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Bøger af Guillermo Maldonado

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  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    168,95 kr.

    "Shows that miracles, healings, and deliverance from demonic oppression are available to every believer and how to take advantage of the supernatural power that is available to you"--Provided by publisher.

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    299,95 kr.

    ACTIVE LA ATMÓSFERA CELESTIAL Y CONVIÉRTASE EN UN PORTADOR DE LA GLORIA DE DIOSMientras el fin de los tiempos arrecia y la segunda venida de Jesús se acerca, las soluciones aportadas por los hombres siguen fracasando en un mundo consumido por el caos. Los días de crisis exigen un remanente que viva impregnado de la atmósfera de la gloria de Dios.¡Necesitamos afrontar estos tiempos con la máxima intensidad para que la gloria de Dios cumpla nuestro llamado para esta hora; porque en la gloria postrera, nosotros descansamos y Dios es quien hace todo!El autor de bestsellers, apóstol, y notable líder mundial Guillermo Maldonado nos revela el plan de los últimos tiempos a fin de tener encuentros con la gloria de Dios y quedar marcados por ella. El apóstol Maldonado recibió esta carga específica para el remanente de Dios en los últimos tiempos. Este plan no está basado en teología o teoría, sino en el mover de la gloria de Dios que él ha venido experimentando mientras viaja alrededor del mundo predicando el evangelio de Jesucristo. Usted también puede caminar en esa atmósfera de encuentros divinos, milagros, liberación y cosecha-una poderosa presencia en la que, incluso los que no son salvos, vean la gloria tangible de Dios y pregunten: "¿Qué debo hacer para ser salvo?"En sus páginas, usted descubrirá cómo: Vivir victoriosamente en tiempos turbulentos, caminando bajo la nube de gloria.Experimentar las dimensiones del poder sobrenatural, donde los milagros suceden sin esfuerzo humano.Ser portador de la nube de la gloria de Dios en su vida diaria, de forma visible, pode-rosa y tangible.Conviértase en portador de la gloria de Dios en su esfera de influencia y sature la atmósfera que le rodea con poder del cielo. Como Moisés en el monte, su vida será ¡marcada por la gloria de Dios que mora en usted!

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    328,95 kr.

    ACTIVATE THE HEAVENLY ATMOSPHERE AND BECOME A BEARER OF GOD'S GLORY As the end times rage and the second coming of Jesus draws near, man-made solutions continue to fail in a world consumed by chaos. The days of crisis demand a remnant that lives imbued with the atmosphere of God's glory.We need to face these times with the utmost intensity so that the glory of God fulfills our calling for this hour, because in the latter glory, we rest, and God is the One who does everything!Bestselling author, apostle, and notable global leader Guillermo Maldonado reveals to us the end-time blueprint for having encounters with God's glory and being marked by it. Apostle Maldonado received this specific burden for the end-time remnant of God. This blueprint is not based on theology or theory but on the moving of God's glory, which he experiences as he travels the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. You, too, can walk in that atmosphere of divine encounters, miracles, deliverance, and harvest-a powerful presence in which even the unsaved see God's tangible glory and ask, "What must I do to be saved?"On its pages, you'll discover how to: Live victoriously in turbulent times, walking under the glory's cloud.Experience dimensions of supernatural power, where miracles happen with no human effort.Be a bearer of God's glory cloud in your daily life in a visible, powerful, and tangible way.Become a bearer of God's glory in your sphere of influence and saturate the atmosphere around you with heavenly power. Like Moses on the mountain, your life will be marked by the glory of God dwelling in you!

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    187,95 kr.

