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Bøger af James Patterson

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  • af James Patterson
    70,95 - 91,95 kr.

    Voor liefhebbers van Harry Potter en Warrior Cats!Nadat ze ontvoerd werden, konden Whit en Wisty ternauwernood met hun leven uit de gevangenis ontsnappen. Nu zijn ze de leiders van het verzet en doen ze er alles aan om gevangen en ontvoerde kinderen te redden. Tegelijkertijd doen de soldaten van de Nieuwe Orde hun uiterste best om Whit en Wisty opnieuw op te pakken. Hun boosaardige leider wil namelijk de hele wereld beheersen en manipuleren, en daarvoor heeft hij nog twee dingen nodig: de gave van Whit en de gave Wisty. Niets kan hem tegenhouden die in handen te krijgen…'Interesting and fun characters. I never knew what going to happen next. Very suspenseful' - Goodreads recensie.Heks & Tovenaar Heks & Tovenaar is een serie over een magische dystopie, waarin een broer en zus de handen ineen moeten slaan om de verwrongen regering neer te halen die meedogenloos de samenleving controleert.James Patterson (1947) is een wereldberoemde Amerikaanse auteur en filantroop, die tot 1996 eveneens werkzaam was als reclamemaker. Sinds 1976 heeft hij meer dan tweehonderd boeken gepubliceerd, waarvan er in totaal meer dan 300 miljoen exemplaren zijn verkocht. 76 titels stonden op nummer één op de bestsellerlijst van de New York Times, waaronder President vermist, dat hij samen met Bill Clinton schreef. Deze cijfers maken hem een van de meest succesvolle en best verkopende auteurs ooit. Patterson is het meesterbrein achter de Alex Cross en Women’s Murder Club thrillerreeksen, die beide zijn verfilmd. Daarnaast heeft hij meerdere romans en kinderboeken op zijn naam staan.Zowel voor zijn schrijven als voor zijn liefdadigheidswerk heeft hij verscheidene prijzen gewonnen en onderscheidingen gekregen, waaronder de Edgar Award van de Mystery Writers of America en de Literarian Award van de National Book Foundation.

  • af James Patterson
    101,95 kr.

    The third exciting instalment in the bestselling Texas Ranger series. _____________________________________________________How many will be lost before the truth is found?Time and again, Texas Ranger Rory Yates has proved his strength on the field, but now he faces two of the toughest cases of his career. Two missing women. Both are Native American, but does anything else link them?Soon, he discovers that this is not the first time this has happened. Every year for the past four years, a Native American woman has gone missing on the summer solstice. There is never sign of a struggle. The captor leaves no trace, except for a single golden eagle feather. The Texas Ranger must do everything he can to track down these missing women. His only hope is that he finds them alive . . . __________________________________________________________'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer ... Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' PATRICIA CORNWELL'Patterson knows where our deepest fears are buried ... there's no stopping his imagination' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW'Patterson is in a class by himself' GUARDIAN

  • af James Patterson
    94,95 kr.

  • af James Patterson
    94,95 kr.

    Two children dressed in rags are discovered in the grocery store.They bare their teeth. They growl. They are almost feral.Where did these children come from? Where are their parents?There are mysteries to be solved.Not least, can these children learn to live when they have only ever been taught to survive? ______________________________________PRAISE FOR JAMES PATTERSON'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer ... Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' PATRICIA CORNWELL'Patterson knows where our deepest fears are buried ... there's no stopping his imagination' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW'Patterson is in a class by himself' GUARDIAN

  • af James Patterson
    171,95 - 338,95 kr.

    A small town is shaken up when two kids appear, claiming to have been raised by wolves, ransacking a local grocery store and biting police officers. But the kind police chief who takes them in can't make sense of their story: Something's not quite adding up. Where have they been all these years?

