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  • af Janice Frost
    149,95 kr.

    A TOTALLY GRIPPING BRITISH CRIME MYSTERY FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR JANICE FROST.It begins as a Halloween prank. It ends in cold-blooded murder.Halloween. One of the busiest nights of the year for Lincolnshire police. Special Constable Jane Bell is called out to reports of someone in a Dracula mask terrorising the residents of a nearby estate with a replica knife. She races to the scene - but the man in the mask flees into the night.The next morning, Detective Steph Warwick turns up on Jane's doorstep. There's been a murder. Dracula went on to attack two women, retired schoolteacher Susan Gedney and her daughter Gina. Susan died at the scene, Gina survived. The knife turned out to be all too real.Then another young woman disappears from the picturesque village where Susan and Gina lived. She was last seen out on a country walk - but she never returned.Three woman targeted from the same small village. This is no coincidence.Detectives Steph and Jane are faced with the most baffling case of their careers.This unputdownable mystery full of twists is the perfect read for fans of Angela Marsons, Helen H. Durrant, Rachel McLean and Michael Hambling.

  • - a gripping detective thriller full of suspense
    af Janice Frost
    148,95 kr.

    Shocking family secrets come to light when a young woman is murdered "If you read one detective thriller this year make it "Dead Secret." I really couldn't put this mystery down. Great pace, well-developed characters with some very dark pasts." Ann Abrams "A brilliant new detective writer who will have you reading all night. I loved it." Chris Child Who killed Amy Hill? Amy Hill, a nineteen-year-old student, is strangled and her body dumped on open ground in the city. New police partners, D.I. Jim Neal and D.S. Ava Merry are called in to investigate this brutal crime. The last person to see Amy alive was Simon, the son of a family friend, but before he can be properly questioned he disappears. Detectives Neal and Merry are led on a trail of shocking family secrets and crimes. Can this duo track down the murderer before anyone else dies? Stopping this tragic cycle of violence will put D.S. Merry's life at risk in a thrilling and heart-stopping finale. If you like Angela Marsons, Rachel Abbott, Ruth Rendell, or Mark Billingham you will be gripped by this exciting new crime fiction writer. DEAD SECRET is the first in a new series of detective thrillers featuring D.S. Ava Merry and D.I. Jim Neal. Ava Merry is a young policewoman, recently promoted to detective sergeant. She is a fitness fanatic with a taste for dangerous relationships. Jim Neal is a single dad who juggles his devotion to his job with caring for his son. Set in the fictional Northern city of Stromford, this detective mystery will have you gripped from start to shocking conclusion.

  • af Janice Frost
    128,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Lincoln, England. En motorcykel standser med hvinende bremser i et trafikeret lyskryds. En mand i lædertøj springer af og griber fat i en ung pige, der står og venter på grønt lys.Han skubber hende hårdt til side, springer op på motorcyklen igen og forsvinder med brølende motor.Pigen falder om på jorden. Hun er blevet stukket ned. Reservebetjent Jane Bell er vidne til det hele. Hun tager den unge pige i sine arme og hører hendes sidste ord: navnet på en savnet dreng fra lokalområdet, den tolvårige Nate Price.Politiinspektør Steph Warwick leder også efter Nate. Jane havde håbet, at deres veje aldrig ville krydse igen, men nu er de nødt til at arbejde sammen for at finde Nate, før han også bliver likvideret ved højlys dag.---“Den her bog har åbnet mine øjne … Jeg føler, jeg har levet i en beskyttet boble ved at bo i en lille by i bjergene.” - Chelsea A.“Velskrevet med masser af drejninger og forviklinger og et troværdigt persongalleri men samtidig en voldsom, intens og følelsesladet handling.” - Ruth G.“En hårdtslående fortælling, der føles realistisk. Jeg nød den virkelig.” - Goodreads anmeldelse“En hæderlig opfølger, hvori flere figurer vender tilbage og udvikler sig yderligere.” - Goodreads anmeldelse

  • af Janice Frost
    143,95 kr.

    The early hours of a freezing January night. Special Constable Jane Bell is at the end of a busy late shift when she's called out to investigate strange noises in a local park. She finds a wailing new-born baby girl dumped in a plastic storage box. That same night Detective Steph Warwick attends the murder of coach driver Bernie Gore, whose battered body is found in a narrow alleyway. The last thing Jane wants is to lock horns with Steph Warwick once again. Then vital evidence emerges linking Bernie Gore's murder to the abandoned baby. And Jane has no choice but to alert the sharp-tongued detective inspector. To solve Bernie's murder and track down Baby Elsa's mother, the two women must bury the hatchet and learn to work together. Matters become even more complicated when a prime suspect emerges - with close links to Jane's family.

