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Bøger af Jasmin Hajro

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  • - Voor het te laat is.
    af Jasmin Hajro
    88,95 kr.

    Stukje uit het boek: Een tijd later, gebeurde het volgende...Robeco kwam met Robeco One.Een beleggingsfonds, erg breed belegd, in zowat alles en wereldwijd. Hetzelfde als mijn fonds !Zie je hoe belangrijk het isom je werk te beschermen In een ideale situatie, hadden ze gevraagd omdat ze werk wilden maken van mijn idee, of ze een licentie konden kopen.Maar we leven in de realiteit, en niet in een ideale wereld.Dat soort dingen gebeuren.Ik heb die email en mijn idee voor een fonds ingescand, en je kunt het zien op de volgende pagina's...______Wacht niet langer met het beveiligen & beschermen van je werk, je bedrijf en je huis.Bespaar jezelf 9000, - euro die je gaat kwijt raken, en veel hoofdpi

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    88,95 kr.

    In dit korte maar krachtige boek ontdek je: - de Ultieme Winnende Strategie voor ondernemers- Jouw voorsprong op je concurrentie- 2 Praktijkvoorbeelden, die je laten zien dat de Ultieme Winnende Strategievoor ondernemers, bewezen is en werkt- Als bonus een aantal previewsStukje uit het boek: '' Trouwens, ik ben mijn eerste bedrijf begonnen in 2012.Ik heb meer dan 700 sales gemaakt, sinds 1 september 2015 tot nu toe.Dus ik heb een trackrecord, en weet waar ik over praat. '''' Zoals je vast al begrepen hebt, verdien ik mijn geld door te verkopen voor mijn eigen bedrijf. Dat is mijn werk.De opbrengst van mijn boeken gaat naar het Goede Doel.Ik schrijf uit ervaring, ik schrijf om mensen vooruit te helpen. ''

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    143,95 kr.

    Ben je zelfstandige of ondernemer ?Wil je meer geld ?Wil je meer vrije tijd ?Implementeer deze Moneymakers, en behaal de resultaten die je wilt, door strategisch te werken

  • - In harsh reality, where nobody cares
    af Jasmin Hajro
    98,95 kr.

    This book gives you an insight in how it is to start your own company with just and idea, at the chamber of commerce... Things that happens, which you don't expect... People who don't care, people who try to take your money... The setbacks, challenges and starting over again... How do you do door to door selling in the corona crisis and the lockdown ?If you are interested in business and starting your own company, this is the book for yo

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    98,95 kr.

    Eerst maar eens: Wat is een expert ? Wat is een echte expert en wat een neppe ? Waarom 4,99 voor dit boekje ? Wat is mijn business ? Waarin ik mijn sales, winst en banksaldo verdubbel... Zijn busines skills universally transverable ? Als een tactiek voor een bedrijf werkt, werkt het ook voor een ander bedrijf ? Waarom herhalen, herhaling en nog eens herhaling... Het was een tijdje stil rond deze serie... maar dit deel moet beter zijn dan alle vorige... Je krijgt antwoorden... Je hebt je echte expert gevonden... De tactiek die werkt.. De strategie die werkt... De focus die werkt.. Plus...Are you ready ? De 100% sales regel die briljant is en altijd werkt.... Koop nu en begin meteen meer succes te hebben in sales

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    88,95 kr.

    In this guide you learn 17 strategic actions, that you can implement and as a resultmake more money & have more free time.Like: Moneymaker 9. Fund yourself & save money on your taxesGo to a notary, and make your company a Private Limited Company.Then you pay less tax.And you can sell shares, to fund yourself.If you already have a Private Limited Company, also go to the notaryto establish a foundation.A foundation for your family, to build a fortune in it.Without having to pay taxes, on that fortune.Your foundation can also contribute to a better world, in a way that you choose.+ How to create multiple income streams+How to easily create & publish your first book worldwide+ How to easily free up an extra 8 hours a month, that you can spend on making profits+ How to wisely decide which books to read & which to ignoreAnd many more moneymakers

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    98,95 kr.

