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  • af Jen L Grey
    209,95 kr.

    Das Schicksal hat einen Fehler gemacht, von dem wir uns vielleicht nie mehr erholen werden.Siebzehn Jahre lang war ich eine Ausgestoßene des Nordwestterritoriums - die einzige Wolfswandlerin, die sich nicht verwandeln oder gedanklich mit dem Rudel verbinden konnte.Ich wurde als wertlos und schwach angesehen.Mein einziger Ausweg war die Flucht.An dem Tag, an dem ich Bodey, meinen heißen Schicksalsgefährten traf, änderte sich jedoch alles.Mit ihm an meiner Seite spüre ich, wie Magie durch meine Adern fließt, die mich stärker macht als alle anderen.Als ich zur Königin ernannt wurde, war ich nicht bereit für den Thron ... oder die Feinde, die er mit sich brachte.Um mein neues Rudel zu beschützen, muss ich alle meine Kräfte zusammennehmen.Scheitern ist keine Option; eine Niederlage würde den Tod bedeuten.Aber für Bodey und für mein Rudel werde ich das Schicksal selbst herausfordern.Tauche ein in diese prickelnde Geschichte voller Macht, Leidenschaft und Gefahr - eine Liebesgeschichte mit Schicksalsgefährten, düsteren Alphas und königlichen Wolfswandlern, die Dir den Atem rauben wird.

  • af Jen L Grey
    207,95 kr.

    Das Schicksal hat mir alles genommen und mich gezwungen, mich meinem schlimmsten Albtraum zu stellen.Als adoptiertes und schwächstes Mitglied meines Rudels war ich schon immer eine Ausgestoßene und wurde grausam behandelt, vor allem, weil ich mich nie in meine Wolfsgestalt verwandeln konnte.Jedes Mal, wenn ich versuche, einen Weg aus meiner persönlichen Hölle zu finden, hält mich der Alpha meines Rudels zurück, sodass ich befürchte, für immer in dieser aussichtslosen Situation festzustecken.Dann geschieht etwas Schreckliches.Eine Gruppe von Mitgliedern meines eigenen Rudels greift mich an.Allein und in meiner menschlichen Gestalt gefangen, kämpfe ich um mein Leben, auch wenn es fast keine Hoffnung auf Überleben gibt.Bis mir eine Gruppe unbekannter Wölfe zu Hilfe eilt.Bodey, der heißeste und stärkste Wolf der Gruppe, will mich unbedingt beschützen.Etwas in mir fühlt sich fast unnatürlich stark zu ihm hingezogen.Allerdings stellt sich heraus, dass die Dinge nicht so sind, wie sie anfangs zu sein scheinen.Vielleicht ist in meiner Vergangenheit mehr passiert, als ich dachte ... und Bodey könnte genau die Person sein, vor der ich Schutz brauche.Hol Dir noch heute die heiße königliche Wolfswandler-Romanze über erzwungene Nähe, finstere Männer und Schicksalsgefährten!

  • af Jen L Grey
    132,95 kr.

    Hidden abilities, haunting memories, and one confused girl. I'm a reaper. Death should come naturally to me, but it doesn't. And the abilities I am able to conjure are forbidden by my kind. My parents try to hide my abilities, but when the elders assign my first target, they order my parents to stay back. Now I'm on my own, with no one to protect me, no idea what I'm doing, and no control over the powers I'm supposed to keep hidden. I should have known this would blow up in my face. My family name is ruined, and I have to fix what I've ripped. I'm not sure I have what it takes. The fate of my entire kind is on my shoulders, and I'm the only one who can make things right. But if I mess up again, it won't just be my family that I break-our entire world will be ruined. Scroll up and one-click this hauntingly twisted tale today.

  • af Jen L Grey
    132,95 kr.

    Hidden and torn I'd broken out of the half-breed prison but the memories still haunt me. Now I'm living with my biological parents and their pack. To make matters worse, the guard and sexy inmate escaped with me. Each one tugs at my soul and I'm not even sure why. As I tried acclimate to my new life and new powers, I find that I'm more confused than ever. My path was clear before me. I refused to stay hidden and was determined rescue my people no matter what it costs me. Scroll up and one click CURSED today.

  • af Jen L Grey
    142,95 kr.

    There were four main things I had to accomplish to secure the crown. 1 - Prove my strength to every wolf2 - Face my own demons3 - Somehow make it out alive4 - Wage a war with the vampires Even though I had my mate by my side, there were certain things that only I could decide. My whole life I'd stayed of the radar, licking my wounds. But now, I was ready to stake my claim and right the wrongs of my uncle. The vampires were out to destroy me and the Wolf King of Europe was determined to end my reign before it began. I had to not only face my worst fear, but fix the wrongs of the past twelve years. The only price might be my own life. Scroll up and one click WOLF UNLEASHED today.

  • af Jen L Grey
    142,95 kr.

    I had only one motto and it was to stay hidden and survive. My future was set until a perfectly orchestrated accident killed my parents. Their close guards managed to pull me from the debris and allowed me to escape. Fast forward twelve years and I'm finally heading to college as a human. When I think back on my past life, my heart broke all over again. Even though the throne was mine, it was the last thing I ever wanted. I was fine on my own until he changed everything. Scroll up and one click WOLVES' QUEEN today.