  • af Janice Frost
    118,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Må vi præsentere Jane Bell. Efter sin mands død forlader hun sit job som lærer for at melde sig frivilligt som reservebetjent ved politiet.På sin allerførste vagt bliver Jane kaldt ud til gerningsstedet for et mord. En ung mand har slæbt sig op til øverste trin på Greestone Stairs for at dø. Jane handler instinktivt og er pludselig dybt involveret i sagen …Set fra politiinspektør Steph Warwicks stol har reservebetjente ikke noget at gøre i en mordefterforskning. Hun mener, at den uerfarne grønskolling blander sig i noget, der ikke kommer hende ved.Offeret var leder af en gruppe på universitetet, hvor mænd blev undervist i at score kvinder, og Jane og Steph er nødt til at begive sig ind i kvindehadets mørke og farlige verden på nettet.Steph ved alt om mænd, der mishandler kvinder, men kan hun arbejde sammen med Jane om at få sat morderen bag tremmer?„Fuld af alting: vendepunkter og dynamik … masser af gribende øjeblikke .. Den her bog er fremragende skrevet lige til sidste side. Jeg anbefaler den varmt.“– Booklover Bev„Det er et godt mysterium, som jeg var fuldstændig opslugt af, og som jeg helt klart vil anbefale.“– Hannelore C.„En skøn læseoplevelse, der får én på krogen lige fra starten.“– Goodreads Review„Det er første bog i en ny serie, så jeg er spændt på at se, hvor Frost fører os hen, og jeg vil anbefale den til andre læsere, som godt kan lide at læse krimier.“– Rebecca P.

  • af Janice Frost
    158,95 kr.

    1988.Liget af Moira Mackie, en studerende fra St. Andrews Universitet, bliver fundet på en kyststi på en klippeskrænt. Hendes ekskæreste bliver fundet få dage senere, hængt i sin onkels garage med et selvmordsbrev i lommen, hvori han tilstår at have slået hende ihjel. Sagen bliver hurtigt lukket.Tredive år senere:Ros Maitland har tilsyneladende lagt det rædselsvækkende mord på sin bofælle bag sig. Så bliver hendes datter optaget på det samme universitet, og gamle dæmoner bliver atter vakt til live.Blev Moira myrdet i et skænderi mellem elskende? Eller var hendes død en del af noget langt større, værre og mere kalkuleret?Hvad skete der i virkeligheden den frygtelige aften?Politibetjenten Innes Nevin efterforskede Moiras død og har været hjemsøgt af den lige siden. Det var hans første mordsag, og han vidste, at den blev lukket for tidligt.Innes og Ros dykker ned i den smertefulde fortid for endelig at bringe sandheden frem i lyset, men nogen ønsker at standse dem for enhver pris.Ros må risikere alt, hvad hun har kært, i en nervepirrende konfrontation. Kan hun finde sandheden om dødsfaldet og slippe fra det med livet i behold?Janice Frost er født og opvokset i West Lothian i Skotland. Efter at have boet og arbejdet i London i ti år flyttede hun til Lincolnshire, hvor hun stadig bor med sin mand og den ene af sine to sønner. Døden ved havet blev nomineret til Readers’ Choice Awards i 2021 af TCK Publishing.„En fremragende ny krimiforfatter, som holder dig vågen hele natten.“– Chris Child„Fremragende twists plus nogle øjeblikke, hvor jeg var helt målløs.“– Jaffa„Jeg kunne ikke lægge historien fra mig; mængden af spænding tog pusten fra mig.“– Goodreads Review„En fantastisk læseoplevelse.“– NetGalley Review„Det er en spændende thriller, hvor intet er, som det ser ud til, med velkonstruerede, levende karakterer. Et gennemtænkt plot, der holdt mig fanget hele vejen igennem.“– Goodreads Review

  • af Janice Frost
    158,95 kr.

    1988. The body of Moira Mackie, a St Andrews University student, is found on a clifftop path. Her ex-boyfriend is found days later, hanged in his uncle’s garage with a suicide note confessing that he killed her. The case is abruptly closed.Thirty years later, Ros Maitland has seemingly moved on from the horrific murder of her housemate Moira. Then her daughter takes up a place at the same university, and old demons reawaken.Was Moira murdered in a lover’s quarrel? Or was her death part of something far larger, uglier and more calculated?WHAT REALLY HAPPENED THAT TERRIBLE NIGHT?Policeman, Innes Nevin, investigated Moira’s death and has been haunted by it ever since. It was his first murder case, and he knew it had been closed too soon.Innes and Ros must delve back into the painful past to finally bring the truth to light.THEN COMES A BRUTAL TURN OF EVENTS. SOMEONE WANTS THEIR INVESTIGATION STOPPED AT ALL COSTS.In an electrifying standoff, Ros must risk everything she cares about.CAN SHE FIND THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEATH AND ESCAPE WITH HER LIFE?Janice was born and grew up in West Lothian, Scotland. Her love of writing began when she was given a notebook by a primary school teacher and told to write ‘Just Imagine,’ on the cover. She enjoyed writing stories in the notebook so much that she decided she'd like to be an author. Due to life, work and children, It took a little longer than she imagined.After living and working in London for ten years, Janice moved to Lincolnshire where she still lives with her husband and one of her two sons.Janice is the author of six books in the bestselling Merry & Neal series, and the standalone mystery, The Woman on the Cliff.