  • - Amy Cornwall Is Patterson's Greatest Character Since Lindsay Boxer
    af James Patterson
    123,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of The President Is Missing, an undercover CIA officer has seven days to save her country--and her family--from the world's most dangerous double-agent. Agent Amy Cornwall excels at working from the shadows--until a botched field operation reveals dark dealings between her bosses and an informant. And a hidden plot by a terrorist genius that could kill thousands of Americans. Among them: her husband and daughter. She has to go dark. The Division wants to erase her. And they know every detail about her identity, her history, and her family. Agent Cornwall's countdown has begun.

  • af James Patterson
    258,95 - 265,95 kr.

    There are no silent nights for Alex Cross, star of the Prime series, this Christmas. Someone is targeting Supreme Court justices, and Cross--and his family--are in the crosshairs too. It's time to put the guns down, Detective Cross. Even if you knew the way out of this place, we would catch you. In Washington, DC, the vigilante group Maestro is killing U.S. Supreme Court candidates. As Alex Cross leads the FBI investigation, his wife, Bree, and his best friend and Metro PD partner, John Sampson, go missing while on a dangerous quest to identify Maestro's mastermind. Alex has only three chances to save the people he loves most: Number one: Find Bree and John. Number two: Escape. Number three: Survive. If he fails, there will be no one left in the House of Cross.

  • af James Patterson
    70,95 - 91,95 kr.

    Voor liefhebbers van Harry Potter en Warrior Cats!Whit en Wisty Allgood, broer en zus, worden ‘s nachts weggehaald bij hun familie en er is niets wat hun ouders er tegen kunnen doen. Whit en Wisty zijn namelijk opgepakt en gevangen genomen. Ze worden ervan verdacht een tovenaar en een heks te zijn.Wat hun is overkomen, is geen uitzondering. Maar liefst duizenden jongeren zijn om dezelfde reden ontvoerd en velen van hen worden vermist. De machtshebbers van het land hebben een nieuw doel: vrijheid, boeken, kunst, muziek en magie moeten verdwijnen. Geen spoortje ervan mag zich nog in het land bevinden.In gevangenschap ontdekken Whit en Wisty hun ware krachten. Zijn ze nog op tijd om zichzelf, hun ouders en misschien zelfs de wereld te redden?'De vlotte schrijfstijl en de vele gebeurtenissen zorgen ervoor dat de vaart er lekker in blijft zitten' - Hebban recensieHeks & Tovenaar Heks & Tovenaar is een serie over een magische dystopie, waarin een broer en zus de handen ineen moeten slaan om de verwrongen regering neer te halen die meedogenloos de samenleving controleert.James Patterson (1947) is een wereldberoemde Amerikaanse auteur en filantroop, die tot 1996 eveneens werkzaam was als reclamemaker. Sinds 1976 heeft hij meer dan tweehonderd boeken gepubliceerd, waarvan er in totaal meer dan 300 miljoen exemplaren zijn verkocht. 76 titels stonden op nummer één op de bestsellerlijst van de New York Times, waaronder President vermist, dat hij samen met Bill Clinton schreef. Deze cijfers maken hem een van de meest succesvolle en best verkopende auteurs ooit. Patterson is het meesterbrein achter de Alex Cross en Women’s Murder Club thrillerreeksen, die beide zijn verfilmd. Daarnaast heeft hij meerdere romans en kinderboeken op zijn naam staan.Zowel voor zijn schrijven als voor zijn liefdadigheidswerk heeft hij verscheidene prijzen gewonnen en onderscheidingen gekregen, waaronder de Edgar Award van de Mystery Writers of America en de Literarian Award van de National Book Foundation.

  • af James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge
    70,95 - 91,95 kr.