  • - The Beginning
    af Jen L Grey
    92,95 kr.

    When you're a reaper, sometimes salvation isn't what it seems. The last year of school was supposed to move us into field training, but something big goes down in the reaper community that puts everything at risk. And my brother's at the center of it. When my best friend, Christina, discovers there is going to be a mass prison reaping, there is no doubt in my mind I should be there. This may be what I need to figure out what's wrong with me. Just when I think we might be able to pull it off, the fates reveal they've been playing a cruel joke, and the end of the world may just be inevitable.

  • af Jen L Grey
    107,95 kr.

  • af Jen L Grey
    142,95 kr.

    Power and love come with hard choices. Afraid the king will find out she's not truly dead, Ariah flees from the kingdom, leaving her family and enemies behind to think the worst. She thinks she's finally struck a bit of luck with the help of a prince, but when he betrays her, she realizes she'd only had a false sense of security.On the run again, betrayed and in pain, Ariah vows to never be weak again. Soon, she finds herself in another kingdom as an untrustworthy outsider, but she's determined to make it her new home. However, her fate begins to unravel in the presence of another persistent royal. Now, to fulfill her destiny, Ariah must make a decision as the war looms closer.

  • af Jen L Grey
    142,95 kr.

    A society that you can't escape... or you can die trying Embracing her wolf, Raven became stronger than she ever imagined, but the next challenges she must face could break her. The culling was coming. Only the strongest survive, and with it, the potential to change everything and everyone around her. Now Raven and her friends must make decisions unlike anything they ever could have imagined. Their choices would set the course of a war. Their enemies were many, and even unknown. Once again, Raven was left with no other options. If she doesn't take a stand, she would lose everything she held close. Scroll up and one-click to start this academy romance today. ***Please note there are instances of bullying.

  • af Jen L Grey
    117,95 kr.

    Increasing powers, incredible responsibility, and one off balanced girlHaving the power of three elemental artifacts has unbalanced my powers. The only solution is to find the fourth one to make me whole, before I implode and destroy everything around me. Unfortunately for me, I'm not the only one after that artifact. There's an entire list of supernaturals waiting for the right moment to take it for themselves. And they'll stop at nothing to make that happen. Even if that means taking my life.Not knowing who to trust, I head with my friends to the realm, but as intentions of my fellow travelers are revealed, heartbreak becomes inevitable. The question is whether I'll be left standing when everything is said and done.

  • af Jen L Grey
    142,95 kr.

    Unexpected enemies, unlikely alliances, and one struggling reaper.The Earth crystal is missing, and I have no clue who took it. To make matters worse, the Council knows about my forbidden abilities. They still want my help to find the remaining artifacts, which means hey must be desperate...but for what?Now I've partnered up with Charlie, my deceased best friend's brother. The only problem is that he blames me for his sister's death. I just hope this isn't one more thing that will blow up in my face. I've had enough of that the past month to last the rest of my life.As the truth begins to unravel, the pressure of making the right choices lands square on my shoulders. If I make one wrong decision, the world as we know it will be over.Scroll up and one-click this hauntingly twisted tale today.

  • af Jen L Grey
    142,95 kr.

    Power comes with retribution.Heading back to her home kingdom, Ariah must decide if she'll take the path destiny has forced upon her or forge her own fate. Either course will be filled with deceit, hurt, and facing past demons.Readying for war, she is reunited with her family, but that also means facing the King that tried to kill her. However, she's no longer the weak girl they once knew. Ariah must discover herself and the role she's meant to fill. If she can't rise to deliver her retribution, the entire country could collapse.

  • af Jen L Grey
    142,95 kr.

    Power comes with a price. Treated like an outcast in her own kingdom, Ariah learned to live in the shadows. But as she comes into her powers, she catches the eye of her life long crush and an unlikely ally. Trusting either of them could help her along a dangerous journey... or could bring her journey to a dangerous end. When enemies come to light and distrust spreads, Ariah's safety is put in jeopardy. If she places her trust in the wrong people, her hidden powers will be unveiled to those who wish to use them against her. To survive, Ariah must learn who has her best interests at heart. If she chooses wrong, it could mean not only her own death, but the crumbling of the entire country. Scroll up and one-click to start this powerful spell-binding journey.

  • af Jen L Grey
    132,95 kr.

    Some secrets kill ... others bring a fate worse than death Barely dealing with her shifter abilities, Raven had to navigate college. Her journey so far has uncovered a world beyond her wildest expectations. Not only did she constantly have to prove her worth to the students and faculty at Bloodshed, but she also had to balance her love life, a secret society with a hidden agenda, and three of the most elite guys at school. When all the secrets around her are exposed, and everything Raven's facing comes to a head ... she has to pick what's worth fighting for. Her life and her choices, or her place in the world around her. Scroll up and one-click to start this academy romance today. ***Please note there are instances of bullying.

  • af Jen L Grey
    132,95 kr.

