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  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    398,95 kr.

    In termini generali, la definizione di un'agenda scientifica e tecnologica è uno stato di intenzionalità gestionale attorno al quale si risolve un conflitto o una differenza con la società. In questo senso, il mondo accademico è soggetto alle linee guida di valutazione della qualità dei suoi processi e prodotti. In quanto istituzione sponsorizzata dallo Stato, l'università pubblica segue alla lettera l'agenda, ma allo stesso tempo si impegna nella formazione di talenti che lo Stato spera di istituzionalizzare come leader dell'opinione e della conoscenza. L'obiettivo di questo articolo è discutere gli assi e i temi centrali dell'agenda per dimostrare la formazione dei talenti attraverso l'imprenditorialità accademica e l'incubazione della leadership. È stato condotto uno studio documentario con una selezione di fonti indicizzate nei principali archivi latinoamericani come Dialnet, Latindex e Redalyc. Si possono notare le linee di ricerca sull'imprenditorialità in termini di definizione dell'agenda scientifica e tecnologica.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    398,95 kr.

    In broad terms, the establishment of a scientific and technological agenda is a state management intentionality around which a conflict or difference with society is settled. In this sense, academia is subject to the evaluative guidelines of the quality of its processes and products. As a state-sponsored institution, the public university follows the agenda to the letter, but at the same time, it undertakes the training of talents that the state hopes to institutionalise as leaders of opinion and knowledge. The aim of this paper is to discuss the central axes and themes of the agenda in order to demonstrate the formation of talent through academic entrepreneurship and the incubation of leadership. A documentary study was carried out with a selection of sources indexed in leading Latin American repositories such as Dialnet, Latindex and Redalyc. Lines of research on entrepreneurship in terms of the establishment of the scientific and technological agenda can be seen.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    398,95 kr.

    Im Großen und Ganzen ist die Aufstellung einer wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Agenda eine Absichtserklärung des Staatsmanagements, um die herum ein Konflikt oder eine Differenz mit der Gesellschaft ausgetragen wird. In diesem Sinne unterliegt die Wissenschaft den evaluativen Richtlinien der Qualität ihrer Prozesse und Produkte. Als staatlich geförderte Institution folgt die öffentliche Universität der Agenda aufs Wort, übernimmt aber gleichzeitig die Ausbildung von Talenten, die der Staat als Meinungs- und Wissensführer institutionalisieren will. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die zentralen Achsen und Themen der Agenda zu erörtern, um die Ausbildung von Talenten durch akademisches Unternehmertum und die Förderung von Führungsqualitäten aufzuzeigen. Es wurde eine Dokumentationsstudie mit einer Auswahl von Quellen durchgeführt, die in führenden lateinamerikanischen Repositorien wie Dialnet, Latindex und Redalyc indexiert sind. Es lassen sich Forschungslinien zum Unternehmertum im Hinblick auf die Festlegung der wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Agenda erkennen.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    398,95 kr.

    En termes généraux, l'établissement d'un programme scientifique et technologique est un état d'intentionnalité de gestion autour duquel un conflit ou une différence avec la société est réglé. En ce sens, le monde universitaire est soumis aux directives d'évaluation de la qualité de ses processus et de ses produits. En tant qu'institution parrainée par l'État, l'université publique suit l'agenda à la lettre, mais en même temps, elle entreprend la formation de talents que l'État espère institutionnaliser en tant que leaders d'opinion et de connaissances. L'objectif de cet article est de discuter des axes et des thèmes centraux de l'agenda afin de démontrer la formation de talents par le biais de l'entreprenariat académique et de l'incubation du leadership. Une étude documentaire a été réalisée à partir d'une sélection de sources indexées dans les principaux répertoires latino-américains tels que Dialnet, Latindex et Redalyc. Des lignes de recherche sur l'entrepreneuriat en termes d'établissement de l'agenda scientifique et technologique peuvent être observées.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    398,95 kr.

    Em linhas gerais, o estabelecimento de uma agenda científica e tecnológica é uma intencionalidade de gestão de estado em torno da qual se estabelece um conflito ou diferença com a sociedade. Nesse sentido, a academia está submetida às diretrizes avaliativas da qualidade de seus processos e produtos. Como instituição estatal, a universidade pública segue à risca a agenda, mas, ao mesmo tempo, assume a formação de talentos que o Estado espera institucionalizar como formadores de opinião e de conhecimento. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir os eixos e temas centrais da agenda para demonstrar a formação de talentos por meio do empreendedorismo acadêmico e da incubação de lideranças. Foi realizado um estudo documental com uma seleção de fontes indexadas nos principais repositórios latino-americanos, como Dialnet, Latindex e Redalyc. É possível observar linhas de pesquisa sobre empreendedorismo no que se refere ao estabelecimento da agenda científica e tecnológica.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    563,95 kr.

