. He doesn't even want to see me. I know it's too hard on him. I know he needs space. But I don't have the luxury of time. I'm pregnant with his baby, and if he doesn't remember soon, I could end up all alone. I need him to give me a chance, but when my past rears its ugly head, it could sink any chance I have of getting him back.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    243,95 kr.

    "Verfluchte Leidenschaft" ist das dritte Buch der OPS-Serie und sollte der Reihe nach gelesen werden. Mumien.Ja, richtig gehört. Das ist mein nächster Job - eine Mumie beschützen.Eigentlich wäre das kein Problem, aber irgendjemand will nicht, dass diese Mumie in das Museum kommt.Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass einer meiner Teamkollegen glaubt, dass diese Mumie verflucht ist.Und zu allem Überfluss habe ich auch noch die umwerfendste Frau der Welt kennengelernt.Nur ist sie gegen Waffen, Fleisch und auch sonst so ziemlich alles, was mich ausmacht. Und sie kommt aus Kalifornien. Ich verabscheue diesen verdammten Staat.Außerdem ist sie Drehbuchautorin und schreibt ohne jegliche Erfahrung eine Geschichte vollgepumpt mit Action.Nein, Autos explodieren nicht einfach, während sie die Straße entlangfahren. Und entgegen der landläufigen Meinung ist es wirklich schwer, aus einem fahrenden Auto heraus auf Reifen zu schießen, vor allem, wenn man gegen den Wind schießt.Aber das Schlimmste ist, wie eifrig alle bei OPS dabei sind, ihr zu helfen. Fox, New Guy ... sogar Brock hat beschlossen, eine Karriere als Schauspieler einzuschlagen.Ich würde am liebsten Leine ziehen, aber trotz der Tatsache, dass sie aus Kalifornien kommt, brauche ich ihre Nähe irgendwie. Sie ist mehr, als sie zu sein scheint, und ich bin entschlossen, jedes Detail herauszufinden, bevor sie bei dem Versuch, etwas über Sprengstoff zu lernen, in die Luft fliegt. Jetzt muss ich nur noch IRIS von ihr fernhalten.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Hunter is the sixth book in the Reed Security Series. It is recommended that they are read in order.LucyI can't believe that I fell for it again. This was why I told him we were nothing more than friends with benefits. I knew he would freak out, but he had convinced me that this time it was different. Like I said, I should have known better. Now he's following me like a puppy dog, trying to prove that he can be the man I need. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. But what's with the weird notes and flowers? That's not like him at all. And then there's the creepy student who keeps following me around the school. And the bad date who tried to assault me when he got too drunk. I'm done with the drama. I just want a normal guy. Unfortunately, my body only wants him. HunterI know I screwed up. I'm not stupid. I know I've given her no reason to trust me, but that won't stop me from doing anything I can to get her back. Including going to a spa. I don't want to talk about it. It was more painful than I ever could have imagined. And don't even ask about my crazy idea to have someone break into her apartment. I swear, I didn't actually do it. But someone is following her, and I have to find out who before this escalates. I can't lose her now that I know I want her.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Ice is the 9th book in the Reed Security Series and should be read in order.IceI just want to wring her neck. She's so damn irritating. Sure, we got her business burned to the ground, but I was a nice guy. I tried to fix it. So, now she's living with me, and she's driving me up the f#@ing wall. She nitpicks every single thing I do, and it's my house! The worst part? I'm attracted to her. Like, way more than any woman before her. But she hates me just as much as I hate her. Just one time. That's all I want. I can get her out of my system and we'll go our separate ways. Right.LindseyI knew from the moment he walked into my bed and breakfast that he was a lady killer. Those ice-blue eyes looked at me like they wanted to devour me. I wasn't falling for it. I'd seen men like him before. I wasn't stupid. He was trying to use me and it wasn't going to work. But then he kidnapped me "to keep me safe". All he did was make me lose my business. I guess he was at least nice enough to give me a place to stay, even if it was in his one-bedroom shack. But he's such a pig...and so damn hot. I don't want him. That's what I keep telling myself. I'm so screwed.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Cap is the continuation of Sebastian and Maggie's story from the series For The Love Of A Good Woman and the second book in the Reed Security Series. The Reed Security Series should be read in order.SebastianStubborn. Fiery. Insanely beautiful. That's my Maggie. There's no denying she's the woman I want, but getting her to believe that is nearly impossible. Getting her to commit is even harder. She wants her independence, but she can't see that she's pulling away with every job she takes. And the more she pulls away, the more I worry about taking that next step with her. I have to find a way to make her see what we could have, or I'll lose her for good.MaggieI gave up everything to be with him. I love him so much, but I can't put my life on hold for a man that won't offer me everything. And I can't keep arguing with him every time I take a job. He wants me by his side, but only on his terms. I've had enough. If he wants me, he's going to have to fight for me.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    This is the 10th book in the Reed Security Series and it is recommended that they are read in order.Blake10 percent chance to live. I heard what the doctors said, but I can't believe it's true. It's not right. We just got married. We just had a baby. How could she be dying? Everything started out perfectly. Now my world is crashing. Everyone is trying to help, to make things better. I'm so grateful, but there's only one way my world will be righted, and that's if she survives this. I need her to fight. I can't raise this baby alone. I can't live without her.EmmaBlake is everything I ever wanted in a man. He's smart and funny. He's manly. I thought the day I married him would be the happiest day of my life. Now I'm just hoping that I make it to the next day. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I really hope that's true in my case, but the odds are not in my favor. I'm not ready to say goodbye. I'm not ready to leave the new family I just created. They also say you can't always get what you want. I really hope that's not true in my case.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    228,95 kr.

