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  • af J C McPheeters
    98,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. INTRODUCTION It is with real pleasure that I commend this volume, "The Power That Prevails," by Rev. J. C. McPheeters, D. D., Pastor of Glide Memorial Methodist Church, San Francisco, Calif., to the reading public, and especially to those who rec- ognize the leadership of the Holy Spirit in true evangelism, the salvation of sinne'rs and the sanctification of believers. The Scriptures have spoken very plainly on the importance, in fact, the absolute necessity, of holiness, that we may enter into eternal rest at the conclusion of our life in the body in this world. The Scriptures not only proclaim the divine requirement of a full deliverance from sin, but they make abundant provision in Jesus Christ for our full salvation. and declare that, "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think." This is a wonderful promise and, no doubt true, that we never have nor ever shall be able to grasp the power of our Lord Jesus to deliver from sin, and to keep those who commit themselves to Him. Nothing can be more important than a Church in the world which is a real Bride of Christ, separate from sin, cleansed by the blood of our gracious Redeemer and filled with the Holy Spirit. Dr. McPheeters has rendered a splendid ser- vice in writing this book on so vital and important a subject. We trust it may have a wide reading, and feel sure that it shall prove beneficial "to those who thoughtfully and prayerfully peruse its pages. Faithfully yours, H. C. Morrison --- CONTENTS The Upper Room Emphasis of the First Century Church Full Salvation The Way of God More Perfect "That Which is Lacking" "A Cloud of Witnesses" A Further "Cloud of Witnesses" The Upper Room in a Lower Room The Test of Reality A Sound Psychological Basis Holiness Terms Defined Recapturing a Lost Heritage A Little Leaven, Leavening the Lump Obtainable in This Life Side-Stepping the Issue Consecrated and Cleansed The Heart Cry for the Power That Prevails The Weight Laid Aside Barren Churches Crucified With Christ Some Objections Hoe to Enter In A Great Missionary Enters In The Victory of Perpetual Conquest

  • af J C McPheeters
    88,95 kr.

    The digital copies of these recordings are available for free at First Fruits website. This book is a collection of messages delivered from the1 pulpit, over the radio, and at the chapel services of Asbury Theological Seminary. They are printed practically as they were delivered, except for some alteration in detail. The purpose of the book is to exalt the victorious Christ, and to attract the reader to the upward look unto Him who will conquer the unconquerable. The def eats and frustrations of life may be turned into victories through Him.

  • af J C McPheeters
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. --- CONTENTS The Prayer Life of Jesus The Hour is at Hand God Glorified on the Earth The Manifested Christ From Glory to Glory

  • af J C McPheeters
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. FORWARD It is a common proverb, "If the outlook is not good, try the outlook." There is a silver lining to every cloud and a polar star in every night. Life is constantly beset with the fogs of discouragement which would obscure the gleam of the day-star of hope. None of us is exempt from the School of Hard Knocks. Seeming defeat meets us again and again on this earthly highway. He who learns the golden secret of finding the azure gleam in the night will have learned how to take the remains of defeat and turn it into victory. All of the thorns of life cannot be removed, but they may be handled without defeat. One of life's sharpest thorns is physical affliction. Discouragement finds fertile soil in a broken body. Despondency is the forerunner of defeat. The path of victory winds the sunlit hills of encouragement. The chapters in this book deal for the most part with the thorn of physical suffering. The characters described are life-stories which have come under the author's personal observation. If any who read this little volume find encouragement and a stimulation of faith, its purpose will be fulfilled. Julian C. McPheeters --- CONTENTS 1. Victor-Not Victim 2. Three Years in the Ozarks 3. Turning to the West 4. God's Sanatorium 5. Victors of the Fray 6. More Victors of the Fray 7. The Hallelujahs of Life

  • af J C McPheeters
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. FORWARD In the Religious Trends of Today, we find receding tides and lowering storm clouds heralding their angry threats of destruction with their forked lightning and deafening claps of thunder. But we also find the incoming tides and rents in the clouds through which shines the Day Star of hope for a confused and troubled world in its mad rush toward chaos and ruin. While the hands on the clock of human progress are threatened to be turned back- ward for a thousand years, it is encouraging to know that there is a "balm in gilead" and that there is a "physician" whose healing touch is sufficient for such a perplexed and baffled world as we confront today. Amid all of the shifting and changing scenes of time which have brought us to our modern world, Jesus Christ has lost none of the efficacy of His saving power. The Religious Trends of Today reveal the fact that the gospel of Christ still remains "the power of God unto salvation unto everyone that believeth." J. C. McPheeters San Francisco, California --- CONTENTS 1. Persecutions 2. Atheism 3. Communism 4. Receding Tides 5. Pacifism -- Capitalism 6. Vexing Problems 7. Meeting the World Crisis 8. Evangelism

  • af J C McPheeters
    83,95 kr.

    The digital copies of this book are available for free at First Fruit's website. --- CONTENTS 1. Strangely Warmed Heart 2. The Failure of Good Works 3. Wesley Meets Peter Bohler 4. The Heart Warming Testimony 5. On Sanctification 6. A Distinguished Theologian on Wesley's Views 7. Two Epochs in Christian Experience 8. Mixed Holiness 9. Justification and Sanctification 10. Early Methodists and the Warmhearted Experience 11. Justification and Sanctification by Faith 12. Without Faith Nothing Avails 13. When May the Christian Be Sanctified? 14. Another Noted Theologian Interprets Wesley's Views 15. The Test of Scriptural Argument and Modern Scholarship 16. The Ultimate Stroke 17. A Noted Theologian Answers Objections 18. Obtainable in This Life 19. A Major Emphasis of Early Methodists 20. The Interpretation of Wesley's Position 21. Sanctification May Come in a Moment 22. Perfect Love in Complete Control 23. Wesley Maintains His Position to the End 24. Did Wesley Profess the Experience? 25. Snowsfields: A Great Epoch Similar to Aldersgate 26. No Finality in Perfection 27. "Still Breathing Nothing But Love" 28. The Time and Manner of Receiving Perfect Love 29. A Passionate Plea 30. A Living Sacrifice

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