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  • - Traditional Indian Techniques for Balancing Body and Mind
    af Harish Johari
    167,95 kr.

    Offers a complete guide to the traditional forty-day beauty treatment as practiced in India, and includes recipes for massage oils, facial creams, and beautifying clay baths.

  • - Energy Centers of Transformation
    af Harish Johari
    192,95 kr.

    The late Indian scholar and tantra practitioner Harish Johari introduces the classical principles of the chakras as well as their practical application for today.

  • af Harish Johari
    142,95 kr.

    RESIPRACION, MENTE Y CONCIENCIALos cientificos actuales apenas comienzan a entender lo que los yoguis han sabido desde hace siglos: que la fuerza vital que vida al cuerpo esta regulada por la respiracion, y que la energia de la respiracion esta controlada por la mente. La ciencia estoerica y la practica del Swara Yoga--presentada en este libro por primera vez en espanol--muestra como la observacion consciente y el control de la respiracion pueden ayudar a lograr la maxima energia y vitalidad.Maestro tantrico y autor de Tools of Tantra, Chakras, y The Healing Power of Gemstones, Harish Johari enriquece, con un conocimiento profundo de las antiguas ciencias hindues, el tema de la respiracion y el yoga en pro de una vida equilibrada. Este es el primer libro guia para el publico occidental que ofrece un tratamiento completo del tema, propocionando informacion de textos sanscritos que de otro modo hubieran permanecido inaccesibles para nuestro idioma. En el libro se explica la red sensorial de la nariz y su efecto sobre los canales sutiles de energia de todo el cuerpo, mostrando la directa relacion entre la practica de la respiracion consciente y el equilibrio electroquimico del cerebro y el sistema nervioso. Ensena, ademas, como la respiracion alternatica de los orificios izquierda y derecho de la nariz esta influida por las fuerzas del Sol y la Luna y como el individuo puede entrar en armonia con estos ritmos naturales y leyes universales a fin de obtener salud optima y bienestar. La maestria de Johari respecto a las tecnicas del Swara Yoga se hace evidente en la amplia informcacion que aporta Respiracion, mente y conciencia incluye el analisis de las fases de los cinco elementos en el ciclo respiratorio, ejercicios para la curacion fisica y psiquica, la forma de saber que orificio nasal esta activo y las instrucciones para conseguir que un hijo sea nino o nina.A la par de su continuo estudio y practica del Tantra, Harish Johari es pintor, escultor, gemologo y compositor de musica hindu.

  • af Harish Johari
    212,95 kr.

    LOS CHAKRASEn la ciencia antigua del tantra se considera al cuerpo como el instrumento mas perfecto para la expresion de la conciencia. Esa perfeccion se lleva a cabo gracias al desarrollo de los centros psiquicos, o chakras. Localizados en el sistema cerebroespinal, los chakras son el escenario sobre el que se representa la interaccion entre la conciencia superior y el deseo. En consecuencia, conseguiremos un estado iluminado del ser mediante la comprension y utilizacion de la energia de los chakras.Harish Johari, estudioso y practicante indu del tantra, nos presenta los principios clasicos de los chakras, asi como la aplicacion practica que tienen actualmente. Despliega los misterios de estos centros sutiles de la transformacion con tecnicas de visulizacion que son esenciales para la practica y la comprension tantrica. Con bellas ilustraciones a todo color. Johari nos proporciona imagenes, al mismo tiempo tradicionales y visionarias, de cada chakra; la meditacion sobre esas imagenes vitaliza los centros cerebroespinales al tiempo que armoniza fisica y psiquicamente todo el sistema. Los dibujos lineales permiten al aspirante colorear las imagenes a modo de ejercicio de visualizacion y contemplacion de los chakras. Las secciones dedicadas a cada uno de ellos revelan las correspondencias que tienen con los mantras, colores, signos astrologicos y deidades, asi como con los diversos tipos de personalidad y las caracteristicas conductuales. A diferencia de otros libros sobre el tema, este proporciona las herramientasd que permiten activar los centros de la energia transformadora y elevar el conocimiento intelectual, convirtiendolo en una experiencia del crecimiento espiritual. Solo en este libro encontrara el lector occidental reunida tanta informacion valiosa sobre esta antigua tradicion. Los chakras sera una valiosisima fuente de informacion y conocimiento tecnico tanto para el estudioso como para el aspirante espiritual de cualquier nivel. Ademas de haber dedicado todo su vida al estudio y la practica del tantra. Harish Johari es pintor, escultor y compositor de musica indu. Otros libros suyos son Tools for Tantra (Inner Traditions, 1986), Ancient Indian Massage (Coronet Books, 1984) y Leela (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980).

  • af Harish Johari
    162,95 kr.

