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  • af Gordon Roberts
    153,95 kr.

    The author of this book, Edward Highton (1817-1859) was a Victorian civil engineer, telegraph engineer and company promoter. A professional in his field, he worked throughout his life in close collaboration with his brother, the Reverend Henry Highton, who can perhaps be best described as a gifted amateur. Edward Highton was at one time the telegraphic superintendent of the London & North Western Railway, who independently developed and patented a simplified and inexpensive needle telegraph instrument that used keys (or tappers), rather than the commutators with drop handles that were more common at the time. He made a number of innovations in overhead wire telegraphy, as well as advocating the laying of resin insulated underground cables. In 1849 he founded the British Electric Telegraph Company, to exploit the patents held by him and his brother. His single needle telegraph was one of the most widely used in Britain.In this treatise Highton traces the development of telegraphs generally, before discussing the generation of electricity for telegraphic purposes by all the means known at the time. He reviews the history of the telegraph before 1837 in Britain, Europe and America, then covers in more detail systems currently in use at the time this book was published. This includes telegraphic instruments and circuits in Britain, America, France, Prussia and Germany, Russia, India and other countries. He discusses message charges and the regulation of time by the telegraph, before some concluding remarks on the utility of the electric telegraph. He also relates some amusing misunderstandings of the new electrical technology by the general public.

  • af Gordon Roberts
    508,95 kr.

    THIS standard treatise on mechanical railway signalling by Leonard Lewis was written at the turn of the twentieth century. Originally published in 1910 as Railway Signal Engineering (Mechanical), a second edition followed in 1912. A third edition, revised and enlarged by J. H. Fraser, appeared in 1932. Since its original publication, now more than 100 years ago, much if not all of the mechanisms and practices described and illustrated have disappeared from the modern high-speed railways of Britain and the rest of the world. In his preface to the first edition, Lewis wrote that he intended the book to be '... suitable for men who are engaged in railway work, but not necessarily in connection with the Signalling Engineer's Department.' Today, such men no longer have any professional interest in what to them is now archaic and superseded. However, with the popular growth of preserved heritage railways, and the dedicated reconstruction and re-creation of many railway artefacts by enthusiasts, it is no longer possible to state categorically that any particular mechanism or operating procedure described in the book is extinct. Although they may have disappeared from modern railways in the electronic and computer controlled age, original or replica items or otherwise obsolete methods of working may well be in regular use on preserved branch line railways or be on display in railway museums. Herein lies the main inspiration for this new edition at the start of the twenty first century. Lewis's book, once describing the very cutting edge of railway technology, has become with the passage of time a valuable work of history. Nevertheless, its contents may still be very relevant and of inestimable value to those responsible for the maintenance and operation of precious and irreplaceable signalling equipment on preserved steam and diesel railways, wheresoever those lines might be. Again, the ever growing band of collectors and restorers of old signalling equipment will find the technical material in these pages of more than passing interest. Likewise, enthusiasts viewing the artefacts on display in railway museums might find that this volume can usefully supplement the information provided in simplified guide books and explanatory leaflets.Railway Signal Engineering (Mechanical) is long out of print. The present derivative work is based on the 1932 edition and non of Lewis's original text, nor that later added by Fraser, has been omitted from this reprint. It is in every word as the original, except for a few minor corrections and one important detail. That is, the captions to some of the drawings have been amended to more accurately reflect the intent of the illustration, than did Lewis's original captions. Also note that no illustrations have been omitted, although a few have been added. However, as the most cursory glance through the book pages will show, all the illustrations have been redrawn, in many cases substituting more realistic depictions of signals and mechanisms for the sometimes rather crude sketches in the original. Most notably, colour has been used, not only to provide a more visually appealing book for the enthusiast and the historian, but also in the hope that it adds somewhat to the understanding of technical descriptions and of the illustrations themselves.

  • af Gordon Roberts
    228,95 kr.

