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  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    505,95 kr.

    This Book focuses on importance and value of inter-ethnic marriages in Nigeria. It is a common parlance to describe our world of today as a global village. This is undoubtedly so due to easy, almost cost free networks of inter-relationships, interdependency, inter-communicability and inter-cultural integration which globalization and information technology of this age have presented. By this development, the distance between and among myriads races, tribes, ethnicities, cultures and geographical landmarks that make up the innumerable human societies of our planet earth, has been broken, constricted and unified. This leaves no one in doubt that the world is indeed, unifying even in the face of diverse multitude of ethnicities in many nations. For Nigeria to become one and for the sake of Unity in diversity, the ethnics in Nigeria: Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Fulani and others, there must be understanding for each tribe to allow other to marry themselves for the sake of unity, peace, love and tranquility.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    887,95 kr.

    Questo libro analizza la storia della Nigeria precoloniale prima dell'amalgama del 1914. Si concentra anche su questioni contemporanee in Nigeria come la democrazia, il federalismo e l'autorità in Nigeria. Il libro ci aiuterà a conoscere l'origine di tribù come Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Fulani, Tiv e molte altre. Questo libro permetterà ai ricercatori e agli studenti di comprendere la storia dell'evoluzione e dello sviluppo della Nigeria fino ai giorni nostri.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    887,95 kr.

    Ce livre traite de l'histoire du Nigeria précolonial avant la fusion de 1914. Il se concentre également sur les problèmes contemporains du Nigeria tels que la démocratie, le fédéralisme et l'autorité au Nigeria. Ce livre nous aidera à connaître l'origine des tribus telles que les Hausa, les Yoruba, les Igbo, les Fulani, les Tiv, et bien d'autres. Ce livre permettra aux chercheurs et aux étudiants de comprendre l'histoire de l'évolution et du développement du Nigeria jusqu'à aujourd'hui.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    887,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch behandelt die Geschichte des vorkolonialen Nigerias vor der Vereinigung von 1914. Es konzentriert sich auch auf zeitgenössische Themen in Nigeria wie Demokratie, Föderalismus und Autorität in Nigeria. Das Buch wird uns helfen, den Ursprung von Stämmen wie Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Fulani, Tiv und vielen anderen zu verstehen. Dieses Buch wird es Forschern und Studenten ermöglichen, die Geschichte der Entwicklung Nigerias bis zum heutigen Tag zu verstehen.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    887,95 kr.

    Este livro discute a história da Nigéria pré-colonial antes da amálgama de 1914. Também foca questões contemporâneas na Nigéria, tais como a democracia, o federalismo e a autoridade na Nigéria. O livro vai ajudar-nos a saber sobre a origem de tribos como Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Fulani, Tiv, e anfitrião de outras. Este livro irá permitir aos investigadores e estudantes compreender a história da evolução e desenvolvimento da Nigéria até aos dias de hoje.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    827,95 kr.

    This book discusses the history of pre colonial Nigeria before amalgamation of 1914. It also focuses on contemporary issues in Nigeria such as democracy, federalism and authority in Nigeria. The book will help us to know about the origin of tribes such as Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Fulani, Tiv, and host of others. This book will enable the Researchers and Students to understand the history of Nigeria evolution and development up-to present day.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    477,95 kr.

    The book (The Monster Called Corruption in Nigeria), is one of one million books about corruption in the World Today. This is special because it discusses the in depth of Corruption in Nigeria which has been a cankerworm which has eaten deep to the fabric of our society. It discusses various ways Corruption has become a Monster in the modern day. The book addresses different areas of Corruption from individual to elites, civil servant, and politicians in all ramifications. This book will be useful to people in different profession, students in the Universities, Civil Servants, Our leaders in all the countries to understand the negative impact in the country that harboured corruption which suppose to be a Monster to be eliminated within ourselves for betterment and happiness of our dear country to make it a better future for our in coming generation. It suggested how we can remove the idea of Corruption from our children in order to live a decent life. Read this book, you will never regret.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    1.032,95 kr.

    This book focuses on Gender issues in Nigeria and around the World. Gender is a wide set of characteristics that are seen to distinguish between male and female entities in societies extending from the idea of biological identification or sex in humans. In ordinary speech, the word gender is used interchangeably with "sex" to denote the condition of being a male or female. However, to Historians, gender has undergone several clarifications as effort have been made by scholars to differentiate between sex and gender. Also, the author discusses the issues of attitude in human life and particularly about women around the world. This book is a "must" to be read by every body that want peace, love, joy and happiness in the world. Thank You.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    687,95 kr.

    Gender Combat in Nigeria is a Book that centers on WOMEN activities in Nigeria and World at large. It discusses the role played by Women in Nigeria from colonial period to the present day Nigeria. Women had really struggled with men in fighting for their rights in all ramifications, it is not a surprise that few women in Nigeria had occupied some few professions in Nigeria as a Lawyer, Medical Doctor, Teacher, Police Women, Soldiers, Accountant and host of Others. This book would be useful for Students, Teachers, Civil Servants, Lawyers, Politicians and Every Body that breaths in the world.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    547,95 kr.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    542,95 kr.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    697,95 kr.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    937,95 kr.

    LEADERS ARE excellent communicators. The ability to communicate is a core quality of leadership. That's because 85 percent of your success as a leader is determined by your ability to communicate effectively with others. After all, being a leader is about dealing with others¿their success is your success. If you cannot communicate, you cannot be a leader. Communication is a skill that can be learned. The first step is to understand the five goals that you want to accomplish through your communication: 1. You want people to like and respect you. Leadership is not about making friends, but if you are liked and respected, people will be more willing to listen to them. 2. You want people to recognize your value and importance. The objective, again, is to give people a reason to listen to you, 3. You want to be able to persuade others to accept your view. Leadership today is more about persuasion than commanding. You have to be able to persuade others to see your point of view and agree with your position.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    697,95 kr.

    This book is about peace in the world. This is a message from President Olusegun Obasanjo of Federal Republic of Nigeria. The call to build peace and better world is at the heart of humanity. There is no doubt that our world needs peace. The message in this book will help students, administrators, presidents in all countries and policy makers. This volume is offered to all lovers of peace in Nigeria, Africa and world at Large.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    542,95 kr.

    This Book is about Poverty in Nigeria. Poverty is a Canker-worm that has caused a lot of problems in Nigeria even before Independence in 1960. During the Colonial period and Post Independence Nigeria, a lot of Nigerians have been swimming in the Ocean of Poverty. Today is not surprising that the Monster has grown to the extent that Many Nigerians are dying of Poverty. This book will be useful for everybody that do not want Poverty in his or her Life. We can make it if we change our attitude for better.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    547,95 kr.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    694,95 kr.

  • af Iyanda Kamoru Ahmed
    658,95 kr.

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