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  • af Jarkko Sipilä
    39,95 kr.

    Jose Saarnikangas on suomalainen pikkurikollinen, jolla on takanaan huumetuomioita. Kun Saarnikankaan kaukainen sukulainen kuolee Yhdysvalloissa, hän onnistuu keplottelemaan itsensä maahan ja Florence-tädin hautajaisiin. Saahan hän kymppitonnin perinnön, kunhan vain osallistuu hautajaisiin.Hautajaisissa Saarnikangas tutustuu Matty Reiniin – sukulaiseensa, jonka kanssa hänellä on paljon yhteistä. Myös Reini on poikennut kaidalta tieltä. Pian Reinillä ja Saarnikankaalla on yhteinen mutta riskialtis projekti. Saarnikangas on saanut käsiinsä Helene Schjerfbeckin taulun – voisiko sille löytyä ostaja Yhdysvalloista?"Veri luottoa lisää" on osa minidekkarit-sarjaa. Sarja sisältää kuusi itsenäistä dekkaria maan ykköskirjailijoita.Jarkko Sipilä (s. 1964) on suomalainen kirjailija, joka on julkaissut erityisesti rikosromaaneja. Sipilä on ammatiltaan rikostoimittaja, ja hän on työskennellyt sekä Helsingin Sanomissa että MTV3:lla. Hänen esikoisteoksensa "Koukku" julkaistiin vuonna 1996.

  • af Jarkko Sipilä
    163,95 kr.

    HELSINKI HOMICIDE: AGAINST THE WALLThe 2009 Winner of the Best Finnish Crime Novel: An abandoned house in Northern Helsinki, a dead body in the garage. Detective Lieutenant Kari Takamäki’s homicide team gets a case that looks like a professional hit but they are perplexed by the crime scene. Takamäki’s trusted man Suhonen goes undercover as Suikkanen, a gangster full of action. In pursuit of the murderer, he must operate within the grey area of the law. But, will the end justify the means?Following in the footsteps of popular Scandinavian writers, Jarkko Sipila is introducing his critically acclaimed Takamäki series in the United States.Jarkko Sipila, 45, is a Finnish author and journalist. He has been reporting Finnish crime news for MTV3 TV News and the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper for almost 20 years. He has written 11 novels and co-wrote a TV- series “Detectives Don’t Sing” based on the Takamäki-books. The pilot episode drew almost a million Finnish viewers.Helsinki Homicide: Against The Wall, the winner of the 2009 Finnish Crime Novel of the Year Award, is the first of Jarkko Sipila's nine Takamäki-novels to be translated into English. Through realistic characters and complex plots, the author discusses current topics surrounding Finnish society and unveils glimpses into his esoteric homeland.Minnesota-based Ice Cold Crime  published the paperback in the summer of 2009. 

  • af Jarkko Sipilä
    158,95 kr.

    Watching his townhouse burn up in flames, Detective Lieutenant Kari Takamäki recalls an old saying: the most dangerous are those who plot their revenge in silence. As the game gets tougher for both the authorities and the criminals, Takamäki and his team are put on the defensive... But how does a Finnish gangster living in Bangkok and a raped woman in Helsinki fit into the picture?Helsinki Homicide: Behind Closed Doors is Jarkko Sipila's 12th Helsinki Homicide novel and the sixth which has been translated into English. It discusses the police's frustration with the Finnish criminal justice system as well as taking the law into your own hands.Jarkko Sipila, a journalist and author, has reported on crime in Finland for more than 20 years and has written 19 novels. Through realistic characters and story lines, Sipila explores current issues surrounding life in modern Finland. Sipila earned Finland's Best Crime Novel Award in 2009 for his novel Against the Wall.

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