    Natural, holistic, complementary, alternative - all of these are words used for healthcare that goes beyond the conventional. Humans have been using natural healing methods and treatments on themselves and their animal companions for thousands of years and it is these ancient methods, along with a number of more modern discoveries, that form a huge part of natural healthcare today. A truly holistic approach to healthcare for animals is one that balances emotional needs with the physical. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, that often treat the symptoms not the cause, natural healthcare takes the whole animal into account to create a treatment, or course of treatments, that support the animal's overall health and wellbeing. Disease is precisely that - a dis-ease in the body - and it is often a symptom of wider problems. If the body is imbalanced in any way, it manifests this imbalance in physical symptoms. Maintaining your dog's health and treating your dog's symptoms using complementary methods and therapies can help your dog to stay in tip-top shape, or support his own healing processes if he gets sick. We are not recommending that you simply choose purely natural or purely conventional methods of treatment for your dog - the beauty of natural therapies is that they work in tandem with conventional medicines and treatments to support your dog's health. There are certain conditions that will need urgent medical attention, and that assistance should always be sought if your dog's life is in danger. There are a number of ailments contained within this book that require urgent veterinary treatment However, complementary therapies can help your dog to heal, for example, after a trauma or surgery, as well as helping to heal chronic conditions. Some herbal medicines and essential oils can interact with prescribed conventional medicines, so always make sure that you consult your vet before embarking on a course of natural treatment for your dog. I have been deeply interested in and passionate about natural treatments for animals for a long timeand, as a "conventional" vet, people may be surprised to learn that I support complementary therapies! To me, it's all about treating the animal as a whole, ensuring their optimum health and comfort whatever their age and stage. This book is an introduction to a range of natural treatments and therapies for your dog, along with an A-Z compendium of 40 various ailments and how to treat them. The list is comprehensive but by no means exhaustive, and if you need further information on how to treat your dog holistically, consult your vet or holistic vet practitioner. The best of health to you and your dog! Gordon Table Of Contents: Introduction General care for your dog Acupuncture Aromatherapy Bach Flower Remedies Chinese Herbal Medicine Chiropractic Diet and nutrition Homeopathy Massage Nutraceuticals Reiki Tellington TTouch Western Herbal Medicine Ailments and illnesses

  • af Gordon Roberts
    218,95 kr.

    The love and friendship of a pet is something that plays a very special part in our lives. Our pets love us unconditionally and, in return for our love and care, they provide us with loyalty, companionship, comfort and friendship. Pets are a part of our family, so when we lose a pet, it can be a devastating experience. The bond between animals and humans is so strong that when our pet dies or is lost, we feel very intense emotions of grief. This is a natural reaction to losing something dear to you, but sometimes other people don't understand how significant the loss of a pet is to the owner. It can be hard to find support when you are grieving for a pet, and this book has been written to provide you with both the emotional and practical support that you need at such a difficult time. Losing a pet can lead to feelings of despair, loneliness, even guilt, especially if you have had to take the very difficult decision of having your pet put to sleep (euthanasia). The emotions associated with grief can be very difficult to come to terms with and, if you also have children, you will be helping them through a time that can be sad and confusing, as well as working through your own grief. Life can seem very empty without your pet. Some people spend lots of time in the company of their pets, stroking them, talking to them, exercising and feeding them and simply being in their company. The loss of such a close and familiar companion means that your day-to-day life suddenly changes, and this readjustment naturally takes time. Lots of us love our pets so much they are real family members, not "just an animal", so when we lose them, we grieve strongly. People who have never owned a pet, or who have owned one but never formed a bond with them, can find it hard to understand the sadness and emptiness that you feel. "It was only a dog/cat/rabbit - get over it" they might think or say, as if the fact that your pet was not human means that you are not allowed to feel so dreadfully unhappy about their passing. You should never be embarrassed about grieving properly for your lost pet - your feelings are real and you need to experience them. It may not feel like it right now, but you will one day be able to think of your pet without feeling this loss so deeply and painfully as with the loss of a close relative. It may not feel it at the time, but as time passes, although you will never forget them and what they meant to you, you will be able to remember the things they did and the memories you shared with a smile again. "Your place I'll hold, you will be missed, The fur I stroked, the nose I kissed. And as you journey to your final rest, Take with you this...I loved you best." Jim Willis

  • - How to care for your Leopard Gecko and everything you need to know to keep them well.
    af Gordon Roberts
    173,95 kr.

