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  • af Hesba Stretton
    361,95 - 582,95 kr.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    211,95 - 367,95 kr.

    Who can tell how long the hours of that night were? Darkness without, and within the utter blackness of despair. The craving hunger of disease, and the soul's hunger after the welfare of her children! The chilly dew of death, and the icy death-blow dealt to every lingering hope for them! When Bess awoke and bestirred herself early in the morning, her mother still lay speechless, and she dared not leave her. Euclid started on his day's work alone. There was no one she could ask for help; so she set about her little tasks of lighting a handful of fire, and making a cup of tea for her mother, which she could not persuade her to touch.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    314,95 kr.

    The Clives of Burcot V1 is a novel written by Hesba Stretton. The book follows the story of the Clive family who reside in Burcot. The family consists of the father, mother, and their three children. The eldest son, Arthur, is a successful businessman who has left home to pursue his career. The second son, Edward, is studying at Oxford University, while the youngest daughter, Edith, is still at home.The story revolves around the family's struggles and challenges, including financial difficulties and the tension between the parents. The father, Mr. Clive, is a strict and stern man who is often at odds with his wife, Mrs. Clive, who is more nurturing and compassionate towards their children. The book also explores the relationships between the siblings and their individual struggles.As the story progresses, the family faces a crisis that threatens to tear them apart. The book explores themes of family dynamics, love, and loyalty. It is a poignant tale that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the challenges of family life. Overall, The Clives of Burcot V1 is a compelling read that is sure to captivate readers with its engaging characters and heartfelt storyline.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    276,95 kr.

    The Parables of Our Lord is a collection of short stories written by Hesba Stretton and published in 1903. The book features a series of parables told by Jesus Christ in the New Testament, each one accompanied by a reflection and interpretation from Stretton. The parables covered in the book include The Sower, The Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son, The Lost Sheep, and many others. Stretton's interpretations offer insight into the meaning and relevance of each parable for modern readers, making the book a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their understanding of Christian teachings. The Parables of Our Lord is a timeless classic that continues to inspire and educate readers over a century after its initial publication.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    77,95 kr.

    Ruth Medway, a Christian mother, brooded over her eight children who had left home. Ishmael, her beloved ninth child, took the schoolmistress' daughter to a cave and roasted some wild eggs. The unusual consequences of this event shaped his life greatly. "Where can we find a home again, mother?" he asked at last; "there's no place like home." "Up there!" she said, lifting her dim eyes to the great sky above them; "if God gives us no other home here in this world, He's got one ready there for thee and me." "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; I go to prepare a place for you."-John 14:1, 2.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    77,95 kr.

    In this sequel to "Jessica's First Prayer," Jessica, Daniel and the minister were at the church when a tragedy occurred. Daniel went home and discovered Jessica's mother crouching on his doorsill. She looked like a heap of rags and defiantly demanded Jessica. Daniel grew spiritually closer to God as he sought to know how Jesus might respond. This edition includes the five illustrations from the initial publication of Jessica's Mother in "Sunday at Home" magazine in 1867.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    107,95 kr.

    Enoch Roden began his apprenticeship in printing with a bad accident, but as the story progresses, his training becomes more spiritual. Mr. Drury, his boss, trusted in God's provision for his business but when business went bad, it led to confession of his faults. Enoch questioned his attitude of despising God's daily gifts, thinking he was in rebellion like the Israelites. Trusting God's providence when it doesn't seem like He is paying attention is a training many go through. An important verse is Psalm 37:7-"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him."

  • af Hesba Stretton
    152,95 kr.

    Roland Sefton fled England mysteriously after he stole 10,000 pounds from his own bank. As time progressed the widely varied effects of this wrongdoing included isolation, ruined lives, shame and death. Toward the end of the story only time, circumstances, forgiveness and the grace of God could heal what had occurred. "He could not unravel the warp and woof of his life. The gossamer threads of the webs he had begun to weave about himself so lightly in the heyday of his youth and prosperity and happiness had thickened into cables and petrified; it was impossible to break through the coil of them or find a way out of it."

  • af Hesba Stretton
    97,95 kr.

    Captain Norcott talked Peter Blake into sailing on his ship, but Peter was concerned about the soundness of the vessel. After the launch it was determined not to be the real Dolphin ship and sailor's lives were dependent upon a business owner whose only concern was to make money. This greediness resulted in many ships and crews being lost for the collection of their insurance, but how can restitution be made? What becomes of the women left behind? An important Bible verse is Isaiah 40:12-"Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?"

  • af Hesba Stretton
    107,95 kr.

