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Bøger af Ingrid Brandt

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  • - Steps in a development process
    af Ingrid Brandt
    73,95 kr.

    The author’s intention with this book is to go into further detail of a subject mentioned in her first book High on Spirit, the subject of initiations. There is also further focus on subjects which may be used in the process of self-development. Among others, the three crosses and the planets which influence them, as well as our development to the multidimensional beings which were our origins, that is, the activation of the 12 DNA strings.The book contains both case histories and exercises which can create a further insight and can contribute to being able to see oneself in a clearer light. The subjects are chosen because they provide insight into methods for processing our self-development. The relevance of the Photon Belt for our process is also touched upon. The initiations are useful for showing at which stage we are in our process of development, which is a help to understanding, and as the author writes, understanding is important in the difficult art of looking oneself in the eye.

  • - Steps in a development process
    af Ingrid Brandt
    148,95 kr.

    The author’s intention with this book is to go into further detail of a subject mentioned in her first book High on Spirit, the subject of initiations. There is also further focus on subjects which may be used in the process of self-development. Among others, the three crosses and the planets which influence them, as well as our development to the multidimensional beings which were our origins, that is, the activation of the 12 DNA strings. The book contains both case histories and exercises which can create a further insight and can contribute to being able to see oneself in a clearer light. The subjects are chosen because they provide insight into methods for processing our self-development. The relevance of the Photon Belt for our process is also touched upon. The initiations are useful for showing at which stage we are in our process of development, which is a help to understanding, and as the author writes, understanding is important in the difficult art of looking oneself in the eye.Excerpt from the bookThe seventh ray is of relevance for our process … and furthermore when the energies beam out into the three worlds in which we live, they create change, disturbance, progress, and development … About the authorIngrid Brandt, who is educated Architect, Depththerapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Coach, has used a great deal of her life to work with herself and with others. Partly through her own school, The School for Depth Therapy, and partly through workshops. The author has been around subject as philosophical, theosophic, and psychological ideas. A deep insight and pupils that asked for this book made it come into focus.

  • - Trin i en udviklingsproces
    af Ingrid Brandt
    108,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Forfatterens formål med denne bog er at uddybe et emne, der blev berørt i forfatterens første bog, High on Spirit, nemlig emnet ’indvielser’. Der er yderligere fokus på informationer om emner, der alle kan anvendes i en selvudviklingsproces. Det er bl.a. om de tre kors og de planeter, der vedrører dem, samt om vores udvikling til multidimensionelle væsner, som var vores oprindelse, dvs. aktivering af de 12 DNA-strenge. Bogen indeholder både casestories og øvelser, der kan skabe større indsigt og medvirke til at se sig selv i et klarere lys. Emnerne er valgt for at give indsigt til metoder i en selvudviklingsproces. Fotonbæltets betydning for vores proces er ligeledes berørt. Indvielserne er brugbare til at indse, hvor på udviklingsvejen vi er. Det er medvirkende til at forstå, og som forfatteren skriver, er forståelse en vigtig ting i den svære kunst at se sig selv i øjnene.

  • - An insight into the content of the soul through the chakras
    af Ingrid Brandt
    138,95 kr.

    We are participant in the outer and inner struggle between body and soul. This book gives a method to overcome the struggle and opens the road of the heart.The author’s personal experiences gives thoughts to ponder about, for as she writes – to listen to the inner voice will recreate harmony and piece in human and on earth.The book contains affirmations and mantras that participates actively to bring insight in the themes, that need being cleared as well as participating in transforming personal aspects one is struggling with.The book indicates the use of the violet flame as an important factor in this work, as well as the work with the 7 flame meditation that works with all the 7 chakras in the ethereal body.

  • - Indsigt i sjælens indhold gennem chakraerne
    af Ingrid Brandt
    158,95 kr.

    Vi deltager alle i den indre og ydre strid mellem sjæl og krop. Denne bog anviser metoden til at overvinde kampen og åbne til hjertets vej. Forfatterens personlige oplevelser giver stof til eftertanke. Som hun skriver, at lytte til den indre stemme vil genskabe harmoni og fred i mennesket og på jorden. Uddrag af bogen ”Du er født med et formål i denne reinkarnation. Det formål viser dine forældre dig noget om. De giver et klart indblik i, hvad du skal have på plads i dette liv på det emotionelle/mentale område, og i forholdet kvinde/mand.” ”Den lange emotionelle renselsesproces giver til sidst en ro i emotionerne, da de er afklaret på et dybt niveau.” Disse to passager er små smagsprøver på temaet i denne bog. Den personlige udviklingsproces og formålet med den. Om forfatteren Ingrid Brandt, der er uddannet arkitekt, dybdeterapeut og coach, har brugt en stor del af sit liv på at arbejde med sig selv samt med andre. Dels via sin skole, Skolen for Dybdeterapi, samt kurser for både private og erhvervslivet. Forfatteren har været omkring både filosofiske, teosofiske og psykologiske ideer. En dyb selvindsigt fik ønsket om at skrive en bog i fokus.

  • af Ingrid Brandt
    138,95 kr.

    Vi deltager alle i den indre og ydre strid mellem sjæl og krop. Denne bog anviser metoden til at overvinde kampen og åbne til hjertets vej. Forfatterens personlige oplevelser giver stof til eftertanke. Som hun skriver, at lytte til den indre stemme vil genskabe harmoni og fred i mennesket og på jorden.

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