    ACTIVE LA ATMÓSFERA CELESTIAL Y CONVIÉRTASE EN UN PORTADOR DE LA GLORIA DE DIOSMientras el fin de los tiempos arrecia y la segunda venida de Jesús se acerca, las soluciones aportadas por los hombres siguen fracasando en un mundo consumido por el caos. Los días de crisis exigen un remanente que viva impregnado de la atmósfera de la gloria de Dios.¡Necesitamos afrontar estos tiempos con la máxima intensidad para que la gloria de Dios cumpla nuestro llamado para esta hora; porque en la gloria postrera, nosotros descansamos y Dios es quien hace todo!El autor de bestsellers, apóstol, y notable líder mundial Guillermo Maldonado nos revela el plan de los últimos tiempos a fin de tener encuentros con la gloria de Dios y quedar marcados por ella.El apóstol Maldonado recibió esta carga específica para el remanente de Dios en los últimos tiempos. Este plan no está basado en teología o teoría, sino en el mover de la gloria de Dios que él ha venido experimentando mientras viaja alrededor del mundo predicando el evangelio de Jesucristo. Usted también puede caminar en esa atmósfera de encuentros divinos, milagros, liberación y cosecha-una poderosa presencia en la que, incluso los que no son salvos, vean la gloria tangible de Dios y pregunten: "¿Qué debo hacer para ser salvo?"En sus páginas, usted descubrirá cómo:Vivir victoriosamente en tiempos turbulentos, caminando bajo la nube de gloria.Experimentar las dimensiones del poder sobrenatural, donde los milagros suceden sin esfuerzo humano.Ser portador de la nube de la gloria de Dios en su vida diaria, de forma visible, poderosa y tangible.Conviértase en portador de la gloria de Dios en su esfera de influencia y sature la atmósfera que le rodea con poder del cielo. Como Moisés en el monte, su vida será ¡marcada por la gloria de Dios que mora en usted!

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    184,95 kr.

    ACTIVATE THE HEAVENLY ATMOSPHERE AND BECOME A BEARER OF GOD'S GLORY As the end times rage and the second coming of Jesus draws near, man-made solutions continue to fail in a world consumed by chaos. The days of crisis demand a remnant that lives imbued with the atmosphere of God's glory.We need to face these times with the utmost intensity so that the glory of God fulfills our calling for this hour, because in the latter glory, we rest, and God is the One who does everything!Bestselling author, apostle, and notable global leader Guillermo Maldonado reveals to us the end-time blueprint for having encounters with God's glory and being marked by it. Apostle Maldonado received this specific burden for the end-time remnant of God. This blueprint is not based on theology or theory but on the moving of God's glory, which he experiences as he travels the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. You, too, can walk in that atmosphere of divine encounters, miracles, deliverance, and harvest-a powerful presence in which even the unsaved see God's tangible glory and ask, "What must I do to be saved?"On its pages, you'll discover how to: Live victoriously in turbulent times, walking under the glory's cloud.Experience dimensions of supernatural power, where miracles happen with no human effort.Be a bearer of God's glory cloud in your daily life in a visible, powerful, and tangible way.Become a bearer of God's glory in your sphere of influence and saturate the atmosphere around you with heavenly power. Like Moses on the mountain, your life will be marked by the glory of God dwelling in you!

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    248,95 - 393,95 kr.

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    183,95 kr.

