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  • af Gunter Grass
    156,95 kr.

    Although this novel (published four years before Grass won the Nobel Prize) ranges from the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to the following year's unification of Germany, the author's basic obsession is - through cryptic references and allusions - with the past two centuries of German history.

  • af Gunter Grass
    156,95 kr.

    The satire is sharp, the analysis precise, and Grass is still expert in drawing out the painful comedy of human behaviour and the pitfalls that await good intentions' - The New YorkerFrom the Nobel Prize-winning author of The Tin Drum comes a satire of european politics and a love story.

  • af Gunter Grass
    96,95 kr.

    To compensate for his unusually large Adam's apple - source of both discomfort and distress - fourteen year old Joachim Mahlke turns himself into athlete and ace diver. With a subtle blend of humour and power, Cat and Mouse ostensibly relates the rise of Mahlke from clown to hero.

  • af Gunter Grass
    156,95 kr.

    Probably the most autobiographical of his novels, From the Diary of a Snail balances the agonising history of the persecuted Danzig Jews with an account of Grass's political campaigning with Willie Brandt.

  • af Gunter Grass
    126,95 kr.

    Gunter Grass, says The Times, 'is on his own as an artist', and indeed this extraordinary, provoking and joyously Rabelaisian celebration of life, food and sex is unique. Lifted from their ancient fairytale, the fisherman and his wife are still living today.

  • af Gunter Grass
    136,95 kr.

    A collection of one hundred inter-linked stories celebrating the twentieth century, by Germany's most eminent contemporary writer. As the sequence of stories unfolds, a lively and rich picture emerges, an historical portrait of our century in all its grandeur and in all its horror.

  • af Gunter Grass
    158,95 kr.

    THE TIN DRUM presents Hitler's rise and fall through the eyes of the dwarfish narrator whose magic powers become symbolic of the dark forces dominating the German nation in the period. Like Thomas Mann's DOCTOR FAUSTUS, Grass's novel explores the dark roots of power and creativity.

  • af Gunter Grass
    126,95 kr.

    In an explosive fusion of myth and reality, magic and romance, Dog Years charts forty years of German history, starting with 1917, to expose the madness of a society that bred and nurtured the horrors of the Third Reich before anaesthetising itself with the chaos of disintegration.

  • Spar 17%
    af Gunter Grass
    73,95 kr.

    I Grass' store erindringsværk, NÅR LØGET SKRÆLLES, spillede han på to billeder på erindring: Insektet i en ravklump som billede på det knivskarpe minde og løget som billede på blikket, der sløres og ser uklart. MØRKEKAMMERHISTORIER spiller videre på erindring som en vekselvirkning mellem klarhed og tvivl. Fra midten af 1950'erne til sin død i 1997 var fotografen Marie Rama Grass' trofaste assistent og veninde. Med sit gamle Agfa-Box-kamera, som havde overlevet krigen, dokumenterede hun den voksende Grass-families liv og levned. MØRKEKAMMERHISTORIER former sig som et eventyr i ni dele. Grass' egne og sammenbragte børn fra to ægteskaber - i alt otte - fortæller med hver deres fiktionaliserede stemme i levende dialoger om livet med deres berømte far, om barndommens glæder og sorger og Maries fantastiske billeder, der på samme tid kunne indfange fortid og fremtid, ønsker og angst. MØRKEKAMMERHISTORIER fortsætter erindringssporet fra forrige bog med blik på familieliv og børn, samtidig med at bogen er en hyldest til den kvinde, der hjalp Grass på vej som kunstner og dokumenterede hans voksende berømmelse som forfatter og kunstner. Bogen indeholder forfatterens egne humoristiske tegninger af Marie Rama.

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