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Bøger af Jack Spicer

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  • af Jack Spicer
    97,95 kr.

  • af Jack Spicer
    227,95 - 286,95 kr.

  • af Jack Spicer
    516,95 kr.

    This book makes a much-needed interdisciplinary and international contribution that engages with established and emerging areas of scholarship, advances cutting-edge debates, and sets an agenda for future directions in drugs policing.

  • af Jack Spicer
    227,95 kr.

    Jack Spicer (1925-1965) ist die mysteriöse Größe der amerikanischen Poesie. "Jack Spicer", schreibt Stefan Ripplinger im Nachwort zu seinem Buch mit Spicers serial poems, die er hier im Original und seiner Übersetzung präsentiert, "schrieb keine Gedichte, er hielt Séancen ab. Verse werden Verkündigungen, Repräsentationen Vergegenwärtigungen von Abwesendem, Herabrufen von Fremdem, Vergänglichem. Bürgerliche Dichtung dagegen spricht gewöhnlich aus der Intimität eines unergründlichen Ich. Ein solches Ich zu besitzen, bestritt Spicer vehement, kein Autor sei er, keine Autorität, sondern bloß ein Behälter, ein Auffänger, ein Medium, Diener höherer, abscheulicher Mächte. Geboren werde einer in seinen Gebeten, in seinen Anrufungen, in der Sprache, aber immer nur als Phantom. Seine Gedichte seien ihm von Gespenstern oder - damit es nicht nach Spökenkiekerei klingt - Marsmännchen 'diktiert' worden. Er glaube an ein 'Jenseits', an ein Jenseits seiner selbst. Seine Verse sind Irrläufer aus den Steppen von Gedächtnis, Gesellschaft und Sprache."

  • af Jack Spicer
    1.080,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

  • af Jack Spicer
    283,95 kr.

    Illuminates Jack Spicer's provocative lectures on radical poetics.

  • af Jack Spicer
    135,95 kr.

    Out of print for decades, this is the legendary American poet's tribute to Federico García Lorca, including translations of the great Spanish poet's work."Frankly I was quite surprised when Mr. Spicer asked me to write the introduction to this volume," writes the long-dead Spanish poet at the start of Jack Spicer's After Lorca, Spicer's first book and one that, since it first appeared in 1957, has continued to exert an an immense influence on poetry in America and in the world. "It must be made clear at the start that these poem are not translations," Lorca continues. "In even the most literal of them, Mr. Spicer seems to derive pleasure in inserting or substituting one or two words which completely change the mood and often the meaning of the poem as I have written it. More often he takes one of my poems and adjoins to half of it another of his own, giving an effect rather like an unwillling centaur. (Modesty forbids me to speculate which end of the animal is mine.) Finally there are an almost equal number of poems that I did not write at all (one supposes that they must be his)."The riddling, ghostly, funny, philosophical, and haunting poetry of After Lorca, interspered with Spicer's letters to Lorca ("A really perfect poem has an infinitely small vocabulary"; "Some poems are easily laid. They will give themselves to anybody") appears here with an introduction by Peter Gizzi, the executor of the Spicer estate and one of America's finest contemporary poets, in an edition that is printed in conformity with the poet's original intentions.

  • af Jack Spicer
    225,95 - 325,95 kr.

    An essential collection of a highly original American poet

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