    In this book you'll discover & learn: - There is enough money in the world- the Pay yourself first rule- 10% of everything- the secret of success- Trend (which is important to you)- Preparation- Systematically building it up- Your result after 10 years- the 2nd secret of successPiece from the book: Before we begin.....There should be something herelike: If you want to buy financialproducts, you should seek an professional.Someone who works at a bank or whatever.And the author is not responsiblefor your decisions and money.Which is bullshit.Because even though it's a nice wayto prevent yourself from being sued.It would mean: That I do not believe in my work, and in what I write.So, that's not gonna be here.If you want to sue me, go ahead.But I will give you a guarantee: If you are not satisfied with my book, send it back to me.And I will give you back the money, that you paid for it.Guaranteed.I am primarly a business man, and I have to do what I say or write.Because I have a good reputation& want to keep it g

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    248,95 kr.

    I got my financial knowledge from books and courses,I got experience with investing for my self on the stockmarketinto stocks, options, bonds and mutual funds.With my company Jasko I invested for clientsand payed out the 10% yearly return , as promised.You should keep control of your finances.You should work and have an incomeand save every month at least 10%.Of your savings you should invest a third into mutual funds,you should build a dividendportfolioThat keeps paying you interest and dividendsevery quarter and every year.And after a while you should buy bonds,meaning you lend money to companys and governments and they payyou a yearly interest.After the duration they pay you back your money.Get this guide now to learn how to...Keep building your dividendportfolioevery month for many yearsuntill you can live from theinterest and dividends

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    288,95 kr.

    Being born in Bosnia,leaving family, friends and everything behindat a young age, to escape the war.Growing up in the Netherlands,dealing with his parents' divorce..Facing puberty, meeting bad friends,experimenting with drugs and alcohol..Breaking the law, getting punishedBreaking the drugs addiction habit,breaking the alcohol addiction habit,leaving old friends behind.Working hard as a dishwasher and cook,getting mental issues...Many years in poverty,starting a business and failing.Starting a second business,learning door to door selling...Writing books and writing more books,moving to live on his own,finally experiencing success..Get this exciting true story now

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    358,95 kr.

    Deze jouw Word een schrijver gids,is een bundel van 8 boeken.Om jou te helpeneen professionele schrijver te worden.Met voorbeelden & tips.Plus mijn autobiografiealle 3 delen.Om je te helpen jouw eigen autobiografiete schrijven.Je boeken komen dan ook in 190 landente koop te staan, wereldwijd.+ Een boek met goede adviezen over het beveiligen & beschermen van je werk & je huis.Dit is deel I.Haal je gids in huis, en begin aan jouw serie boeken.

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    173,95 kr.

    Don't feel like going to work ?Don't feel like workingToo tired....It's raining...Don't feel like doing anything...Don't feel like working...The corona crisis is going on....It's sunday in god's name...shouldn't I have a day off...That's how the author felt...But what did he do ?And what can you learn from that ?To be more productive and earn more ...His productivity secrets...and how to get thru the crisis and other tough times...Must have for people who are serious about success..________________________How to get through the crisis ???It's weird time...How did I get through it ?What did I do, being a business owner and author...In this whitepaper & bookI tell you all about it ...The book will help you get through all kinds of times..The book that I did not want to write.Including painful moments and tough times.But I did it anyway, and it helps you to relativize & overcome your tough times.Piece from the book:Aging sucksIt sucks, right?Every year, you become a year older.I thought so too.And I especially disliked to become 30 years old.Because I had heard or thought that you are after your thirtieth year, declining.That everything is declining and doesn't function well.And I thought about the time when I will be 80 years old,and nothing functions anymore, to kill myself one way or another.Until someone said: The older you get, the better it is.Some children do not even become 10 years old.Some people don't make it to 18 years old.But you are 30 or 40 or 50 years and having another birthday &you can live for another year.How a great gift is that ...You can do and experience so much.And enjoy.Be happy about it.The older you get, the better it is.Learn to happily grow older & overcome your difficulties & your tough timesMy setbacks, tough times and comebacks from real life...

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    338,95 kr.