    Der mitreißende literarische Schlussakkord von Cashs und Evas Geschichte und das zweite Buch der OPS-Serie! Im militärischen Sprachgebrauch versteht man unter einer "nuklearen Option" einen drastischen Schritt oder eine Ultima Ratio, und ich bin dabei, diesen Weg einzuschlagen, denn im Krieg und in der Liebe ist alles erlaubt. CashIch bin ein erfahrener Scharfschütze, der den Feind aus der Ferne ausschaltet.Du wirst nicht wissen, wie dir geschieht, bevor es schon zu spät ist. Doch selbst ein Scharfschütze lässt sich manchmal aus seinem Versteck locken.Wenn du die richtigen Fäden ziehst, wirst du irgendwann mein Gesicht sehen.Aber das wird das Letzte sein, was du jemals tust. Ich betrachte Drohungen stets als das, was sie tatsächlich sind - eine Kriegserklärung.Und ich werde diejenigen, die ich liebe, und das Team, das mich begleitet, mit meinem Leben verteidigen.Dank des Spezialtrainings beim Militär ist es mir ein Leichtes, dich zur Strecke zu bringen.Doch zuvor werde ich dafür sorgen, dass du es bereust, mich jemals verfolgt zu haben.Es gibt keine Welt, in der ich dich leben lasse, für das, was du getan hast. Die Spezial-Ops-Ausbildung hat mir das nötige Rüstzeug gegeben, um eine schlagkräftige Waffe in vielen Bereichen zu sein: Aufklärung, Infiltration und Zielerfassung - um nur einige zu nennen.Ich bin furcht-, rücksichts- und gnadenlos, und ich werde dich um jeden Preis aufhalten.Nichts und niemand wird dir helfen, wenn du dich gegen mich stellst.Deine Einschüchterungsversuche sind lachhaft.Und die Frau zu bedrohen, die ich liebe, ist der schlimmste Fehler, den du je gemacht hast.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Irish is the 5th book in the Reed Security Series and should be read in order.DerekI watched her watching me. She followed me around the grocery store, choking on a grape when she tried to talk to me. It was so damn cute. So, I asked her out on a date, and that ended badly. I tried again, but I kept saying the wrong thing. Who knew that telling a woman she had a juicy ass was a bad thing? I thought it was a compliment. I swear to God! And don't get me started on how quirky she is. And she always has her nose stuck in a damn book. But none of that would stop me from being with her. Not even when I found out that she thought I was an actual superhero.ClaireOkay, I might have stalked him through a grocery store. What can I say? He was so hot, and I just couldn't help but stare at him. It wasn't my best first date, but it probably wasn't my worst either. And no matter what crazy things I do, it never seems to really push him away. But there is this one tiny, little detail that's been bothering me. I think he's Superman, red cape and all. Seriously, there are some strange things happening, and he's always at the epicenter. There's no way he's not a superhero. Okay, maybe I've been reading too many books.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    This is the third book in the Reed Security Series and should be read in order.CazzoThere was a time I would have pushed her up against the wall and had my way with her. But now I can't even stand. This wheelchair now acts as my legs. I'm not half the man I used to be, so how could I ever be what she needs? And when she needs a man to protect her, I'm left providing the housing while my teammates make sure she's safe. Now she's seen me at my lowest, a man who can barely take care of himself. I hate that she sees me like this, but I'll fight to walk again if it means that I can have her. I will be the man she needs someday.VanessaI'm running for my life, trying to stay out of the clutches of the cartels my father is trying to sell me off to. I never imagined I would see him again. I'm the reason he's in that wheelchair. He took a bullet protecting me. Now he seems to hate me. He's angry, and rightfully so. He had a life before I ruined it. So, he's hiding from the flame that still burns between us. We could have so much more, but he won't allow himself to even look at me unless he can prove he's the man I need. He doesn't see that he already is. Luckily, I'm good at getting my way.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Lola is the eighth book in the Reed Security series and the conclusion to Ryan's book in the series For The Love Of A Good Woman. The books should be read in order.LolaI'm struggling every day, but I can't let anyone see that. Years ago, I failed at my job and was almost killed by a serial killer. The scars run deeper than what shows on my forehead. I love my job and the last thing I need is my coworkers thinking that I can't hack it. But one freakout has gotten me kicked off my team. My boss says it's temporary. I just need therapy. I have a different kind of therapy in mind, and he's sitting across the bar from me right now.RyanI still feel the pain of losing my wife every day. It's like a constant knife in my chest, and I'm struggling to survive. I know I need to move on. My son needs me. It doesn't matter that he's not my biological child. In my heart, he's mine and always will be. But he's also a reminder of what I lost. Our relationship isn't what it used to be, and I know I need to fix that. But I think I need to fix myself first so that I can give him what he needs. And that's where Lola comes in. She's just as broken as me, but together, we have something great. I don't know if I can handle her job though. I already lost my wife. I'm not sure I could lose another woman I love.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Sinner is the first book in the Reed Security Series. It is preceded by the series For The Love Of A Good Woman and it is recommended that the series be read in order, as characters from the first appear in the second. WARNING: Read at your own risk. May cause spontaneous leg shaking (not RLS), crying jags, and moments where your husband wonders why you're swooning over a book boyfriend instead of him. They say I'm no good for Cara. I'm the Sinner, the player.Everyone thinks she's damaged from the scars of her past.But I've seen the fighter inside, and I'll protect her from those demons.And anyone who tries to stand in our way.My job is to protect others, but for her, I'll lay down my life. ¿¿ Protector Romance¿¿ Tortured Heroine¿¿

