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  • af Ioan Constantin Dima
    792,95 kr.

    Unserer Meinung nach wollen Überzeugung und Überredung zumindest programmatisch und nach außen hin überzeugend und überzeugend sein. Der positive Journalist und der positive Journalismus setzen entscheidend auf das Überzeugen, auf die Übertragung einer inneren Überzeugung, auf das Hervorrufen einer Überzeugung. Im Gegenzug setzen der negative Journalist und der negative Journalismus entscheidend auf das Überzeugen, auf das Herbeiführen einer externen Überzeugung, die bekanntlich illegitim ist und von einem interessierten Publikum gefördert wird. Diese Studie bleibt innerhalb der Grenzen einer qualifizierten Informationspraxis und nutzt eine umfangreiche Bibliographie, deren fachlicher Kern die öffentlichen Bücher vieler Spezialisten auf diesem Gebiet sind.

  • af Ioan Constantin Dima
    792,95 kr.

    Na nossa opinião, a convicção e a persuasão pretendem ser pelo menos programáticas e externamente convictas e convincentes. O jornalista positivo e o jornalismo positivo dependem decisivamente de convencer, de transferir uma convicção interna, de induzir uma condenação. Em troca, o jornalista negativo e o jornalismo negativo confiam decisivamente na persuasão, na indução de uma convicção externa, que se sabe ser ilegítima e que é promovida por um interessado. Este estudo permanece dentro dos limites da prática informativa qualificada, explorando uma extensa bibliografia cujo núcleo especializado são os livros públicos de muitos especialistas na matéria.

  • af Ioan Constantin Dima
    792,95 kr.

    A nostro avviso, il convincimento e la persuasione intendono essere almeno programmatici ed esternamente convicenti e convincenti. Il giornalista positivo e il giornalismo positivo puntano decisamente sul convincere, sul trasferire una convinzione interna, sull'indurre una convinzione. In compenso, il giornalista e il giornalismo negativo puntano decisamente sul persuadere, sull'indurre un convincimento esterno, che si sa essere illegittimo e uno interessato lo promuove. Questo studio si mantiene nei limiti della pratica informativa qualificata, sfruttando un'ampia bibliografia il cui nucleo specialistico è costituito dai libri pubblici di molti specialisti del settore.

  • af Ioan Constantin Dima
    792,95 kr.

    À notre avis, la conviction et la persuasion entendent être au moins programmatiques et extérieures à la conviction et à la persuasion. Le journaliste positif et le journalisme positif misent résolument sur la conviction, sur le transfert d'une conviction interne, sur l'induction d'une conviction. En contrepartie, le journaliste et le journalisme négatifs misent résolument sur la persuasion, sur l'induction d'une conviction externe, que l'on sait illégitime et que l'on souhaite promouvoir. Cette étude reste dans les limites de la pratique informationnelle qualifiée, en exploitant une vaste bibliographie dont le noyau spécialisé est constitué par les livres publics de nombreux spécialistes du domaine.

  • af Ioan Constantin Dima
    468,95 kr.

    In our opinion, conviction and persuasion intend to be at least programmatic and externally convictive and convincing. The positive journalist and positive journalism decisively rely on convincing, on transferring an internal conviction, on inducing a conviction. In return, the negative journalist and journalism decisively rely on persuading, on inducing an external conviction, which is known to be illegitimate and one interested promotes it. This study remains within the limits of qualified informational practice, exploiting an extensive bibliography the specialized core of which is the public books of many specialists in the field.

  • - Econometric Models Used in the Management of Organizations
    af Ioan Constantin Dima & Mariana Man
    1.688,95 - 2.178,95 kr.

    and are presented and analysed in various fields of application, such as investment management, stock management, strategic decision making, management of production costs and the lifecycle costs of quality and non-quality products, production quality Management, etc.

  • af Ioan Constantin Dima
    599,95 kr.

  • - Examples from the Automotive Industry
    af Ioan Constantin Dima
    2.427,95 kr.

  • af Ioan Constantin Dima
    2.192,95 kr.

    Addresses the present discussions surrounding flexible production systems based on automation, robotics and cybernetics as they continue to replace the traditional production systems. The book also covers issues related to the use of multi-servicing in the operational management of the industrial production and its scheduling systems.

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