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Bøger af Henry Bueno

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  • af Henry Bueno
    712,95 kr.

    Henrique Bueno, nesta edição, faz uso da linguagem literária para revelar uma realidade que vem à tona, as histórias narradas de forma resumida, procuram sensibilizar para os problemas do nosso tempo para os quais podemos dar solução se estivermos preparados e com astúcia suficiente para os enfrentar. As várias especialidades devem concentrar-se na narrativa para tirarem as suas conclusões e assim poderem atuar em conjunto. Este tratado não é alheio, nem estranho, a uma comunidade académica que procura refletir sobre o que acontece ao ser humano de valor.

  • af Henry Bueno
    482,95 kr.

    In these times it is urgent to find ourselves, to know who we are and what we are made of. The species of the planet are in an adaptive race with man and have developed their intelligence in immeasurable ways, which is why it is valid to reconceptualise what makes us human, in the light of time. This book offers a glimpse from the psychological literature into a fundamental anthropological problem and throws us into the subject of creation in an exemplary way.

  • af Henry Bueno
    582,95 kr.

    Do we need a Good School today? We believe we do, and we say this because of the need to educate the new generations of children in a more optimal way and to promote a more holistic vision of the creative foundations that support higher education. Where does a Good School really land its pretensions? It is in the tutoring hour, being in function of this that we are going to find the problems and awaken the talents of the students. How are we going to apply the Good School? In the model of universal values such as kindness, as a permanent guide through examples. Thus we have as a result a different SCHOOL, which promotes from the curriculum, the tutorial action plan and moral values; a child-juvenile psychology, a creative education and a teacher coaching; where parents, children and teachers are involved.

  • af Henry Bueno
    712,95 kr.

    Henry Bueno, dans ce numéro, utilise le langage littéraire pour révéler une réalité qui apparaît au grand jour, les histoires racontées sous une forme courte cherchent à sensibiliser aux problèmes de notre temps auxquels nous pouvons apporter une solution si nous sommes suffisamment préparés et perspicaces pour les affronter. Les différentes spécialités doivent se concentrer sur le récit pour en tirer des conclusions et pouvoir ainsi agir ensemble. Ce traité n'est pas étranger, ni étrange, à une communauté académique qui cherche à réfléchir sur ce qu'il advient de l'être humain de valeur.

  • af Henry Bueno
    712,95 kr.

    Henry Bueno, in questo numero, si serve del linguaggio letterario per rivelare una realtà che viene alla ribalta; le storie narrate in forma breve, cercano di sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica sui problemi del nostro tempo ai quali possiamo dare una soluzione se siamo abbastanza preparati e accorti da affrontarli. Le varie specialità devono concentrarsi sulla narrazione per trarre le loro conclusioni e poter così agire congiuntamente. Questo trattato non è estraneo, né strano, a una comunità accademica che cerca di riflettere su ciò che accade all'essere umano di valore.

  • af Henry Bueno
    712,95 kr.

    Henry Bueno, in this issue, makes use of literary language to reveal a reality that comes out in front of us, the stories narrated in short form, seek to open awareness about the problems of our time to which we can give solution if we are prepared and we are shrewd to face them. The various specialties should focus on the narrative to draw their conclusions and thus be able to take joint action, this treatise is not alien, nor strange, for an academic community that seeks to reflect on what happens to the valuable human being.

  • af Henry Bueno
    712,95 kr.

    Henry Bueno bedient sich in dieser Ausgabe der literarischen Sprache, um eine Realität aufzuzeigen, die in den Vordergrund tritt. Die Geschichten, die in Kurzform erzählt werden, sollen das Bewusstsein für die Probleme unserer Zeit wecken, für die wir eine Lösung finden können, wenn wir bereit und klug genug sind, uns ihnen zu stellen. Die verschiedenen Fachrichtungen müssen sich auf die Erzählung konzentrieren, um ihre Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen und so gemeinsam handeln zu können. Diese Abhandlung ist einer akademischen Gemeinschaft, die darüber nachdenken will, was mit dem wertvollen Menschen geschieht, weder fremd noch seltsam.

  • af Henry Bueno
    287,95 kr.

  • af Henry Bueno
    422,95 kr.

  • af Henry Bueno
    422,95 kr.

  • af Henry Bueno
    422,95 kr.

  • af Henry Bueno
    422,95 kr.

  • af Henry Bueno
    477,95 kr.

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