    A farm family lived by Lake Heron, during the Civil War. The father left home to fight in the war and the children were sent to Cloverley, England. The life with their cousins in Cloverley is an adjustment with less heavy labor and more education. The coal mining town is out of work until the new shaft is completed, but first the will of God must be trusted. The theme of the story is submission to the will of God in all things. An important verse is Matthew 6:10-"Thy will be done on earth, as it is done in heaven."

  • af Hesba Stretton
    97,95 kr.

    One stormy night Gip was missing. "Gip" is short for Gipsy because she had dark black eyes and black hair. Sandy continued to search for Gip and made good friends with John and Mrs. Shafto, who became his spiritual mentors. Mr. Shafto, a Scrooge-like character, badly needed a change of heart and is helped by Sandy. A street preacher spoke of Christ seeking those that are lost, which becomes the theme of the story, with John 19:10: "The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."

  • af Hesba Stretton
    285,95 kr.

    Hester Morley's Promise V3 is a novel by Hesba Stretton. It is the third book in the Hester Morley Trilogy. The story follows Hester Morley, a young woman who is forced to leave her home and family due to a scandal. She goes to London to start a new life and becomes involved in the work of a Christian mission. In this book, Hester's past comes back to haunt her as she is forced to confront the consequences of her actions. She must make a difficult decision that will affect her future and the lives of those around her. The novel explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the power of faith. It is a compelling and emotional story that will keep readers engaged until the very end.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Illustrated Edition
    af Hesba Stretton
    97,95 kr.

    The Fern family lived peaceably in their hollow for two generations. Stephen was a hardworking coal miner and cared for his family. When a miserly landowner told them they must move out, he stood upon his vow to his father. Love for his enemies proved difficult to accomplish. This wonderful story is filled with many Bible verses and spiritual discussions. Five illustrations compliment this edition.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    191,95 kr.

    Brought Home is a novel written by Hesba Stretton. The story is set in the mid-19th century and follows the life of a young girl named Elsie Dinsmore. Elsie is the daughter of a wealthy Southern plantation owner and is raised by her strict Christian grandmother. Elsie longs for the love and attention of her father, who is often absent and uninvolved in her life.As Elsie grows up, she faces many challenges and struggles to reconcile her strong faith with the realities of the world around her. She is forced to confront issues of slavery, racism, and social injustice, and her beliefs are put to the test as she navigates the complexities of her family and society.Despite the obstacles she faces, Elsie remains steadfast in her faith and eventually finds love and happiness with a young man named Edward Travilla. Together, they work to overcome the challenges of their time and build a life together based on their shared values and beliefs.Brought Home is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of faith, love, and social justice. It is a timeless story that continues to resonate with readers today.Mrs, Bolton could not escape her share of these troubles; though she never accused herself for a moment as having had any part in causing them. It was the archdeacon who had obtained the living of Upton for her favorite nephew; and she had settled there to be the patroness of every good thing in the parish. Mr. Chantrey's popularity had been a source of great satisfaction and self-applause to her. She had foreseen how useful he would be; what a shining light in this somewhat dark corner of the church. The increasing congregations, and the number of carriages at the church-door, had given her much pleasure.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    266,95 kr.

    De Pelgrimstraat (1887) is een roman geschreven door Hesba Stretton. Het verhaal speelt zich af in de 19e eeuw en volgt het leven van een jonge vrouw genaamd Rosamund Trevor. Na de dood van haar vader wordt Rosamund gedwongen om haar huis te verlaten en op zoek te gaan naar werk en onderdak. Ze besluit om de pelgrimstocht naar Canterbury te maken, in de hoop dat ze daar hulp en steun zal vinden. Onderweg ontmoet ze verschillende mensen die haar helpen en begeleiden op haar reis. De roman is een aangrijpend verhaal over geloof, hoop en liefde, en de kracht van menselijke verbondenheid. Het boek is geschreven in een eenvoudige en toegankelijke stijl en biedt een fascinerend inzicht in het leven en de tijden van de 19e eeuw.This Book Is In Dutch.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    87,95 - 97,95 kr.

    "Alone in London follows the lives of Mr. Oliver his granddaughter Dolly, Tony and a young street sweeper London is captivated by the sweet charm of Dolly. When Mr. Oliver unexpectedly is entrusted the care of his granddaughter Dolly, young Tony, a London street sweeper jumps at the chance to help. Tony is an orphan who lives whenever you can, Mr. Oliver gives you a place to sleep under a desk in his small shop, to Tony love spending time with Dolly and Mr. Oliver says listening to his Master, Jesus. When Mr. Oliver's sister comes to visit, she is horrified that her granddaughter is associated with a barefoot beggar, and sends Tony and he is "Alone in London" again. we follow his fortune, and see the function of your heart, all in the care of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    87,95 kr.