    I sell sets of greetingcards and giftmugs door to doorin city Doetinchem and town Didam in the Netherlands.By now I am in business for myself for 4 years. (Before this I had my forst business for about 3 years,investment firm Jasko). My business is called establishment Hajro and you can find it at or www.hajro.shopWe also donate to 40 charities. And it has many subsidiaries, you can see them at : results in june 2018 : 15,5 sales (door2door)1 membership sale, 35,- euros in results in july 2018 : 12 sales (door2door)my results in august 2018 : 52,5 (door2door)45,- euros in bookroyaltiesmy results in september 2018 : 103 sales (door2door)37,- euros in bookroyalties.The first thing you should learn from these numbers isto persist, no matter what.The second thing you should learn from these numbers,is that I have tripled my sales & profitsand that you can do the same.

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    343,95 kr.

    Will you have enough money when you retire ?Would your life be better, if you had an extra passive income ? Are you searching for a Fortunebuilding How to guide, to give you control over your financial future ?So that you can face your retirement years with confidence,knowing that your Fortune will provide for you & your family. Even though this How to guide is easy to understand and the steps are simple...It's still a Doing book.You'll have to read it & reread it.And do the preparation.And then do the steps.And then repeat the steps monthly & yearly.Than your 1 or 2 hours monthly spent on Fortunebuilding,will result in quartely & yearly increasing returns.You can always find a bankadvisor or consultant to assistyou. And build your fortune together.So that you have no worriesGet your guide and start building a good retirement for You. You also get a booklet to live more happy,+ a book to Overcome your tough times and a true story.Plenty to read and enjoy and change your life with

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    278,95 kr.

    book How to build your fortune,the common way to wealth,practiced by thousands of people..Book Victory, the autobiography of authorand entrepreneur Jasmin Hajro,the truth about attaining successbook How to really attract moneyThe forgotten secretabout attracting moneyIn this age of delusion and scamsand outright liesYou deserve to hear the truthGet this book now and really start attracting money into your life

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    188,95 kr.

    ''Succesfull people have succes habits''maar goed gewoontes vormen is moeilijk...Toch heb ik een manier gevondenwaarmee je het voor elkaar krijgt..En succes gewoontes kunt vormenzonder weerstand van je brein.Word gelukkiger, gezonder en hou meer geld overterwijl je meer gedaan krijgt...Kortom jouw must have cursusjevoor meer Productiviteiten als bonus 2 extra boekenzodat je meer bereikt

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    628,95 kr.

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    213,95 kr.

    People like storiesmovies tell storiesbooks tell storiesprobably also art tells a storyThis is the story of a common manor uncommon manhis rise to powerall the changesand challengesAs the world is on the edgeof a nuclear war

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    118,95 kr.

    En hoe heb je je hersens beschadigd ?En hoe kan het dat je een bedrijf runt ?Je tweede bedrijf is het ?Het ondernemrs avontuurvan de legende ...Ben je een legende als je meer dan 40 boekjes hebt geschreven ?Wat ben je eigenlijk dan ?Hoe kun je zo lang doorzetten ?Wat een verhaal...En je kent de Ultieme Winnende Strategie voor ondernemers ?Je hoeft dit niet te lezenmaar doe het toch maar..Misschien vind je een juweel

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    173,95 kr.

    The greatest, the biggest smallest, book on lifechangeyou''ll ever read...But it all works..Not much explanation needed...Learn, do the action, get the resultno effort, no resultHow to form succes habits...How to improve your financesHow to improve your healthHow to improve your wealthHow to live happierPlus..The third part of my autobiography.How are things going with our 'hero'?Still struggling to get up earlytank too much coffee and enjoy more than the recommended daily amount of rolling tobacco ...Who has now celebrated his 33rd birthday and is happy with getting older.Became uncle of a princess & recognized as an inventor by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.Started a new book series: Work to shine.You discover the evidence that you actually spend the money you spend on my booksdonates to more than 40 charities.A setup that you don't often encounter.Let alone hear every day ....Plus a week on the road with me.As a bonus you will receive booklet Recipe for Happiness

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    268,95 kr.

    Being born in Bosnia,leaving family, friends and everything behindat a young age, to escape the war.Growing up in the Netherlands,dealing with his parents' divorce..Facing puberty, meeting bad friends,experimenting with drugs and alcohol..Breaking the law, getting punishedBreaking the drugs addiction habit,breaking the alcohol addiction habit,leaving old friends behind.Working hard as a dishwasher and cook,getting mental issues...Many years in poverty,starting a business and failing.Starting a second business,learning door to door selling...Writing books and writing more books,moving to live on his own,finally experiencing success..Get this exciting true story nowAnd experience all the failures and successesall the tough times and how to emerge stronger from themTry a copy or gift one

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    208,95 kr.

    the most simple and easy to usehow to write your own bookguide...Get tit and start writing your masterpiece...Don't expect your first booklet to become a bestseller...but keep on writing new books and one will take offas you become more experienced at writingand better at marketing...Or just keep on writing more books and delegate the publishing and the marketing to establishment Hajro at www.jasminhajro6.webnode.nlpage services

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    163,95 kr.