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    This is the seventh book in the Reed Security series and it is recommended that they are read in order.ChrisI never thought I would hear her voice again. Seventeen years ago, I walked away from her, thinking I was saving her life. I didn't realize that I had left her with the very men I was trying to escape. I screwed up then, but I'll be there for her now. I'll protect her and burn them all down, because they not only came after her, they came after me. They burned our homes, and now they'll feel what it's like to truly be hunted.AliMy son is almost sixteen. He's about to be initiated into the gang that took me from my home after Chris left. Slasher, the man who took me, is the leader now. He thinks Axel is his son. What he doesn't know is that I was already pregnant with Chris's baby when he took me. But being Slasher's son has kept Axel safe all these years. Until now. I won't let him become part of this life. I won't see him die in a gang war. He's too good for that. I'll do anything to keep him safe, including going back to the man that abandoned me.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Knight is the fourth book in the Reed Security Series and it is recommended they are read in order.KnightI watch her in the darkness. I follow her to work just to make sure she's okay. She saved my life, and ever since then, I haven't been able to get her out of my mind. I would do anything for her, including disposing of anyone that comes near her. I know I'm no good for her. An assassin doesn't have a high life expectancy, nor does the woman he sleeps with. If I stick around, she'll only end up dead. But the longer I'm around her, the more I crave her. And now someone knows about her. I should let her go. I should walk away. But I need her too much. And soon, she'll need me too.KateHad I known that I was taking care of an assassin, I never would have stayed. I never would have wanted to know his secrets. I can feel him everywhere now. He's following me, watching me. I can't help but want to see him again, even though I know he's no good for me. I'll end up dead if I hang around him, but the way my body tingles when he's around tells me that I'm meant to be with him. But how can a doctor ever live in the same world as an assassin?

