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Bøger af Irwin Hirsch

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  • - Selected Papers Irwin Hirsch
    af Irwin Hirsch
    378,95 kr.

    Making analy(c subjec(vity his life(me focus, these selected papers span four decades of Irwin Hirsch's astute examina(on of the analyst's par(cipa(on in the process. From an observingpar (cipant model, he traces his trajectory toward a par(cularly human, 'idiosyncra(cally flflawed' yet unself-consciously loving analy(c presence. He exhorts us to recognize and embody our uniquely flflawed yet nurturant and facilita(ve capaci(es-essen(al to an evolved analy(c stance. He demonstrates these capaci(es with characteris(c humility, unsparing self-reflflec(on, and generosity of spirit. In this book, Hirsch outlines the contours of a humane, loving, and ethical analy(c presence. -Andrea Celenza, PhD.

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