    This book will teach you how to care for your Leopard Gecko and everything you need to know to keep them well. Table of contents: Introduction Chapter 1 - Finding out about leopard gecko lizards Chapter 2 - The Leopard Gecko as a pet - is it right for you? Chapter 3 - Selecting a leopard gecko Chapter 4 - Housing your lizard Chapter 5 - Feeding your pet leopard gecko Chapter 6 - Shedding and tail loss Chapter 7 - Recognising and treating ill health Chapter 8 - Breeding and Incubation Chapter 9 - Colour and pattern variation Chapter 10 - Leopard gecko behaviours

  • - A Handbook for Electricians and Operators
    af Gordon Roberts
    153,95 kr.

    The author of this book, Franklin (Frank) Leonard Pope, was a renowned American telegrapher and electrical engineer. He began his career as a local telegraphist, employed by the American Telegraph Company in his home town of Great Barrington, Mass. He came to the notice of Marshall Lefferts, engineer-in-chief of that company, who, impressed by Pope's obvious skills and competence, transferred him to New York and promoted him to assistant engineer. Later in life he became assistant engineer and chief-of-exploration to the Collins Overland Telegraph Expedition, which attempted to establish a telegraph line through the wilderness of Canada and Alaska to the Bering Strait. The intention was to link with a Russian line to Moscow and thus establish communications between America and Europe. The successful laying of the Atlantic cable by Cyrus Field rendered the scheme redundant when it was about one third completed, and it was abandoned at enormous cost.In 1868 Pope began to write this book. He intended it to provide a complete handbook for the average American telegraphist and electrician and also for aspiring students. On its first publication it received glowing reviews from both industry and the general press. The first edition sold out in four weeks. Subsequently it went through fifteen reprints up to 1895, and it was adopted as a text book by the United States Signal Service. Pope's clarity of description and the use of his own practical experiences helped many readers to understand the basic principles of telegraphy, and to develop their own skills in the esoteric art of electric communications.

  • af Gordon Roberts
    248,95 kr.

    With their long, lush fur, their gentle character and their origins in the fabled caravan cities of Central Asia, Persians are amongst the most appealing of all cats - and this book is the essential guide to everything you could ever need to know about their health, behaviour, wellbeing and more. Written by experienced vet and cat expert Gordon Roberts, you'll learn about the history and character of the species, and get vital insights into all the challenges a cat-owner might face. With chapters dedicated to each of the common diseases that affect Persians, and clear-eyed professional insights into the issues of neutering and vaccination, the book cuts through old wives' tales and tells you everything you need to know about feline health. Delivered in a sharp and engaging style, this is both a practical guide to Persian health and behaviour, and an endlessly fascinating read for any cat-lover. You'll learn how to spot the early warning signs of impending health problems, how best to train your cat, and how to tackle dental care - always a challenge with flat-faced Persians. But you'll also get plenty of intriguing insights - not least a fascinating account of just why cats always land on their feet. Based on professional veterinary knowledge and years of experience working with cats, delivered in eminently readable style, and crammed with practical tips and intriguing insights, this book is the unrivalled guide to caring for your Persian. Chapters: Introduction History Character Persian Facts Health Common Diseases - Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Common Diseases - Urinary Tract Stones Common Diseases - Progressive Retinal Atrophy Protecting Your Cat From Parasites The Importance Of Vaccination The Truth About Neutering Food and Diet Why You Should Cut Down On Treats Learn To Spot Early Warning Signs Keeping Your Persian's Teeth Healthy Grooming Exercise Training Understanding Cat Behaviour Cat Behaviour - Vocalizations Cat Behaviour - Body Language Cat Behaviour - Socialization Cat Behaviour - Righting Reflex Cat Behaviour - Scent Spraying and Rubbing Cat Behaviour - Body Posture Cat Behaviour - Kneading Cat Behaviour - Feline Intelligence Conclusion

  • af Gordon Roberts
    128,95 kr.

