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Bøger af Jeffrey Wolf Green

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  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    255,95 kr.

    Over two decades ago, this book exploded onto the scene and has continued to set a new pace for the evolution of astrology itself. Jeff Wolf Green's writing embodies everything you would expect from Pluto; intense, powerful,riveting, transformative and penetrating .A book that satiates both the desire for knowledge and the deep yearning for true understanding is a rare find indeed, and just as profound as the information included here, is thedeep intuitive awakening it will bring to your own soul. If you want to help yourself and assist other in conscious evolution, rather than simply waiting for it to happen, this book is the essential map for that journey!

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    322,95 kr.

    In this classic work, Green clearly illustrates the evolutionary and karmic progression of two people throughout many lifetimes. By incorporating past-life dynamics with modern astrology, he creates a powerful new paradigm--evolutionary astrology.

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    272,95 kr.

    The crowning jewel of Jeffrey Wolf Green's body of work is found in his system of chart analysis. His teachings Pluto and it's relationships to the north and south nodes of moon, which are commonly referred to as the karmic axis, have completely eclipsed all previous information sources on the subject. This is the very foundation of Evolutionary Astrology which he pioneered. This latest compilation of teachings and discussions from the Jeffrey Wolf Green archives library is a treat for both those who have studied the founder's work, and for students newly embarking on investigation into Evolutionary Astrology. Chalk full of great examples to help you expand your interpretation skills, the Structure of the Soul, provides a review of the Pluto paradigm, the core principles of Evolutionary Astrology, the Nodal Axis of Pluto, and an entire section of the book is dedicated to the Planetary Nodes which provide essential background context that can be easily missed without their inclusion in understanding the evolutionary journey of the Soul. Whether this book is a review or you are coming at it fresh - it is a must read! Rose Marcus, Evolutionary Astrologer, Teacher, Author

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    197,95 kr.

    Vrhunac dela Dzefrija Volfa Grina se ogleda u sistemu analize natalne karte. Dzefrijevo ucenje o Plutonu i njegovoj vezi sa Severnim i Juznim Mesecevim Cvorovima (karmickom osom) je potpuno zasenilo sve prethodne radove iz ove oblasti i predstavlja samu osnovu Evolutivne Astrologije. Najnovija kompilacija ucenja i predavanja, iz arhive Dzefrija Volfa Grina, je namenjena onima koji su vec upoznati sa njegovim radom, kao i onima koji tek zapocinju proucavanje Evolutivne Astrologije. Knjiga puna sjajnih primera pomoci ce Vam da usavrsite svoje vestine analize i tumacenja natalne karte. Struktura Duse pruza kratak pregled Plutonove paradigme, najvaznijih principa Evolutivne Astrologije, Plutonove Ose Cvorova, i pored toga, deo knjige je posvecen Planetarnim Cvorovima; oni daju uvid u kontekst price, koji se lako moze prevideti, a vazan je za razumevanje evolutivnog putovanja Duse. Ovu knjigu morate procitati - bilo da ste vec upoznati sa njenim konceptom ili Vam je on potpuno nov! Rouz Markus Evolutivni Astrolog Predavac i autor

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    277,95 kr.

  • - Fluisteringen uit de Eeuwigheid
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    517,95 kr.

  • - De invloed van het kwaad in de horoscoop
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    312,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    277,95 kr.

  • - Etre Libere De Ce Qui Est Connu
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    277,95 kr.

  • - El Recorrido Evolutivo del Alma
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    457,95 kr.

  • - L'Evoluzione dell'Anima Attraverso le Relazioni
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    457,95 kr.

  • - Libertacao do conhecido
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    277,95 kr.

  • - Onze Essentiele Behoeftes
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    342,95 kr.

  • - Nos Besoins Essentiels
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    347,95 kr.

  • - L'Influence Du Mal Dans Le Theme Astral
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    312,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    277,95 kr.

  • - Correlations Astrologiques Avec L'Anatomie, La Physiologie Et Les Chakras
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    277,95 kr.

  • - The Influence Of Evil In The Horsoscope
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    297,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    277,95 kr.

  • - Whispers From Eternity
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    492,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    267,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    277,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    267,95 kr.

  • - Our Essential Needs
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    332,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    442,95 kr.

  • - Freedom From The Known
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    267,95 kr.

  • - (French translation of Structure of the Soul)
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    277,95 kr.

  • - EA Glossary: Guiding Principles of Jeffrey Wolf Green Evolutionary Astrology
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green, Linda Jonson & The School of Evolutionary Astrology
    477,95 kr.

  • - de Evolutionaire Reis Van de Ziel
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    462,95 kr.

  • - I Nostri Bisogni Essenziali
    af Jeffrey Wolf Green
    342,95 kr.

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