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  • af Ithell Colquhoun
    248,95 kr.

    Margaret Ithell Colquhoun (1906-1988) var en britisk billedkunstner, forfatter og okkultist med tilknytning til surrealismen. Hun var stærkt inspireret af alkymi, kabbala og lignende esoteriske traditioner. Hermogenes’ gås er hendes første roman, som udkom i 1961.Længere væk bemærkede jeg en gudinde, der sad i skrædderstilling med ryggen til en klippe, så vandet ved dens fremspring omkransede hendes lænd. En forbipasserende kæmpe udtværede hendes kraveben, hendes højre bryst løsnede sig og gled ned over hendes torso, dets rørformede brystvorte pegende ned mod søen, hvor det plumpede i og smeltede.En ung, navnløs fortæller rejser ud for at besøge sin onkel på hans ø. Det viser sig hurtigt, at onklen har forhekset øen, så hun ikke kan slippe væk. Han har nemlig brug for hendes juveler til at gennemføre en række magiske ritualer, som han tror kan give ham evigt liv. I sine forsøg på at fravriste fortælleren de dyrebare juveler udsætter han hende for drømmemagi, hypnose, orgiastiske ritualer og meget andet.Hermogenes’ gås fra 1961 er en vilter fortælling fyldt med alkymi, magiske væsener, kannibalisme, vold, prostitution, fabler og eksotiske planter.

  • af Ithell Colquhoun
    101,95 kr.

    A trancelike feminist fable of magic, alchemy, and the battle of the sexes by Britain's foremost surrealist painterCalcination. Putrefaction. Exaltation. Trapped on an enchanted island ruled by her uncle, a young woman must pass through the stages of alchemical transformation to escape. He wants to conquer death by magic - and she may pay the price for his ambition. Lushly visual, rife with symbols and cries from the unconscious, Colquhoun's first novel is a surreal feminist fable, and a supreme artistic vision. Includes 'Hexentanz', a lost chapter from the original manuscript.

  • af Ithell Colquhoun
    109,95 kr.

    A classic travelogue by Britain's foremost female surrealist painter, which immerses the reader in a dreamlike Cornwall where landscape and legend meetPainter Ithell Colquhoun arrives in Cornwall in the late 1940s, searching for a studio and a refuge from bombed-out London. So begins a profound lifelong relationship with Britain's westernmost county, a land surrounded by sea and steeped in myth, where the ancient Celtic past reaches into the present. Sacred and beautiful, wild and weird, Colquhoun's Cornwall is a living landscape, where every tree, standing stone and holy well is a palimpsest of folklore - and a place where everyday reality speaks to the world beyond.

  • af Ithell Colquhoun
    308,95 kr.

    Nearly 40 nearly forgotten essays on magic and esotericism by Ithell Colquhoun.Writer, artist, and wilfully dissident surrealist Ithell Colquhoun (1906–1988) invested her unique works with magical learning, esoteric lore, and a palpable sense of mystery. Despite having published widely on esoteric and occult topics during her lifetime, Colquhoun was never to produce a single book-length edition of her magical writings. As a result, many of her essays were lost or neglected.A Walking Flame: Selected Magical Writings Of Ithell Colquhoun gathers nearly 40 texts by this unique artist and magical practitioner, and displays cohesively, and for the first time, the impressive breadth of Colquhoun’s magical interests and expertise, and how these came to inform her singular works. Ranging from early encounters with the Kabbalah and esoteric color theory, to Celtic mysticism and alchemy, this volume, edited by Colquhoun scholar and folklorist Amy Hale, promises to shed a necessary light on an integral body of Colquhoun’s thought that has remained occluded for too long.

  • af Ithell Colquhoun
    473,95 kr.

    Essays on the art and writings of the British occultist and surrealist Ithan Colquhoun.

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