    This volume is the first of a series comprising new editions of early books on the subject of the Electric Telegraph. Anyone researching the technology, development and operation of telegraphy, or persons simply wanting an absorbing read, will find these works of the greatest historical interest.This particular book, An Illustrated Handbook to the Electric Telegraph, by Robert Dodwell, was originally published at London in 1862. Dodwell, a telegraph engineer and electrician, who was at one time District Engineer to the Magnetic Telegraph Company in Manchester, here presents a non-technical but very readable account of the Electric Telegraph, from the earliest days up to the mid-nineteenth century. By this time most of the essential features of telegraphy had been invented and patented, experimentally tested and then either discarded or put into operation somewhere or other in Europe or the United States of America. Dodwell deals mainly, but not exclusively, with telegraphy in Britain. The three broad topics covered are, first, the Galvanic Battery, the means to generate the 'electric fluid' (as electricity was then called), the newly discovered and wonderful agency that made long-distance communications possible. Secondly, the various Sending and Receiving Instruments used for communicating by telegraphic signals are discussed. Thirdly, the Line Wire, the medium by which signals are carried across country and around the world, either overground, subterranean, or submarine, are examined. Dodwell also relates many amusing anecdotes about the misapprehensions, misconceptions and misunderstandings of the telegraph by his Victorian contemporaries.

  • af Gordon Roberts
    373,95 kr.

    There is no one living today who has personal experience of the Great Northern Railway (GNR), since it ceased to exist in 1923. However, seated in a favourite armchair with this guide in hand, it is possible to drift back in time and experience Victorian railway travel in the year 1892, the year that this book was originally published by Cassell & Company. Imagine beginning your travels at the magnificent London terminus of King's Cross. The advertisements in this book will inform you that the refreshment-room tariff includes a basin of soup for one shilling, mutton or veal and ham pie for three pence, or a plate of meat for six pence. Port, sherry or claret is available at six pence per glass, whiskey, gin, or rum at four pence per glass, ale or stout at two pence per glass. For younger travellers lemonade soda can be had for two pence a bottle, ginger beer for three pence. Or perhaps you prefer to take your food with you on the train. In this case luncheon baskets, hot or cold, are available at three shillings each. But whistles are blowing and the "Flying Scotsman" is about to depart for Edinburgh, Glasgow and the Highlands. Reaching Edinburgh, we might seek accommodation at John MacPherson's Cockburn Hotel on Waverley Bridge, where a night porter is kept, French, German and Italian are spoken, and a bed and attendance (on the fourth floor) can be had for two shillings and sixpence. This is a temperance hotel so, Mr. MacPherson sternly warns, no spiritous liquors are available. This type of hotel finds great favour with Victorian lady travellers, who have vowed that "lips which touch spirits shall never touch mine". On another journey by the Great Northern, we might travel on the York to Newcastle line and alight at Darlington Bank Top Station. The main line here is a vast thoroughfare for traffic, averaging considerably over one hundred passenger trains daily. The new and handsome station has a letterbox, postal-telegraph office, bookstall, and refreshment rooms, on the island platform. Cabs (that is, horse-drawn hansom cabs, not motor taxis) attend all trains. And so on and on-scores of different but equally delightful journeys, through hundreds of stations, villages and towns big and small, all alluringly described in the guide in over three hundred and sixty pages. Many pages contain delightful engravings depicting high streets with chickens scratching in gutters and horse drawn wagons plodding by, where today the same scene is usually a choked confusion of gridlocked traffic, raucous noise, and mad rush. A further eighty pages are full of beguiling contemporary advertisements that are worth browsing in their own right. Truly, with the Official Guide to the Great Northern Railway in hand, not only is it possible to experience Victorian railway travel at its height, but also to time-travel back to the days before motor cars and yellow lines blighted village and town, before motorways scarred the countryside and their hideous noise drove people nearly insane. A time also when the only things in the sky were songbirds and not screaming jetliners. From your armchair, today, with the Official Guide, you can recapture a time when only a puff of smoke, the hiss of steam and the rattle of carriage wheels marked the passage of a train, only briefly disturbing the quiet townscape or rural idyll. When uniformed hotel porters with their luggage barrows met all trains and no one had to struggle, as today, up and down stairs with their own cumbersome suitcases on wheels. When meals in dining cars were cooked on the train in real ovens and served by waiters in white jackets and black ties, with all the panache of the London Savoy. When drinks were served in glass and china and not disagreeable cardboard. When sleeping cars ensured a sound nights rest on long overnight journeys. Ah-bliss! Discover it all with this wonderful book, and let your imagination know no bounds.

  • - How to care for your Guinea Pig and everything you need to know to keep them well
    af Gordon Roberts
    173,95 kr.