    ¡Sacudimiento... avivamiento... y cosecha! Los últimos tiempos se están revelando ante nuestros ojos. Primero, habrá sacudimientos sin precedentes. Hoy en día, el mundo está siendo sacudido de manera sin precedentes. Y esto es sólo el comienzo. Las naciones, instituciones, economías, familias, individuos, el medio ambiente, el cosmos, el mundo espiritual; en fin, en cada dimensión y esfera de la vida, veremos poderosas olas de sacudimiento que interrumpirán el curso de nuestras vidas y eliminarán nuestro falso sentido de seguridad en los recursos terrenales, obligándonos a volver la mirada a nuestro Creador. El propósito principal de los sacudimientos es juzgar al mundo por su pecado y rebelión contra Dios. Sin embargo, Dios usará el sacudimiento que estamos experimentando ahora para refinar a los creyentes, de modo que seamos purificados hasta convertirnos en el remanente que está listo para la inminente aparición de Jesús. Segundo, habrá un avivamiento sin precedentes. A medida que respondamos al sacudimiento con arrepentimiento y profundo fervor a Dios, estaremos preparados para tomar papel activo en el avivamiento de los últimos días, en el que se revelará la gloria soberana de Dios. Habrá un movimiento sobrenatural integral caracterizado por milagros, sanidades, salvaciones, provisión financiera, visión profética, santidad renovada, adoración poderosa, discipulado sólido y profundo amor. Finalmente, ¡habrá una cosecha de almas sin precedentes con impacto global! El Espíritu Santo empoderará a la iglesia para alcanzar a los perdidos con demostración de milagros, señales y maravillas. Millones de personas en todo el mundo vendrán al arrepentimiento genuino, entregando sus corazones al Señor Jesús. En Sacudimiento y avivamiento de los últimos tiempos, el autor de best-sellers, Guillermo Maldonado, profundiza sobre el tema de los últimos tiempos introducido en sus libros anteriores, revelando cómo... Evitar el juicio de DiosResponder correctamente a los sacudimientos divinos en su vida y en el mundoSer avivado y continuamente lleno del EspírituParticipar en la cosecha mundial de almasMoverse con poder sobrenatural ¡Necesitamos entender el ciclo de Dios en los eventos de los últimos tiempos para poder alinear nuestras vidas a Sus propósitos trascendentales en estos días finales! Shaking...Then Revival...Then Harvest! The end times are unfolding before our eyes. First, there will be unprecedented shakings. Today, the world is shaking in unprecedented ways. And this is just the beginning. Nations, institutions, economies, families, individuals, the earth's environment, the cosmos, the spiritual realm--in every dimension and sphere of life, we will see powerful waves of shaking that disrupt the course of our lives and take away our false sense of security in earthly resources, compelling us to return to our Creator. The main purpose of these shakings is to judge the people of the world for their sin and rebellion against God. Yet God is using the shaking we are now experiencing to refine believers so we will be purified to become the remnant that is ready for Jesus's imminent appearing. Second, there will be unprecedented revival. As we respond to the shaking with repentance and wholehearted devotion to God, we will be prepared to take an active role in the coming last-days revival in which God's sovereign glory will be revealed! There will be an all-inclusive supernatural movement characterized by miracles, healings, salvations, financial provision, prophetic visions, renewed holiness, powerful worship, strong discipleship, and profound love. Finally, there will be an unprecedented harvest of souls with global impact! The Holy Spirit will empower the church to reach the lost with the demonstration of miracles, signs, and wonders. Millions of people worldwide will come to genuine repentance, surrendering their hearts to the Lord Jesus. In End-Time Shaking and Revival, best-selling author Guillermo Maldonado expands on last-days themes introduced in his previous books, revealing how to... Avoid God's judgmentRespond correctly to the divine shakings in your life and in the worldBe revived and continuously filled with the SpiritParticipate in the worldwide harvestMove in supernatural power We must understand God's cycle of end-time events so we can align our lives with His momentous purposes in these last days!

  • - Libertad Para Tu Alma, Mente Y Emociones
    af Guillermo Maldonado
    168,95 kr.

    Recibe tu liberaci n ahora La mayor a de creyentes ama a Cristo, pero por falta de conocimiento de alguna manera todav a viven atados por ell enemigo. Los esp ritus demoniacos son la causa principal de muchos de los problemas emocionales, es

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    163,95 kr.

    When was the last time you had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit? All believers can have powerful divine encounters with the Spirit--not as isolated events but as a lifestyle in which... The supernatural realm is your greatest reality.Jesus becomes real in you.You are commissioned to demonstrate God's miraculous power.You have a profound desire for more of God's presence. To experience divine encounters, you need to have a strong understanding of who the Holy Spirit is. In this 8-CD teaching, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clears up doubts and false concepts about the Spirit while providing striking testimonies of people transformed by their supernatural encounters. God desires to manifest Himself as our Father, Provider, Miracle Worker, Healer, Deliverer, and Defender. He also wants us to impact families, communities, and even nations for Christ. Entering into an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit will fill you with God's love and give you a compassionate heart for a hurting world. You don't have to be a spiritual leader, and you don't have to be perfect, to experience the presence of God and continue the works of Jesus on earth. All you need is a powerful divine encounter with the Holy Spirit.

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    163,95 kr.

    This study guide companion to How to Walk in theSupernatural Power of God will help you to grasp thefull revelation of God's miraculous power and authority.These incredible gifts are available for today's believers just as they were during ancient biblical times forhealings, miracles, and deliverances.In this guide, designed for either individual or small groupstudy, Apostle Maldonado shares biblically based insightsthat will enable you to personally discover how to: Experience God's anointing to be more effectivein ministryUnderstand and operate in the supernaturalMinister healing to the sickHear the voice of GodProtect yourself from deceptionDevelop a faith for the miraculousYou, too, can walk in the supernatural power of God!

