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  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    967,95 kr.

    Ce livre, Administration et gestion publiques élémentaires, est une connaissance de première main de l'administration et de la gestion publiques pour les étudiants, les lecteurs et les praticiens de l'administration et de la gestion publiques. Il ne s'agit pas d'une présentation approfondie, mais d'un aperçu des termes et du fonctionnement de ces deux domaines. Il devrait inciter les lecteurs, les étudiants et les praticiens de l'administration et de la gestion publiques à rechercher des connaissances plus approfondies pour améliorer leurs pratiques et leurs performances dans les secteurs/organisations publics et privés. Les définitions, notes et explications contenues dans le livre sont multiples afin de faciliter la compréhension des deux.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    967,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch, Elementary Public Administration and Management, vermittelt Studenten, Lesern und Praktikern der öffentlichen Verwaltung und des Managements Wissen aus erster Hand über öffentliche Verwaltung und Management. Es handelt sich nicht um eine ausführliche Darstellung, sondern um eine anschauliche Erläuterung der Begriffe und Abläufe in diesen beiden Bereichen. Es soll Leser, Studenten und Praktiker im Bereich der öffentlichen Verwaltung und des Managements dazu anregen, nach mehr und fortgeschrittenem Wissen zu suchen, um die Praxis und die Leistung sowohl im öffentlichen als auch im privaten Sektor/Organisationen zu verbessern. Die in diesem Buch enthaltenen Definitionen, Hinweise und Erklärungen sind zahlreich, um das Verständnis der beiden zu erleichtern.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    967,95 kr.

    Este livro, Elementary Public Administration and Management é um conhecimento em primeira mão da administração e gestão públicas para estudantes, leitores, e profissionais da administração e gestão públicas. Não é uma apresentação aprofundada e, portanto, fornece um significado vívido dos termos e operações dos dois. Espera-se que os leitores, estudantes e profissionais da administração e gestão públicas procurem mais e mais avançados conhecimentos para uma melhor prática e desempenho, tanto no sector público como no privado/organizações. As definições, notas e explicações aqui contidas no livro são múltiplas, a fim de facilitar a compreensão dos dois.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    472,95 kr.

    Jeta kniga, "Jelementarnoe gosudarstwennoe uprawlenie i menedzhment", predstawlqet soboj znaniq iz perwyh ruk o gosudarstwennom uprawlenii i menedzhmente dlq studentow, chitatelej i praktikow w oblasti gosudarstwennogo uprawleniq i menedzhmenta. Ona ne qwlqetsq uglublennym izlozheniem i poätomu daet naglqdnoe predstawlenie o terminah i operaciqh w ätih dwuh oblastqh. Predpolagaetsq, chto ona pobudit chitatelej, studentow i praktikow w oblasti gosudarstwennogo uprawleniq i menedzhmenta k poisku bolee glubokih i prodwinutyh znanij dlq uluchsheniq praktiki i proizwoditel'nosti kak w gosudarstwennom, tak i w chastnom sektorah/organizaciqh. Opredeleniq, primechaniq i poqsneniq, soderzhaschiesq w knige, mnogochislenny, chtoby oblegchit' ponimanie ätih dwuh ponqtij.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    967,95 kr.

    Questo libro, Amministrazione e gestione pubblica elementare, è una conoscenza di prima mano dell'amministrazione e della gestione pubblica per studenti, lettori e professionisti dell'amministrazione e della gestione pubblica. Non è una presentazione approfondita e pertanto fornisce un significato vivido dei termini e delle operazioni di entrambi. Ci si aspetta che stimoli i lettori, gli studenti e gli operatori della pubblica amministrazione e del management a ricercare una conoscenza più approfondita e avanzata per migliorare la pratica e le prestazioni nei settori e nelle organizzazioni sia pubbliche che private. Le definizioni, le note e le spiegazioni contenute nel libro sono molteplici per facilitare la comprensione di entrambi.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    757,95 kr.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    757,95 kr.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    757,95 kr.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    757,95 kr.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    422,95 kr.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    498,95 kr.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    585,95 kr.

    This book, Elementary Public Administration and Management is a first-hand knowledge of public administration and management for students, readers, and practitioners in public administration and management. It is not an in-depth presentation and therefore, provides a vivid meaning of the terms and operations of the two. It is expected to ginger readers, students, and practitioners in public administration and management to search for more and advanced knowledge for better practice and performance in both public and private sectors/organisations. The definitions, notes, and explanations here contained in the book are multitudinous in order to ease understanding of the two.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed
    628,95 kr.

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed & Ahmad Aliyu Aisha
    611,95 kr.

    This book explored the emerging dimensions and complications of the Fulani/Herdsmen-Farmers conflict in Nigeria. It fills the gap and connects the academic/scholarly works and public policy practitioners in relation to the conflict. Political and ethno-religious entrepreneurs, criminals, etc., have become embroiled and all fish in the troubled waters.The traditional method of managing the conflict has been taken over by escalation of carnage, attempts at genocide, springing of ethno-religious militias; A central theatre, the Middle-Belt, has emerged; It has created an emerging constitutional crisis over citizens fundamental rights and consistent/contradictory powers of States in laws making. Antagonistic histories, ethnicity and religion now dominate as the age long communities/ethno-religious conflicts, rivalries and cold wars have resurfaced in the conflict; amateur historiographers, ethno-religious and cultural nationalist have complicated the conflict through their writings; the Northern Nigerian Community is further torn apart in the interest of the Southern Nigeria, which has been desperately interested in breaking the geo-political and population hegemony of Northern Nigeria

  • af Isah Shehu Mohammed, Ahmad Aliyu Aisha & Ali Saidu
    910,95 kr.

    This book, Nigerian Political Development, is an in-depth exploration of the Nigerian political events and issues from the pre-colonial, colonial conquest and rule, the amalgamation of the Niger areas, the colonial and post independence geo-political development; evolution and development of political parties, the military institution and its numerous interventions into the Nigerian politics; chronology of Nigeriäs colonial, civilian/democratic and the military rulers, from colonial period to date; the various transition programmes in Nigeriäs political history; the involvement and roles of the Nigerian military in the various transition programmes; Nigerian federalism, its evolution, development, the regional, provinces, states and local government creations, the past and current distribution of constitutional powers; the foundation, conduct and major issues in Nigeriäs foreign policy; the Nigerian civil war, the Nigerian presidential system of government, the presidency and how it operates, and the Nigerian National Assembly, its establishment and law making process in Nigeria.

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