    Guinea Pigs How to care for your Guinea Pig and everything you need to keep them well Table Of Contents Introduction PART 1: The Guinea Pig Revealed What's in a Name? Origins and History Physical Characteristics Sensory Abilities Behaviour Diet in the Wild Breeding Children and Guinea Pigs PART 2: Choosing a Guinea Pig Gender Age Health Personality One, Two, or More? Where to Find? PART 3: Caring for Your Guinea Pig Housing Outdoor Housing Bedding Feeding and Nutrition Grooming and Bathing Cleanliness Health and Illness Finding a Veterinarian PART 4: Guinea Pigs at Work and Play Communication Training -Techniques Training - Things to Train Toys Environment Adding Playmates Conclusion

  • - A vet's guide on how to care from your Birman cat
    af Gordon Roberts
    263,95 kr.

    With their sky-blue eyes, thick, luscious fur and quiet bearing it's easy to see why the "Sacred Cats of Burma" have become one of the most popular of all breeds. This book is the essential guide to everything you could ever need to know about their health, behaviour, wellbeing and more. Written by experienced vet and cat expert Gordon Roberts, this book is both a both a detailed look at the history and background of the Birman and an essential practical guide to their care. With chapters dedicated to health and diet, you'll find out how best to protect your Birman from parasites and how to keep it happy and healthy. There are also clear-eyed professional assessments of the issues of neutering and vaccination, which cut through old wives' tales and tell you everything you need to know about feline health. Delivered in a sharp and engaging style, this is an endlessly fascinating read for any cat-lover. You'll learn just why your Birman behaves the way it does, and get plenty of other intriguing insights - not least a fascinating account of just why cats always land on their feet. Founded in professional veterinary knowledge and years of experience working with cats, delivered in eminently readable style, and crammed with practical tips and fascinating facts, this book is the unrivalled guide to caring for your Birman and understanding the behaviour and nature of these beautiful and exotic creatures, descended from the sacred temple cats of Burma. Chapters: Introduction History Breed Profile Breed Facts Birman Health - Protecting Your Cat From Parasites Birman Health - The Importance of Vaccination Birman Health - The Truth About Neutering Birman Health - Creating a Balanced Diet Birman Health - Why You Should Cut Down On Treats Birman Health - Learn To Spot Early Warning Signs Birman Health - Keeping Your Cat's Teeth Healthy Cat Behaviour - Understanding Cat Behaviour Cat Behaviour - Vocalizations Cat Behaviour - Body Language Cat Behaviour - Socialization Cat Behaviour - Introducing a New Kitten to Your Home Cat Behaviour - Righting Reflex Cat Behaviour - Scent Spraying and Rubbing Cat Behaviour - Body Posture Cat Behaviour - Eating and Drinking Cat Behaviour - Kneading Cat Behaviour - Feline Intelligence Conclusion

  • af Gordon Roberts
    209,95 kr.

    Majestic, intelligent and with more than a hint of the jungle in their stately bearing, the Bengal is one of the most attractive and intriguing of all cat species - and this book is the essential guide to their health, behaviour and wellbeing. With the blood of wild Asian leopard cats coursing in their veins the Bengal is a cat like no other, and experienced vet and cat expert Gordon Roberts guides you through their care. With chapters dedicated to health and diet you'll find out how best to protect your Bengal from parasites, and how to keep it happy and healthy. There are also clear-eyed professional assessments of the issues of neutering and vaccination, which cut through old wives' tales and tell you everything you need to know about feline health. Given their wild ancestry, Bengal behaviour is often more challenging than that of other breeds, and the book offers detailed information about just why your cat does the things it does - and how to deal with problems and training. Delivered in a brisk and engaging style, this is a fascinating read for any cat-lover, with endless insights - not least an account of just why cats always land on their feet. Founded in professional veterinary knowledge and years of experience working with cats, delivered in eminently readable style, and crammed with practical tips and fascinating facts, this book is the unrivalled guide to caring for your Bengal and a rewarding read whether you're an experienced Bengal-owner or a newcomer to this most exotic of breeds. Chapters: Introduction History of the Bengal The Bengal Bengal Varieties Why Choose a Bengal? Kitten/or Older? Where to purchase Bengal Health - Protecting Your Cat From Parasites Bengal Health - The Importance Of Vaccination Bengal Health - The Truth About Neutering Bengal Health - Creating A Balanced Diet Bengal Health - Why You Should Cut Down On Treats Bengal Health - Learn To Spot Early Warning Signs Bengal Health - Keeping Your Cat's Teeth Healthy Understanding Cat Behaviour Cat Behaviour - Vocalizations Cat Behaviour - Body Language Cat Behaviour - Socialization Cat Behaviour - Righting Reflex Cat Behaviour - Scent Spraying and Rubbing Cat Behaviour - Body Posture Cat Behaviour - Eating and Drinking Cat Behaviour - Kneading Cat Behaviour - Feline Intelligence Conclusion