    "Oké," zei hij terwijl hij mijn handboeien losmaakte. "Stap weer in die auto en rij weg. Ga weer studeren, Jeanine. Jij bent hier niet geweest."Nina Bloom heeft een fantastisch leven. Ze heeft een prachtige, succesvolle tienerdochter en een goede baan als advocaat in New York. Maar haar naam, haar geluk en haar succes zijn gebouwd op een leugen.Negentien jaar na een incident dat ze liever vergeten zou zijn, krijgt Nina een zaak toegewezen van een man in de dodencel die beschuldigd wordt van een reeks moorden die hij zegt niet gepleegd te hebben. Nina weet dat hij gelijk heeft, ze weet namelijk wie de moordenaar wel is..."De productieve Patterson lijkt niet te stoppen." - USA Today"'Het is het strandboek van deze zomer, het zwembadboek, het vliegtuigboek, het boek voor het slapengaan, het boek voor bij de kassa. Ja, zo goed is het." - The Book Reporter NetworkJames Patterson (1947) is een Amerikaanse auteur en filantroop. Sinds 1976 heeft hij meer dan 200 boeken gepubliceerd, waarvan er in totaal ruim 300 miljoen exemplaren zijn verkocht. Tientallen titels stonden bovenaan de bestsellerlijst van de New York Times, waaronder boeken die hij samen met Bill Clinton en Dolly Parton schreef. Patterson is het meesterbrein achter de Alex Cross en Women’s Murder Club thrillerreeksen, die beide zijn verfilmd.Patterson heeft voor zijn (liefdadigheids)werk o.a. de Edgar Award van de Mystery Writers of America en de Literarian Award van de National Book Foundation gekregen.

  • af James Patterson & Maxine Paetro
    91,95 kr.

    San Franciscon kaupunginsairaalassa sattuu sarja epäilyttäviä potilaskuolemia. Kun naisten murhakerhon tuoreimman jäsenen Yuki Castellanon äiti kuolee sairaalassa hämärissä olosuhteissa, Yuki ja komisario Lindsay Boxer alkavat penkoa tapahtumia – ja törmäävät vaikenemisen muuriin.Samalla kun naisten murhakerho jäljittää sairaalan käytävillä vapaana kulkevaa armotonta murhaajaa, saa Lindsay tutkittavakseen toisen järkyttävän murha-aallon, jonka uhreina on nuoria naisia. Riehuuko San Franciscossa kaksi sarjamurhaajaa?Viides ratsumies jatkaa James Pattersonin nopeatempoista rikossarjaa, jossa neljä naista ratkoo yhdessä kylmäverisiä murhia San Franciscossa. Useat sarjan kirjoista ovat olleet New York Times Bestseller-listalla, ja sarjasta on tehty myös tv-sarja Naisten murhakerho.Yhdysvaltalainen James Patteron on yksi kaikkien aikojen menestyneimmistä jännityskirjailijoista. Patterson on Guinness World Record -listalla eniten #1 New York Times -bestsellersijoituksia keränneenä kirjailijana, ja hänen kirjojaan on myyty yli 400 miljoonaa kappaletta. Patterson tunnetaan erityisesti rikossarjoistaan Alex Cross ja Naisten murhakerho.

  • af James Patterson & Maxine Paetro
    43,95 - 61,95 kr.

    Í fimmtu bókinni um Kvennamorðklúbbinn leitar Lindsay Boxer að hættulegasta morðingjanum til þessa, sannkölluðum engli dauðans.Nýr meðlimur Kvennamorðklúbbsins, lögfræðingurinn Yuki Castellano, gengur til liðs við Lindsay Boxer til að rannsaka röð dularfullra dauðdaga sem eiga sér stað meðal sjúklinga á sjúkrahúsi. Á sama tíma standa stjórnendur spítalans í hörðu dómsmáli vegna læknamistaka og eru því síður en svo samvinnuþýð. En Lindsay og Yuki eru sannfærðar um að morðinginn sé einn af starfsfólkinu og þær leggja allt í sölurnar til að komast að hinu sanna, enda er mikið í húfi.KvennamorðklúbburinnKvennamorðklúbburinn er röð spennusagna eftir James Patterson. Þær eiga það allar sameiginlegt að gerast í San Francisco og innihalda sömu fjórar aðalpersónurnar, konur sem láta ekkert stoppa sig til að réttlætið nái fram að ganga. Árið 2007 voru gerðir sjónvarpsþættir sem byggðu á bókunum og báru sama nafn.Bókin fær fjórar stjörnur af fimm mögulegum hjá notendum Goodreads.James Patterson er bandarískur metsöluhöfundur fæddur árið 1947. Bækur hans hafa selst í hundruðum milljóna eintaka. Patterson hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir skrif sín og hafa bækur hans verið þýddar á fjölmörg tungumál. Patterson kýs að gefa aftur til samfélagsins með því að styrkja verkefni sem efla læsi í skólum víða um Bandaríkin.Maxine Paetro er bandarískur rithöfundur. Hún er best þekkt fyrir bæði stakar bækur og seríur sem hún hefur skrifað með James Patterson.