    NUMERLOGIA Con Tantra, Ayurveda, y Astrologia HARISH JOHARI"Harish Johari, un verdadero hombre del Renacimiento, continua con su vocacion de establecer un puente entre Oriente y Occidente."--East West JournalHarish Johari es especialista en Tantra y experto en las tradiciones hindus del Ayurveda y la Astrologia. Aqui nos presenta el primer sistema de numerologia que cambia los valores numericos, los datos astrologicos y el analisis del tipo corporal. Mediante sencillos caalucos, Johari explica como determinar nuestro numero psiquico (que representa la auto-imagen), el numero de destino (que pertenece al karma y a como nos perciben los demas) y el numero del nombre (que se refiere a la vida profesional y social). Muestra como estos numeros revelan la informacion de nuestra personalidad, temperamento, inteligencia, talento, sexualidad, espiritualidad finanzas y salud. Se dedica toda una seccion a cada numero, sus atributos, planeta, deidad y mantra correspondientes. Tambien se dan recomendaciones, basadas en los numeros dominantes, respecto a los periodos fuertes y debiles del dia o ano, los colores favorables y las piedras preciosas que se recomiendan comprar, ademas de las meditaciones a practicar para obtener salud y prosperidad.Harish Johari es autor de Tools for Tantra, Chakras, The Healing Power of Gemstones y Breath, Mind, and Consciousness. Es pintor, esultor y compositor ademas de haber servido de guia a Baba Ram Dass durante su primera excursion a la India mistica.

  • af Harish Johari
    197,95 kr.

    HEALTH / AYURVEDA "Harish Johari is Ayurveda's Renaissance man." --Yoga Journal Over the past twenty-five years Harish Johari's books and workshops on India's Ayurvedic traditions of healing, cooking, massage, numerology, gemology, and meditation have changed the lives of countless individuals in the West and have established Johari's reputation as the foremost ambassador of the Ayurvedic life. Now Johari's vast knowledge on Ayurveda has been distilled into one convenient volume. Dhanwantari, named for the classical Indian god of medicine, is a complete guide to living the Ayurvedic way. Chapters focus on diet, breathing, bathing, meditation, sleeping, exercising, medicine, jewelry, and sex. Anyone seeking a spiritual, scientific, and practical set of principles for daily life will discover an excellent guide in this time-tested system. By improving the health of their bodies and minds, individuals will find that a greatly expanded breadth of life experiences is suddenly open to them. Composer, artist, and Tantric scholar, HARISH JOHARI began his training in Ayurveda at an early age, studying with several traditional practitioners. He is the author of Ayurvedic Massage, The Healing Power of Gemstones, The Healing Cuisine, Tools for Tantra, Chakras, Numerology, and Breath, Mind, and Consciousness. He divides his time between India, Germany, and the United States.

  • af Harish Johari
    117,95 kr.

    Balance your chakras, enhance health and prosperity, and connect with the gods and goddesses through meditative coloring

  • - A Complete Guide to the Ayurvedic Life
    af Harish Johari
    182,95 kr.

    HEALTH / AYURVEDA "Harish Johari is Ayurveda's Renaissance man." --Yoga Journal Over the past twenty-five years Harish Johari's books and workshops on India's Ayurvedic traditions of healing, cooking, massage, numerology, gemology, and meditation have changed the lives of countless individuals in the West and have established Johari's reputation as the foremost ambassador of the Ayurvedic life. Now Johari's vast knowledge on Ayurveda has been distilled into one convenient volume. Dhanwantari, named for the classical Indian god of medicine, is a complete guide to living the Ayurvedic way. Chapters focus on diet, breathing, bathing, meditation, sleeping, exercising, medicine, jewelry, and sex. Anyone seeking a spiritual, scientific, and practical set of principles for daily life will discover an excellent guide in this time-tested system. By improving the health of their bodies and minds, individuals will find that a greatly expanded breadth of life experiences is suddenly open to them. Composer, artist, and Tantric scholar, HARISH JOHARI began his training in Ayurveda at an early age, studying with several traditional practitioners. He is the author of Ayurvedic Massage, The Healing Power of Gemstones, The Healing Cuisine, Tools for Tantra, Chakras, Numerology, and Breath, Mind, and Consciousness. He divides his time between India, Germany, and the United States.

  • af Harish Johari
    114,95 kr.

    Modern scientists are just now beginning to understand what yogis have known for centuries--that the life force animating our physical bodies is regulated by breath, and that the breath energy is controlled by the mind. The esoteric and practical science of Swar Yoga--presented in this book for the first time in English--teaches conscious observation and control of breathing patterns to maximize energy and vitality. Tantric Scholar and author of Tools for Tantra, Chakras, and The Healing Power of Gemstones, Harish Johari brings an in-depth knowledge of ancient Hindu sciences to this discussion of breath and the yoga of balanced living. His is the first guidebook for Westerners to offer a comprehensive treatment of the subject, providing information from Sanskrit texts otherwise unavailable in the English Language. He explains the sensory network of the nose and its effect on the subtle channels of energy throughout the body, showing the direct link between the practice of conscious breathing and the electrochemical balance of the brain and nervous system. He also shows how the breath, alternating between left and right nostrils, is influenced by solar and lunar forces and how one can attune to these natural rhythms and universal laws for greater health and well-being. Johari''s mastery of Swar Yoga techniques is apparent in the broad scope of Breath, Mind and Consciousness: included are a discussion of the phases of the five elements in the breathing cycle, exercises for physical and psychic healing, the means for determining which nostril is active, and instructions for conceiving a son or a daughter.