  • af Gordon Roberts
    463,95 kr.

    The Beagle With its lovable disposition, attractive appearance and inquisitive nature, the Beagle makes a wonderful pet. If you're thinking of becoming the owner of a Beagle, there is a lot to consider. This invaluable book explains how to look after your Beagle and covers all aspects of looking after this confident dog, from health to training, diet and exercise. In this book, you'll learn: - How to feed, train and exercise your pup - How to avoid some of the most annoying behavioural problems in your dog, such as barking - How to train your Beagle to respond to the most important commands - How to show your Beagle that you are the pack leader - How to spot the most common dog diseases before they get serious - Plus, everything else you need to know about living with this breed including it's history, character and special health considerations. You'll also find a very useful section on commonly prescribed medications to help make visits to the vet easier. Author Gordon Roberts is an established veterinarian who runs 8 branches of his clinic, Wellpets, throughout the UK. He has written several books on pet care, writes for numerous animal websites and has also developed his own line of holistic pet products.

  • - No Atonement
    af Gordon Roberts
    38,95 - 59,95 kr.

    Not Hemingway; way too short like bird songsperformed for a fish.Not Gabriel Garcia Marquez; too fanciful,too much Cuban cigar.An American in self-exile, writing from his backyard view, considers if atonement is possible, if optimism is realistic. Following years of performing poems, The View form the Ant Hill reflects for his first time in book form, upon the hope that accompanies sharing writing.

  • af Gordon Roberts & Dionysius Lardner
    288,95 kr.

  • af Gordon Roberts
    9.498,95 kr.

    The Encyclopedia of Biophysics is envisioned both as an easily accessible source of information and as an introductory guide to the scientific literature. It includes entries describing both Techniques and Systems. In the Techniques entries, each of the wide range of methods which fall under the heading of Biophysics are explained in detail, together with the value and the limitations of the information each provides. Techniques covered range from diffraction (X-ray, electron and neutron) through a wide range of spectroscopic methods (X-ray, optical, EPR, NMR) to imaging (from electron microscopy to live cell imaging and MRI), as well as computational and simulation approaches.In the Systems entries, biophysical approaches to specific biological systems or problems ¿ from protein and nucleic acid structure to membranes, ion channels and receptors ¿ are described. These sections, which place emphasis on the integration of the different techniques, therefore provide an inroadinto Biophysics from a biological more than from a technique-oriented physical/chemical perspective. Thus the Encyclopedia is intended to provide a resource both for biophysicists interested in methods beyond those used in their immediate sub-discipline and for those readers who are approaching biophysics from either a physical or biological background.

  • - Tudor Scholar and Mathematician
    af Gordon Roberts
    156,95 - 478,95 kr.

    This enthralling biography tells the complete story of one of Tudor England's most enigmatic figures. A Welshman born in Tenby, south Wales, c.1512, Robert Recorde was educated at both Oxford and Cambridge. This book, a detailed biography of this Tudor scholar, reviews the many facets of his astonishingly wide-ranging career and ultimately tragic life. It presents a richly detailed and fully rounded picture of Recorde the man, the university academic and theologian, the physician, the mathematician and astronomer, the antiquarian, and the writer of hugely successful textbooks. Crown appointments brought Recorde into conflict with the scheming Earl of Pembroke, and eventually set him at odds with Queen Mary I. As an intellectual out of his depth in political intrigue, beset by religious turmoil, Recorde eventually succumbed to the dangers that closed inexorably around him.

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