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  • - WWII Collection
    af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    MONTE CASSINO, IMPREGNABLE CORE OF THE GERMAN DEFENSES, looming over the most savage battlefield in Italy, stands between the advancing Allies and their goal. Lieutenant Saville's Assault Engineers and their escort from the crack New Zealand 2nd Division are ordered to destroy a key position in the shadow of the Monastery. None of them can foresee the ferocity of the enemy's attempts to obstruct them. Cut off, forced to shelter behind the corpses of their comrades, they face the fanatical paratroops of the Hermann Goering Division. With the Paras, pitting his wits against Saville and staking his life on success, is Hauptmann Wolff, the engineer who designed the strongpoint. It is a struggle neither can afford to lose, because whoever holds the Fuehrer Emplacement controls the road to Rome?and the armies are poised for battle.

  • - WWII Collection
    af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    THEY WERE BEHIND ENEMY LINES as the battle for Normandy raged around them; their radio was useless; and between them and their base lay the deadliest weapon of the entire German army-a lone Tiger tank.The Tiger Mark I-the pride of the mighty Panzer divisions; the scourge of the Allied forces. To fight against one was a nightmare; to fight against one and survive was close to a miracle.Each man in Sergeant Ellis's patrol had his own reason for hating them. Now they had their chance for revenge. Six men against a monstrous machine of death, and all the exits were blocked...

  • af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    IN THE WAR OF TOMORROW, THERE'LL BE NO SURVIVORS! The Zone-a contaminated strip of Western Europe that is the battleground for mankind's final war. Ravaged by defoliants, experimental chemical weapons and deadly radioactive waste, the hyper-toxic wasteland promises certain death for those foolish enough to cross its boundaries. Only well-equipped combatants enter the battle-seared tract, and they do so for the sole purpose of adding enemy bodies to the piles of already-rotting corpses. As NATO Command struggles to thwart a devastating WARPAC bombing raid, a giant Russian transport barrels through The Zone, disgorging two hundred elite commandos on the outskirts of Frankfurt. Suddenly, and without warning, communication facilities are seized, industrial centers destroyed, and blood soaks the streets of what was once a NATO stronghold.With no one left to turn to, NATO Command points to Major Revell and his Special Combat Company, battle-hardened grunts hungry for action, to reclaim the city. They race from one hot spot to the next, often fighting amid masses of civilians. Mistakes are made, innocents die, and Revell's men find themselves seriously out-gunned by an insidious new breed of enemy from... The Zone.

  • af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    A NEW BREED OF SUPER-WARRIOR WAGING THE WAR OF THE FUTURE-WITH SURVIVAL AS THE ONLY PRIZE!The Zone-a strip of Western Europe where armies have faced each other and fought their wars for centuries past. It has become the devil's playground for the super-weapons and super-warriors of the future. Blasted to a likeness of Hell itself, barren, desolate beyond description, ridden by disease and stinking of death, here opposing forces seek each other out in a deadly, never-ending game of cat-and-mouse.A shaky truce has been called. Major Revell's Special Combat Company, misfits and mavericks accustomed to fierce front-line action, is assigned mundane behind-the-lines duties. But their interest-and their anger-are aroused when a series of mass graves is discovered. Civilians are being slaughtered by the KGB battalion facing the SCC position. Revell's reports are ignored. HQ threatens to disband the SCC if the matter is pressed. So Revell and his fighting band of misfits take matters into their own hands, waging merciless war on the perpetrators of the atrocities and adding new devastation to the nightmare landscape called... THE ZONE.

  • af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    COURAGEOUS WARRIORS TAKE ONE FINAL STAND IN THE RADIOACTIVE WASTELAND OF THE FUTURE! Mankind's final war continues in the contaminated strip of post-nuclear European hell known as The Zone. Drowning in a savage deluge of Soviet Warpac missiles, subjected to seemingly endless, round-the-clock air strikes, the brave but exhausted remnants of NATO's Special Combat Company are forced to fall back across the gutted, radioactive wasteland of West Germany. But American Major Revell and British Sergeant Hyde are sick of retreating. They want to hit back at the ruthless Russian aggressors, and hit back hard! In a huge, abandoned ammunition dump, Revell and Hyde prepare to rally their decimated forces for one explosive last stand against the overwhelming enemy. But in the face of an unstoppable Soviet advance, it will take much more than raw courage to survive in... THE ZONE.