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    223,95 kr.

    This is the first book in the Love of A Good Woman Series.WARNING: If you're looking for a sweet, mushy romance, then keep scrolling. This isn't your run-of-the-mill story of boy meets a rain-drenched damsel in distress on the side of the road kind of novel. Sure, it includes an HEA, but how they get there will leave you tied up in knots and suffering from paper cuts, cat scratches, and a possible concussion from a frozen turkey.When you meet the man of your dreams and your life is finally going just the way you want...He's charming, sexy, and basically the perfect man. But then you open your mouth and screw it up by threatening his life...all because he asked you to move in with him.Yeah, that's pretty much how this story goes. A comedy of errors that will force you to really contemplate the sanity of your relationship. Get lost in the humor, romance, and heartbreak as Jack and Harper struggle to find balance in their relationship in this crazy and wild tale. ¿¿Sarcastic and humorous banter¿¿Kindle-burning sexy times¿¿A secondary cast of characters you will fall in love with!

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Logan is a Revenge Romance and the third book in the For The Love Of A Good Woman series. It can be read as a standalone, but the characters are intertwined in all books. Most of my life has been spent working hard and playing harder. I like to have a good time, and pretty women are part of the package.But lately, I've been questioning my life choices, wondering if I'm missing out on something amazing.And then she walked through the door.Well, we were in a nightclub when I spotted her. Stunning, carefree, and the life of the party. She was exactly what I was looking for, except she kept running out on me.Now, I have to convince her to give me more. Except, I've got an officer who has it out for me, making my life hell for some unknown reason. On top of that, someone went after her, making her even less willing to trust me.And it doesn't help that my friends don't think I'm serious about committing. They think it's a phase, that I'll find someone new in a week. They couldn't be more wrong. She's the one. I know it.Now, I just have to make her see it too.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Sebastian is a mystery romance and the fifth book in the series For The Love Of A Good Woman and should be read in order. Stubborn. Bull-headed. Sexy as hell.That was Maggie-the woman I was currently protecting.As the owner of Reed Security, I didn't go into the field that often, but I was coerced into playing bodyguard for the trouble-making reporter.She didn't listen to a damn thing I said and was constantly putting herself in danger. This story she was investigating was going to get her killed if she didn't learn to listen.More troubling was the fact that I was seriously attracted to her and was having a hard time keeping my hands off her.She was a distraction I really needed to avoid if I wanted to keep us both alive.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    This romantic thriller is the second novel in the For The Love Of A Good Woman series. It can be read as a stand-alone but is better understood when read in order. The woods were my refuge, but they were her worst nightmare.No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape the crippling memories the war left on me. Most days, I could barely function. I didn't regret serving my country, but sometimes I wondered if it would have been better if I had never come home. And then I met her. She came stumbling out of the woods, broken and barely alive. The fear in her eyes was unmistakable. Who was this woman?I needed answers, but she was too scared of whoever was after her. So, she stayed with me, trying to recover from whatever hell she'd been through. It gave me something to focus on, someone to help when I couldn't help myself.And in her, I found my salvation. Everything about her drew me in until I couldn't let go. I'm caught in her snare, and I won't stop until I put whoever is after her in the ground.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Sean is the sixth book in the For The Love Of A Good Woman series and is best read in order. Never fall for two women.It may sound like an awesome situation to any man, but finding a way out is nearly impossible once you're in the thick of it. And deciding between them?Impossible.The first woman is the one I'm meant to be with. I know it in my heart. I've been chasing her for so long, I can't remember a time without her.And then there's the second woman, the one I need to stay away from. She's so uptight, so religious, and...infuriating.Yeah, there's no other way to put it.She corrects my grammar nonstop. She refuses to have any fun.Worst...she drives an electric car.I'm sorry, but how do you chase down a suspect when the leaves are falling off that tree on the dashboard?Still, I have to choose. One woman could ruin my life, and the other could finally give me everything I want. I just have to be smart enough to realize which is which.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    233,95 kr.

