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  • af Houria Messid Bouziane Meflah
    528,95 kr.

    The way in which Covid-19 manifests itself is highly heterogeneous. The manifestations most frequently cited by patients of all ages are the classic signs of respiratory infection: fever and cough. A build-up of fluid in the bronchioles may also occur as a result of the infection, leading to breathing difficulties. This book will present the clinical, biological and radiological features of Covid 19, based on a literature search.

  • af Houria Messid Bouziane Meflah
    434,95 kr.

    A forma como a Covid-19 se manifesta é muito heterogénea. As manifestações mais frequentemente citadas pelos doentes, independentemente da sua idade, são os sinais clássicos de infeção respiratória: febre e tosse. A infeção pode igualmente provocar uma acumulação de líquido nos bronquíolos, o que pode causar dificuldades respiratórias. Este livro apresenta as características clínicas, biológicas e radiológicas da Covid 19, com base numa pesquisa bibliográfica.

  • af Houria Messid Bouziane Meflah
    434,95 kr.

    Il modo in cui si manifesta la Covid-19 è molto eterogeneo. Le manifestazioni più frequentemente citate dai pazienti, indipendentemente dall'età, sono i classici segni di infezione respiratoria: febbre e tosse. A seguito dell'infezione può verificarsi anche un accumulo di liquido nei bronchioli, che può causare difficoltà respiratorie. Questo libro presenta le caratteristiche cliniche, biologiche e radiologiche di Covid 19, sulla base di una ricerca in letteratura.

  • af Houria Messid Bouziane Meflah
    434,95 kr.

    Proqwleniq Covid-19 ochen' neodnorodny. Chasche wsego pacienty, nezawisimo ot ih wozrasta, otmechaüt klassicheskie priznaki respiratornoj infekcii: lihoradku i kashel'. V rezul'tate infekcii takzhe mozhet proishodit' skoplenie zhidkosti w bronhiolah, chto priwodit k zatrudneniü dyhaniq. V ätoj knige predstawleny klinicheskie, biologicheskie i rentgenologicheskie osobennosti Covid 19, osnowannye na rezul'tatah poiska literatury.

  • af Houria Messid Bouziane Meflah
    434,95 kr.

    Die Art und Weise, wie sich Covid-19 äußert, ist sehr heterogen. Dieser Anteil ist schwer genau einzuschätzen, da es keine klinischen Anzeichen gibt, die eine Identifizierung ermöglichen.Die von Patienten aller Altersgruppen am häufigsten genannten Erscheinungsformen sind die klassischen Anzeichen einer Atemwegsinfektion: Fieber und Husten. Infolge der Infektion kann es auch zu einer Ansammlung von Flüssigkeit in den Bronchiolen kommen, was zu Atembeschwerden führen kann. Dieses Buch wird die klinischen, biologischen und radiologischen Merkmale von Covid 19 auf der Grundlage einer Literaturrecherche darstellen.

  • af Houria Messid Bouziane Meflah
    434,95 kr.

    La façon dont se manifeste la Covid-19 est très hétérogène. Cette proportion est difficile à évaluer précisément, car aucun signe clinique ne permet de les identifier.Les manifestations les plus fréquemment citées par les patients, quel que soit leur âge, sont les signes classiques d¿infection respiratoire: fièvre et toux. Une accumulation de liquide dans les bronchioles peut également se produire en raison de l'infection, ce qui peut causer des difficultés respiratoires. Ce livre va présenter les caractéristiques cliniques, biologiques et radiologiques de la Covid 19, en se basant sur une recherche bibliographique.

  • af Houria Messid Bouziane Meflah
    578,95 kr.

    Breast cancer ranks first among female cancers and is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women.In this book, we describe the carcinogenesis and prognostic factors of female breast cancer, based on a literature search.The architecture of the mammary gland evolves throughout life, depending on age and stage of reproductive life, and is constructed under the influence of sex hormones of ovarian origin and a number of growth factors.Several clinico-pathological criteria are used to assess whether a breast cancer a priori has a good or poor prognosis, and to determine whether additional systemic treatment should be administered (chemotherapy, hormone therapy), in order to reduce the risk of relapse and death.

  • af Houria Messid Bouziane Meflah
    458,95 kr.

    Breast cancer is a major public health problem, ranking first in terms of cancer incidence and mortality among women in most countries.Certain factors increase the risk of breast cancer: age, obesity, alcohol, a family history of breast cancer and hormonal exposure.Breast cancer screening is currently based on mammography, which is the reference examination, coupled with ultrasound and even dynamic MRI in certain specific indications. In this book, we describe the epidemiology, risk factors and prevention of female breast cancer, based on bibliographic research.

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