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Bøger af Guilherme Ferreira

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  • - A Learning Journey Through Test-Driven Development with Elixir
    af Guilherme Ferreira
    93,95 kr.

    "TDD in Practice with Elixir" is a comprehensive guide for developers looking to enhance their Elixir skills through Test-Driven Development (TDD). The book covers everything from the fundamentals of TDD, emphasizing the importance of testing before coding, to advanced techniques specific to the Elixir language. It is designed to teach how to build robust, high-quality Elixir applications by using tests to guide software design. Suitable for programmers at all levels, this book offers a detailed journey through the software development lifecycle with TDD, illustrated with practical examples and interactive exercises.

  • - Uma Jornada de Aprendizado Através do Test-Driven Development com Elixir
    af Guilherme Ferreira
    93,95 kr.

    "TDD na Prática com Elixir" é um guia abrangente para desenvolvedores que desejam aprimorar suas habilidades em Elixir através do Desenvolvimento Guiado por Testes (TDD). O livro aborda desde os fundamentos do TDD, enfatizando a importância de testar antes de codificar, até técnicas avançadas específicas para a linguagem Elixir. Ele é projetado para ensinar como construir aplicações Elixir robustas e de alta qualidade, usando testes para guiar o design do software. Ideal para programadores de todos os níveis, este livro oferece uma jornada detalhada pelo ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento de software com TDD, ilustrado com exemplos práticos e exercícios interativos.

  • af Guilherme Ferreira
    747,95 kr.

    This work is situated in the area of Computer-Assisted Composition, CAC. More specifically, in the generation of pre-compositional material at a symbolic level. Our use and appropriation of this technological resource was, however, influenced by the philosophy of Vilém Flusser, especially his work Black Box Philosophy. The aims of this research were both to contribute (via Flusser) to the debate on the current compositional environment, and to use the computational resource that is notably characteristic of this environment to solve a problem of organizing pitches and ordering musical events. The treatment given to pitch space in post-tonal music favors, in its generality and abstraction, more analytical than practical approaches. In this way, we introduced the concept of the Table of Interval Differences, TDI, as a photograph of the interval relationships in a temporal sequence that incorporates both intervals between successive events and intervals between non-adjacent events, in a way taking up a proposal by Ernest Ansermet (1987).

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