    Ryan is the final book in the series For The Love Of A Good Woman and is best read in order. This book continues in the Reed Security series. I wanted her from the moment I met her. Something sparked between us and felt right. But she kept pushing me away.Until one day, I saw her outside her apartment, crying her eyes out. Those tears of frustration tore at my heart. I knew I could help her.Sure, I'll marry you to help you keep custody of your kid.Maybe it was the Vegas wedding or the fact that her son was there. Everything blew up, but I told her I would do this-and I meant it at the time.Everything changed the moment we got home. I was no longer chasing this single woman I wanted to date. I was married to her and was now a stepfather. Life would never be the same. Was I insane for taking this on?The kid hated me.His mother no longer looked at me with those loving eyes. I was screwing up left and right with no clear way to solve any of it.If I was going to make this work, I needed a crash course on how to be a good husband.Do they make books about that?

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    218,95 kr.

    He's a grumpy, cold-hearted billionaire.-A workaholic that demands perfection.He's ruthless, harsh, and unforgiving in all aspects of business.But that's not the man I fell for.I'll never forget the smooth talker who shared my cab that day-so carefree and full of life.Stuck in a loveless, arranged marriage, I was out of options.Until he came along and flipped my world upside down.But that was then, and this is now. The man I knew is gone, and all that's left is a shell where his heart used to be, and lumps of coal in place of the warm eyes that used to watch my every move.Instead of the romantic, sweet man I came to know, he now wears an impenetrable mask of indifference.I'm just not sure I can fight for a man I no longer recognize.

  • - A Small Town Romance
    af Giulia Lagomarsino
    173,95 kr.

    This is the second book in The Cortell Brothers series. It is recommended they are read in order.RobertI fell in love with her in high school and I knew then that she would be mine.But life interfered. She moved halfway across the country and I went to college.I knew she moved back home. I knew that her mother had died.But I did nothing. I was ashamed. I had walked away from her, thinking it was best for both of us. Now, thirteen years later, I can't leave her alone anymore. I need her, but convincing her that we can still be together is going to be difficult. I hurt her bad when I left, but that's just the beginning of our problems.AnnaI fell in love with him under the stars. He was my savior when everything in my life was crumbling. But then he was gone and I was all alone again.Thirteen years later, he's back and he wants me. But I'm too angry. The only reason I'm even speaking to him is he helped me get a job...with his brother. Now I've been caught up in some kind of game he and Eric have going, and I'm stuck with him.I hate him. But I still love him.It would be so easy to fall back in love with the man he is now. Deep down, he's the same person, just dressed fancier. But that's the crux of our problem. We're different people than we were in high school.I just can't see this working, and if we keep trying to go down this road, it'll only end in heartache.

  • - A Reed Security Romance
    af Giulia Lagomarsino
    173,95 kr.