  • af James Patterson & Andrew Gross
    20,95 - 61,95 kr.

    Í þriðju bókinni um Kvennamorðklúbbinn komast hetjurnar heldur betur í hann krappann. Og ein þeirra á sér leyndarmál sem getur orðið þeim öllum að aldurtila.Rannsóknarlögreglukonan Lindsay Boxer verður vitni að sprengingu og í kjölfarið uppgötvar hún röð morða framin með aðeins þriggja daga millibili. Að venju leitar hún til vinkvenna sinna í Kvennamorðklúbbnum, sem eru boðnar og búnar til að aðstoða hana við að leysa málið. En skyndilega eru morðingjarnir komnir með meðlim Kvennamorðklúbbsins í sjónlínuna og í ljós kemur að ein þeirra geymir leyndarmál sem er svo hræðilegt að þær eru allar í hættu. Hver þeirra skyldi það vera? Mun Kvennamorðklúbburinn lifa af?KvennamorðklúbburinnKvennamorðklúbburinn er röð spennusagna eftir James Patterson. Þær eiga það allar sameiginlegt að gerast í San Francisco og innihalda sömu fjórar aðalpersónurnar, konur sem láta ekkert stoppa sig til að réttlætið nái fram að ganga. Árið 2007 voru gerðir sjónvarpsþættir sem byggðu á bókunum og báru sama nafn.James Patterson er bandarískur metsöluhöfundur fæddur árið 1947. Bækur hans hafa selst í hundruðum milljóna eintaka. Patterson hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir skrif sín og hafa bækur hans verið þýddar á fjölmörg tungumál. Patterson kýs að gefa aftur til samfélagsins með því að styrkja verkefni sem efla læsi í skólum víða um Bandaríkin. Andrew Gross er bandarískur rithöfundur, best þekktur fyrir samstarfsverkefni sín með James Patterson. Þar á meðal eru tvær bækur í ritröðinni Kvennamorðklúbburinn.Bókin fær fjórar og hálfa stjörnu hjá notendum Goodreads.

  • - True Stories of America's Most Decorated Military Heroes
    af James Patterson
    274,95 - 280,95 kr.

    From the authors of Walk in My Combat Boots, bravery and selflessness are literally defined in these riveting first-person tales from our nation's greatest heroes. The astonishing stories, told in their own words, from recipients of the U.S. military's distinguished service medals--and their valor in the ultimate chaos that is war. - Medal of Honor - Distinguished Service Cross - Bronze and Silver Stars From World War II, Korea, and Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan, these American men and women have served with leadership, bravery, and selflessness. We don't fight out of hate. We fight for love--love of our country, our homeland, our family, and our unit. I helped save about 130 soldiers. That's more rewarding than the medal. I didn't earn it. I wear it for those who lost their lives protecting mine. To be with those guys, at that time, on that day, is probably the proudest moment of my career. Outnumbered, under pressure, under fire, these elite American warriors never give up on their fellow soldiers. They never give up on themselves. They never give up on their country. They always walk with honor.

  • af James Patterson
    247,95 kr.