  • - The Leela of Self-Knowledge
    af Harish Johari
    212,95 kr.

    A guide to observation of the inner self through the ancient Indian game of Leela • Comes complete with foldout game board and commentary for the 72 spaces • Mirrors the path of obstacles and insights one encounters in self-development • Repeated play offers lessons in self-understanding Chutes and Ladders, the popular children’s game, is derived from the ancient Hindu game Leela, or Snakes and Arrows, which charts the ups and downs of the soul’s path toward reunion with the Infinite. Snakes and Arrows was designed by the seers and saints of India as a tool for understanding the relationship of the individual self to the Absolute Self. For thousands of years the 72 spaces on this game board have enabled players to chart the paths that represent the course of their lives. Each space represents a virtue or a vice, an aspect of consciousness, or a plane of reality and is accompanied by a commentary explaining its meaning. The player’s progress on the board is dictated by the fall of a die corresponding to the forces of karma. Repeated encounters with the snakes and arrows on the board reveal the full meaning of the commentaries and can give shape to habitual patterns of the player, resulting in greater self-understanding and even a gradual detachment from the ego’s delusions. The Yoga of Snakes and Arrows assists the seeker through the stages and trials of self-development, mirroring both the obstacles of karma and the rewards of self-obtained insight. There is really only one game in life and that is Leela, the game of self-knowledge and the universal play of cosmic energies.

  • - In Tantra, Ayurveda and Astrology
    af Harish Johari
    182,95 kr.

    NEW AGE / HEALTH Drawing on the ancient Hindu disciplines of Tantra and Ayurveda, as well as astrology and his own family tradition of gemology, Harish Johari offers practical methods to utilize the power stored in gems to maximize physical and psychological balance and well-being. The origins of gem healing can be traced to the earliest Sanskrit scriptures, in which gems are valued for their ability to absorb and transmit vital life forces. Ayurvedic healers, Indian astrologers, and Tantric alchemists all made use of gem formulas in their various practices. The author describes these in vivid detail as well as the attributes and powers of the sun and planets according to Hindu astrology and legend as they relate specifically to the use of gems. Here they play a critical role in enhancing the positive power of the planets and reducing their negative influence. Charts are included that determine the appropriate gems to be worn according to one's astrological sun sign and ascendant. Detailed instructions necessary for the creation of gem talismans and the rituals that use gems to obtain desired effects are also supplied by the author. The Healing Power of Gemstones, the most comprehensive survey of this subject available today, is both a practical guide to the chemical and subtle nature of gemstones and a traditional overview of their use throughout the ages. Tantric scholar, composer, and artist, HARISH JOHARI has been called a "true renaissance man" by East West Journal, who "continues his vocation of bridging the East/West gap." His other works include Leela: The game of Self Knowledge; Tools for Tantra; Chakras; The Healing Cuisine; and Breath, Mind, and Consciousness.

  • af Harish Johari
    267,95 kr.

    Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine explains the healing qualities of various foods and spices and recommends combinations appropriate for specific conditions of body and mind.

  • af Harish Johari
    205,95 kr.

    EASTERN PHILOSOPHY / RELIGION Tantra is a holistic approach to the study of the universal from the point of view of the individual. It draws on all the sciences to provide a practical means of realizing the highest ideals of philosophy in daily life. Tantric yantras are precise geometric forms that have been used for centuries as tools for self-realization and the attainment of mystical powers. Until recently the actual forms and colors of yantras, as well as their practical and spiritual applications, were largely lost to the modern world. Harish Johari, accomplished artist, sculptor, Tantric practitioner and scholar, traveled throughout India in search of ancient examples of the primordial yantras. In Tools for Tantra he has re-created their exact colors and proportions along with step-by-step instructions for the accurate construction, coloring, and use of yantras. Traditional Hindu practices associated with yantras are also fully elaborated; among these are meditation and visualization techniques, as well as methods of attuning with bodily, seasonal, and astrological cycles. A physiological understanding of these disciplines and their effects on the central nervous system is discussed in detail, reaffirming the link between the Eastern Tantric explanation of phenomena and the evidence presented by Western scientific research. Johari also includes a full description of authentic Tantric ritual as a tool for attuning with the worlds of symbol and nature. The combined powers of ritual, yantras, and the other practices delineated by the author enable us to go beyond the normal framework of consciousness to an altered state in which the experience of Tantra can be realized. The cover painting by Harish Johari depicts the dance of the eternal pair of opposites: Shiva (the male principle) and Shakti (the female principle). Shown here in the Himalayan dress of the Kirat tribe, their dance creates the primal movement and the beginning of evolution.

  • - With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology
    af Harish Johari
    127,95 kr.

    Shows how to determine your psychic number.

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