  • af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    It took a new breed of men to fight the war of the future! The contaminated territory lies along the battle-scorched edge of the hellish strip of Western Europe known as The Zone. Leeched of life by Russian defoliants and experimental chemical weapons, littered with the decaying corpses of soldiers and refugees, the barren wasteland exudes a poisonous toxin soup of certain death for anyone unequipped to cross its boundaries. When the joint NATO task force of American Major Revell and British Sergeant Hyde is assigned to intercept a spurious civilian peace mission intent on reaching Russian lines, their most direct route leads across the plague-infested terrain. But hellish death can come in unexpected forms to the new warriors of the Armageddon, and the special combat team suddenly finds themselves waging a savage battle against a more insidious enemy than they could ever have imagined on the infected, death-seared edge of... THE ZONE.

  • af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    AN AIR STRIKE WAS THE ONLY CHANCE LEFT FOR THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS OF THE FUTURE!The cold war burned with renewed fury as the super-powers launched their best men into battle. Across hundreds of square miles of western Europe, where Napoleon's armies had once marched and Hitler's Reich had crumbled in blood and rubble, the new warriors of Armageddon do battle amidst the landscape of hell.American Major Revell and British Sergeant Hyde aim their joint NATO strike force with surgical precision at the Soviet supply jugular-but the shut-down of the vital arterial rail junction deep behind the East German front line turned out to be useless. Soon this special combat group found themselves battling desperately back, hoping to survive the wasted, death-seared warscape of... THE ZONE.

  • af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    IN THE WORLD OF TOMORROW, WAR WILL BE FINAL!Along the ravaged countryside, dead bodies lay trapped in icy graves as the bleak face of winter froze the devastation along the battleground known as The Zone. Russian SA-8 missiles silently stood waiting and ready to heat up the cold war as freezing temperatures all but closed the Baltic ports.While a Soviet fleet planned a killer punch to the convoy routes, American Major Revell and British Sergeant Hyde of the joint NATO strike force plotted their course of action. They would get one chance to maintain the balance of power in The Zone and stop the Russians. And they knew that their men-frostbitten but stalwart heroes-would do anything to defend their free way of life. The only chance was an air drop onto a Swedish island-a sabotage mission in Arctic weather to strike down the deadly warships amid the icy terror of... THE ZONE.

  • - The Zone
    af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    IN THE WAR OF TOMORROW, THERE'LL BE NO SURVIVORS!The death-filled battleground known as The Zone is growing larger by the day. Soviet T84s and quad-barrelled flak-wagons advance through the German countryside spewing lethal chemicals and tactical nuclear weapons, leaving a living hell in their wake. The Third Battle of Frankfurt has begun in a savage frenzy of blood and fire as superpowers use superweapons to fight for control of Western Europe.American Major Revell and British Sergeant Hyde of the joint NATO strike force have their orders: delay the Communist column. But Revell will be damned if he'll risk the lives of his men just to buy a few lousy minutes. He'll do more than delay the column-he'll destroy it! Only a madman would take on Shilka anti-aircraft tanks with some outdated mines and a few Dragon rocket launchers. But insanity is a way of life amid the carnage and chaos of... THE ZONE.

  • - The Zone
    af James Rouch
    177,95 kr.

    IN THE WAR OF THE FUTURE, DEATH IS AS BLOODY AS EVER!Across the hellish strip of Western Europe known as The Zone, super tanks armed with tactical nuclear weapons, lethal chemicals, and fiercely accurate missiles roam the germ-infested terrain. The weapons are sophisticated, the stakes are high, and death is as bloody as ever. War in the mist-enshrouded Zone is a giant game of hide and seek-with a deadly booby prize for the losers.But British Sergeant Hyde and American Major Revell of the joint NATO strike force intend to win. Their men are mavericks, misfits, and the very best the free world has to offer. Their mission-to destroy a Soviet tank salvage unit situated behind a refugee camp-is all but impossible. Except the impossible happens all too often in the nightmarish no-man's-land of THE ZONE.

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