    Fang's blog has brought ITEX and their cruel research to the world's attention, and his readers take a stand at the facility where Max and the girls are being held, shutting the organization down. But Max isn't through saving the world yet! The Flock has been asked to aid a group of environmental scientists studying the effects of global warming. The expedition seems like a perfect combination of adventure and activism, but even in Antarctica, Max is an irresistible target with the eyes of the world upon her. For whoever controls her powers could also control the world...

  • af James Patterson
    233,95 kr.

    Joining a scientific expedition gives Max and the flock a perfect opportunity to distance themselves from the heated debate over their future, but frostbite isn't the only danger in the Antarctic! A powerful figure in the underworld has promised the super-human kids to the highest bidder-and he has the robotic army to ensure the goods are delivered!

  • - The Manga
    af James Patterson
    230,95 kr.

    Narrowly surviving their encounter with Erasers in New York City, the flock is following up a lead on their pasts in Washington, D.C. But what they find waiting for them is...a home?! How will the flock adjust to a real school - one that doesn't involve mad scientists and genetic freaks?

  • - She's in Love--With a Liar.
    af James Patterson
    255,95 kr.

    An attorney and mother of two discovers her husband's secret life--and it might cost them all their lives. Everyone in Hemingway Grove, Illinois, knows David and Marcie Bowers. David owns the local pub. Marcie is a former big-city lawyer who practices family law. When David jumps into Cotton River to save a drowning stranger, he's celebrated as a hero. His muscled physique, shaved head, and piercing blue eyes are broadcast on every news outlet. For most people, newfound fame is a lifeline. For David Bowers, it's a death sentence. For Marcie Bowers, it's a test. A wife knows the difference between a loving husband and father and a cold-blooded assassin. Right?

  • af James Patterson & Maxine Paetro
    70,95 - 91,95 kr.

    Kun dramaattinen takaa-ajo San Franciscon kaduilla päättyy katastrofaalisesti, komisario Lindsay Boxer joutuu hyllytetyksi ja haastetuksi oikeuteen. Paetakseen vaikeaa tilannetta Lindsay muuttaa väliaikaisesti sisarensa luo Half Moon Bayn pikkukaupunkiin. Rauha jää kuitenkin lyhyeen, kun joukko raakoja murhia ravistelee paikkakuntaa. Lindsay alkaa penkoa tapausta epävirallisesti ja saa jälleen apua ystäviltään. Murhat vaikuttavat täysin sattumanvaraisilta, mutta eräs yksityiskohta kiinnittää Lindsayn huomion – ja muistuttaa yhtä hänen ensimmäisistä tapauksistaan, ratkaisematonta murhaa, joka ei ole koskaan lakannut vainoamasta häntä.Heinäkuun neljäs jatkaa James Pattersonin nopeatempoista rikossarjaa, jossa neljä naista ratkoo yhdessä kylmäverisiä murhia San Franciscossa. Useat sarjan kirjoista ovat olleet New York Times Bestseller-listalla, ja sarjasta on tehty myös tv-sarja Naisten murhakerho.Yhdysvaltalainen James Patteron on yksi kaikkien aikojen menestyneimmistä jännityskirjailijoista. Patterson on Guinness World Record -listalla eniten #1 New York Times -bestsellersijoituksia keränneenä kirjailijana, ja hänen kirjojaan on myyty yli 400 miljoonaa kappaletta. Patterson tunnetaan erityisesti rikossarjoistaan Alex Cross ja Naisten murhakerho.

  • af James Patterson & Maxine Paetro
    44,95 - 61,95 kr.