    Rocco is number twenty-one in the Reed Security series, and it is suggested they be read in order.Rocco has his world all wrapped up in a neat package. He has a job that he loves and his daughter, the best thing that's ever happened to him. And he has his rules. These rules keep the order and balance in his life and the women where they should be. But he never counted on Brooke, and she's about to turn his world upside down. Brooke never had the typical love life. She tried to have it all, but there was always something that held her back from committing. Until Gary. Gary was...not really important. But being with him led her to Rocco in the most unusual way, and now she's about to find out all about his rulebook.Rules for Sexual Encounters: "You were serious? You actually have a rulebook?""I don't joke around about stuff like this. I think it's best for both of us to go in with guidelines laid out about what we want out of this. This is for the occasional f*ck. If we decide to take it beyond that, I have a revised version of this."I looked down at the paper and read through the rules that he laid out.1. Condoms will be used during all sexual encounters, regardless of the fact that the woman may be on birth control. No exceptions.2. The woman does not have bed rights after sexual encounters and will leave within ten minutes of sexual encounter ending."You kick your women out of bed ten minutes after you finish f*cking them?""What's wrong with that? We both got what we wanted. There's no point in dragging it out. That just confuses the situation. Besides, I work early in the morning. I need my sleep.""Right, and a half hour would make all the difference in the world," I said sarcastically."Are you telling me that you've never screwed someone and then wondered why the hell they were hanging around?""Well, no. I mean, of course there are times that you just want the other person to leave. It's just that it's hard to kick someone out.""That's why they agree to this. If I want her to stick around, I'll ask her to. But by doing this, I've eliminated the awkwardness of the goodbye.""No, you've eliminated having to ask her to leave. If anything, the goodbye is going to be even more f*cking awkward because you're putting such tight time constraints on her leaving."He shrugged. "It gets the job done."This guy had some serious issues that I didn't even want to get into. I looked back at the paper and continued reading.3. The woman does not have washing rights after sexual encounters."What the hell are washing rights? Like, I'm not allowed to clean up afterward?""You are, just not with me. I will not be washing you in any way. I won't bring you a washcloth or wipe you down like they do in those stupid romance novels.""And you read many of those?""No, but some of the women do. Believe me, I've been informed what men in those novels do, and they aren't men. Bunch of pu$$ies.""Okay, so, no washing rights. Got it."4. If asked to stay longer, the woman does not automatically gain bed rights, washing rights, coffee rights, or house rights."Okay, this may seem like a stupid question, but what are coffee rights and house rights?""Well, that part needs some adjustment since we're living together. Basically, it means that if I do ask you to stay the night, you don't automatically get to help yourself to coffee in the morning. Nor do you get to wander around my house and look at all my stuff.""Wow," I said, not wanting to touch that with a ten foot pole."Hey, I just like there to be boundaries."

  • - A Small Town Romance
    af Giulia Lagomarsino
    173,95 kr.

    Priceless Ink is book 5 in The Cortell Brothers series. It is recommended they are read in order.SofiaI couldn't do it. All I saw when I looked at Graham was my life going down the drain.He didn't love me, which he made perfectly clear last night.The corset was too tight and I was on the verge of a panic attack.So, I ran...right into a sexy biker. He tore my dress and drove off into the sunset with me.But that's where this romance ends.JoeImagine my surprise when a sexy bride came running out of a church, right to my bike.She was hot as hell, and when she asked me to take her away, I was more than willing to oblige.But then she opened her mouth and I found out who she really was.She was irritating as hell, so I screwed with her just to have some fun.The funny thing was, as much as I wanted to send her home, something inside me just wouldn't allow that.

  • - A Reed Security Romance
    af Giulia Lagomarsino
    173,95 kr.

    Nightingale is book 24 in the Reed Security Series, and it is recommended that they are read in order.FlorrieI'm a woman that always fights for what I want. Especially my family. There's nothing I wouldn't do for Alec, but what he's asking of me is too much.When did we start drifting apart?When did he stop being on my side?The moment I got the call from the social worker, I went into momma bear mode, ready to fight for the kid that had become like a son to me. But Alec? He wants to play nice and get along with Reid's so-called family.Why did they wait so long to come for him? Why now? Is it because of his money?I don't trust them, and I'm not about to hand him over without a fight. AlecThings were going so well between us. I asked her to marry me, and actually got her to say yes.I should have known that it wouldn't last. It seemed too good to be true.Now she's slipping away. I feel like I can't hold onto her anymore.She doesn't understand why I'm not fighting harder, but she doesn't know about my past.There are things that I've kept hidden from her, and I know when she finds out she's going to be pissed.I should have told her sooner, but I didn't want my past hanging over my head.Now it's too late.I may not be able to put us back together, but I'll die trying.

  • af Giulia Lagomarsino
    178,95 kr.

    There was a time I would have pushed her up against the wall and had my way with her.But now I can't even stand.I always knew something like this might happen, but I figured it would have happened when I was in the Army Special Forces.They say I might walk again, but until that time, I'm stuck in this wheelchair, forced to allow others to protect the woman who should be mine.I should be grateful she's with me.I should be thanking my lucky stars she's still attracted to me.Instead, all I can think about is how much of a liability I am to her.I'm here to protect her in any way I can. But who's going to save her from me?This is the third book in the Reed Security series. Don't miss a single one!SinnerCapCazzoKnightIrishHunterWhiskeyLolaIceBurgGabeJulesSniperJacksonChancePhoenix RisingAlecStormWolfA Mad Reed Security ChristmasRoccoCoopTNTNightingaleParkerGoodKnightThe Reed Security Relationship Manual

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