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    163,95 kr.

    ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que tuvo un encuentro sobrenatural con el Espíritu Santo? Todos los creyentes pueden tener poderosos encuentros divinos con el Espíritu, no como eventos aislados sino como un estilo de vida en el que: - El reino sobrenatural es su mayor realidad. - Jesús se vuelva real en usted. - Es comisionado para demostrar el poder milagroso de Dios. - Usted tiene un profundo deseo por más de la presencia de Dios. Para experimentar encuentros divinos, es necesario tener una clara comprensión de quién es el Espíritu Santo. El Apóstol Guillermo Maldonado aclara dudas y falsos conceptos sobre el Espíritu, al tiempo que muestra testimonios extraordinarios de personas transformadas por encuentros sobrenaturales. Dios desea manifestarse como nuestro Padre, Proveedor, Hacedor de Milagros, Sanador, Liberador y Defensor. Desea que impactemos familias, comunidades y naciones para Cristo. Una relación íntima con el Espíritu Santo, le llenará con el amor de Dios y le dará un corazón compasivo para un mundo herido. Usted no tiene que ser un líder espiritual, ni ser perfecto para experimentar la presencia de Dios y continuar la obra de Jesús en la tierra. Lo que necesita es un poderoso encuentro divino con el Espíritu Santo. When was the last time you had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit? The church was birthed in an outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, where the supernatural, including miracles, signs, and wonders, was established as the norm. This means that all believers can have powerful divine encounters with the Spirit, not as isolated events but as a lifestyle in which: -The supernatural realm is your greatest reality. -Jesus becomes real in you. -You are commissioned to demonstrate God's miraculous power. -You have a profound desire for more of God's presence. To regularly experience divine encounters, we must have a strong understanding of who the Holy Spirit is. Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clears up doubts and false concepts about the Holy Spirit, describing His nature and role in the world and providing striking testimonies of people who have been transformed by their encounters with the Spirit. God desires to manifest Himself to each of us--as Father, Provider, Miracle Worker, Healer, and Deliverer. He wants us to impact families, communities, and even nations for Christ. Entering into an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit will fill you with God's love--and give you a compassionate heart for the hurting world around you. You don't have to be a spiritual leader, and you don't have to be perfect, to experience the presence of God and continue the works of Jesus on earth. All you need is a powerful divine encounter with the Holy Spirit.

  • - Experience a Supernatural Encounter with His Presence
    af Guillermo Maldonado
    198,95 kr.

    You Were Made for Glory Many believers ask, "Does God speak to us today?" "Is Jesus just a historical figure, or is He really the living Christ?" "Can the Lord still do the same miracles the Bible talks about?" God has not changed. He is

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    163,95 kr.

    This study guide companion to How to Walk in theSupernatural Power of God will help you to grasp thefull revelation of God's miraculous power and authority.These incredible gifts are available for today's believers just as they were during ancient biblical times forhealings, miracles, and deliverances.In this guide, designed for either individual or small groupstudy, Apostle Maldonado shares biblically based insightsthat will enable you to personally discover how to: Experience God's anointing to be more effectivein ministryUnderstand and operate in the supernaturalMinister healing to the sickHear the voice of GodProtect yourself from deceptionDevelop a faith for the miraculousYou, too, can walk in the supernatural power of God!

  • - Freedom for Your Soul, Mind and Emotions
    af Guillermo Maldonado
    168,95 kr.

    "Through biblical examples, personal experiences in ministry, and powerful testimonies, Guillermo Maldonado explains that deliverance is part of the finished work of the cross of Christ and is available for every child of God"--

  • - Change Your Heart Into God's Heart
    af Guillermo Maldonado
    168,95 kr.

    The central organ of the human body is the heart.It circulates the blood throughout the whole bodily system, pumping oxygen and nutrients to the other organs and pulling toxins away from them. Yet we human beings have another "heart"--a spiritual one

  • - How to Demonstrate It Here and Now
    af Guillermo Maldonado
    183,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Guillermo Maldonado
    168,95 kr.

    "An exploration of God's glory--His manifest presence on earth--which transforms lives, spreads revival to all areas of society, and gathers in the great end-time harvest of souls"--Provided by publisher.

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