    Í fjórðu bókinni um Kvennamorðklúbbinn er Lindsay Boxer hætt komin – þá kemur sér vel að eiga góðar vinkonur!Rannsóknarlögreglukonan Lindsay Boxer neyðist til að hleypa af byssunni við störf sín og er dregin fyrir dóm í kjölfarið. Til að hreinsa hugann fer hún í frí í litlu sjávarplássi, en endar með að dragast inn í enn eitt morðmálið. Áður en hún veit af er hún farin að aðstoða lögregluna á staðnum með málið, að sjálfsögðu við dyggan stuðning Kvennamorðklúbbsins. Í ljós kemur að málið líkist um margt gömlu máli sem Lindsay vann við í upphafi ferils síns og þá vaknar spurningin: Gæti morðinginn verið einhver sem hún þekkir?KvennamorðklúbburinnKvennamorðklúbburinn er röð spennusagna eftir James Patterson. Þær eiga það allar sameiginlegt að gerast í San Francisco og innihalda sömu fjórar aðalpersónurnar, konur sem láta ekkert stoppa sig til að réttlætið nái fram að ganga. Árið 2007 voru gerðir sjónvarpsþættir sem byggðu á bókunum og báru sama nafn.James Patterson er bandarískur metsöluhöfundur fæddur árið 1947. Bækur hans hafa selst í hundruðum milljóna eintaka. Patterson hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir skrif sín og hafa bækur hans verið þýddar á fjölmörg tungumál. Patterson kýs að gefa aftur til samfélagsins með því að styrkja verkefni sem efla læsi í skólum víða um Bandaríkin. Maxine Paetro er bandarískur rithöfundur. Hún er best þekkt fyrir bæði stakar bækur og seríur sem hún hefur skrifað með James Patterson. Bókin fær fjórar stjörnur hjá notendum Goodreads.

  • af James Patterson
    153,95 kr.

    It's the perfect getaway. But the past will always find you... When ex-cop Bill Robinson takes over The Inn by the Sea, all he wants is a quiet escape from the city.But when a crime boss moves into town and begins terrorising Bill's friends, he can't just sit back and watch.It's not long before local criminals are turning up dead and The Inn comes under attack.With the help of The Inn's fearless residents, Bill must do everything he can to defend his town, his chosen family, and his home.______________________PRAISE FOR THE INN'A total page-turner' DAILY MIRROR'One of our favourite writers . . . a really tight story' RICHARD AND JUDY: KEEP READING AND CARRY ON______________________PRAISE FOR JAMES PATTERSON'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer ... Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN'Patterson knows where our deepest fears are buried ... there's no stopping his imagination' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW'Patterson is in a class by himself' GUARDIAN'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' PATRICIA CORNWELL The 24th Hour by James Patterson was a No. 1 Sunday Times Bestseller 17/03/2024

  • af James Patterson
    168,95 kr.

    An attorney and mother of two discovers her husband has a secret life - and it might cost them all their lives.Everyone in the small town of Hemingway Grove knows David and Marcie Bowers.David owns the local pub. Marcie is a former big-city lawyer who practises family law.When David jumps into Cotton River to save a drowning stranger, he's celebrated a

  • af James Patterson
    168,95 kr.

    The chicks on the farm are in a hurried race to hide away as Fox gives chase.

  • af James Patterson
    101,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af James Patterson
    298,95 kr.

    When Dr. Martinez and her colleagues established the Coalition to Stop the Madness, spreading environmental awareness through the flock's public air shows, Max knew it could be dangerous. Never in her wildest dreams, though, did she imagine that a criminal mastermind would abduct her mother! Now the flock has to team up with the U.S. navy to rescue Dr. Martinez...and of course, the world!Follow the Ninth installment of internationally acclaimed author James Patterson's "New York Times" bestselling manga series!

  • af James Patterson
    298,95 kr.

    Escaping ITEX in Florida, the Flock head west, with Max more burdened than ever by the knowledge that she's meant to save the world. But while their leader is keen to stay on the path leading to her destiny, Fang and the others are more interested in settling down and letting the chips fall where they may. With the Erasers eerily absent from their lives of late, has the Flock finally earned a bit of peace...or is this all just the calm before the storm?

  • af James Patterson
    298,95 kr.

    Despite their initial hesitation, living with Anne has softened the Flock, so Max is keenly aware that it's time to leave. With Thanksgiving so near, though, all of them want to stay, at least until they've had their first ever Thanksgiving turkey! But danger is on the horizon as Jeb's plan advances, and while the Flock's new school seems normal and safe, secrets are hidden beneath its prestigious facade...

