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  • af Harshalkumar Bhange
    578,95 kr.

    Ein Wassereinzugsgebiet ist das geografische Gebiet, aus dem das Oberflächenwasser in einen einzigen Abfluss mündet. Das hydrologische Verhalten des Einzugsgebiets spiegelt sich in bestimmten geomorphologischen Merkmalen des Einzugsgebiets wider. Die geomorphologische Analyse ist die systematische Beschreibung der Geometrie des Einzugsgebiets und seines Gerinnesystems, um die linearen Aspekte des Entwässerungsnetzes, die flächenmäßigen Aspekte des Einzugsgebiets und die Reliefaspekte des Gerinnesystems zu messen. Der Jog ist ein Fluss im Ratnagiri-Distrikt von Maharashtra. Der Fluss entspringt in den Sahyadri-Bergen, fließt westwärts und mündet bei Anjarle in das Arabische Meer. Das Entwässerungsmuster des Jog-Einzugsgebiets weist darauf hin, dass es sich um ein Einzugsgebiet sechster Ordnung handelt. Das Jog-Einzugsgebiet mit einer Abflussdichte von 1,60 km/km2 ist eher auf Regionen mit hoch durchlässigem Untergrund unter dichter Vegetationsdecke zurückzuführen. Der Ausdehnungsgrad des Jog-Einzugsgebiets beträgt 0,64, was bedeutet, dass das Einzugsgebiet langgestreckt ist. Die Ergebnisse der morphometrischen Bewertung des Einzugsgebiets sind wichtig für die Bewirtschaftung der Wasserressourcen und für die Auswahl von Speicherstrukturen in diesem Gebiet für die künftige Bewirtschaftung. Die RS- und GIS-Methoden sind zeitsparend und weisen eine geringere Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit auf.

  • af Harshalkumar Bhange
    578,95 kr.

    Uma bacia hidrográfica é a área geográfica a partir da qual as águas de superfície drenam para um único escoadouro. O comportamento hidrológico da bacia hidrográfica reflecte-se em certas características geomorfológicas da bacia hidrográfica. A análise geomorfológica é a descrição sistemática da geometria da bacia hidrográfica e do seu sistema de canais de escoamento para medir os aspectos lineares da rede de drenagem, os aspectos da área da bacia de drenagem e os aspectos do relevo da rede de canais. O rio Jog é um rio do distrito de Ratnagiri, em Maharashtra. O rio tem a sua origem na cordilheira de Sahyadri e corre para oeste, encontrando o Mar Arábico perto de Anjarle. O padrão de drenagem da bacia do Jog indica que se trata de uma bacia de sexta ordem. A bacia do rio Jog, com um valor de densidade de drenagem de 1,60 km/km2, deve-se provavelmente a regiões de subsolo altamente permeável sob uma densa cobertura vegetal. O rácio de alongamento da bacia do Jog é de 0,64, o que representa que a bacia hidrográfica é alongada. Os resultados da avaliação morfométrica da bacia hidrográfica são importantes para a gestão dos recursos hídricos e para a seleção de estruturas de armazenamento na área para gestão futura. Os métodos RS & GIS poupam tempo e têm menos hipóteses de ocorrência de erros.

  • af Harshalkumar Bhange
    578,95 kr.

    Un bacino idrografico è l'area geografica da cui le acque di superficie drenano verso un'unica foce. Il comportamento idrologico dello spartiacque si riflette in alcune caratteristiche geomorfologiche dello stesso. L'analisi geomorfologica è la descrizione sistematica della geometria del bacino idrografico e del suo sistema di canali per misurare gli aspetti lineari della rete di drenaggio, gli aspetti areali del bacino di drenaggio e gli aspetti di rilievo della rete di canali. Il fiume Jog è un fiume del distretto di Ratnagiri, nel Maharashtra. Il fiume ha origine nelle catene montuose del Sahyadri e scorre verso ovest, incontrando il Mar Arabico vicino ad Anjarle. Il modello di drenaggio del bacino di Jog indica che si tratta di un bacino di sesto ordine. Il bacino del fiume Jog, con un valore di densità di drenaggio pari a 1,60 km/km2, è probabilmente dovuto a regioni di materiale del sottosuolo altamente permeabile sotto una densa copertura vegetale. Il rapporto di allungamento del bacino di Jog è di 0,64, il che indica che il bacino è allungato. I risultati della valutazione morfometrica dello spartiacque sono importanti per la gestione delle risorse idriche e per la scelta delle strutture di stoccaggio nell'area per la gestione futura. I metodi RS e GIS consentono di risparmiare tempo e hanno minori possibilità di errore.