    The title, "A Thorny Path," was title taken from an old German hymn. Chance meetings, charitable deeds and hardships on London's streets combine into a heartwarming story. We follow a life weary Hagar that made a bad decision because of her extreme circumstances, a woman in whom blossomed spiritual renewal, and a person that modeled the love of Christ. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"-John 15:13. This edition has 9 illustrations.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    237,95 kr.

    The Storm Of Life is a novel written by Hesba Stretton and published in 1876. The story revolves around the life of a young girl named Jessie, who is orphaned at a young age and forced to live with her cruel aunt and uncle. Despite their mistreatment, Jessie remains optimistic and hopeful, finding solace in her faith and her love for her childhood friend, Harry.As Jessie grows older, she faces a series of challenges and hardships, including financial struggles and the loss of loved ones. However, she remains steadfast in her faith and determination to overcome these obstacles.Throughout the novel, Stretton explores themes of resilience, perseverance, and the power of faith. She also touches on issues such as poverty, social class, and the role of women in Victorian society.Overall, The Storm Of Life is a poignant and inspiring tale of one young woman's journey through adversity and the strength she finds within herself to overcome it.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    217,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    77,95 kr.

    Abigail had worked hard to repurchase her father's house, "the old roof." Old and work worn, she came up against her wayward stepson, Dick, who schemed to take the house away. Dick was defiant and self-indulgent and "the old roof" stood in the midst of this bitter conflict. The story inspires faith in God while circumstances are not well understood. This edition has 4 illustrations.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    77,95 kr.

    Michel Lorio was a lonely Protestant who lived in an isolated Catholic community. Few residents greeted, or bothered with him at all. He found a friendship with the daring and spirited Delphine that brought out the best in him. A similar event was recorded in Miss Stretton's travelogue to Mont St. Michel, which is included in this edition. The travelogue was published in Leisure Hour Magazine in 1873, three years before Michel Lorio's Cross.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    87,95 kr.

    Ten year old Meg struggled to take care of the children until father's ship arrived. Over time, their belongings went to the pawnshop. Quite by accident, they met a friendly shopkeeper who fed and employed Little Meg. She developed faith that God answers prayer, and explained life accordingly. Published soon after Jessica's First Prayer, this story became very popular as well. This edition has 13 illustrations.-Curiosmith

  • af Hesba Stretton
    167,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    340,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    363,95 kr.

    Through A Needle's Eye is a novel written by Hesba Stretton in 1878. The story follows the life of a young girl named Christie, who is sent to live with her aunt after her mother's death. Christie's aunt is a dressmaker, and she teaches Christie the art of sewing. Christie becomes a skilled seamstress and begins to make a living for herself by sewing for others. As Christie grows older, she becomes involved in the women's suffrage movement and begins to fight for women's rights. She also falls in love with a young man named Charles, but their relationship is threatened by his family's disapproval. Through A Needle's Eye explores themes of gender roles, love, and social justice. It is a compelling story that sheds light on the struggles of women in the 19th century and their fight for equality. The novel is a classic work of literature that continues to inspire readers today.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    188,95 kr.

    ""The Worth Of A Baby, And How Apple-Tree Court Was Won"" is a novel written by Hesba Stretton and published in 1876. The story revolves around a baby named Jack, who is born into poverty and neglect. Jack's mother dies soon after his birth, and he is left in the care of his alcoholic father. However, Jack's life takes a positive turn when he is taken in by a kind-hearted woman named Mrs. Lee, who resides in Apple-Tree Court. Mrs. Lee is determined to provide Jack with a loving home and a bright future, despite the challenges they face.The novel also explores the lives of other residents in Apple-Tree Court, including a struggling artist, a hardworking baker, and a young girl named Lizzie who dreams of a better life. Through their experiences, the book highlights the importance of community, perseverance, and the value of human life.Overall, ""The Worth Of A Baby, And How Apple-Tree Court Was Won"" is a heartwarming tale of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. It is a timeless story that continues to resonate with readers today.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    247,95 kr.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    295,95 kr.

    The Wonderful Life is a novel written by Hesba Stretton and first published in 1875. The book tells the story of a young girl named Hetty who grows up in poverty in rural England. Despite her difficult circumstances, Hetty is a kind and generous person who always tries to help others.As she grows older, Hetty becomes involved in the local community and begins to make a difference in the lives of those around her. She helps to care for the sick and the elderly, and she even takes in a young orphan boy named Dickie.Despite the challenges she faces, Hetty remains optimistic and determined to make a better life for herself and those she loves. Along the way, she learns important lessons about the value of hard work, perseverance, and the power of kindness.The Wonderful Life is a heartwarming and inspiring novel that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of compassion and community. It is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

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