  • af James Patterson
    298,95 kr.

    Fourteen-year-old Maximum Ride knows what it's like to soar above the world. She and all the members of her "flock" - Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel - are just like ordinary kids, except they have wings and can fly! It may seem like a dream come true to some, but for the flock it's more like a living nightmare. When the mysterious lab known as the "School" turns up and kidnaps their youngest member, it's up to Max to organize a rescue, but will help come in time?

  • af James Patterson & Andrew Gross
    70,95 - 91,95 kr.

    Hengästyttävä trilleri on kolmas osa James Pattersonin menestyssarjaa naisista, jotka ratkovat yhdessä kylmäverisiä murhia San Franciscossa. Pommiräjähdys sytyttää miljardöörin asunnon liekkeihin. Silminnäkijäksi sattuneen komisario Lindsay Boxerin onnistuu pelastaa talosta pieni poika, mutta raunioihin jää kolme ruumista. Palon jäänteistä poliisi löytää julman viestin.Kolme päivää myöhemmin menestynyt liikemies löydetään murhattuna, ja murhapaikalla on jälleen samankaltainen viesti tappajalta. Lindsay turvautuu jälleen Cindyn, Clairen ja Jillin apuun selvittääkseen syyllisen. Mutta yhdellä naisten murhakerhon jäsenistä on synkkä salaisuus, joka uhkaa heitä kaikkia. Nainen on tietämättään murhaajan seuraava kohde.Yhdysvaltalainen James Patteron on yksi kaikkien aikojen menestyneimmistä jännityskirjailijoista. Patterson on Guinness World Record -listalla eniten #1 New York Times -bestsellersijoituksia keränneenä kirjailijana, ja hänen kirjojaan on myyty yli 400 miljoonaa kappaletta. Patterson tunnetaan erityisesti rikossarjoistaan Alex Cross ja Naisten murhakerho.

  • af James Patterson
    70,95 - 91,95 kr.

    Kun verenhimo muuttuu todelliseksi pahuudeksi.San Fransiscossa kahden lenkkeilijän makaaberit murhat kauhistuttavat niin paikallista poliisia kuin FBI:täkin. Joku on valmis raatelemaan ruumiit kuin vampyyri. Kokenut rikostutkija ja psykologi Alex Cross ottaa tapauksen tutkittavakseen ja ajautuu salaseurojen ja roolipelien pimeimpiin syvyyksiin – missä joku on valmis ylittämään rajan hämäristä rituaaleista todellisiin murhiin.Samaan aikaan Crossia vainoaa menneisyydestä tuttu rikollinen, jonka tavoitteena on tuhota kaikki, mikä Crossille on tärkeää. Mastermind on sadistinen murhaaja, jonka kynsistä ei ole selvinnyt kukaan. Voiko Cross tehdä poikkeuksen?Yhdysvaltalainen James Patterson (s. 1947) on yksi kaikkien aikojen menestyneimmistä jännityskirjailijoista. Hänen kirjojaan on myyty yli 400 miljoonaa kappaletta.

  • af James Patterson
    208,95 kr.

    The siren songs of the RV lifestyle are the call of the open road, the aroma of pine-scented forests, and the sound of a bubbling brook. They entice travelers to embark on a voyage of unmatched freedom and discovery. With "Nomadic Nature: A Comprehensive Guide to RV Camping in National Treasures," we invite you to enter a world where your backyard is a kaleidoscope of natural wonders and your home is mobile. For outdoor enthusiasts, national parks have always had a special place in their hearts because of their breathtaking landscapes and varied ecosystems. However, the union of the recreational vehicle (RV) and the national park results in an unmatched experience, where the voyage itself enriches the final destination.This all-inclusive guide is your ticket to discovering the allure of motorhome camping in some of the country's most famous and pristine sites. Whether you're an experienced RV traveler looking for fresh perspectives or a beginner planning your first trip, "Nomadic Nature" is a must-have companion.

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