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    173,95 kr.

    The problems I encountered with itand my solutions...I hope it helps you...You also get an interview Q and Aand a book about writing and selling bookswith it....If you think that from just reading this bookyour life will change...Don't bother to read it...If you understand that you get resultsfrom taking action on what you learn...and you are a starting authoror just have a book or 2 finished...And want to reach more peoplewith your work and sell more books...Then this book is for you..some strategies on writingand selling your booksfrom real life experience.No false promises,because like Brian Tracy says :''it takes 7 years to master a skill or build a successfull business''You wanna do both,so it will take time and practisea lot of time and practise...But this book will help you get aheadwith writing and selling books.''I've written more than 37 titles and earned more than E 500,- euros in royalties,my stuff may just help you''

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    93,95 - 213,95 kr.

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    143,95 kr.

    The third part of my autobiography.How are things going with our 'hero'?Still struggling to get up earlytank too much coffee and enjoy more than the recommended daily amount of rolling tobacco ...Who has now celebrated his 33rd birthday and is happy with getting older.Became uncle of a princess & recognized as an inventor by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.Started a new book series: Work to shine.You discover the evidence that you actually spend the money you spend on my booksdonates to more than 40 charities.A setup that you don't often encounter.Let alone hear every day ....Plus a week on the road with me.As a bonus you will receive booklet Recipe for Happiness

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    268,95 kr.

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    323,95 kr.

    In the Recipe for Happiness you'll discover: The bio of author Jasmin Hajro &book The Recipe for Happiness &A preview of book Build your Fortune &A little acquaintance with establishment Hajro.Preview from Recipe for Happiness: A few Happiness Ingredients in a row: - Watch comedy every day, at least one hour- Eat ice cream, treat someone with an ice cream- Work out, get rid of your frustration by playing tennis or go for a run- Pee in the yard (and if you get a fine for urinating, laugh your a** off)- Do not worry, life is too short for that (by staying busy, you do not have time to worry)- Hug the people that you loveEasily reduce stress and live happier, with your Recipe for Happiness

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    118,95 kr.

    Toch maar weer begonnen aan een nieuw boek...Kun jij wel wat aanmoediging gebruiken ?Wat encouragment...Iemand die je vertelt dat je het wel kanongeacht wat...Er zijn al vast wel wat boeken hierover geschreven.....Maar zoals Les Brown zegt :''only you can help some people, because they will only respond to your voice''Dus dan gaat de kaartjeverkoperdie ook wat boekjes heeft geschreven,jou een hart onder de riem steken...Je een beetje aanmoedigenom meer te doen, zodat je meer benten meer kunt hebben.Dat je het kan,ongeacht wat er gebeurt & ongeacht wat mensen zeggen.

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    98,95 kr.

  • af Jasmin Hajro
    271,95 kr.

    Preview from Recipe for Happiness:*A few Happiness Ingredients in a row:- Watch comedy every day, at least one hour- Eat ice cream, treat someone with an ice cream- Work out, get rid of your frustration by playing tennisor go for a run- Pee in the yard (and if you get a fine for urinating,laugh your a** off)- Do not worry, life is too short for that(by staying busy, you do not have time to worry)- Hug the people that you love* to live healthierhow to eat healthierand how to loose weight in a healthy waycommon sense adviceget it now and start living a healthier lifebecause your health is the most important.Gives you all the steps you need to take, every month and every year.To make the money that you save, grow faster.The returns that you get quarterly, every half year and yearly will become bigger and bigger.Thanks to this self reinforcing money system.So that after 30 or 40 years you will have a much stronger retirement.Get healthy, loose weight and stay healthy with The DietReduce your stress and live happier with Recipe for HappinessBuild a Dividend Portfoliothat pays you every year, and build your fortune

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