    Sometimes the truth doesn't set you free.After defeating my uncle and reclaiming the throne that had been stolen from me, I thought life would be easy. But fate had other plans in store.After my mate's coronation, a faceless enemy left a dire warning and became the greatest threat yet. I had to traverse the dangerous political arena of the wolves' packs while searching for a new deadly foe before it's too late. With challenges in every direction, it will take a miracle for me to survive.

  • af Jen L Grey
    142,95 kr.

    Strong but scarred. Hopeful but realistic. On the run from an abusive alpha, Savannah must rely on a shaggy blond, brown eyed man that makes her heart beat again. Resolved to protect his mate, Dom must consider the consequences of not becoming an alpha. While determined to be together, they must choose between their hearts and the pack they left behind.

  • af Jen L Grey
    132,95 kr.

    Only the strongest survive ... most of the timeRaven may be a shifter, but she's always felt separate from her wolf. She never knew it should be different. Then, a stranger shows up in her hometown, turning her world upside down and recruiting her for the elite Bloodshed Academy. Everything she's ever known gets challenged, and Raven finds herself in impossible situations. Making matters worse is the fact that one of the strongest alphas at school catches her eye. And he makes her feel things she doesn't understand. The school may only recruit the best of the best, the strongest in their world, but there's something more about Raven. When push comes to shove, she has to decide if she's willing to fight for what she's come to love ... or run from a life she can't quite accept.

  • af Jen L Grey
    217,95 kr.

    With my world in shambles, it's hard to tell friend from foe.The joy of finding my fated mate is overshadowed by a dark reality.Someone is hunting wolf shifters.Everyone is in danger unless we can stop those responsible.But we have to find them first.Our only lead is a familiar face.Once a friend.Now an enemy.It makes it impossible to trust anyone.Yet we must look to other supernaturals for assistance since we're outnumbered.With my mate at my side, the fight rages.Until a final revelation changes everything...

  • af Jen L Grey
    552,95 kr.

    I never expected to fall ... especially for my enemy.Stumbling upon a group of escaped demons changed everything, and the responsibility falls on me to protect Shadow City. As the battle rages on, a tug radiates from my soul, drawing me toward a sexy, mocha-eyed demon.Though he voluntarily surrenders, I don't trust him.I should've killed him then and there...He's become the catalyst for even more demon attacks, but I can't give him up. Every moment we'd spent together strengthened the bond between us, and now, I'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe.He's my enemy... my mate.And he's either destined to be my future... or to destroy it. Either way it's too late.I can only hope he's worth the cost.

  • af Jen L Grey
    192,95 kr.

    The shadow taunts me even in death.Everything has changed, and the reflection in the mirror is almost unrecognizable. My soul mate, Alex, and our friends help to ground me.However, what I've become is still unknown, and the abilities I have aren't anything we're familiar with.As our enemies become more desperate, they're willing to sacrifice everything to kill me--even going so far as to contact a long-lost enemy, despite the consequences.We quickly learn things aren't what they seem and that my heritage changes everything.Including me.Scroll up and one click Demon Blood today.

  • af Jen L Grey
    172,95 kr.

  • af Jen L Grey
    152,95 kr.

  • af Jen L Grey
    172,95 kr.

  • af Jen L Grey
    172,95 kr.

  • af Jen L Grey
    162,95 kr.

    Some things are inevitable, even with a fated mate.As the future alpha of the Silver Wolves, my life was carefully planned: stay hidden and learn to fight. But that didn''t happen. My pack was slaughtered and now I''m running for my life.In my search for safety, I discover something else.My fated mate.The handsome jerk alpha can offer me something that no one else can--protection.The more I try to fight our mate bond, the more fate pushes us together, but I fear the price may be too much for both of us.As a hidden enemy hunts me, difficult decisions must be made. Choices that will alter my life forever or end it completely.

  • af Jen L Grey
    162,95 kr.

    The thing about blood... it can''t lie.For my entire life, I''d been complacent. I allowed others to make decisions for me until I almost lost my fated mate. So I did the only thing I could, I took him and ran.Secrets surface and hidden truths are discovered... truths that no one dreamed about facing again.Armed with new knowledge, I must make a choice. Be open to learn about who I really am or continue to stay ignorant. The answer isn''t quite as simple as some would leave you to believe.With each move I make, I set the course for my future. With everything falling apart around me, I''m not quite sure what I''ll become when all is said and done.

  • af Jen L Grey
    122,95 kr.

  • af Jen L Grey
    122,95 kr.

  • af Jen L Grey
    127,95 kr.

    You can''t outrun a curse ... trust me. I''ve tried.My heart was left shattered into a million jagged pieces. And to survive, I did the only thing I could and forced myself to play the part of the perfect girlfriend. The perfect daughter. Because no one wants someone broken.But now, the boy who owned my heart is a grown man - hardened and cold.Seeing Aidan four years later forces me to face my greatest fear, and realizing he is my fated mate only makes things worse.Secrets aren''t meant to stay buried, and fate always has a plan.That''s the funny thing about destiny. Right when you think everything is figured out, you get dealt a new hand.Scroll up and one click MOON KISSED today.

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