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Bøger af Institute of Medicine

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  • - An Assessment of the Evidence
    af Committee on the Prevention of HIV Infection Among Injecting Drug Users in High-Risk Countries, Board On Global Health, Institute of Medicine & mfl.
    777,95 kr.

    Preventing HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users in High Risk Countries:

  • - Next Steps Toward Higher Quality Health Care
    af Institute of Medicine
    199,95 kr.

    The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Lectures 2005

  • - Volume 4: Health Effects of Serving in the Gulf War
    af Committee on Gulf War and Health: A Review of the Medical Literature Relative to the Gulf War Veterans' Health, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice & Institute of Medicine
    753,95 kr.

    Summarizes the status of health effects in veterans deployed to the Persian Gulf irrespective of exposure information. This book reviews, evaluates, and summarizes both peer-reviewed scientific and medical literature addressing the health status of Gulf War veterans.

  • af National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Traumatic Brain Injury, Board on Health Care Services & mfl.
    1.073,95 kr.

    Evaluating the HRSA Traumatic Brain Injury Program (2006)

  • af Committee on the Disposition of the Air Force Health Study, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice & Institute of Medicine
    648,95 kr.

  • - Workshop Summary
    af and Medicine Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Research & mfl.
    387,95 kr.

    Rebuilding the Unity of Health and the Environment in Rural America: Workshop Summary (2006)

  • - Accelerating Improvement
    af National Academy of Sciences, Payment, and Performance Improvement Programs Committee on Redesigning Health Insurance Performance Measures, mfl.
    697,95 kr.

    Aimed at improving health care quality, this book offers a comprehensive review of available measures and introduces a framework to examine these measures against the six aims of the health care system: health care should be safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable.

  • af and Families Committee on Ethical Issues in Housing-Related Health Hazard Research Involving Children, and Families Board on Children, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, mfl.
    467,95 kr.

    Explores the ethical issues posed when conducting research designed to identify, understand, or ameliorate housing-related health hazards among children. Such research involves children as subjects and is conducted in the home and in communities.

  • af Committee on Advanced Research Instrumentation, Policy and Global Affairs, Institute of Medicine, mfl.
    604,95 kr.

  • af Committee on Reviewing the HIVNET 012 Perinatal HIV Prevention Study, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice & Institute of Medicine
    431,95 kr.

  • - Time for a Change
    af Committee to Review the WIC Food Packages, Food and Nutrition Board & Institute of Medicine
    607,95 kr.

    Based on a committee report which concluded that the food packages provided by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children should be changed. This book provides details on the proposed food packages, summarizes how these packages differ from existing packages, and discusses the rationale for the proposed packages.

  • - The Changing Agenda for Unraveling the Host-Microbe Relationship: Workshop Summary
    af Forum on Microbial Threats, Board On Global Health, Institute of Medicine & mfl.
    848,95 kr.

    Infectious diseases have existed longer than us, as long as us, or are relatively newer than us. This title examines knowledge and approaches to learning about the bacterial inhabitants of the human gut, the known host-microbe system, and findings from studies of microbial communities associated with other mammals, fish, plants, soil, and insects.

  • - Interim Report
    af Committee on Review of NASA's Bioastronautics Critical Path Roadmap, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine & mfl.
    205,95 kr.

  • - Ensuring the Best Presidential and Federal Advisory Committee Science and Technology Appointments
    af Committee on Ensuring the Best Presidential and Federal Advisory Committee Science and Technology Appointments, Policy and Global Affairs, Institute of Medicine, mfl.
    515,95 kr.

    Examines the senior S&T appointments to federal government positions and accompanies the list of the urgent S&T presidential appointments. This report covers not only presidential appointments to top S&T leadership positions but also the appointment of scientists, engineers, and health professionals to serve on federal advisory committees.

  • af Committee on the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by the American Public, Board on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention & Institute of Medicine
    605,95 kr.

  • - Securing the Legacy of Ryan White
    af Board on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Committee on the Public Financing and Delivery of HIV Care & Institute of Medicine
    697,95 kr.

    Examines the standard of care for HIV patients and assesses the extent the system used for financing and delivering care allows individuals with HIV to receive it. This book recommends an expanded program for the treatment of individuals. This program would provide access and benefits with a focus on care and access to antiretroviral therapy.

  • - Is It Safe? Does It Work?
    af Committee to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of the Anthrax Vaccine, Medical Follow-Up Agency & Institute of Medicine
    467,95 kr.

    The vaccine used to protect humans against the anthrax disease, called Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA), was licensed in 1970. Congress directed the Department of Defense to support an independent examination of AVA. This work reports the study's conclusion that the vaccine is acceptably safe and effective in protecting humans against anthrax.

  • - A Tool for Decisionmaking
    af Committee to Study Priorities for Vaccine Development, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Institute of Medicine & mfl.
    685,95 kr.

    Provides an analytic framework and quantitative model for evaluating disease conditions that can be applied by those setting priorities for vaccine development. This book examines: lessons to be learned from the polio experience; scientific advances that set the stage for vaccines; and factors that affect how vaccines are used in the population.

  • - A Guide to Assessing Telecommunications for Health Care
    af Committee on Evaluating Clinical Applications of Telemedicine & Institute of Medicine
    467,95 kr.

    Presents a framework for evaluating patient care applications of telemedicine. This book identifies managerial, technical, policy, legal, and human factors that must be taken into account in evaluating a telemedicine program. It is suitable for those interested in the clinical application of telemedicine.

  • - A Toolkit for Indicators and Triggers
    af Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine & Committee on Crisis Standards of Care: A Toolkit for Indicators and Triggers
    467,95 kr.

    Disasters and public health emergencies can stress health care systems to the breaking point and disrupt delivery of vital medical services. This book examines indicators and triggers that guide the implementation of crisis standards of care.

  • af Committee on Strengthening Core Elements of Regulatory Systems in Developing Countries, Board On Global Health, Board on Health Sciences Policy & mfl.
    598,95 kr.

  • - The Role of Measurement in Action and Accountability
    af Committee on Public Health Strategies to Improve Health, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice & Institute of Medicine
    307,95 kr.

  • - Building a Safer Health System
    af Committee on Quality of Health Care in America & Institute of Medicine
    513,95 kr.

  • af Committee on Ensuring the Utility and Integrity of Research Data in a Digital Age, Policy and Global Affairs, Institute of Medicine, mfl.
    421,95 kr.

  • - The FDA 510(k) Clearance Process at 35 Years
    af Committee on the Public Health Effectiveness of the FDA 510(k) Clearance Process, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice & Institute of Medicine
    738,95 kr.

  • - A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research: Third Edition
    af Policy and Global Affairs, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering, mfl.
    192,95 kr.

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