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  • af Hamza Khayari
    442,95 kr.

    Questo libro del 2012 è un resoconto di tirocinio nel campo della meccanica automobilistica presso il Centro Ricerche e Ingegneria dell'Automobile (OFPPT CREA), sezione meccanica riparatrice di autoveicoli. Nell'ambito del report di fine tirocinio formativo all'interno del CREA (Centro Ricerche ed Ingegneria Automotive), e per il conseguimento del titolo di Tecnico Riparatore Motori, è stato svolto un tirocinio alternato di 6 mesi presso l'azienda AUTO HALL SCAMA FORD, la distributore esclusivo di veicoli FORD in MAROCCO.

  • af Hamza Khayari
    442,95 kr.

    Bei diesem Buch aus dem Jahr 2012 handelt es sich um einen Praktikumsbericht im Bereich Kfz-Mechanik am Automobile Research and Engineering Center (OFPPT CREA), Abteilung Kfz-Reparaturmechanik. Im Rahmen des Praktikumsberichts am Ende der Ausbildung im CREA (Automotive Research and Engineering Center) und zur Erlangung des Titels "Motorreparaturtechniker" wurde ein sechsmonatiges Wechselpraktikum bei der Firma AUTO HALL SCAMA FORD absolviert exklusiver Distributor von FORD-Fahrzeugen in MAROKKO.

  • af Hamza Khayari
    442,95 kr.

    This 2012 book is an internship report in the field of automobile mechanics at the Automobile Research and Engineering Center (OFPPT CREA), motor vehicle repair mechanic section. As part of the end-of-training internship report within CREA (Automotive Research and Engineering Center), and to obtain the title of Engine Repair Technician, a 6-month alternating internship was carried out at within the AUTO HALL SCAMA FORD company, the exclusive distributor of FORD vehicles in MOROCCO.

  • af Hamza Khayari
    442,95 kr.

    Este livro de 2012 é um relatório de estágio na área de mecânica automóvel no Centro de Investigação e Engenharia Automóvel (OFPPT CREA), secção de mecânica de reparação de veículos automóveis. No âmbito do relatório de estágio de fim de formação no CREA (Centro de Investigação e Engenharia Automóvel), e para obtenção do título de Técnico de Reparação de Motores, foi realizado um estágio alternado de 6 meses na empresa AUTO HALL SCAMA FORD, a distribuidor exclusivo de veículos FORD em MARROCOS.

  • af Hamza Khayari
    444,95 kr.

    Ce livre de 2012 est un rapport de stage dans le domaine de mécanique automobile au Centre de Recherche et d'Engineering Automobile (OFPPT CREA), section de mécanicien en réparation des engins à moteur.Dans le cadre du rapport de stage de fin de formation au sein de CREA (Centre de Recherche et d¿Engineering Automobile), et pour l¿obtention du titre Technicien en Réparation des Engins Moteur, un stage alterné de 6 mois a été effectué au sein de l¿entreprise AUTO HALL SCAMA FORD, le distributeur exclusif des véhicules FORD au MAROC.

  • af Hamza Khayari
    568,95 kr.

    An idea, a concept and more than 36,688 businesses created in Morocco in 2015. Every day, new businesses are created, whether to satisfy physiological needs or simply to fulfil desires.And every year, 3rd year IFIAG students are given the opportunity to carry out a field project called "Business Creation" in order to put their theoretical knowledge into practice.The "SERVICE CLEAN" project that we will present to you in this document is nothing more than the realisation of the ideas of a group of individuals with the common goal of one day satisfying a very real clientele.Throughout this report, we'll take you through our project, the motivations behind it and the resulting feasibility study."If you cannot do extraordinary things, do small things with excellence" Napoleon Hill.

  • af Hamza Khayari
    458,95 kr.

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