  • af Harshalkumar Bhange
    578,95 kr.

    Un bassin versant est la zone géographique à partir de laquelle les eaux de surface s'écoulent vers un seul exutoire. Le comportement hydrologique du bassin versant est reflété par certaines caractéristiques géomorphologiques du bassin versant. L'analyse géomorphologique est la description systématique de la géométrie du bassin versant et de son réseau de canaux afin de mesurer les aspects linéaires du réseau de drainage, les aspects surfaciques du bassin versant et les aspects de relief du réseau de canaux. La rivière Jog est une rivière du district de Ratnagiri, dans le Maharashtra. La rivière prend sa source dans les chaînes de Sahyadri et coule vers l'ouest pour rejoindre la mer d'Arabie près d'Anjarle. Le schéma de drainage du bassin de Jog indique qu'il s'agit d'un bassin de sixième ordre. Le bassin de la rivière Jog, avec une densité de drainage de 1,60 km/km2, est probablement dû à des régions où le sous-sol est très perméable et où la végétation est dense. Le rapport d'élongation du bassin de Jog est de 0,64, ce qui signifie que le bassin hydrographique est allongé. Les résultats de l'évaluation morphométrique du bassin versant sont importants pour la gestion des ressources en eau et pour la sélection des structures de stockage dans la région en vue d'une gestion future. Les méthodes RS et GIS permettent de gagner du temps et réduisent les risques d'erreur.

  • af Harshalkumar Bhange
    307,95 kr.

    Soil degradation in India is extremely serious because India supports 18% of the world¿s population & 15% of the world¿s livestock, but it has only 2.4% of the world¿s land area. Causes of soil degradation are both natural & human-induced. Some underlying social causes of soil degradation in India are land shortage, decline in per capita land availability, economic pressure on land, poverty, & population increase. The rainfall runoff characteristics were developed for 8, 12 and 20 per cent plot. It is observed that, increasing slope of land increases in runoff. But it is observed that, runoff reduces as vegetative cover increases. As initially plots were barren, not significant runoff difference were observed from three plots. The monthly rainfall for 2017 were 1014.7, 920.8, 576, 758 and 135.0 mm for month June, July, Aug, Sept and Oct, respectively observed. Runoff were observed from 8, 12 and 20 % slope during study season were 431.61, 571.9 and 590.62 mm, respectively whereas sediment yield were 4.095, 5.504 and 5.581 t/ha/years, respectively observed. The sediment yield and runoff found to be more from 20 % slope compared to 8 and 12 % slope runoff plots.

  • af Harshalkumar Bhange
    337,95 kr.

    Earthen nala bund (ENB) is water retaining structure constructed across the slope. The objectives of this study were to study the ENB in respect of design dimensions and compare and evaluate the design parameters of selected earthen nala bund with standard design under similar hydrological condition. To achieve these objectives ENB constructed at Kangawi watershed of Dapoli Tahsil the Department of Agriculture, Maharashtra State was selected. The ENB selected was constructed in the year 2011. The area of watershed is 45 ha with average slope of about 2.67%. For the existing and standard design dimensions of ENB structure there was difference between standard design and existing design. The depth of existing flood spillway for the ENB was found to be more than the desired depth. The velocities of flow of water trough the design sections of flood spillway were within safe limit. The cost of construction of existing nala bund was found to be higher than the cost calculated for the structure, designed by standard design procedure. The ENB constructed by considering the hydrological, hydraulic and structural design of the nala bund.

  • af Harshalkumar Bhange
    337,95 kr.

    Watershed is an ideal unit and accepted for planning, development and management of land and water resources. The quantitative analysis of any drainage system is important aspect for characterization of watersheds. Using a watershed as basic unit in morphometric analysis is most logical choice because all hydrologic and geomorphic processes occur within the watershed. The study focuses mainly on the major six watersheds with an area 6982.323 km2 of Raigad district. Various linear, areal and relief aspects of all the watersheds were calculated. This was achieved using GIS to provide digital data that can be manipulated for set of calculations. The analysis revealed that the total number as well as total length of stream segments of first order stream is maximum than that of other higher order streams. The total number of streams and their length decreases as the order increases. Horton¿s law of stream numbers and stream length also holds good. The bifurcation ratio varies from 1.675 to to 4.2 and the elongation ratio varying from 0.679 to 0.827, indicating that watersheds of elongated type have high relief and steep slopes.

  • af Omkar Landage, M H Tharkar & Harshalkumar Bhange
    337,95 kr.

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