    It is clear that the social phenomenon and concept of governance is, for practical purposes, quite contested. This is because a good number of critics argue, with good reason, that the term and phenomenon is so ambitious that it is very difficult to put it into practice for any community or society that intends to institute it. Well, yes indeed, there are many obstacles to its institutionalisation in everyday life, but it is also true that progress - albeit incipient - has been made.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    848,95 kr.

    Para o leitor interessado na obra em questão, é importante salientar que se trata de um livro importante sobre a governação e a participação social. Porquê? Porque neste estudo singular, será possível apreciar, com uma clareza meridiana, a forma como interagem os conhecimentos de diferentes disciplinas, situadas no coração das ciências sociais, todas elas determinadas a dar conta das suas particularidades e das suas ligações. Neste caso, foi adoptada uma abordagem multidisciplinar, uma vez que este livro se destina a ser útil a pessoas com formação em diferentes áreas.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    673,95 kr.

    For the reader interested in the work in hand, it is important to point out that this is an important book on governance and social participation. Why? Because in this singular study, it will be possible to appreciate, with meridian clarity, the way in which knowledge from different subjects, located in the heart of the social sciences, interact; all of them determined to give due account of their peculiarities and their linkages. In this case, a multidisciplinary approach was adopted, since this book is intended to be useful for people trained in different areas.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    848,95 kr.

    Pour le lecteur intéressé par l'ouvrage en question, il est important de souligner qu'il s'agit d'un livre important sur la gouvernance et la participation sociale. Pourquoi ? Parce que dans cette étude singulière, il sera possible d'apprécier, avec une clarté méridienne, la manière dont interagissent des connaissances issues de différentes matières, situées au c¿ur des sciences sociales, toutes déterminées à rendre compte de leurs particularités et de leurs articulations. Dans ce cas, une approche pluridisciplinaire a été adoptée, car cet ouvrage est destiné à être utile à des personnes formées dans différents domaines.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    547,95 kr.

    Per il lettore interessato all'opera in questione, è importante sottolineare che si tratta di un libro importante sulla governance e sulla partecipazione sociale. Perché? Perché in questo singolare studio sarà possibile apprezzare, con chiarezza meridiana, il modo in cui interagiscono conoscenze provenienti da materie diverse, situate nel cuore delle scienze sociali, tutte determinate a dare conto delle loro peculiarità e dei loro legami. In questo caso, è stato adottato un approccio multidisciplinare, poiché questo libro è destinato a essere utile a persone formate in aree diverse.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    547,95 kr.

    Für den Leser, der sich für das vorliegende Werk interessiert, ist es wichtig, darauf hinzuweisen, dass es sich um ein wichtiges Buch über Governance und soziale Teilhabe handelt. Warum? Weil es in dieser einzigartigen Studie möglich sein wird, die Art und Weise, in der das Wissen aus verschiedenen Fächern, die im Herzen der Sozialwissenschaften angesiedelt sind, interagieren, mit größter Klarheit zu würdigen; alle sind entschlossen, ihre Besonderheiten und ihre Verknüpfungen gebührend zu berücksichtigen. In diesem Fall wurde ein multidisziplinärer Ansatz gewählt, da dieses Buch für Personen mit einer Ausbildung in verschiedenen Bereichen nützlich sein soll.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    508,95 kr.

    The reader will find an approach to knowledge management systems around the formation of human capital in general and intellectual capital in particular, with a broad emphasis on in situ habitus which refers to dispositions favourable to collaborative work. This is an innovative process in the systematisation of organisational and institutional knowledge and intelligence.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    563,95 kr.

    The reader will be able to recognize some acultural, polycultural or multicultural approaches to security that gave rise to intercultural and transcultural frameworks, focused on the co-responsibility between political and social actors. It is a meta-analytical work that seeks to unveil the meaning of security from the perspective of State policies and civil self-defense, contributing to the state of the question with a discussion on the subject.

  • af Javier Carreón Guillén
    883,95 kr.

    In the professional practice of Social Psychology, the field of Public Health takes on special relevance because it is the social workers, through the social services of Public Health, who will determine the prevention of diseases, the promotion of Public Health, the adherence to treatment, the follow-up and channeling of the vulnerable, excluded or marginalized population that leads the number of deaths due to diseases related to poverty and unemployment. In our experience, social diagnosis and socioeconomic studies are instruments par excellence for the establishment of preventive networks and Public Health promotion.

  • af Cruz García Lirios, Javier Carreón Guillén & María Luisa Quintero Soto
    518,95 kr.

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