  • af Janice Frost
    158,95 kr.

    Meet Jane Bell. After her husband dies she leaves her job as a teacher to volunteer as a special constable with the police.On her very first shift Jane is called to the scene of a murder. A young man has dragged himself to the top of Greestone Stairs to die. Following her instincts, Jane finds herself becoming very involved in the case …For Detective Steph Warwick, specials have no place in a murder investigation — and this upstart rookie is meddling where she doesn’t belong.The victim ran a group at the university teaching men how to pick up women. Jane and Steph must venture into a dark and dangerous world of online misogyny.Steph knows about abusive men. But can she work with Jane to put this killer behind bars?"A truly fascinating and intriguing storyline." Ray G."A great read that pulls you in right from the start. I couldn't put it down and finished it within a few hours. Janice really knows how to write and pull you in." Erin S."Well-written, fast and with a relevant plot line and interesting characters. Has the potential to be the start of a decent new crime series." Donna B."Full of everything: twists, turns and dynamo ... plenty of gripping moments ... this book is tremendously written, right till the last page. I highly recommend it to readers." Booklover Bev"Have read other works by Janice Frost, she has a unique ability to give us the setting that draws the readers in. A new series and looking for more!" Ellen W."It's a good mystery that I was fully immersed in and definitely recommend." Hannelore C."For the first book in a new series, I'm excited to see where Frost takes it and would recommend to other readers who enjoy a detective 'whodunnit' book!" Rebecca P."Really enjoyed this book it was full of twists that kept me guessing and was a thrill ride. Had me hooked from page one and I read it in one sitting as I couldn’t put it down. Very good read, most enjoyable." Dawn L."A good well-written, fast-paced thriller which held my interest throughout." Carol D.Janice was born and grew up in West Lothian, Scotland. Her love of writing began when she was given a notebook by a primary school teacher and told to write ‘Just Imagine,’ on the cover. She enjoyed writing stories in the notebook so much that she decided she'd like to be an author. Due to life, work and children, It took a little longer than she imagined.After living and working in London for ten years, Janice moved to Lincolnshire where she still lives with her husband and one of her two sons.Janice is the author of six books in the bestselling Merry & Neal series, and the standalone mystery, The Woman on the Cliff.Murder Among Friends has been nominated for the 2021 Readers Choice Awards contest by TCK Publishing.

  • af Janice Frost
    133,95 kr.

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Hard-hitting and realistic-feeling story. Frightening. Really enjoyed it." Aileen A TOTALLY GRIPPING CRIME MYSTERY FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR JANICE FROST. At a busy crossing in Lincoln city centre a motorbike skids to a halt. A man in leathers jumps off the bike and grabs a young girl waiting at the lights. He pushes her roughly aside, remounts the bike, and roars away. The girl falls to the ground. She's been stabbed. Special Constable Jane Bell witnesses the whole thing. She cradles the dying girl and hears the last word on her lips: the name of a missing local boy, a twelve-year-old called Nate Price. DI Steph Warwick is also looking for Nate. Jane had hoped their paths would never cross again . . . Now they need to work together to find Nate before he too is executed in broad daylight. This unputdownable mystery full of twists is the perfect read for fans of: Angela Marsons, Joy Ellis, Ruth Rendell, Helen H. Durrant, Rachel McLean and Michael Hambling. WHAT READERS ARE SAYING ABOUT MURDER ACROSS THE LINES: "This book has opened my eyes . . . I feel like I have lived in a bubble living in the mountains in a small town." Chelsea A. "Well-written, twists and turns aplenty and with a credible cast of characters but with a vicious, intense and emotional storyline." Ruth G. "A decent follow-up with the return and growth of several characters." Donna B. MEET THE DETECTIVES>DI Stephanie Warwick is thirty-five. She left school at eighteen and worked in a bank before joining the police force. She is haunted by her ex-boyfriend, Cal. He attempted to kill her twelve years ago, and murdered her best friend. ALSO BY JANICE FROSTWARWICK & BELL SERIESBook 1: MURDER AMONG FRIENDS>THE COMPLETE MERRY & NEAL MYSTERIESBook 1: DEAD SECRETBook 2: DARK SECRETBook 3: HER HUSBAND'S SECRETBook 4: THEIR FATAL SECRETSBook 5: DIRTY SECRETS>STANDALONE NOVELSTHE WOMAN ON THE CLIFF

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